30532 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 17, 1999 carefully regimented days there, he has CELEBRATING THE 134TH ANNI- RECOGNIZING THE U.S. BORDER made up two grade levels in his schoolwork VERSARY OF THE BETHEL MIS- PATROL’S SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS and has become a quiet, well-mannered SIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH OF OF SERVICE young man. During their convention, the bankers held CROCKETT, TX SPEECH OF a golf tournament in addition to the craft sale and the concert. HON. HENRY BONILLA Some of them also toured the ranch, meet- HON. JIM TURNER OF TEXAS ing the kids and seeing where their money will go. They were so impressed, they may OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES donate some of next year’s fund-raising haul IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, November 10, 1999 to the ranch, Pinkerton said. Mr. BONILLA. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support Acks, who said each day can bring small Tuesday, November 16, 1999 miracles for the often-strapped ranch, wasn’t of this legislation ‘‘recognizing the United surprised at their reaction. Anyone who vis- Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to States Border Patrol’s 75 years of service its, she said, can’t help but be touched. since its founding.’’ ‘‘It’s really just an amazing place,’’ she recognize and celebrate an important mile- stone in the history of Bethel Missionary Bap- I have nearly 800 miles of the Texas-Mexico said. border in my congressional district. I know all I commend America’s Community Bankers tist Church, of Crockett, Texas. On October 10, 1999, Bethel Missionary Baptist Church too well the extent to which Border Patrol for leaving its most recent hand-print in Or- agents meet the daily challenge of keeping celebrated 134 years of service to this East lando at the Edgewood Children’s Ranch, and our borders safe and curbing the flow of illegal Texas community. As the church members encourage other groups to follow this unique aliens and drugs into the United States with example of community involvement. celebrate this important anniversary, I ask all courage, patience and sheer tenacity. They go f of my colleagues to join with me today in rec- out every day and fight to keep our borders ognizing this milestone. I would also like to and our border residents safe. A CLARIFICATION FOR THE PAT- take this opportunity to congratulate Reverend ENT AND TRADEMARK PROVI- Our Border Patrol field agents are the best Delvin Atchison for his continued leadership of in the business. It is an ongoing battle to keep SIONS IN H.R. 1554, AS PASSED IN the Bethel congregation. THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA- our borders safe, drug-free and crime free. TIVES ON NOVEMBER 9, 1999 Organized in 1965 by newly-freed slaves, The Border Patrol is faced with carrying out a Bethel Missionary Baptist Church today is a vi- tremendous task with limited, often outdated HON. DONALD A. MANZULLO brant and growing ministry. As a resident of and failing resources. Yet, every day they go Crockett, I can truly attest to the tremendous out to defend our borders. The brave men and OF ILLINOIS women of the Border Patrol put their lives on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES impact the church and its members continue to have on the lives of Houston County resi- the line for us. Those of us in border commu- Tuesday, November 16, 1999 dents. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church has nities know what a crucial role the Border Pa- Mr. MANZULLO. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 1554, become known throughout Crockett and sur- trol plays in protecting our borders daily. As a Texan I take pride in recognizing the the Satellite Home Viewer Act, includes most rounding communities as ‘‘A Community of fact that the founding members of the Border of the legislation that would impact the U.S. Caring Christians.’’ Patent system. I worked closely with the au- Patrol included Texas Rangers, sheriffs and thors of the bill in the House of Representa- Through the years Bethel Missionary Baptist deputized cowboys who patrolled the Texas tives. I appreciate the time they took to listen Church as profoundly influenced the life of our frontier during the late 1800s and the early to my strong concerns about the original bill, community because it has been blessed with 1900s. H.R. 1907, which passed in the House over- lay leaders who have also been leaders in the I am honored to support this legislation whelmingly this past August. I offer these re- civic, cultural and political affairs of Crockett, which honors our Border Patrol personnel who marks, however, to create a legislative history Houston County and the State of Texas. In serve this nation in defending our borders. and to clarify language in one of the sections addition, Bethel has benefited from the leader- f I believed needed reworking—the title con- ship of many gifted and talented ministers ex- INTRODUCTION OF THE FAIR cerning Third Party Re-Examination. emplified by its current pastor, Delvin Atch- CREDIT REPORTING AMEND- Under Subtitle F—Optional Inter Partes Re- ison. My personal relationship with Reverend MENTS ACT OF 1999 examination Procedure, Section 4605 Con- Atchison and with the late Reverend J.T. forming Amendments, paragraph (b) contains Groves has been a blessing to me and my what I believe to be a technical error. Section family. Their leadership has expanded the HON. PETE SESSIONS 134 of title 35 of the United States Code is boundaries of influence of Bethel Missionary OF TEXAS amended in two sub-paragraphs (a) and (b). Baptist Church. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES H.R. 1554 uses the term ‘‘administrative pat- Tuesday, November 16, 1999 ent judge’’ where it should read ‘‘primary ex- Bethel’s ministry has contributed not only to aminer,’’ in both paragraphs. Therefore, this meeting the spiritual needs of the congrega- Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, today I intro- section should read, tion but to the healing, reconciliation and racial duce legislation to provide a technical clarifica- Section 134 of title 35, United States Code, harmony of the larger community. During the tion to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). is amended to read as follows: past 134 years, the members of the Bethel This clarification is necessary to protect work- ‘‘Section 134. Appeal to the Board of Patent Missionary Baptist Church congregation have ers and small businesses from unsafe work Appeals and Interferences been at the forefront in advancing civil rights conditions and to root out illegal activity in the ‘‘(a) Patent Applicant.—An applicant for a and civic participation and have fostered unity, workplace. patent, any of whose claims has been twice justice and social progress for all citizens. Provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act rejected, may appeal from the decision of the (FCRA) as amended in 1996 undermine inves- Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my other distin- primary examiner to the Board of Patent Ap- tigations of sexual harassment, embezzle- guished colleagues to join me in congratu- peals and interferences, having once paid the ment, workplace violence, drug sales and lating the congregation of Bethel Missionary fee for such appeal. other illegal activities in the workplace. Be- ‘‘(b) Patent Owner.—A patent owner in any Baptist Church, under the guidance of Rev- cause of an interpretation by the Federal reexamination proceeding may appeal from erend Atchison, as it celebrates its 134th anni- Trade Commission (FTC) of the 1996 FCRA the final rejection of any claim by the primary versary. All past and present church members amendments, employers who retain investiga- examiner to the Board of Patent Appeals and and pastors should be proud of the numerous tors, attorneys, or others to conduct inquiries Interferences, having once paid the fee for contributions Bethel Missionary Baptist Church into unlawful activities subject themselves to such appeal.’’ has made in the spiritual life of the Crockett the provisions of the Act and must: Provide I thank the Speaker for his indulgence in al- community over the past 134 years. May God notice before initiating an investigation; obtain lowing me this opportunity to clarify the lan- continue to bless this ministry of service and written authorization from the suspect and guage of this section of H.R. 1554. caring. other employees; upon request, disclose the VerDate May 21 2004 14:43 Jul 16, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E17NO9.000 E17NO9.
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