ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18(i2. VOL. .19. MORNING PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1875. TEEMS $8.00 PERANSlFin ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DAILT PRESS BOARD. in two instead of near- _WANTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE ended four years and The author of the long, lying and lugu- Published every day (Sundays excepted) hy the PBESS. indebtedness brious ly all of the incurred by Maine letter in the Argus yesterday to set Bonrtier* Wauled. would never forth some PORTLAND PUBLISHING GO, Agents Wanted. MUSIC HAUL. towns for volnn'eers have been of the secrets of the Republican FEW can be accommodated WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 1,’75 single gentlemen required. But the greater part of the Dem- party, is known. .All that he At 109 Exchange St., Portland every city and town where gas is used, lor the A with rooms and board, at No. 6 Congress sets forth is a IN sale of the ELLIS PATENT GAS BURNER. Place. D. YuUNG. Tuesday 1. mass of Demo- 31, Wednesday Sept., ocratic leaders and the great tissue of lies and is intended by him to create Terms. Dollars a Year in advance. To Very liberal terms to AgeDts. Enquire of aug30 dlw* Fight ELECTION MONDAY, SEPT. 13. cratic in their dissensions. It won’t work. mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- C. L. MARNTOAT, politicians Maine, by disloyal The Republi- •nce ViS J&xchange Mtrcet, Stupendous Attraction policy, held out inducements to the enemy to cans of Portland are for Hoarders Wanted. the FOR organizing victory aug31dlm Popular American Actor, Mr. GOVERNOR, treas- continue the war so costly in life and and the disgruntled were never so never . THE MAINE STATE PRESS EXCURSION ! S3* few, V. Stetson ure. so their to stir s Wanted, In Chas. impotent,and attempts up bad putii'lied every Thursday Morning at *2.50 a MATHEWS has taken the well known Excursion in aid of the Froster’s Great Sensational Drama, entitled GEN. SELDEN CONNOR. if in CONVENIENT TENEMENT of five or six The Annual Now turn the dis- year, paid advance, at $.'.00 a year. MRS. House, at 21 Brown street, and is to the state tax. Of feeling respecting past differences is a A rooms for a small family. Boarding dog now prepared 10 furnish board, likewise table board, neck and neck For bursements of for the which won’t Rates of Aidless P. O. BOX 1518, City, Representative to Congress, the State Treasurer fight. Advertising: One inch ot space, the rooms to ret, furnished or unfurnished with board. ORPHAN ASYLUM As length of ang3ldlw CATHOLIC performed by him upwards of 900 times, with un- 4th ^ column, constitutes a “souarc.** There is a desirable rent for a small family to let. at District—HARRIS HI. PLAISTEV. year 1873 amounting to $1,362,453 the sum tier precedented Success. 11.50 square daily tirst week; 75 cents week the same If the Kennebec Journal will but add the per Wauled. place. aug27dtf will of was out of aft r; three Insertions, or less. *1.0C: continuing Boy take place The Wonderful and Startling $890,291 paid on account other For Senator.. figures of the of the last fiscal every day after 5rst week, 50 cents. INTELLIGENT Boy wanted from 14 to 16 liabilities of various sorts the expenditures Halt Androscoggin..BENJAMIN F. STURGIS. growing out of square, thiee insertions, or less, 75 cents: one A years old. Apply at LOBENSTEIN’S, $(/Mill EEC BOARD. year chargeable to the Democratic rebellion week, *1 00; 50 cents week after. PUBLIC EXECUTION!! CHARLES B. JORDAN. late war. Were it not for this war debt of per aug3idtf No. 4 Deering Block. Cumberland.. Special one third addi AT THE ISLANDS HUMPHREY COUSINS, of 1861—5, it will find the of all the Notices, ional. ASCENT TO TUE SCAFFOLD, over five millions, the state and oth- aggregate Under head of “amusements.” and “Auction PHILANDER TOLMAN, pensions AVauted a Partner, Active or Silent Peakes’ Island, a short distance from Jones’ DAVID \V. items to be $149,824,664, instead of ,147,794,- Sales,” *2.00 per square per weex; three inseitions — ON — adjusting the hope, MERRILL, er liabilities of the same the state tax I less Landing. Having bought and refurnished the JAMES HAILEY. nature, *1.50. ot a first ON 665 as the Journal. standing, class DROP. Frankhu .. .. given by Advertisements inserted good showing beautiful residence, lately occupied by D. N. Poor. FALL OF THE E. S. KEYES. would not be half the sum now of in the “Maine State APART?Manufacturing business, requires some more Hancock. required Press a I am ready to furnish board or rooms, on the most JOSEPH T. HINCKLEY, (winch has large circulation in to a every part capital work on a large scale, wii bear thorough liberal terms. attention will be to the 1st WILLIAM W the tax payers of Maine. To-day the California election comes off. of the State) f,r *1.00 per for Eveiy given Wednesday, September Grand and Realistic Railroad Scene. BRAGDON. square tirst insertion, investigation, business safe, ana sales made only to of the Kennebec.ALBERT G. and 50 cents tier tor comfort guest. FRENCH make the statement more square each subsequent nsertion. responsible sold as last as Combined with We therefore that State officers an! are to be elect- Address all patties manufactured, A. V. Liberal Prize*, will THRILLING DRAMATIC SITUA- JOHN WOODBURY. congressmen comm tnicaiions to and to if pot business ACKLFY, be awarded «o Ihe profits equal surpassing any Late Manager of the View House. TIONS, making it tbe most drawn drama Knox.MOSES WEBSTER. than three-fifths of the burden of ed. There are POBTLAND PUBLISHING in jlySdtf Bay Hucce«ftful in powerful municipal four tickets in the field, Re- Co Maine; only principals and responsible parties competitors Foot Racing. at present before the public. Lincoln.FRANKLIN L. CARNEY, treated with. Address “Manufacturer,” care Mat Suck and state taxation now upon the and Pro- Suminer Boarders. Racing, Wheelbarrow Racing Acc., «Scc. Oxford.JOHN P. SWASEY, imposed publican, Democratic, Independent tocks & Fox, Portland. Maine. aug2deodif SONG8,DANCE9, SAMUEL D. Jumping, Ac. as WADSWORTH. people of Maine is due to liabilities bibitiouist. It is to -- I ^i?8 ll8uaU Reserved seats for sale at the quite impossible fore- BUSINESS CARDS, A few Summer Boarders will be taken by the day Mail three Penobscot.GEORGE R. THURLOUGH, day8 in advance. au26dCt growing out of the democratic rebel- cast the result. W tinted. or week at Norton’s Hotel, East Baldwin. This JOSEPH S. WHEELWRIGHT, The Irish American Relief Association, Catholic THOMAS J. GENTLE MAN of intelligence and good address house is delightfully located on the line of the P. & PEAKES, lion of 1861 5, and we success- R. ii. and 25 miles from Union and Catholic Temperance Society having ALEXANDER challenge H. L. A to canvass the to F. D O. only Portland. WEBB, The Argus has discovered a new UREGG & City. Auply united in the management of this Excursion, the O. BROWN. ful this self-evi- firm, CO., HATFIELD, Reading room at -Falmouth Hotel, ! G. K. NORTON. Boston & Maine R.R. Piscataquis_S. contradiction. In view of public may rest assured that every effort will be Sagadahoc.THOMAS W. HYDE. that of ‘‘Blaine, Hamlin, Hale & Co.” The between 2 and 4 o’c'ock P. M. aug30d3t* to dent one would think the Demo- SHIP BROKERS. References;—S. C. Strout, Esq., Hon. Bicn made promote the comfort and pleasure of those Somerset.WILLIAM II. STEVEN3, fact, that C. F. A. L. who attend. alliteration tickles the Argus and Bradbury, Libby, Esq., Dresser, Esq., ABET, PRESCOTT. cratic press would keep quiet about the bur- amazingly, Wauled.. Gen. C. F. Mattocks, Col. A. W. Bradbury. ju23tf CHEAP EXCURSIONS. N. Washington....SAMUEL CAMPBELL, den the composition of the firm amuses its readers. a man WM. of but those » by young with good Cliandlet’s Fail Band J. CORTHELL. taxation; party journals __ EMPLOYMENTeducation, or would learn a trade. Reference To Let with Board. Quadrille Waldo.FRED. ATWOOD. Petroleum, Grain and other have not even the goon taste or candor of Notes. Charters, given, if required. Address “ENQU’RER,” has been engaged lor the occasion. PORTLAND E P. RICHARDSON. Current Negotiated. I7!eight Engagement, made furnished or unfirnished rooms. tar aug28dlw*East Bowdoinham Me. York.IVORY LORD, the who admits his crime and Senator all part* of the world. PLEASANT 62 FREE STREET. highwayman McDonald of Indiana, is not TO — « URANUS O. Marine Insurance effected ia reliable (ESP* Boats will leave Long Wharf at 8 and 10 A. BRACKETT, to a virtuous my22tf. attempts give explanation there- “Jo J ncu iu vuiv/f vuij w i/cur Offices. Wanted. M. and 1.30 P. M. Returning at 5 and 6 P. M. USHER B. THOMPSON. For County Cammiaaioncri. for. ocrats assembled at Marion the other to 108 WALNUT STREET, to ao general nouseworK. can at Board. day AuiklSpring Street. Tickets JO cents, Children 39 cents. CEtITRE HARBOR AM) RETURN Androscrggin. .LUTHER PERKINS, witness his his neat trick of on both aug28dtf ft!WO Gentlemen or a Gentleman and his Wife can Mr. Baker of Windham. sitting v PHILADELPHIA. au27 Cumberland.. JOHN L. SWIFT. sides of -R be accommodated with first class Board and d5t the currency fence at the same time. (ebtt___dly Wanted. FOR Franklin.ORIN HALL. Tuesday, February 7tj, 1805, the follow- Booms at No. 20 Brown Street. myt9dtf Hancock.LEMUEL!'. DORR. Latest and most reliable figures from the of Carl or his amendment to the constitution PORTLAND Abel, relations, BASE BALL.
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