msm The BROWNSVILLE HERALD Sf>ORTS SECTION _____ 1 ■ ** «■•«■»-■• --— ---------—— — — — ---- —— Uhle Chalks Up 6th BASEBALL S BI GGUNS OPEN HOMER BARRAGE EARLY COX’S AVERAGE Indians Have Laugh I Straight to Defeat SHRINKS BADLY On Experts; Take 11 I 5 to 3 Of Last 15 Tussles Philadelphia Snyder And Wetae! Crowd- | ing Panther Star Closely GAYLE TALBOT. JR. By HERBERT W. BAKER With Willow By Associated Press Sports Writer 4 Associated Press Sports Writer In view of the dizzy manner In which Texas league clubs have been you don't believe the old saw about the benefits of & change in performing of late. It is bad taste to wax enthusiastic about any of them ^Tenefy, consider the case of George Uhle, now throwing up right-hand DALLAS. May 14.—(A*)—Prank It is longer, however, to refrain from emitting a fear wall slants for Buck Harris' Detroit Tigers. Snyder. Houston manager, and impossible chosen words about the San Antonio Indians, another outfit that, like tin For ten years Uhle did all his work for the Cleveland Indians and very Dutch Wetsel, San Antonio outfield- Waco Cubs, appears determined to confound its critics. good work it was for the first eight of them. After a sensational season fattened their to 1 "r er, batting averages Houston m m awcd wnen ne won 27 The hot fight between * ;• games and> 400 through games of Thursday to for the and var- lost 11, Uhle slid back in alarming' crowd Larmon Cox, Fort Worth and Waco pinnacle Pyle’s Bunioneers fashion. He won only eight games rookie sensation, for Individual hon- ious and sundrv other matters maj ors in the Texas league. Cox lost against nine defeats in 1927 and have caused the average fan ts Have 24-Mile TURF CLASSIC approximately 40 points during the Only only 12 against 17 reverses last sea- last week, his average dropping to overlook the spectacular spurt "pui Run to Make Today ■ son. officials traded him .406 demand on by the Tribe in the last “fort* to The 10 are: L. Detroltdurtng the winter for Ken leading sluggers night. MAY BE IN MUD Cox, Port Worth .406; P. Snyder, BR2CXENRODGE May 11 Jfi Holloway and Jackl^’ Tavener. Yesterdav. while half of the lea- ;>;j Houston, .400: Wetsel. San Antonio, Under Buck Harris In- C. C. Pylesc bunioneers today had fl soothing .400: Blackerby. Waco, .389; Benton. gue enjoyed a holiday due to rain a 21-mile fluence at Detroit. Uhle has come Blue Larkspur Builds Confi- Wichita Palls. .371: Stapleton. Wich- and wet grounds. Pat Newman's only Jaunt to Albany. Uh» .1', club beck with a bang this year. Beat- dence In Fans by Making ita Palls. .370 Easterling. Beaumont. hustling fought the Port forty-fifth control station on the W .369; Cotelle. Houston. .357. Worth Cats to a frazzle in ing the Philadelphia Athletics. 5 to their cross-country race. Good Time Monday Whelan. Shreveport first sacker, series opener Jfl 3, Uhle chalked his in the Panther City yesterday up led in runs scored with 26. followed Herbert Heticman 55 New York, I and emerged with a 4 to 3 de- sixth victory without a defeat, the Martin. Houston, 24. and Ben- the Brand old man of the LOUISVILLE. Ky.. May 14.—<4>>— by cision after 12 Innings of derby, ton. Wichita Falls, and Sanguinet. uphill Jfl best record in either major league. going. tied with his townsman. Sam With a sloppy, though hard-bot- Waco, with 23 each. Larmon Cox flj Despite their defeat the Athletics The victorv. believe Richman. for first on tomed track prevailing at Churchill was ahead in total hits with 43. it or not. was place jaitair S held on to a tie for first place for San Antonio's eleventh In Downs, indication that a heavy if Benton had 40 and Wetsel. 38. its last day's 544-mile lap frtm Mineral I 15 the Yankees obligingly lost their Two Waco clubbers dominated the games, in those 15 games the not muddy condition may continue Wells. Thev ran the distance tn third this time to Cleveland homer race, Bob Sanguinet having Indians have met five rival jfl straight, up to the running of the fifty-fifth clubs 8 out of the lot and George and 7:25:50. For the third sucetasie* by a 4 to 3 count. Kentucky derby Saturday, is at- put only one. Shreveport, was able flj Blackerby, 6. Starr, 8hreveport, to win its time Pete Behind fine by Danny tracting keen interest among horse- series. Wichita Palls Gavuiil. of Italy and 9 pitching catcher, had 5. r.nd men here. Dallas each have lost MacFayden. the Boston Red Sox he failed to add to his their Johnny Salo. Passaic. N. J first 9 Colonel Edward R. Although last three starts with Blue Larkspur. in the embat- and second in bunched three hits off Grady Ad- string the past week. Pepper Mar- tled rlamed time, finish* Bradley’s winter-book favorite, and _ down-staters. 'fl tin of Houston still was the league's ed kins in the fourth inning to down his stablemate. Bay also en- ._■«***&&*:*+. Beaumont together tn second Place. 8 Beauty, leading base thief with 10. Ray was batted a little the Chicago White Sox, 2 to 1. tered in the classic, all deeper The ! dispelled With the season barely a few weeks old, home run re 'ords in both big leagues bid fair to toppcl and be re- Flaskhamper, Dallas, last year's into the cellar bv the Dal- leaders: fl Rain washed out the St. Louis- doubts as to their ability to run in las Steers, placed. Among the leaders in the American league four-base attack are. of course, the Yankee twins, leader, had six. Pete Turgeon. who won the opener 1. Pete Garuxrt Enaland 2fT:* Washlngtcn game. the mud when they went the mlie of a Babe Ruth and Lou with Foxx and A1 Simmons. Athletics, and Charley Gehrin- Wichita Falls, and Eddie Moore, long home 8 fl In the National league the Chi- route in Gehrig, together Jimmy stay. to 5. The yesterday impressive Port Worth, had five each. back into first 1 ger. Tigers. The Nationals hot home run hitters have been led by Travis Jackson and Mel Ott, Giants; pilfered victory, coming on ton of cago Cubs bounced fashion. Blue Larkspur negotiated two de- 2. John Salo and others. All Earl Caldwell, with six straight vic- feats Passaic. KJ so* fl place with a 6 to 4 triumph over the in 24 3-5 and the half in Lefty O'Doul, Phillies; Hack Wilson and Rogers Hornsby. Cubs; Chick Hafey. Cardinals, by Shreveport Sundav. prev- i quarter tories to his credit, was the league s 00:17. the Boston Braves while the lowly of these have four or more homers to their credit. vented the Steers 50 2-5. while Bay Beauty finished in players outstanding pitcher. Jim Lindsey of dropping into fl Phillies were beating the St. Louis the cellar. 3- Giusto Umek. 311 «:• ! 50 4-5. Houston had won five out of six Italy. Cardinals. 10 to 9 Walter fl Meishapur. Chicatte. Windy City kand was tied with Wiltse of Wich- Newman former Dallas At New York. John McOraw's and Florhi were other candidates hurler. saw a 4 Paul Bur i ita Falls in strikeouts registered, well pitched game Simpson. Unran. IL I Giants were blanked 'Dolf get by Luque who went various distances through each with 27. away from him when C- 325 26 33 and his former fl and the Cincinnati Reds drop- the in such a way as to increase rna.es 5. Sam slop Guerra, fell on him for seven Richman. New Yortt Monterrey runs In stand- ped into seventh place the the confidence of their backers. CPORTS in the 328:33:05. j ! eighth Inning after he ing. ,, had fl hanked them 6. Pittsburgh clouted four Brooklyn for the first seven Phillip Granville, HamUtai, EL JARDIN HI BEATS Bout is on at Rain Out.. 334:49 25 and an Card the pitchers for Ig hits easy ^FORUM YANKEE CHAMP prevented, Houston Buffs fl and 7. M. B. 12 to 4 decision and thereby moved RIO HONDO BOYS 6-3 [ | Shreveport playing their series McNamara. Australia. fl un inaugural 358:08-37. ■ into a tie with Boston for third at the Louisiana city and It's a nip and touck race between wet grounds York. 370:51:21 fl place. El Jardin high school closed its I Mercedes To n t greeted the leadin Waco and Houston row for the BEATS BRYANT Waco Cubs baseball season afternoon igh on their Monday first visit to with a 6 to 3 victory over Rio Hondo Texas league leadership. It looked Wichita Palls. in his (Special to The Herald) teen continue. This bout was tcr- comeback campaign her* last Lesser beautiful baseball for it would be Houston for pitched ! as though night when he defeated Joe ' MERCEDES. May *4.—But be I rid while it lasted. Make- WMUU»« hA»H IN the El Jardin aggregation, allowing a berth when the two clubs met Glenna Collett Advances To JOE STECHER wics. Utica. N. Y Another on th*- top HANDS only seven hits and striking out 15 there tonight, or miss a treat. eight-rounder The in the bcr;es opener in Waco laat meeting was in the nature at batters. More explicitly. Jupc Pluvlus. m: s- card will find Cowboy Brooks mix- Third Round of British MALCEWICZ DEFEAT a squaring of acounts. Steeher.
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