DRAFT Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement Project Lead Agency: Amador Water Agency 12800 Ridge Road Sutter Creek, California 95685 August 2020 NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND INITIAL STUDY DATE: August 28, 2020 TO: Responsible Agencies, Interested Parties, and Organizations SUBJECT: Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement Project, PIONEER, AMADOR COUNTY The Amador Water Agency (AWA) is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Lead Agency for the proposed AWA Tank A and B Replacement Project. AWA has directed the preparation of an Initial Study (IS) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) in compliance with CEQA. Project Location: The Project site is located in Amador County, California, approximately 50 miles southeast of the City of Sacramento on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada. The Proposed Project is within the Pioneer community area, located approximately 15 miles northeast of the City of Jackson. Tank A and B are located at the end of Elkhorn Court in Pioneer. Project Description: The Proposed Project involves replacement of the two existing aboveground water storage tanks (0.25 million and 0.50 million gallon capacity, respectively) with two new 1 million-gallon aboveground water storage tanks on the adjacent parcel. The new aboveground covered tanks would be approximately 75 feet in diameter and 36 feet in height and constructed from welded steel plates. The new tanks will sit on concrete pads with a 13-foot gravel setback. The site will be surrounded by an 8-foot-tall perimeter chain link fence and will have two gated and paved entrance points (one existing and a new one at the northwest corner of the site). The project will also include placement of overflow vaults on the north/northwest side of the tanks, meter vaults just south of the tanks, and a fire hydrant near the southern property line. Once the new tanks are constructed and operational, the existing tanks will be demolished. Construction of the Proposed Project is anticipated to start in early 2021 and take approximately 5 months; however, due to statewide shutdowns due to COVD-19, it is possible that project construction could be delayed. Potentially Significant Environmental Impacts: Potentially significant impacts to biological resources, cultural resources, noise, and paleontological resources were identified in the Initial Study. All impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level with the implementation of identified mitigation measures. Hazardous Waste Sites: Pursuant to Section 15087(c)(6) of the Guidelines for California Environmental Quality Act, CCC acknowledges the non-existence of hazardous waste sites within the project area reviewed by this Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). IS/MND Document Review and Availability: The public review and comment period for the IS/MND will extend for 30 days starting August 28, 2020 and ending September 28, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, printed hard copies will not be available to the public. However, the Draft IS/MND can be viewed and/or downloaded at the following website: https://amadorwater.org/connection-installation/environmental-review/ Comments/Questions: Comments and/or questions regarding the IS/MND may be directed to: Amador Water Agency cc: Brandt Cook, Resident Engineer 12800 Ridge Road Sutter Creek, CA 95685 1 DRAFT Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement Project August 2020 Prepared for: Amador Water Agency 12800 Ridge Road Sutter Creek, California 95685 Prepared by: 2525 Warren Drive Rocklin, California 95677 Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement Project DRAFT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AMADOR WATER AGENCY TANK A AND B REPLACEMENT PROJECT Lead Agency: Amador Water Agency 12800 Ridge Road Sutter Creek, California 95685 Project Location: The Proposed Project is located in Amador County, California approximately 50 miles southeast of the City of Sacramento on the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada. The Proposed Project is located just south of the end of Elkhorn Court on the undeveloped parcel next to the existing Tank A and B. Project Description: The Proposed Project would replace the two existing 0.25 million and 0.50 million-gallon aboveground water storage tanks with two new 1 million- gallon aboveground water storage tanks on the adjacent parcel. The new aboveground covered tanks would be approximately 75 feet in diameter and 36 feet in height and constructed from welded steel plates. The new tanks will sit on concrete pads with a 13-foot gravel setback. The site will be surrounded by an 8-foot-tall perimeter chain link fence and will have two gated and paved entrance points (one existing and a new one at the northwest corner of the site). The project will also include placement of overflow vaults on the north/northwest side of the tanks, meter vaults just south of the tanks, and a fire hydrant near the southern property line. Once the new tanks are constructed and operational, the existing tanks will be demolished. Construction of the Proposed Project is anticipated to start in spring and take approximately 5 months to construct; however, due to statewide shutdowns due to COVID-19 it is possible that project construction could be delayed or take longer than anticipated. Public Review Period: August 28, 2020 – September 28, 2020 Mitigation Measures Incorporated into the Project to Avoid Significant Effects Biological Resources BIO-1: Special-Status Birds and MBTA Protected Birds. If construction activities occur during the nesting season (February 1 through August 31), a pre-construction nesting bird survey shall be conducted within the Project Area and a 300-foot buffer area surrounding the Project. Surveys shall be conducted within 14 days of the commencement of construction activities. If active nests are found, no-work buffers will be established around active nesting areas and consultation with CDFW will take place. Draft MND August 2020 1 Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement Project Cultural Resources CUL-1: Unanticipated Discovery. In the event any subsurface deposits believed to be cultural or human in origin are discovered during construction, all work must halt within a 100-foot radius of the discovery. A qualified professional archaeologist, meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for prehistoric and historic archaeologist, shall be retained to evaluate the significance of the find, and shall have the authority to modify the no-work radius as appropriate, using professional judgment. The following notifications shall apply, depending on the nature of the find: A. If the professional archaeologist determines that the find does not represent a cultural resource, work may resume immediately and no agency notifications are required. B. If the professional archaeologist determines that the find does represent a cultural resource from any time period or cultural affiliation, he or she shall immediately notify the Amador Water Agency and applicable landowner. The agencies shall consult on a finding of eligibility and implement appropriate treatment measures, if the find is determined to be eligible for inclusion in the NRHP or CRHR. Work may not resume within the no-work radius until the lead agencies, through consultation as appropriate, determine that the site either: 1) is not eligible for the NRHP or CRHR; or 2) that the treatment measures have been completed to their satisfaction. CUL-2: Human Remains Discovery. If human remains of any kind are found during construction, or remains that are potentially human, a qualified professional archaeologist shall ensure reasonable protection measures are taken to protect the discovery from disturbance (AB 2641). The archaeologist shall notify the Amador County Coroner (as per § 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code). The provisions of § 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, § 5097.98 of the California Public Resources Code (PRC), and Assembly Bill 2641 will be implemented. If the Coroner determines the remains are Native American and not the result of a crime scene, then the Coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission, which then will designate a Native American Most Likely Descendant (MLD) for the Project (§ 5097.98 of the PRC). The designated MLD will have 48 hours from the time access to the property is granted to make recommendations concerning treatment of the remains. If the landowner does not agree with the recommendations of the MLD, the NAHC can mediate (§ 5097.94 of the PRC). If no agreement is reached, the landowner must rebury the remains where they will not be further disturbed (§ 5097.98 of the PRC). This will also include either recording the site with the NAHC or the appropriate Information Center; using an open space or conservation zoning designation or easement; or recording a reinternment document with the county in which the property is located (AB 2641). Work may not resume within the no-work radius until the lead agencies, through consultation as appropriate, determine that the treatment measures have been completed to their satisfaction. Draft MND August 2020 2 Draft Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration Amador Water Agency Tank A and B Replacement Project Noise NO-1: Noise-Reducing Construction Practices. To reduce noise impacts due to construction at nearby sensitive receptors to the maximum extent feasible, the applicant shall employ the following measures: A. Construction activities shall only take place during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and weekends only when necessary. B. Construction equipment shall be properly equipped with feasible noise control devices (e.g., mufflers) and properly maintained in good working order. C. Stationary construction equipment shall be located as far away from nearby residences, and equipped with engine-housing enclosures, as feasible.
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