Pattern Pieces Happiness is ... tnothers and daughters together at Con­ vention ... birthday cakes ... Museutn tours ... flowing Victorian dresses ... touches of Hyatt ... chocolate candy and jelly beans ... an all-convention picture ... Beta Province members gathered on steps of Hyatt Atrium in familiar white dresses worn for memorial service on Sunday morning. (Photo: Carolyn Shaw Bonifay, t.I - Louisiana State) Regency dining room, scene of convention meals, sports banners made by each province. (Photo: Louise Danforth Muenstermann, fl - Washington) Convention is ... 32 graduate counselors and 28 field sec­ retaries at Order of the Owl ... new initiates of Habiteers (Ah, so!) ... this being Helen Steiner's 26th convention . .. wearing our school colors . singing Kappa songs . the ups and downs of tnicrophones and busy elevators . danc­ ing all night (or tnorning with aerobics) ... parading our banners ... Gray ... Metnories are ... "K a Key" and alphabet people ... Rainbow Connection ... I 00 years ofThe Key ... the love of sisterhood . celebration with ritual . finger talk . pat­ terns of candlelight and tears and stniles . Happiness is ... tnetnories of convention ... and you! (from The Hoot, June 22 , 1982) TWA's western bound flight carries Kappas homeward- no strangers on this trip! (Photo: Louise Danforth Muenstermann, fl - Washington) "Key Notables" singing PAT (or course!) (Photo: Louise Danforth Muenstermann, n - Washington) COVER: Patterns of Convention 1982 show the contrast and continuity of 112 years of Kappa. Top left, mobile hanging above escalator of Hyatt (Photo: Louise Danforth Muenstermann, fl - Washington); top right, construction patterns of H yatt (Photo: Ann Wilhotte Brilley, I-DePauw); Middle left, Bird's-eye-view of the Hyatt (Photo: Cheryl Bailey EM - Clemson) ; center, flag bearers (Photo: Atchison); middle right , Hyatt Regency sign (Photo: Cheryl Bailey, EM- Clemson) Bottom left , Patterns of Hyatt lobby (Photo: Louise Danforth Muenstermann, fl - Washington) ; Bottom center, Ohio Center pattern (Photo: Cheryl Bailey, EM - Clemson); bottom right, Herit ag~ Museum patterns of the past and present (Photo: Cheryl Bailey, EM - Clemson) . The Key of Kappa Kappa Gatntn~a~-----------------------------------------------------~-ab_l_e-of_C_o_n-te-n-ts----------~ EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL Colorful Con vention Coverage . .. ....... I-ll Vol. 99 No. 3 Heritage Museum Tours . .. .. 13-14 Send all alumnae news and pictures to: Alumnae News . 15-23 Fall, 1982 ALUMNAE EDITOR - Mrs. Paul Heenehan, EP Dedicate s New House . 24 Th e first college 111omen's magazin e. P.O. Box 292, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 Campu s Composite . 25-39 Published continuously since 1882 Send all business items and change of Kappas in Print · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 40 F t . H d 530 E ..., S dd . k . t th f bl ' I Think It's Monday ... ... ... .. 41-42 ra ermty ea quarters, ast ,own t. , a ress , SIX wee s pnor o mon o pu 1ca- Provin ce Meeting Schedule . ... .... .. 42 Columbus, OH 43215. (Mailing Address: P.O. tion to : K appa Scholarship Historically High 43-44 Box 2079, Columbus, OH 43216) FRATERNITY HEADQUARTER5-P.O. Box Council Highlight s .. ...... .. ... ...... 45 Send all editorial material and correspon- 2079, Columbus, OH 43216. (Duplicate copies Fraternity Directory . 47-54 dence to the : cannot be sent to replace those undelivered Membership Data Form 55-56 EDITOR - Mrs. David B. Selby, 6750 Merwin through failure to send advance notice.) Copy- In Memoriam . 57 Place, Worth ington, OH 43085. right, Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity 1982. Letters to Editor · · . • . • . 58 Send all active chapter news and pictures to : Price $1 .50 single copy. Deadline dates are E<l>'s Need House · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · · 59 ACTIVE CHAPTER EDITOR - Mrs. Willis C. August 1, November 1, February 1, and April 1 Scholarship Deadlines · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 60 ZH Installed at Irvine . 62-63 Pflugh, Jr.. 2359 Juan St. , San Diego, CA for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer issues Magazines Benefit Kappas . 64_65 92103 respectively. Printed in U.S.A. Scholarship Winners Announced . 66-68 Convention Elects a New Council New Council members are from left to right, front row: Caroline Cole Toile, toA-Miami, director of field representatives; Gay Chuba Barry, toA -Penn State, vice president; Eloise Moore Netherton, B:=: -Texas, director of philanthropies ; Jan Singleton McAllister, toP-Mississippi, director of personnel ; Rebecca Stone Arbour, tol-Louisiana State, treasurer; and Sally Moore Nitschke, BN-Ohio State, president. Second row: Betty Sanor Cameron, BN-Ohio State, executive secretary; Phyllis Brinton Pryor, EM-Colorado, National Panhellenic Delegate; Juliana Fraser Wales, BN-Ohio State, director of membership; Wilma Winberg Johnson, toN- Massachusetts, director of alumnae; and Marian Klingbeil Williams, 0-Missouri, director of chapters. Sally Moore Nitschke, BN-Ohio State, was elected to serve a en's Chorus, Angel Flight, yearbook staff, and a dorm officer. second term as president of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Sally has Gay's husband Jack, a Beta Theta Pi , is an engineer. They served Kappa in so many ways - chapter president, member- are interested in music, preserving the environment and local ship adviser for Beta Nu-Ohio State, Gamma PDC, chairman of government. Jack is an active community volunteer serving as pledge training, state reference chairman, BN House Corpora- chairman of the planning commission and a Rotarian. Gay is tion president, director of field representatives, director of currently on the Board of Directors for the Newfoundland Li- membership, director of chapters and elected Fraternity presi- brary as secretary and has been a director of the Ft. Washing- dent in 1980. ton Branch of Needlework Guild of America. From 1967-1973 An active community volunteer, Sally has been awarded the she worked " patterning" handicapped children. She is cur­ Mayor's Award for volunteer service, the OSU Distinguished rently a volunteer interpretive mituralist for the Lacawac Sanc­ Citi zen Award, the Chi Omega Woman of the Year Award, and tuary, an affiliate of the Nature Conservancy, a national commis­ is a past president of the Jr. League of Columbus. She was a sion. founder and board member of Worthington Resource Center, Rebecca Stone Arbour, Ill-Louisiana State, is the new Frater­ on the Vestry of her church, and a board member of the Vol­ nity treasurer. She has served previously on Council as vice unteer Action Center. president, and as director of personnel. She has a B.S. degree On campus her activities included Arts College Council, in elementary education and served Delta Iota Chapter a song Greek Week chairman, May Week Special Events chairman chairman. She and her husband have three children: Mike and Swan Club. Having attended Vassar College and then (2 1) a member of Theta Xi Fraternity and an architecture stu­ transferring to Ohio State as an upperclassman, Sally was hon­ dent at LSU ; Denise (20) Ill-Louisiana State, a nursing student; ored by Phi Beta Kappa. and Jeanne (19) a Kappa Delta and a sophomore at LSU. Hus­ She is married to Charles Nitschke, Alpha Tau Omega, who band Robert is vice president of sales for the Power Packing is an architect. They have three children; Chris (26), Caren, Company in Baton Rouge. 1-DePauw, (23) a graduate counselor at University of California Community service for Becky is currently being the presid ent at Irvine, ZH chapter, and David ( 18) a freshman at Purdue. of the Board of Directors of Camp Fire, treasurer of the Theta Gay Chuba Barry, llA-Penn State, has been re-elected to a Xi Mothers Club, and a member of the United Way Board of second term a vice president. She brings to this position a Directors. She is a past president of the Jr. League. wealth of experience as she has served on Council as director Becky has served Kappa as scholarship chairman, Theta of alumnae for two terms, as Beta PDA and prior to that as presi­ PDC, in stalling officer for Epsilon Up ilon-Baylor, secretary dent of the Philadelphia Alumnae Association. She has a B.A. and treasurer for her alumnae associati on. and as chapter ad­ in secondary education with majors in English and history. viser in finance, scholarship, social and chapter council all for Gay was an in stalling officer for EY-Baylor, En-Dickinson, ZB­ Delta Iota Chapter. Lafayette, and for Zl-Villanova this fall. Wilma Winberg Johnson, ll -Massachusetts, is the new di­ Her chapter activities included social chairman, music chair­ rector of alumnae. She was serving as Rho Province director of man. and song director (Gay is currently trying to assemble a alumnae when this election took place. Her previous Kappa ac­ new Kappa ong book!) On campus, she was a member ofWom- ti vities include ; chairman of advisory board for ZA-Babson , THE KEY/FALL 1982 president of Boston Intercollegiate Alumnae Association, grad­ Caroline enjoys collecting glass paperweights, sailing, tennis uate counselor at colonization of Delta Omicron Chapter - and walking the beach for leisure activities. Iowa State, president of Delta Nu Chapter- Massachusetts. Juliana (J,J,) Fraser.Wales, B -Ohio State, will continue as She is married to Aldie, a Delta Upsilon Fraternity member, director of membership. First elected to Council in 1980, J.J. and vice president of Teledyne Engineering Services. They has been president of her pledge class, chapter 2nd vice presi­ have three children: Aldie III a graduate of Union College and dent and president, a field secretary for two years, chairman of ~ Wharton Business (M BA); Merri Lee, graduate of'Syracuse and Fraternity Education and Gamma PDC. California at Berkeley; and Jo Lynne Johnson (Mrs. David) , Her campus activities included Freshmen Senate, Barrett graduate of Swarthmore. House Council, Council of Sorority Presidents, and Mirrors Wilma is currently 2nd vice president of Concord Family (Freshmen women's honorary). Service Board and a guide for the Ralph Waldo Emerson She is married to Ross, an attorney and partner in Taft , House. She is also a 4-H clothing leader and Red Cross Swim­ Stettinius and Hollister in Cincinnati.
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