Twelve TORRANCE HERALD JANUARY 14, 1960 NliiiiiiiillilillllllllWIIIIII^ y' I Annual Carol Program By Piano Puoils BEST BUYS IMMEDIATE DENTURES REPAIRS . RE LINES Whit* U Wilt the holidays, I,ois Old St. Nicholas," hy Ooralee Karen Pcderson; "Peaceful Ralsoy, piano toachcr, NEW MAGNETIC DENTURES 1 Pensioners Welcomed enter- Slyh; "t.ulhcr's Hymn," Trudy Night," Michael Corman; 'What FOR THE tniiu'il her pupils for the nn- Arndl; "Come All Vo Faithful," Child is This," Patsy Williams. DIFFICULT CASES mini playing of the carols at Hita Handalnn; "Santa Clans is Also, "32 Feet and 8 Little Extractions with Sleep N* Extra Ch«r«* her home, 617 W. 214th St. Coming to Town," Janice Hcin- Tails," Pamela Helms; "White Keynote WEEK OPEN EVENINGS of the decorations, kel; "Joy to the World," Tom­ Christmas," Marcia Atchison; SAME LOW PRICES as in other years, was (lie my Williams. "Winter Wonderland," Yvonnc (Wt Arrange) AND SATURDAYS Santa (Inns orchestra. The Others were "Herald An­ Lye; "Greenslecvcs," Mary In Torrance Markets children played according to gels," Poggy Arndt; "The First Helen Argueta; "Come Little NO size starting with four-year-old Noel," Irene Monge: "Holy Children," Steffany Podesta; Ricardo Jurndo who played Night," Huth Mitciioll; "We "Cantigue do Noel," Connie PC- PROTEIN FOODS hearing is soon to bo given tin- MONEY DR. WHARTON "Sleep Thou Little Child" mid Three Kings," George Morgan: clerson with Mrs. Halsley at the Little change in supply and proposition. In the meantime Down NO OTHER DENTIST IN OFFICE ' five-year-old Phyllis Smith who "Tidings Glad," June Mitchell; second piano; "Jingle Hells price of meat . with the ex­ supplies of laml) arc tightening II Month* DOWNTOWN to Pay TOMANCE played "Away in the Manger." "Frosty the Snowman," Sylvia Novelette," Dorene Podesta. ception of lamb. Recent de­ up. You'll find lamb in your 1308 SARTORI ABOVE McMAHAN'S FUKNITURB "Silent Night" was played Olguin; "Silent Night." I'eitre During the social hour cook­ cisions will continue USDA markets, but beef and pork gel by Georgie Ann Jurado; "Jolly Risler; "Winter Wonderland," ies nnd punch were served. grading for lamb. Another attention with "specials." Any meal of the day . any LOOK WHAT YOU CAN GET WITH WONDERFUL day of the year . pork fits into the menu. Pork has a good flavor, stick-to-thc-ribs quality, and efficient protein. It Is ap­ petizing, satisfying, and nutri­ BLUE CHIP STAMPS tious. High quality pork has firm, fine-tcxtured lean that is gray­ ish-pink in color. The fat is At FOOD GIANT firm and white on the outside I of the cut, and some fat Is dis­ Food Giant Markttl now off«r you Blu« Chip Savings Stomps. High-quality premiums tributed through featuring such famous names as Sunbeam, Wcstinghouse, the lean. RCA are available of redemption The round, purple Inspection centers located conveniently through- stamp on pork indicates that it. _______ »ut the entire Southland. Start saving has passed United Stntes Gov­ jg IBSs*=(&••] \ \ the newest, fastest, best way today! ernment inspection. This tells you that the meat is obtained from healthy animals and was prepared under sanitary condi-' tions. HIRE'S A consistent bargain for COMPLETE • FAMOUS 4 BIG SALE DAYS WHERE many months, poultry still Thursday, Friday. Saturday & Sunday gives more for the money than January 14, 15, 16 & 17 /; TO FIND many other protein choices. SWANSON TV OUR NEAREST Eggs, too, are low in price and QUO FOOD GIANT ligh in quality. FOOD GIANT QUALITY MARKET ON PRODUCE STANDS MARGARINE In spite of cold, rainy weatli- "CHTCKEN r our markets are laden with ROAST BEEP • TURKEY choice selections of fruits and CREAMED CHICKEN 1-LB. egetables. SWISS STEAK CARTON • CANOOA PARK Avocados. A tremendous avo- GROUND BEEF 21001 Shannon Woy ado crop puts the fruit in a REG PKG. • COSTA MESA )rice range of interest to 2300 'Harbor Blvd. midgeteers." There are many ways to erve ayocados. Here Is a fav­ ROYAL PACIFIC KOPPER KETTLE U.S.DA "Choice" or "Banquet Perfect" orite sandwich recipe from H Peach • Pine-cot an Diego County avocado LIGHT MiAY rower: Boysenberry • Cherry, Or Avocado-Chicken . com­ pile flesh of 2 avocados with 1 Strawberry cup diced chicken, 2 cups chop- SHORT CUT >ed celery, 1 cup shredded car- Guaranteed Tender! ot, % cup chopped green TUNA Preserves onion . including tender Mouthwatering tender and deliciou • W Rib Steokt era government graded ops. Moisten with mayonnaise. y pound you ger more real eating Salt, pepper to taste. <» MOO Cranberries . plentiful NO. Vz upplies have been cleared for RATH'S • Eastern • Grade "A" • LYNWOOD sale. Take advantage of this CAN 3831 t. C.ntuiy BW. beautiful fruit . fresh, can­ • MANHATTAN 8IACH ned sauce or juice. 2400 S»pulveda Blvd. Grapefruit from California CONTADINA Or YOSEMITE • Colifornia PORK desert valleys is at its best OCOMA right now. TOMATOES •''•;- 19' Pears ... mostly Anjou vari­ Frozen SPARE RIBS ety. MA PERKINS • Tender, Whols Small Size Tangerines are a compare- Chicken Servo with hat spicy barbecue sauce Ively short-season crop. Make ... or rub with garlic cloves and he most of them while in mar­ Green Beans 2 $£ 29' bake. Dellclousl 2 to 3 Ib, average. ket. I.X.L • Serve Italian Style! Fresh, bright colored vegeta­ 39 tes are plentiful: Cabbage, LASAGNA ' - ; 59' U.S.D.A. "Choice" or "Banquet Perfect" Brussels Sprouts, Carrots, Cel­ SIRLOIN TIP, CUBE or ery and Lettuce. Not brightly PETER 'PAN • Red Hot & Tasty colored, but Interesting In menus are Onions, Mushrooms and Potatoes. Long White Pota­ HOT TAMALES 'S«f 19' toes give most for the money at the present. • WHITTIER Nothing quite So satisfying as a mouth- E. Wa»hh)fl4on Blvd. Studio Pupils waterlngly tender steak . cooked to juicy • WOODLAND HILLS perfection! Stock your freezer now so you . 22741 Victory Blvd. con enjoy a sizzling (teak any time 1 And five market* In Recital JUICE TOP QUALITY • Northern The students of the Flo FARMER JOHN Kendricks studio were present­ Eastern'Grade "A" ed recently In recital. HALIBUT STEAK Among the local students SLICED participating were Brad ALL CENTER SLICES Thomas playing "Marine's Before broiling, brush halibut steaks with BACON tartar sauce. Then just before serving spread Hymn" and "Rug Cuttin' with parsley butterl Delicious! Rosie Boogie;" "Trenia Porter, 'Spinning Song;" Charles Kast- U.S.D.A. "Choice" or "Banquet Perfect" GULF CAUGHT ter, "Swingin" Lanterns" and COFFEE T-BONE STEAK SHRIMP "Rock-a-Bye Baby;" S u e 1 y n ALL GRINDS 69' EXTRA-VALUE Shryock, "Swans on Lake" and l-lb. CAN TRIMMED SALAD 'Flow Gently Sweet Alton." Others were Kim Swain, PACIFIC • Melt-1 n-Your-Mouth Butter Crackers 'Surf Riders;" George Nola'n, vocal; Christine Maag, "Minute Waltz;" Tiran Porter, "Parado PARTY TREATS ft 33' 80 PROOFF • DistilDistilled From Grain of Wooden Soldiers" and "Two ALL VEGETABLE • Price Includes "7c Off" Label Boogies;" Diane Dorster, NlkOFF 'L'Avananche" and "Indian Love Call." SNOWDRIFT 55 VODKA Bob Jones gave two trumpet solos, "Count Your Blessings" FLAV-R-PAC • FROZEN • FLORIDA • Large 12-oz. Cans 8 YRS. OLD "DOYLE SPRINGS" and "Sweet Larraine." Stevie MELLOW • STRAIGHT Thomas played "Jalousie" and Astrld Gabloffskey "Tarentcl- BIO le." ORANGE 12-OZ. CANS Dolores Steele played "The JUICE ISKEY Butterfly," and was accompan­ ied by Stevie Thomas for DlSTILLED.FROM GRAIN 'Rhumbns." Tiffany Tavern • London Sheryl Hawks played "Bliu- tAHCEB1NES * DELICATESSEN Tango" and "Dorsey Boogie;" OSCAR "MAYER Betty Blymph "Solfeggietto" *DRY GIN and "Fascination" and Bill SMOKIE LINKS 'i Thomas concluded the program ALEX t Twin Pac J| 10 oz with "Hungary," "Spaghetti YOUR $^98 Rag" and "Bugle Call Rag," ALL BEEF TAMALES •l^' CHOICE FULL MILD • SMOOTH FIFTH Anniversary Ib M. ami Mrs. Don Collinswortli, CHEDDAR CHEESE 55 (114 Hickory Ave., who worn celebrating a wedding anniv<T- .sary last In HAWTHORNE In INGLEWOOD In LOS ANGELES In MANHATTAN BEACH In NORTH TORRANCE In TORRANCE Saturday, were din­ llvtl. 202 t. Cn II.d. 11209 S. Wt ner guests of Miss Alicia Lor- anger at her home on Post Ave. Another dinner guest was Rob­ ert Sabus. After dinner, the foursome went to the Hacienda for dancing..
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