Local Enterprise and Value Chain Enhancement (LEVE) Project FY17 Annual Report (including Q4 summary) October 2017 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International development by RTI International, with the assistance of J.E. Austin and Associates, Tetra Tech ARD and Papyrus s.a. Local Enterprise and Value Chain Enhancement (LEVE) Project FY17 Annual Report Including Q4 Summary July 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 Contract No. 521-C-14-00001 Prepared for United States Agency for International Development Blvd. 15 octobre Tabarre 41 Tabarre, Haiti Prepared by RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road P.O. Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 RTI International is one of the world's leading research institutes, dedicated to improving the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. Our staff of more than 3,700 provides research and technical services to governments and businesses in more than 75 countries in the areas of health and pharmaceuticals, education and training, surveys and statistics, advanced technology, international development, economic and social policy, energy and the environment, and laboratory testing and chemical analysis. RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................1 2. Progress on activities ............................................................................................................16 2.1 Operations and Administration ....................................................................................16 2.1.1 Accomplishments ................................................................................................16 2.1.2 Modifications ......................................................................................................16 2.2 Technical Activities Q4 FY17 .....................................................................................16 2.2.1 Accomplishments Q4 FY17 ................................................................................16 2.2.2 Modifications Q4 FY17 ......................................................................................19 2.3 Objective 1. Enabling MSMEs to Create Value ..........................................................19 2.3.1 IR 2.1: Increased Integration of MSMEs in Selected Value Chains ...................19 2.3.2 IR 2.2: Binding Constraints and Key Opportunities in Selected Value Chains Addressed................................................................................................60 2.4 Objective 2. Increasing MSME’s Access to Productive Labor ...................................63 2.4.1 IR 2.3: Improved Skills and Competencies of labor Pool in Selected Value Chains .......................................................................................................64 2.4.2 IR 2.4: Workforces Organizations are more Responsive to Private Sector Demand ...............................................................................................................69 2.5 Objective 3. Improving the Sustainability of Haitian Organizations ...........................78 2.5.1 IR 2.5: Capacity of Haitian Organizations Strengthened....................................78 2.6 Objective 4. Improving Synergies with Donors ..........................................................89 2.6.1 IR 2.6: Synergies Leveraged to Enhance Results ...............................................90 3. Monitoring and Evaluation ...................................................................................................92 4. Grants and gender ...............................................................................................................102 4.1 Grants .........................................................................................................................102 4.2 Gender and Youth ......................................................................................................103 5. Contractual Requirements ...................................................................................................103 5.1 Contractor and Subcontractor Updates ......................................................................103 5.2 Construction Progress ................................................................................................106 5.3 Materials Procurement ...............................................................................................106 5.4 Quality Control Program............................................................................................106 5.5 Environmental Mitigation Measures..........................................................................106 5.6 Variation Orders.........................................................................................................107 LEVE FY17 Annual Report iii 5.7 Important Decisions ...................................................................................................107 5.8 Approvals ...................................................................................................................107 5.9 Major Meetings ..........................................................................................................107 5.10 Other Significant Activities .......................................................................................107 5.11 Financial Status ..........................................................................................................107 6. Problem Areas .....................................................................................................................108 Annex A: LEVE Highlights Q4 FY17 .........................................................................................109 Annex B: Indicator Performance Tracking Table ........................................................................116 Annex C: List of LEVE Meetings Q4 FY17 ...............................................................................117 Annex D: LEVE Q4 FY17 Financial Report ...............................................................................118 LEVE FY17 Annual Report iv ACRONYMS ADIH Association des Industries d’Haiti AHEC Association Haïtienne d’Entreprises de Construction AIBMRD Association des Irrigants de Bas Maître Rive Droite AmCham American Haitian Chamber of Commerce ANAPAAAH Association National des Agriculteurs pour l’Avancement de l’Agriculture Haïtienne AREA Appui à la Recherche et au Développement Agricole BMST Bureau de Médiation du Travail du Secteur Textile BRANA Brasserie Nationale d’Haïti BRH Banque de la République d’Haïti CETAI Centre de Transformation Agro-Industriel CCIN Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the North CCINE Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the North East CDRO Capacity Development Recipient Organization CFI Centre pour la facilitation d’Investissements CFM Caribbean Food Manufacturing S.A. CH Caribbean Harvest S.A. CHAPE Le Centre Haïtien d’Appui et de Promotion d’Entreprise CLP Chanje lavi Planté CMAH Chambre des métiers et d’artisans d’Haïti CNIAH Collège National des Ingénieurs et Architectes Haïtiens COHAVETPA Compagnie Haïtienne d’Achat, de Ventes et de Transformation des Produits Agricoles COP Chief of Party COR Contracting Officer Representative CTMO-HOPE Commission Tripartite pour la Mise en Œuvre de la loi HOPE DGI Direction Générale des Impôts EDN Etoile du Nord s.a. FESP Forum Economique du Secteur Privé FTE Full-time Equivalent FY Fiscal Year HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point HICD Human and Institutional Capacity Development HOME Home Ownership and Mortgage Expansion Project ICC International Code Council INDEPCO Institut national pour le développement et la promotion de la couture INFP Institut nationale de la formation professionnelle JAA J.E. Austin LEVE Local Enterprise and Value Chain Enhancement LEAD Leveraging Effective Application of Direct Investments LMH Les Moulins d’Haïti LOP Life of Project MARNDR Ministère de l’Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et du Développement Rural M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MOH Mission of Hope LEVE FY17 Annual Report v MPBA Mouvement Paysans Bas-Artibonite MSME Micro, small, and medium enterprise NGO Non-governmental Organization OCA Organizational Capacity Assessment PASA Participating Agency Services Agreement PBG Producer Business Groups PIC Parc Industriel Caracol PIM Parc Industriel Métropolitain OCAT Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool SARA Stand Alone Roads Activity SIF Strategic Investment Fund SISA Stars Industries s.a. SHAISA Société Haïtienne Agro-industrielle s.a. SMASH Smallholder Alliance for Sorghum in Haiti SONAPI Société Nationale de Parcs Industriels STTA Short-term Technical Assistance TAF Taino Aqua Ferme TASC Textile and Apparel Service Center TVET Technical and vocational education and training VC Value Chains USAID United States Agency for International Development USDA United States Department of Agriculture LEVE FY17 Annual Report vi 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This past year was marked by intense economic pressure and a very tumultuous political landscape starting with Hurricane Matthew and further characterized by a succession of intense political, economic and social moments and tension; including the transfer
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