Dr Margaret Yates R000237829 1 Bibliography (A) Manuscript Sources. Public Record Office Exchequer E101/343/23 1354 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/343/24 1394-5 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/343/26 1471 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/346/23 1468 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/347/8 1471-2 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/347/9 1472-3 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/347/10 1474-6 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/347/11 1476-8 Particulars of account of aulnage E101/347/17 Temp Henry VIII to Edward VI Names of clothiers. E179/73/91 1439-40 Alien Subsidy E179/73/109 1483-4 Alien Subsidy E179/236/113 1468-9 Alien Subsidy (When looking for exemptions) E179/73/47 1379-80 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/56 1382-3 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/58 1387-8 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/59 1388 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/60 1392-3 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/71 1410 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/97a 1449-50 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/100 1453 Subsidy 15th and 10th County E179/73/6 1327-8 Subsidy 20th County E/179/73/62 1379 Poll Tax Eagle Hundred. E179/73/48 1381 Poll Tax Faringdon Hundred E179/73/49 1381 Poll Tax Ganfield Hundred E179/73/55 1381 Poll Tax Kintbury Hundred E179/73/50 1381 Poll Tax Lambourn Hundred E179/73/41 1381 Poll Tax Ock Hundred (Part) E179/73/51 1381 Poll Tax Ock Hundred (Part) E179/73/52 1381 Poll Tax Ock Hundred (Part) E179/73/53 1381 Poll Tax Ock Hundred (Part) E179/73/42 1381 Poll Tax Reading Hundred E179/73/43 1381 Poll Tax Shrivenham Hundred E179/73/43A 1381 Poll Tax Bucklebury, Cottsettlesford & Roeburg Hundreds. E179/73/46 1381 Poll Tax Wantage Hundred. E315/464 1522 Military Survey West Berkshire Dr Margaret Yates R000237829 2 E179/73/132 1523/4Anticipation Berkshire. E179/73/121 1524 Lay Subsidy Faircross, Kintbury, Eagle & Compton Hundreds. E179/73/124 1525 Lay Subsidy Faircross & Compton Hundreds. E179/73/125 1525 Lay Subsidy Eagle, Faircross & Kintbury Hundreds. E179/73/126 1525 Lay Subsidy Ganfield Hundred. E179/73/165 1545/6 Lay Subsidy Berkshire. E179/73/171 1545/6 Lay Subsidy Berkshire. E179/74/178 1545/6 Lay Subsidy Berkshire. E179/74/181 1545/6 Lay Subsidy Berkshire. Memoranda Rolls E159/350, m. 329-332 1565 Memoranda Roll Berkshire clothiers. E159/355 m. 206 1567 Memoranda Roll Berkshire clothiers. Court of Chancery C1/ Newbury 10/46, 10/334, 11/464, 12/152, 12/244, 12/245, 16/350, 17/85, 27/408, 28/530, 29/54, 33/241, 45/288, 69/381, 74/98, 158/76, 199/12, 224/74, 284/64, 296/77, 360/49, 371/78, 435/4, 435/6, 446/33, 474/11, 485/46, 504/12, 604/3, 604/4, 611/15, 621/31, 640/6, 755/23, 809/12, 911/1, 965/30, 965/31, 1115/62, 1115/64, 1115/65, 1183/20, 1276/75, 1276/76, 1276/77, 1385/1, 1385/2, 1419/42, 1419/43, 1419/44, 1456/51. Buckland 7/231, 9/126, 27/421, 74/84, 289/16, 457/15, 1171/7. West Hanney 100/51, 259/44, 717/42, 1096/54, 1298/27-9, 1428/41. Kintbury 144/39, 651/43, 735/51, 820/27-8, 1050/23, 1250/1-3. Shaw 15/344, 44/70, 814/6, 1220/35, 1517/30. C131/ Newbury 101 m.18, 224 m.18, 226 m.32. Court of Common Pleas CP40/715 Michaelmas term 1439 CP40/755 Mich 1449 CP40/759 Mich 1450 CP40/795 Mich 1459 CP40/798 June 1460 CP40/799 Mich 1460 CP40/800 Feb 1461 CP40/833 Mich 1469 CP40/864 Mich 1478 Dr Margaret Yates R000237829 3 CP40/910 Mich 1489 CP40/954 Mich 1500 CP40/993 Mich 1510 CP40/1030 Mich 1520. Patent Roll C66/490 m. 22, 23 1460 Individuals delivered to Wallingford gaol. Manorial Documents Shaw Manor SC2/154/52 1405-1412 Court Rolls SC2/154/53 1426-1469 Court Rolls and includes Rental. SC2/154/54 1473-1517 Court Rolls SC2/154/18 1543-1546 Court Rolls LR2/187 1547 Manorial Survey Newbury SC2/154/49 1527 Court Roll SC6/750/3-7, 1115/1-2, Hen VII/1226, Hen VIII/6066, Hen VIII/6909 Ministers’ accounts of 15th and 16th century. SC11/47, 62 Hen VI Rentals SC12/4/41 1608 Rental LR2/187 Ed VI Survey of free tenants LR2/197, 198, 209 1608 Surveys. Kintbury SC2/208/65-68 1514-1523 Court Rolls Hungerford Engleford SC2/201/5 1551-3 Court Rolls Balsdon SC6/1122/26 1311-12 Ministers Account Templeton SC6/HenVIII/3914 1539-41 Ministers’ Accounts Hungerford Engleford SC11/3 Richard II Rental of Templeton SC12/1/1 1394 Rental Inglewood and Templeton First Ministers’ Accounts after the Dissolution SC6/HENVIII/109 Abingdon Monastery SC6/HENVIII/2402 Priory or Hospital of St John of Jerusalem SC6/HENVIII/3739 Nuneaton SC6/HENVIII/3986 Amesbury P.C.C. Wills Buckland PROB11/10/15, 1494, William Slatter, Buckland; PROB11/11/13, 1497, Alison Slatter, Buckland; PROB11/16/38, 1511, William Smyth, Barcote in Buckland; PROB11/30/11, 1544, James Yate, Buckland; PROB11/44/29, 1561, James Slighe, Buckland; PROB11/57/25, 1575, William Holcott, Barcote in Buckland; PROB11/61/23, 1579, John Yate the elder, Buckland; PROB11/68/23, 1585, John Southebye, Newton in Buckland; PROB11/71/2, 1586, Thomas Essex, Barcote, Buckland; PROB11/76/7, 1589, Jane Duckett, Risbourne in Bucks, Buckland; PROB11/87/55, 1596, Richard Wenlocke, Buckland; PROB11/88/26, 1596, Edward Yate, Buckland. Dr Margaret Yates R000237829 4 West Hanney PROB11/8/21, 1488, William York of West Hanney; PROB11/14/39, 1505, Richard Doo of Hanney; PROB11/28/26, 1541, John Yate of Lyford in Hanney; PROB11/78/93, 1591, Henry Kyrry, London, Lyford in Hanney; PROB11/80/86, 1592, John Ashcombe, Lyford in West Hanney; PROB11/84/42, 1594, Hugh Singleton, West Hanney. Kintbury PROB11/29/24, 1543, Robert Brinklow, Kintbury; PROB11/31/20, 1546, Henry Brinklow, London, Kintbury; PROB11/41/72, 1558, Thomas Knyght, Templeton in Kintbury; PROB11/50/21, 1568, John Curr the elder, Kintbury; PROB11/60/28, 1578, Edward Davys, London, Anvills in Kintbury; PROB11/64/10, 1581, John Brincklowe, London, Kintbury; PROB11/63/16, 1581, William Iremonger, Kintbury; PROB11/63/30, 1581, John Mawkes, Inglewood in Kintbury; PROB11/75/62, 1590, Thomas Secten, Kintbury; PROB11/77/69, 1591, Thomas Seymor the elder, Hungerford, Kintbury. Shaw PROB11/15/22, 1507, Richard Pope of Shaw; PROB11/33/22, 1550, Morrys Smart of Shaw. None until after 1600. Newbury PROB11/10/11, 1494, John Bedford; PROB11/ 10/16, 1494, Richard Bedford; PROB11/7/15, 1485, Henry Benett; PROB11/42B/41, 1559, John Benet, London and Newbury; PROB11/ 27/6, 1537, Thomas Benet; PROB11/21/5, 1523, William Benett; PROB11/ 19/4, 1517, Thomas Bonde; PROB11/ 27/24, 1538, Henry Bruges; PROB11/18/4, 1514, John Combys; PROB11/10/16, 1494, John Clerk als Lamborne; PROB11/10/11, 1494, Thomas Colyns; PROB11/4/20, 1459, William Collin, Colyn; PROB11/2A/5, 1403, John Deryng; PROB11/37/39, 1555, John Doggett; PROB11/57/47, 1575, Thomas Dolman sen; PROB11/ 16/27, 1510, John Dyer als Veynot; PROB11/13/26, 1503, John the elder Elys; PROB11/16/35, 1510, John Flagat; PROB11/4/15, 1504, John Fuller; PROB11/10/29, 1495, Nicholas Frere als Weuer; PROB11/64/13, 1582, Thomas Hall, London, Newbury; PROB11/11/16, 1497, John Haselden; PROB11/31/21, 1546, William Helyar; PROB11/53/12, 1570, Francis Hollowaye; PROB11/17/14, 1513, John Hoont; PROB11/42A/29, 1558, Raynolde Johns; PROB11/25/30, 1535, Nicolas Justes or Justyce; PROB11/33/13, 1550, John Knyght; PROB11/12/22, 1501, Roger Knokyn; PROB11/7/12, 1479, Thomas Leche; PROB11/50/12, 1568, John Mansell; PROB11/2A&B/40, 1417, John Middelton, Middilton; PROB11/47/27, 1564, John Millett; PROB11/ 21/7, 1523, John May; PROB11/29/18, 1543, Richard Norcott; PROB11/56/9, 1573, William Nottingham gent; PROB11/17/19, 1513, John Parett; PROB11/27/7, 1537, Edward Sharp, Sharpe; PROB11/60/6, 1577, Margery Smyth, widow; PROB11/16/32, 1510, John Soper; PROB11/58/25, 1576, Gilbert Stocker; PROB11/16/20, 1509, Robert, sir Surlonde; PROB11/42B/59, 1559, Richard Tull, London, Newbury; PROB11/14/37, 1505, Thomas Walles; PROB11/ 27/28, 1539, John Wayte; PROB11/16/6, 1508, John White; PROB11/39/36, 1557, Richard Whitehorne, Whighthorne; PROB11/ 5/27, 1469, John Wormestall; PROB11/19/27, 1519, John the elder Wynchecombe als Smalwoode; PROB11/40/26, 1558, John the elder Wynchecombe; PROB11/60/16, 1578, Thomas Yale, doctor of lawes, Newbury, Essex, Middx, London. PCC Inventories PROB2/455 1495 William Slatter, Buckland PROB2/95 1495 Nicholas Frere alias Wever, Newbury PROB2/523 1539 John Wayte, parson of Newbury Dr Margaret Yates R000237829 5 PROB2/345 1558 John Winchcombe, Newbury PROB2/374 1559 Reginald Joones, Newbury. Inquisitions Post Mortem C/139/115 folio 24 1443 Peter Fettiplace for Andrews Court. C/142/8 folio 32 1491 Henry Doget of West Hanney. C/142/10 folio 141 1495 William Eyston of West Hanney C135/101/3 1349 Inquisition at Benham with reference to pestilence in Newbury re town’s tanning mill. C139/18/32, 19/32 1416 Edmund late earl of March (rents, market, court profits etc. in Newbury). C140/54/45 1474 Thomas Herbert (third of rents etc with details of dates of fairs).
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