NOVA SCOTIA BIRDS A Publication of the Nova Scotia Bird Society Volume 32 Number 3 July 1990 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Shirley Cohrs Records Editor Bob Dickie Photographic Editor Ian McLaren Christmas Counts Mary Anderson David Currie Seasonal Bird Reports R.G.B. Brown David Currie Keith Keddy Cover: Osprey Ian McLaren by Bob Dickie Peter Payzant Francis Spalding Richard Stern TABLE OF CONTENTS SPRING 1990 Bird Reports 6 Birding Monaco--Eric Mills 31 Field Trip Reports 35 Forthcoming Field Trips 38 Birdwatchers I Have Known--John Cohrs 41 Living Island Part II--Evelyn Richardson 43 Letters to the Editor 48 Merlin Wore a Pointed Hat 51 Book Reviews 55 Birding Hartlen's Point III 59 Birds in a Suburban Park 60 The Great Gull Cull Debate 65 Use of any material from NOVA SCOTIA BIRDS requires written permission from the Editor. Cost of the publication of this periodical is partially borne by the Nova Scotia Museum. ISSN 0383-9567 Second Class Mail Reg. No. 4628 RECORD'S EDITOR'S REPORT One hundred and ninety-six reporters, A NEW RECORD. I would really like to thank all of you for sending in the reports in the format we requested. It makes our job so much easier. I would especially like to thank JIM WOLFORD (JWW) for collecting a huge number of reports of sightings and sending them to us. Jim is a superb birder and has always been a major contributor to Nova Scotia Birds. "Thanks, Jim" and, "Thanks to all the following, for your reports." Bob Dickie Records Editor List of Reporters Last Name First Name Initials Adam Marc MAd Allen Andrew AA Alliston George GA Allsebrook Keith KA Marion MA Almon Mike MAI Amirault Diane DA Austin-Smith Peter PA Bezanson Joanne & Ron JRB Bishop Roy RB Blanchard Val VB Bleakney Nancy & Sherman NSB Boates Sherman JSB Bogan Larry LB Bond Fred FB Bondrup-Nielson Soren SBN Brennan Calvin CB Harry HB Brothers Shirley SB Brunt Richard RJB Bryson Phyllis PB Burgess Roland RBu Callon Gordon GC Cartwright John JCa Casselman Karen KLC Chapman Alice AC Chipman Curtis CHC Churchill Lana LC Cibula Julius JC Clement Karen & Warren KWC Clifford Pat & Joe PJC Cohrs John JLC Shirley JSC Coldwell Cyril CKC Condon Mary & Mindy MMC Connell Sheila SAC Crossland Donna DC Daborn Graham GD Dadswell Mike MD Dalzell Brian BO Daury Richard RD Davidson Heather HD Davies Robert RDAV 2 D' Entremont Lisette LD D'Eon Jerome JKD De Wolfe Jane JHD Dickie Bob RBD Gerry GDi Helen HDi Diller David DDi Dodds Don DD Dodge Martha MDo Dubois Rudie RDu Duval Paul PD Eagles Ev & Ed EEE Ellis Margaret MEE Virginia VE Fisher Rick RF Flecknell Bob BF Forsyth George GF Harold HF Forsythe Fred FF Sandra & Bernard BLF Fullerton Sylvia SJF Gates Joy JG Gertridge Ellis EG Gibson Jamie JG Merritt MG Gillis Mike MGi Green Tony TG Greeno C.D. CDG Hall Helen HJH Hubert HGH Tim THa Harris Paulette PHa Hawboldt Sharon SH Hawes Chris CH Helleiner Chris CWH Hemeon Phyllis PH Ward WH Herbin Jack JHe Herman Tom TH Hilchie Claire CJH Hill Maxine MH Nick NH Hope Simpson David OHS Horton Bill BH House Nancy NHo Huang J.P. JPH Jackson Shirley SJ Jarvis Joan JVJ Johnson Dave DJo Jones Dave DJ Keddy Joan & Don JDK Keith KNK Kinsman Pearl PK Kristie Dave DK Lavender Fulton FLL Laviolette Andree & Lance ALL MacDonald Jake JM Peter JM Rosaleen RMc Mac Dougall Glenn GM MacIntosh Beverly BMc Mac Kinnon Anne Margaret AMM David DMa 3 Mac Kinnon Walter WEM MacLean Gordon GMa MacLeod Peter PM Mac Neill Don DM Jack JMa Martell Pat & Bill PBM Maybank Blake BMa McCarthy Steven SMc Tina THM McLaren Ian IAM McLeod Pat PMc McMillan Scott SM Melanson Reg RM Mills Eric ELM Moores Bernice BMo Morris Charles CM Morrow Betty BeM Jim JMo Morse Bill WM Jean JeM Muntz Erich EM Murphy Ethelda EMu Terry TM Murrans Alan AM Murrant Cathy CMu Naugler Chris CN Newell Ruth & Reg RRN Olsen Michael MO Parker Lolita LP Payzant Linda & Peter L&PP Pickwell John JP Pitoello Gini GPi Porter Arthur AP Shelly SP Pratt Mary MP Prescott Shirley SPr Prosser Ingrid IP Lloyd LPr Proulx Gini GP Pulsifer Mark MPu Purchase Don DWP Joyce JAP Rathbun Gerry GR Rockwell Betty & Paul BPR Rogers Barb & Gerry BGR Ryan Ann AR Sarty Bev BSa Scott Jack JS Shanks B.L. BLS Bev BS Simpson Jeanette JSi Smith Chalmers ECS Peter PCS Sean sos Sid ss Spalding Edgar ES Fran FS Spicer Kathleen KS Stern Richard RBS Stevens Clarence CSII Tams Miriam MT Tay Karl KT Wendy WT 4 Taylor Hilda HT Jim JWT Thexton Bill RGT Brenda BET Thomson Linda LT Thorpe Dianne OT Heather HTh Kimberly KTh Merrill MTh Timpa Jean JT Sean ST Toews Dan DTo Trueman Gerry GT Tufts Judy & Gordon JGT Urban Eva EU Van Norstrand Kate KV Vander Kloet Sam SVK Viersma Jelmer J\\' i Williams Sherman SW Wolford Jim JWW Woodman Harold HW Yoell Betty & Barry BBY Youill Carl CY Young David DHY Zillig E. & G. EGZ Zinck Marian MZ DEADLINE for the JANUARY, 1991 issue NOVEMBER 15. 1990 Bird Reports to the RECORDS EDITOR Mr. Bob Dickie, 43 Deepwood Crescent, Halifax, N.S. B3M 2Y5 Articles, sketches and letters to the EDITOR Mrs. Shirley Cohrs, 8 Rosemount Ave., Halifax, N.S. B3N 1X8 Photographs to Dr. I.A. McLaren, 1755 Cambridge Street, Halifax, N.S. B3H 4A8 5 Many of the birding areas in Nova Scotia "crop up" regularly in the reports. To prevent repetition of the locations of these areas in the body of the text, we include this list of references: Yarmouth Co. Arcadia, Pinkney's Point, Tusket, Cranberry Head, (Yar. Co.) Eel Brook, Chegoggin, Melbourne, Overton, all the Pubnicos, Glenwood, Dayton, Quinan Shelburne Co. Cape Sable Is., Cape Sable, Matthews Lake, Lower (Shel. Co.) Ohio, The Hawk, Seal Is., Sand Hills, Little Harbour, Port L'Hebert W. Queen's Co. Port Joli, Port L' Hebert E. Lunenburg Co. Cherry Hill, Broad Cove, Petite Riviere, Green (Lun. Co.) Bay, Crousetown, Crescent Beach Halifax Co. Three Fathom Hbr., Conrad's Beach, Lawrencetown, (Hfx. Co.) Cole Hbr., Martinique Beach, Hartlen's Point, Oakfield Park, Laurie Park, Powder Mill Park, Chezzetcook Colchester Co. Economy, Glenholme (Col. Co.) Annapolis Co. Wilmot, Round Hill, Paradise, Sanely Bottom Lake (Anna. Co.) Annapolis Royal, Clementsport, Eleven Mile Lake Kings Co. Wolfville, Greenfield, Canard, Black River Lake, Gaspereau, Grand Pre, White Rock, Starr's Pt., Lumsden Reservoir Cumberland Co. Lusby Marsh, APBS*, Lorneville, Linden, Port Howe (Cumb. Co.) Hants Co. Shubenacaclie, Noel Shore Digby Co. Brier Island Guysborough Co. Hazel Hill (Guys. Co.) Cape Breton Big Pond, C.B. Highland National Park (C.B.H.N.P.) (C.B.) • APBS-Amherst Point Bird Sanctuary CBC - Christmas Bird Count 6 BIRD REPORTS LOONS AND GREBES RED-THROATED LOONS were reported in usual numbers, including 10 at Economy on April 6 (FS). However, they may have departed somewhat earlier than usual, with the last record being of a single bird at Lawrencetown on April 28 (BMa). COMMON LOONS massed as usual in early spring prior to departing for their breeding areas inland. SJF reported 30+ between Crescent Beach and Cherry Hill on March 10 through March 25, and JSC had over 100 in the same general area on March 12. BSa reports a pair arriving on Sandy Lake near Bedford on April 12, the morning after the ice broke up. There were no records of PIED-BILLED GREBES. As usual, the only numbers of HORNED GREBES were reported from the Crescent Beach and Cherry Hill areas, where JSC had a total of 78 on March 13. By April 6, however, there was only one left in this area. Other reports mentioned 1 at Mader's Cove on March 21 (WM,JeM), 2 at Pinkney's Point (JKD) on April 18, and 1 laggard at Hartlen's Point on April 21 (BMa). RED-NECKED GREBES were present in small numbers up to late March, when their numbers increased sharply. JSC reports 4 flocks of 10-20 at Hartlen's Point on March 25, and the following day JKD had over 60 at Pinkney's Point. There were 16 at West Baccaro on April 8 (SS), and numbers tapered off through the spring until the last record, a single individual in breeding plumage in Green Bay on May 12. LPMP, ed . .:ff~-·---~.::::_"'~--··:-.... ::::.-:? 7 FULMARS TO CORMORANTS NORTHERN FULMARS were here as usual, in small numbers. Alan Murrant saw one off Marien Bay on May 22. Hubert Hall, on the Bluenose ferry between Yarmouth and Maine, saw a bird with a large oil stain on its belly off Yarmouth on March 4, and several clean birds on May 10. His 2-3 WILSON'S STORM-PETRELS on May 14, "were dancing on the choppy seas like they are supposed to!" However, his first storm-petrels of the year were LEACH'S, about 38 miles west of Yarmouth on May 10. We're too early for the flocks of shearwaters from the Southern Hemisphere, but John Taylor and Fulton Lavender saw a MANX SHEARWATER off Bon Portage Island on May 19. The spring migration of NORTHERN GANNETS was well reported, and it went something like this. The first sighting was Hubert Hall's adult off Yarmouth, 3 miles west of Cape Forchu, on March 4. ("My previous earliest sighting was March 13 in 1985.") He saw another there on March 27, but "not many around as yet". April was a different story. Jerome K. d'Eon counted 150-200 off Pinkney's Point on April 5, and thinks they may have been going by at the rate of 1,000/hour.
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