An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner TUESDAY March 10, 1998 • THE • Volume 124 Number 37 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE Permit No. 26 250 Student Center• University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Let's Dance Peterson: 'guilty' Grossberg s codefendant pleads guilty to manslaughter charge, agrees to testify against former girlfriend BY VERONICA FRAA TZ Ctty Neu·."i Edttm WILMINGTO -Amy S. Grossberg' s hi g h school sweetheart, Brian C. Peterson Jr.. tumed on her yesterday when he agreed to cooperate with the prosecution and testify against her after he pleaded gui lt y lo c harges o f manslaughter. Pete rson' s pl ea. which he entered at the Daniel L. Hemnann courthouse. could give him a maximum sentence of I 0 years in prison. As a resul t of Peterson's plea agreement with prosecutors, the murder by a!Juse or neglect charge for which he was 01iginally 3.1Tested under wi ll be dropped at hi s sentencing. Peterson. alon!! wi th Grossber!!. had been accused of k.illim! their n ewb~m son at the co';;,fort Inn on Route 896. and then dumping his corpse in a Dumpster behind the motel. He had faced charges of first-degree murder and murder by abuse or neglect for which Grossberg still mu st stand 11i al. THE REVIEW I John Chabnlko If Peterson had heen convicted of hi s original charges. he Brian C. Peterson leaves the courthouse with faced a possibl e sentence of life in prison or even the death pe nalty. his attorney, Joseph A. Hurley, after pleading His mother. Barb3.I·a. cried as she watched her son stand guilty to the charge of manslaughter. side-by-side with hi s allomcy Russell M . Gi oiella and enter Pe terson' s . entcncing will he delayed until after his guilty plea. She sat closely with her ex-husband. Brian C. Grossberg's trial in May. Until then. he remains free on Peterson Sr.. throughout the proceedings. $300.000 bail wearing an electronic monito1ing bracelet. Gi oiella told the court that Peterso n had not known the Grossberg was not in attendance for her co-defendant·s infant was alive when he was bom. Both he and Grossberg announcement yesterday. although her attorneys were have said they belie ved the baby was stillbom. present She had been in Wilmington on Thursday and Gioiella also said . .. When the baby was bom, Amy told Friday fo r her suppression of evidence hearing. which Brian . ·Gel rid of it. !!el rid of it! ' .. Ridgely has not yet ruled on. President Judge Henry duPont Ridgely asked Peterson if Peterson was o1iginally scheduled to appear in court for he was aware of hi s right s and if he unders tood the hi s own suppression of cvidem:e hearing yesterday and ramifications of hi s guilty plea. Peterson solemnly answered each time ... Yes. Your Honor" or '·Yes. sir.·· sec PETERSO page AS Administrators to meet with students to discuss 5-star plan BY LIZ JOHNSON s aid. " The meet ing is definitely However, he also_sai d most groups Srmknt Afjwn £diwr necessary because s tudents who aren·t just going to fold under thi The A c tivities and Program s weren' t a part of the process need to proposal. Office wi ll hold a meeting to discuss have a voice.'· Mason also said he wanted to the fi ve-star evaluation system after She also said if the council is not c la rify what the SOLAR Counci l receiving negati ve reacti o n from lookin !! to make chan!!es at this time. reall y is and how the proposal was campus groups. said Scott Mason. the me~tin g won't be ~ scful. not a purely administrati'e :)Ct. assistant director fo r the Student .. Even with discussion:· she said. The SOLAR Council wa; Center. ''it will take a year o r so lo get the a nn o un ced in th e fall at the THE REVIEW I John Chabalko Mason said the o ri ginal plan had system working we ll. .. Presi de nt 's Orientation. Maso n Guard Keith Davis cu~s the final threads off the net after the Hens' championship victory been for the Acti viti es and Programs Resi dent Stude nt Association wrote. Although th e re was an Saturday. Many of the 5,205 fans in attendance rushed the court as time ran out. Office 10 receive feedback from all President Stephanie M e ll or said ... 1 a ppli cat io n process. no ne o f the student gro ups and then ho ld a think th e meet ing is a proactive applications were deni ed. meeting fo r g roups to a ir thei r measure o n their pan. because they Jason also said that after the concerns. need to add re s~ the needs of student meeting on Wednesday. a st udent Hens to face Purdue However. he said. The Review groups. which do' ary a lot. .. leader approached him and asked to caused wi despread studem panic with Alexa Hook. presidclll of Amnesty be on the SOLAR Counci l and i BY C HRISTOPHER YASIE.JKO because he cou Id . the hordes of their first such miles tone unde r an editorial that ran on Friday. Internati onal. said the Activities and now on th e council. .\l mwglllf.!. .\ 'n, .\ Edttm s tupefied fans- all -5.205 of coach Mike Brey- in stunning That edit orial said the five-star Pro!!rams Office had !!O tten a lot of The point o f hi s joh. Mason said. They flooded the hardwood in th e m - kept sc reaming and fa s hi o n. defea ting n e m es 1s system was not a good idea as written feedback and hopes tl~e system ''ill is to work with student organi zations. and set a two-week deadline for the be changed. If he proposed a plan designed to waves. rolling d ow n the ,.......---- -----, h u g g i n g Boston University 66-5S before el iminate those groups. he would be bleache rs as if someone had just a n d the largest crowd ever to absorb Activities and Progra ms Office to '·It 's defin itely a good idea o ut o f a joh, so it wou ldn't ma ke ti Ited I he Bob Carpe nte r Center See game story, wondering a basketball game in the stale. mee t and di sc uss concern s with because most o rg:tni zations didn' t even know about thi s initia ll y:· she much sense for him to do th at. on its si de. pageBlO a I o u d . " Other than picking a male student groups. They leaped ove r th e press .. Can yo u and having c hildren." Brcy said . In an e-mail to campus leaders. said. One of the reasons Mason said he M aso n said he wou ld ho ld the So me g ro ups lik e the pro posal. did no t take ques ti o n s about the tables in drove~. each using one Darryl Presley wins b c 1 i c v c .. this comes pretty close ... mee ting as soon as the Stude nt some like the idea hut not individual program at th e initial meeting was arm as a po le vau lt in a mi~sion MVP,pageBlO w e r e Friday. De laware wi II make it s Organization Leade rship Acti vi ti es components and some do not like the because he wanted groups to have to get a few ) ards closer to the h ere'~" fir s t NCAA Final Four and Resources Council is available to proposal at all. Mason stated. time lo think about the proposal. team that provided a reason to go Photo essay of ll was the to urnam e nt appearance si n ce attend. M ost of the concern has come No dale has been set for the to a basketball game. tournament, first tim e 1993. Th e Hen s. seeded 15th. Maso n said the feedback to the from act ive groups which have meetin!!. Scott Mason stated ... But for And w hen Ty Perry c lim bed pageBS in fiv e will face o. 1 Purdue in the evaluation system '·has been a s nothing to worry about. Mason said . now, (ask everyone to re la x (there the ladder and plopped his rear first round o f th e Midwe s t '----------' y ca rs l h c diverse and wides pread as the " I wi II state that I bel ievc in an arc o ther issues in your life more int o the basket. I 0 feet above the D e laware Regional at the U nit ed Center in [organizations) th emselves ... evaluation system in o rder to boost prcssi ng ). ,. masses of crated party-goers. me n·s basketball team could call Chicago. Brend a Mayrack. president o f the the suc cess of those gro ups who care Marily n Prime. directo r o f the when Keith Davi' thumped a long it self c hampion of America East. De laware Coalition for the and weed o ut th ose who don't. .. he Student Center. was not available for the tables at pres; row. just The He ns reac hed this point - sec H E S page A5 Advancement o f Gender Equality.
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