Country Update BILLBOARD.COM/NEWSLETTERS MAY 24, 2021 | PAGE 1 OF 19 BILLBOARD COUNTRY UPDATE [email protected] INSIDE THIS ACM Eyes New Nashville Hub — And An End ISSUE To Its Emotional COVID-19 Initiative Eric Church’s ‘View’ As signs increasingly point to the abatement of the pandemic, going to bring them back,” says Lifting Lives executive director From The Top the West Coast-based Academy of Country Music spent por- Lyndsay Cruz. “But I doubt anyone’s going on any sort of tions of May solidifying its connection to its future in Nashville. payroll yet.” >page 4 The ACM announced the addition of three new Music City- The COVID-19 benefits are an extension of an initiative based staff members — vp digital strategy and engagement that started last April. The relief fund has thus far paid out Rory Levine, manager of nearly $4 million to about Gabby Barrett: awards and membership 2,200 individuals who Three Times Haley Montgomery and needed assistance due executive assistant to the to coronavirus-induced A Winner CEO David Sassano — on economic hardship. >page 11 May 13, strengthening its Through the end of workforce in Nashville as 2020, nearly two-thirds CEO Damon Whiteside of the recipients (see pie prepares to open a chart, page 2) were crew Makin’ Tracks: Tennessee office on a to- members, musicians and Joe Nichols Hits be-determined date. And concert executives who A ‘Home Run’ the Academy’s charitable make their living directly >page 16 foundation, ACM Lifting from live shows, most Lives, spent the week of which were scuttled of May 17 parceling out to avoid spreading a $311,000 from its COVID- contagious disease that has Country Coda: 19 Response Fund to thus far killed over 585,000 Doug Stone’s unemployed professionals Americans, according to WHITESIDE CRUZ ‘Different’ No. 1 in the country music the Centers for Disease >page 19 business. The majority of Control and Prevention. those recipients are waiting for the touring sector to fully get The ACM handed out $3.5 million in two waves during 2020, back into gear so they can once again collect paychecks, many depleting the fund at that time. Through corporate assistance of which are funneled through corporate hubs in Music City. and a first-ever fundraising effort during the CBS telecast of the “Some of these tours don’t start until August or September, ACM Awards on April 18, which raised $40,000, the Academy SHEARER JOHN WHITESIDE: so I think they’re probably starting to notify people that they’re accumulated $311,000 for its recent redistribution. ACM LIFTING LIVES COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND ACM Lifting Lives has responded quickly and effectively to the growing needs in the Country Music Industry due to the coronavirus by creating the ACM Lifting Lives COVID-19 Response ACM LIFTING LIVESFund. COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND ACM Lifting LivesThis fundhas helpsresponded to alleviate quickly the burden and that effectively many of the to behind-the-scenes the growing needsprofessionals in the such Country as touring personnel and musicians, songwriters and developing artists are facing. When Music Industry due to the coronavirus by creating the ACM Lifting Lives COVID-19 Response ACM LIFTINGfunding LIVES isCOVID-19 available, ACM RESPONSE Lifting Lives FUND gets back to applicants with approval decisions and Fund. checks are mailed out within a matter of days. The impact on these individuals is life changing. ACM Lifting Lives has responded quickly and effectively to the growing needs in the Country ThisMusic fund Industry helpsCurrently,ACM todue alleviate LIFTING to wethe have LIVEScoronavirus the exhausted burdenCOVID-19 ourby thatRESPONSE creatiresources, manyng FUND the butof theACM effects behind Lifting of COVID-19-the-scenes Lives COVID-19 have manyprofessionals Response still living such in a state of uncertainty and desperate need. If you are able to contribute to this fund, we asFund. touring personnelACM Lifting and Lives musicians, has responded songwriters quickly and and effectively developing to the growing artists needs are infacing. the Country When inviteMusic you Industry to please due visit to the ACMLiftingLives.org coronavirus by creati or contactng the ACM us directly. Lifting Lives COVID-19 Response funding is available, ACM Lifting Lives gets back to applicants with approval decisions and This fund helpsFund. to alleviate the burden that many of the behind-the-scenes professionals such checks are mailed out within a matter of days. The ACMimpact LIFTING on these LIVES individ COVID-19uals RESPONSEis life changing. FUND as touring personnel and musicians, songwriters and developing artists are facing. When This fund helps to alleviate the burden that manyACM of Liftingthe behind-the-scenes Lives has responded professionals quickly such and effectively to the growing needs in the Country funding is available,SUPPORTas touring ACM TO personnel DATE Lifting and Lives musicians, gets back songwriters to applicants and developing with approval artists are decisionsfacing. When and Currently, we havefunding exhausted is available, our ACM resources, Lifting Lives getsbut back theMusic toeffects applicants Industry of withCOVID-19 due approval to the have coronavirusdecisions many and stillby creati livingng the ACM Lifting Lives COVID-19 Response checks are mailedTo date, out $3 within.5 MILLION a matter has ofbeen days. disbursed The impact directly toon individuals these individ in theuals Country is life Music changing. in a state of uncertaintychecks are mailedand desperate out within a matterneed. of If days. youFund. Theare impact able tono thesecontribute individuals to isthis life changing.fund, we community who are experiencing financial hardship due to this pandemic. inviteCurrently, you to we please have exhaustedvisit ACMLiftingLives.org our resources, but or thecontact effects us of directly. COVID-19 have many still living Currently, we have exhausted our resources, butThisACM the fundLIFTING effects helps LIVES of COVID-19 to COVID-19 alleviate have RESPONSE the many burden still FUND living that many of the behind-the-scenes professionals such in a state of uncertainty2020in a state Recipients: of anduncertainty desperate and desperate need. If need. you areIf youCOVID-19 able are ableto contribute to contribute Response to to this this Fund fund, we weRecipients asACM touring Lifting Livespersonnel has responded and musicians, quickly and songwriters effectively to andthe growing developing needs artistsin the C areountry facing. When invite you to pleaseinvite you visit to ACMLiftingLives.orgplease visit ACMLiftingLives.org or contact or contact us directly. us directly. TOUR SUPPORT fundingMusic Industry is available, due to the ACM coronavirus Lifting by Lives creati getsng the back ACM to Lifting applicants Lives COVID-19 with approval Response decisions and Have an AVERAGE OF 13.4 YEARS Engineers • Band leaders and music directors in country music, with a handful checksFund. are mailed out within a matter• ofCatering days. The impact on these individuals is life changing. 7% • Crew and tech, including carpenters, boasting 50+ YEARS in the industry. Songwriters SUPPORT TO DATE This fund helps to alleviate the burden that manyriggers of theand stagehandsbehind-the-scenes professionals such Currently,9% we have exhausted our resources,• Drivers but the effects of COVID-19 have many still living SUPPORT TO DATE as touring personnel and musicians, songwriters• Festival and operations developing and supportartists are facing. When To date, $3.5 MILLION has been disbursedBILLBOARD directlyin a stateto individuals ofCOUNTRY uncertainty in theUPDATE and Country desperate Music need. If you are able to contribute to this fund, we MAY 24, 2021 | PAGE 2 OF 19 SUPPORT TO 42DATE STATES and 432 CITIES funding is available, ACM Lifting Lives gets back• Lighting to applicants with approval decisions and community whoTo are date, experiencing $3.5 MILLION financial has been disbursedhardshipArtists directly due to individualsthis pandemic. in the Country Music• Merchandise have been represented invitechecks youare mailed to please out within visitTour aACMLiftingLives.org upportmatter of days. The impact or contact on these usindivid directly.uals is life changing. To date, $3.5 communityMILLION who has are been experiencing disbursed financial directly hardship13% to individualsdue to this pandemic. in the Country Music• Photographers and video teams 32% • Production and event management community who are experiencing financial hardship Currently,due to this we havepandemic. exhausted our resources,• butSecurity the effects of COVID-19 have many still living 2020 Recipients:2020 Recipients: COVID-19 Response Fund Recipients AGE OF RECIPIENTS COVID-19in a state of uncertainty Response and desperate need.Fund• IfStage you Recipientsmanagersare able to contribute to this fund, we invite you to please visit ACMLiftingLives.org• TOURorTour contact managers SUPPORT us directly. • Under 25: 4% • Travel agentsTOUR SUPPORT 2020 Recipients:Have an AVERAGE OF 13.4 YEARS COVID-19Engineers Response Fund •RecipientsBand leaders and music directors Have an AVERAGE• 25-34: 3OF9% 13.4 YEARS SUPPORT TO DATE 3%• CateringEach• Band leaders and music directors in country music, with a handful Engineers7% • 35-44: 26% Musicians • •BookingTOURCrew and• and Cateringtech, venueSUPPORT including support carpenters, in country music,boasting with 50+a handful YEARS in the industry. To date,Songwriters 7% has been disbursedriggersBand and leadersdirectly stagehands and
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