SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN Book : SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN (Ritual of Equanimity, Confession and Repentance) (Ritual of Equanimity, Confession and Repentance) English Annotation by English Annotation by : Subhash Chand Jain Subhash Chand Jain (Retd. Principal) 000000 (Retd. Principal) 000000 M.A [Eng.} B.A. [Hons.] PGDTE [C.I.E.F.L.] M.A [Eng.} B.A. [Hons.] PGDTE [C.I.E.F.L.] Edited by : Dr. Mahendra Kumar Jain 'Manuj' secretary : Shri Akhil Bharatbarsheeya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad, Edited by Dr. Mahendra Kumar Jain 'Manuj' Finance : Shri & Smt. Pradhuman S. Zaveri, USA secretary : Shri Akhil Bharatbarsheeya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad Edition : First, Copies- 1000, 2016 Abvailable at : Jain Samskriti Shodha Samsthhan 22/2, Ramganj, Jinsi, Indore-452 006 Ph : 0731-2018585, Mob : 9826091247 e-mail : [email protected] Published by Published by : SHRI AKHIL BHARATVARSHEEYA SHRI AKHIL BHARATVARSHEEYA DIGAMBAR DIGAMBAR JAIN VIDVAT PARISHAD JAIN VIDVAT PARISHAD secretary office- 22/2 RAMGANJ, JINSI, 22/2 RAMGANJ, JINSI, INDORE-452 006 INDORE-452 006 Dedicated to - Dedicated to - GENEROUS HOUSE HOLDERS COMMITTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE GLORIFICATION OF RELIGION The noble souls who are sincerely endeavoring to achieve eternal bliss following the path of Shri & Smt. Pradhuman S. Zaveri, USA non-violence and co-existence. ( III ) SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN ~¥hËgm_m{`H$-à{VH«$_U nmR> _§Jc ^mdZm Message Pratikramana is a self analysis or repentance for && lr drVamJm` Z_mo Z_: Ÿ&& faults. It is a kind of Prayashcitta (expiation) which means to wash away all sins. Since the aspirant is not yet de- lr_mZ² gac ñd^mdr ^Ðn[aUm_r lr gw^mfOr O¡Z- AmJ_J«ÝWm| tached with the worldly affairs, knowingly or unknow- H$m gma Am§½c ^mfm _| {Za§Va H$aVo ahVo h¢Ÿ& CZH$m nwéfmW© AWH$ h¡Ÿ& ingly he cannot but commit mistakes. To err is human ñd`§ H$m H$ë`mU Vmo h¡ hr gmW hr {dXoer ^ì`mË_mAm| H$mo H$ë`mU H$m but not to release one's lapses is a positive sin. To feel sorry and repentant for the mistakes committed and the _mJ© àeñV H$aVo h¢Ÿ& Bghr CnH«$_ _| A_o[aH$m àdmgr ^ì`mË_m lr_Vr firm determination not to repeat them is truly the right YZcú_r nr. Pdoar H$s ^mdZmZwgma AmnZo gm_m{`H$ d à{VH«$_U H$m atonement. The Pratikramana is a happy retreat from vice ^r A§J«oOr _| AZwdmX {H$`m h¡, Omo lmdH$ ^ì`mË_mAm| Ho$ {cE na_mon`moJr to virtue, from demerit to merit . The defaulter introspects, h¡Ÿ& Amn Bgr Vah {ZaÝVa ñdna Ho$ H$ë`mU _mJ© _| g§c¾ ah|, `hr _§Jc realizes his mistakes and determines to rectify them.It is to hate the sin but not the sinner. You want to keep your- ^mdZm ^mVm hÿ±Ÿ& self away from what you detest. Ac{_{V {dñVaoUŸ& We are grateful to Shri Subhash Jain who has been -aVZcmc emór kind enough to translate the Shravaka Pratikramana into BÝÐ ^dZ, BÝXm¡a English in a nice way and handed over to us for its pub- 23.1.2016 lication. The Jain Vidvat Parishad is glad to receive with thanks the financial support from Smt. Dhanlaxmi P. Zaveri for its distribution. It was really a need for the day which is now completed with a grace donation. Professor Bhagchandra Jain "Bhaskar" Adhyaksha Digambara jain Vidvat Parishad ( V ) ( VI ) SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN ~¥hËgm_m{`H$-à{VH«$_U nmR> Editor’s Note My Feelings Aéhm{gÕm`[a`m CdPm`m gìdgmhþ na_oÆ>rŸ& Vo {d hþ {MÆ>{h AmXo Våhm AmXm hþ _o gaU§Ÿ&& While observing Samayik and Pratikraman while living in the USA over the past 40 years, I have seen aruha:siddha:yariya: uvajha:ya: savvasa:hu parame°°hi:. te vi hu chi°°hahi a:de tamha: a:da: hu me sara´a¼.. that the young generation experiences a lot of difficulty The abode of five supreme souls reading the original text in Devanagri script. I wanted [Panchparmeshthi] is the soul of the being, hence, our to get the whole book written in English letters and trans- objective should be to concentrate upon the soul. lated into English so everyone can recite the Shlokas Pratikraman means asking for apology of wrong and understand their meaning. During my stay in Indore, doings. The feeling of confession and repentance shed I expressed such desire to Dr. Anupam Jain who referred off our sins. Samayik is the state of equanimity-a way to concentration. Smt. Dhanlaxmi P. Zaveri always felt the me to Shri Subhash Jain who readily agreed to do the need of the work in Roman transliteration with English work. Dr Manuj took up the task to get the work com- meaning while observing Samayik and Pratikraman her- puterized correctly specially in Transliteration of Prakrit self for the benefit of the young generation of USA. Ex and Sanskrit and finally agreed to edit. I feel proud that Principal Mr. Subhash Jain did a great task in translating the book is being published by an organization of Jain it in to English and had been a guiding hand to give the transliteration and correction in the final draft. scholars of India - Shri Akil Baratvarsheeya Digambar It is a great pleasure to publish the work under the Jain Vidvat Parishad. banner Akhil Bharteeya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad. Mrs. Dhanlaxmi P. Zaveri I hope the work will prove useful for non- Hindi, En- 8676 Waterside Court glish knowing readers. Laurel. Maryland, 20723-2016, Dr. Mahendra Kumar Jain 'Manuj' USA secretary : e-mail : [email protected] Pt. Jayant Kumar Jain, Sikar Publishing Manager Shri Akhil Bharatbarsheeya Digambar Jain Vidvat Parishad, ( VII ) ( VIII ) SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN ~¥hËgm_m{`H$-à{VH«$_U nmR> PREFACE The periods of the ritual of equanimity are - Samayik and Pratikraman (a) Maximum - Three Muhurtas i.e. Six Ghadi 48×3 = 144 (Ritual oF Equanimity, Confession and Repentance) minutes. The main objective of Jainism is to attain complete (b) Medium - Two Muhurtas i.e. Four Ghadi. liberation of the soul by removing its impurities false pas- (c) Minimum - One Muhurta i.e. Two Ghadi. sions anger pride, deceit, greed. The ritual of equanimity be observed in a secluded To remove these impurities of the soul - six essentials and peaceful place where there is no entrance for opposite (Shat a:vashyak) are prescribed in Jain literature. Among sex. Jin temple or Dharamshala is suitable for this. Morning these six essentials 'sa:ma:yik' (Ritual of equanimity) and time is suitable. The ritual be observed after washing hands 'PratiKraman' (Repentance and confession of sins) are given and feet with washed clothes sitting on a mat or wooden importance. Both these rituals are important for purification plank or on swept ground. of the soul. These rituals are to be observed essentially by The observer of the ritual of equanimity should pre- ascetics and by religious householders obligatorily. pare himself mentally. For this he should stand eastward or 'Sa:ma:yik' is the state of equanimity in which one northward in relax meditative posture and pledge that he learns to remain free from attachment and aversion; no feel- would keep himself free from any worldly attachment dur- ing of high and low. It is an act of remaining calm and quiet. ing the ritual of equanimity and then recite 'Namo:ka:r' hymn It helps keeping mind and temper neutral and in giving up nine times and bow bending the body straight touching to passions and false faith. Practically, Sa:ma:yik is also essen- the ground eight parts of the body (Sa:shta:ng). After this he tial to keep mentally and physically disciplined and con- should stand as before and fold his hands in the position of trolled. prayer, move them anti clock wise three times, put his fore- During the ritual of equanimity one should reflect head on the folded hands (a:vart and shironati) later turning upon the following attributes of the soul :- to the right repeat the same in all the four directions. The " Equanimity towards all beings meaning of doing this is to pay reverence to all the places of " Self-control with pure aspirations salvation, miracles, natural and manmade Jin temples and " Abandoning all thoughts tainted by attachment and the ascetics by mind words and body. After completing these aversion. activities he should sit in meditative posture (Padma:san) in METHOD OF OBSERVING THE RITUAL OF EQUA- the direction he started 'a:vart' and 'Shironati', either East or NIMITY- North. He should recite the Namo:ka:r hymn 108 times ei- The ritual of equanimity three times a day in the morn- ther on the rosary or on fingers with full concentration of ing, at noon and in the evening is the integral part of ascet- mind. ics' routine and for the religious householders it is necessary After completion of reciting the hymn, he should con- to be observed at their convenience at least for one 'Muhurt' template upon sixteen reflections, ten virtues and the self i.e. forty eight minutes. realizing the body and the soul separate. In the end should ( IX ) ( X ) SAMAYIK AND PRATIKRAMAN ~¥hËgm_m{`H$-à{VH«$_U nmR> recite the hymn nine times and bow down as done in the feelings of hatred for violent activities, fear from sinful deeds beginning. and vicious activities. PRATIKRAMAN One who performs 'Pratikraman' reflects upon his The word 'Pratikraman' is made of two words - 'Prati' entire activities and makes up his mind to renounce such and 'Kraman' that means to go back, to reflect and review, to activities which are sinful.
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