![281 the Delhi-Sikh [17 MAR, 1981] Gurdwaras](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
281 The Delhi-Sikh [17 MAR, 1981] Gurdwaras (Amdt.) 282 Bill, 1981 out getting Belgaum city, what objection they and indicate that the Marathi-speaking people have got to merge with Maharashtra without are being suppressed in Karnataka. The getting Belgaum? These are three or four Government cannot safeguard thg interests of questions which create doubts in the minds of the linguistic minorities in Karnataka. For the people in th border areas and people in e that purpose, it is very essential to solve this Maharashtra. There are many obstacles in border dispute and also to get the Marathi- regard to the formation of Vishal Gomantak. speaking areas merged with Maharashtra. When the Marathi-speaking people in the border areas are agitating and they are prepared to form Vishal Gomantak, this only indicates how frustrated they are, how I. STATUTORY RESOLUTION SEEK. ING desperate they have become to get out of DISAPPROVAL OF THE DELHI Kar-nataka. Sir, Marathi-speaking people in SIKH GURDWARAS (AMENDMENT) the border areas are suffering great hardships ORDINANCE, 1981 and injustice. I would like to quote from one article. II. THE DELHI SIKH GURDWARAS (AMENDMENT) BILL, 1981 MR. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN: Leave all those points. SHRIMATI RAJINDER KAUR (Punjab); Sir, I beg to move the following Resolution: SHRI B. D. KHOBRAGADE; I would quote only one Or two instances. This is 'Lok "That this House disapproves the Delhi Satta' dated 12th March. In an article Sikh Gurdwaras (Amendment) Ordinance, published in 'Lok Satta' he has given three 1981 (No. 2 of 1981) promulgated by the instances. There was a conference of President on the 21st January, 1981." journalists to be held in Belgaum. It was a Marathi journalists conference. The [The Vice-chairman (Shri ninesh Karnataka Government had sanctioned Rs. Gosvvami) in the Chair] 25,000 an^ the Belgaum Municipal Corporation had sanctioned Rs. 10,000 for *I belong t0 the Minority Community Marathi Journalist conference. Then, pressure whose population is 1 per cent in India. In order to bring the Gurdwaras in Delhi, was brought and it was said that this was a conference of Marathi journalists and, hence, belonging to that community, under the no financial assistance should be given and control of the Government an ordinance was the Karnataka Governjment was forbidden to issued. It was considered as urgent to bring give any financial assistance. them under control as was the N.S.O., the Bearer Bonds or the Ordinance concerning There is another instance. Mr. Gogte is an L.I.C. industrialist. He was given a licence to establish a yarn mill in Belgaum. But because This is not the first time. Ever since 1947, he was a Marathi-speaking industrialist he it has been the policy of the Government to was not given land and he was not given the see how to put the Sikh Gurdwaras under the facilities to start a yarn mill for the industrial control o'f their stooges. Prior t0 partition, the General Gurdwara Elections were held in development of Karnataka. Pressure was brought on Karnataka Government and a lot 1946. The first meeting on of obstacles are being created. These are e or two instances which show *English translation of the original speech delivered in Punjabi. 283 The Delhi Sikh [ RAJYA SABHA ] Gurdwaras (Amdt.) 284 Bill, 1981 [Shrimati Rajinder Kaur] Of the General called the Nehru-Tara Singh Pact. It had been Body wag held in 1948 because it could not provided in that Pact that no such amendment be held in 1947 due t.p communal riots. One shall be made in the Gurdwaras Act in future of our Akali members Sardar Jaswant Singh, without prior approval of Shiromani had been killed in the riots. The Government Gurdwara Committee with two thirds without any provision to that effect, appointed majority. their own member, Shri Prem Singh Pnem, in his place. He later became a Minister in The day this Bill was introduced, the Punjab in the Congresg Government. The Home" Minister had said that the opinion of Akali members of Shiromani Gurdwara the M.L.A.S wag also necessary for amending Committee were bought over towards the the Gurdwaras Act. Before partition, the congress side. Thereafter, no elections were Sikhs M.L.As. used to be the representatives held for 9 years. What type of persons were of the Sikhs because there was a separate installed as President of S.G.P.C. is clear electorate. The Sikhs voting for Sikhs only. from one example. Thus they had say in amending the Punjab Gurdwara Act. But all Sikhs who win It has been our tradition that, after offering elections and become M.L.A.'S or M.P.'s in an Ardasa in a Gurdwara, we recite 'Raaj these days are not the representatives of the Karegaa Khaalsa'. In order to break that Sikhs. tradition, the then President.. Shri Ishar Singh Maj-hail, had said in Fatehgarh Sahib that the According to our election system, even the times had changed and the recitation of 'Raaj Communist Party may come into power in 1 Punjab. The Communists have no faith in Karegaa Khaalsa be discontinued. Sikhism nor do they claim any, their right to Mr. Vice-Chairman, Sir, no election were interfere in the affairs of Gurdwaras. But held for 9 years. Thereafter, when the shall we give a right of interference in the elections were held, the Congressmen formed affairs of Gurdwaras to all those persons wh0 m a 'Khalsa Darbar' and fought the elections un- si Ply l°°k like Sikhs? der it. But what, was the result? Out of 140 members, only 3 could win under this banner It was also said that if Akali Ministers can and 137 lost in the S.G.P.C. elections. interfere in Gurdwara Management why can't the Congressmen Ministers do that. If the Sir, they did n°t stoP at that. After a year Congressmen choose to interfere in Gur- they again started the horsetrading. The dwaras as Sikhs they may do it after Gurdwara Committee was snatched away relinquishing their Ministership. They have n0 from the Akali Dal. It went into the hands of right to interfere as Ministers an°l use their the Congressmen. But the margin was very political powers to capture Gurdwara narrow. We had lost by two votes only and Management. they had won by that margin. They felt concerned over the narrow margin and Shri I ha^ charged on the introduction o'f the Partap Singh Kairon, overnight, nominated 35 bill that Gianiji had sent for the members. He members from PEPSU to the Gurdwara denied the charge. I accept his statement. I am Committee all of whom were Congressmen. also liable to commit a mistake. Actually, he We organised an agitation against it. did not call them personally. One Mr. Mai Consequently, an agreement was reached Singh, of Gandhi Nagar, had brought three which is members to him. Those members promised to vote for the Congress stooge. Gianiji believed 285 The Delhi Sikh [ 17 MAR. 1981 ] Gurdwaras (Amdt.) 286 Bill, 1981 their words and allowed them to rest at their red once but after getting defeated they did residence. But, after all, we have also been not interfere again. But the Congressmen do fighting against this Government for the last not refrain from interference inspite of facing 33 years and we are not so weak. We caught a defeat time and against. hold of those members and did not allow them to fall in their clutches again. The They promulgated the Ordinance for Minister, however, managed to whisk away amending the Delhi Gurdwaras Act. When one of our members. He was not allowed to the Delhi Gurdwaras Act was passed, the be present. We will earnestly hope from the circumstances were, no doubt, such as to call Hon'ble Home Minister .that he will not try t0 'for such an Acts But if you say that the Act make any member absent in the next had been passed after being circulated for elections. eliciting public opinion, it is not correct. That was brought on the recommendation of a Sir, he ha said that the Nehru-Tara Singh s s Board only appointed by the Government. Pact i applicable to Punjab only. He said that s There are man flaws in the Act. One of the since the Delhi Gurdwaras Act came into v flaws is that the Principals and Professors of being later, the Pact i not applicable in Delhi. s the Schools and Colleges run by the Delhi Even if the Pact were not applicable in Delhi, Gurdwara Committee, are eligible for the i it not against the very pirit i which the s s n membeiship of the Delhi Gurdwara Pact had been signed. In order to instal a Committee. In such a case, a Professor may particular individual President, the as become the General Secretary or the Government reversed the Agreement and tnat to President o'f the Committee and, con- ° when the population of our community is sequently, his Principal will come under his just, 1 per cent. But WQ ar only 1 per cent o'f e control. What" a glaring anomaly i this! the population. 7 to 8 per cent of our total s Nobody ever tried to remove this anomaly. population is in Delhi. An ordinance was issued to bring the Gurdwaras belonging to 7 to 8 per cent of our population under their There is another provision in the control. Gurdwaras Act and I think it has been made deliberately.
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