Weather Dittributlon M Today BED BANK 17,550 •r tariffe. HWbtit tanpenturt today Id tte »••, Immt in the «••. Saturday'* high wiU be to V SH 1.0010 luuco duly, itontar inrouio FrlSiy. second Clui Pomp 7c PER COPY 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 232 PilU it Eel Bmk ud U MilUoail MIIHEI OUIcu. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 26, 1961 BY CARRIER PAGE ONE li Bayshore SellBond Six-Story 2 Prominent Issue At Building Matawan Planned Paper for New ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Women Slain flans were announced yesterday School Draws For the construction of a six-story, 50-unit apartment house on an 4 Per Cent Rate 80,000 square foot tract of land at First Ave. and Ocean Blvd. Two Men MATAWAN — The Board According to Weeber W. Brook, local realtor, the building, a co- of Education last night sold operative venture, will be erected the bonds for the planned >y Vincent Leparulo of East Held In junior-senior high school to Jrange. He said Mr. Leparulo has built numerous apartments in Phelps-Fenn & Co. and John the northern part of the state. Nuveen & Co., New York, Mr. Brook could give no esti Plainfield at 4 per cenW ~ mate of cost of the project, i He said the land was purchased PLAINFIELD (AP) — The two firms combined lor a from Andrew Richard. total bid of $2,375,483, with SUSPECT AND LOOT Robert Schrieber, 21, of Hoboken, avoids fha camera while The building will occupy about Two women were found premium of $7,483, for 20-year a quarter of the total parcel size. murdered early today, three bonds totaling $2,368,000. State Trooper Joseph Nasti looks over some of the items Schrieber it alleged to Mr. Brook said a variance There were two other bids on have stolen from Van's Motel, Rt. 35, Eatontown, yesterday morning. would be required before con- nours after a cab driver re- the $2,375,000 issue. struction could start. ported they had been kid- Farmers & Merchants National He. estimated that it would take naped by two men. Bank of this borough and B. J. at least a month before the build- Van Ingen, New York, combined er will have plans for presenta Several hours later police for a bid of $2,375,687 at 4.05 Youth Nabbed in Motel Theft tion to the Zoning Board of Ad- arrested two young Negroes per cent interest and a premium justment. and held them on suspicion of $1,687. The buifding will be of brick Halsey-Stuart & Co., New York After Stolen Car Con ks Out construction with garage under- of murder. Detective Hen- and Chicago, bid $3,375,071 at 4'/, neath it. nessy said both denied any per cent with a $71 premium. SHREWSBURY — A defective a unit at Van's Motel, St. 35. Trooper Joseph Nasti said, Sch- There will be various sized The Nuveen firm was also the part in the crime but the tolen car sent Robert Schreiber, When he awakened later, Sch- reiber stopped on the traveled apartments including a few ef- auccessful bidder recently on the officer said "they've both !1, of Hoboken, to the county jail rieber — who police said had portion of the highway. ficiency type units, Mr. Brook $1,500,000 high school bond is said. resterday. been released from Trenton State Trooper Nasti, on routine high- implicated themselves so in Raritan Township. He is charged with breaking Prison Feb. 2. after serving two way patrol, happend along a few Mrv Brook negotiated the sal< 'ar they can't get out of it." 1,500 Pupils of the land for the project. ind entering and larceny. years for breaking and entering moments later and stopped to in- The victims were identi- The 1,500-pupil school will be And all because State Trooper — went to at least five apart- vestigate. built on a 40-acre tract off At- ments and sole an estimated $1,- Schreiber could not produce a fied as Mrs. Elliot C. Ewell foseph Nasti of the Shrewsbury of 320 Woodland Ave., Westfield, lantic Ave. north of Church St. 000 worth of clothing, jewelry, license or registration for the car, PRINCESS EXPECTS BABY—Britain's Princess Margaret jarracks happened along when wife of a vice president of the The property cost $100,000. weapons, clocks, etc. and when Trooper Nasti ques- Set Meeting and her husbancl, Antony Armstrong-Jones, arrive at :he car — owned by Tomas Budd, Mack Truck Co. here, and Mrs. The school will contain a total tioned him about two suitcases 19 Passey Gardens, West End — Then he went to the Monmouth London's St. Paul Cathedral Wednesday for Common- Robert Tyson of 1220 North Ave., of 53 rooms, including one or n the back seat, Schreiber con- oonked out. Shopping Center, Rt. 35, Eaton- On Contract Plainfield, wife of a New York possibly two gyms, a cafeteria fessed he had stolen them and wealth Day service. A spokesman at Kensington Palace State police said Schreiber told town, and stole a 1953 car from stockbroker. to seat 500, a 600-seat a-* the parking lot. Mr. Bidd is their contents. announced yesterday that the Princess it expecting her - torium, library, science )i 'his story after his arrest: For Tax Map He traveled to Eatontown early employed by the shopping center, The trooper arrested Schrei- first baby in the fall. Kensington Palace is the official Police said their bodies were fine arts rooms, industrial arts found at 4 a. m. in Milton PI., hursday morning from Hoboken police said. ber and took him to the state po- MARLBORO TOWNSHIP-Ths rooms home economics rooms residence of the couple in London. lAPWirephoto) a small dead-end street, near ind was looking for a place to On his way back north, Schrei- lice barracks. As they walked in Township Committee will hold ar and labs, and several other "spe Berkeley Ter. One of the women sleep. When he arrived in Eaton- ber ran into mechanical trouble. the front door, the Monmouth adjourned meeting June 2 to con Cial use" facilities. apparently had been strangled :own, he decided to break into Instead of pulling off the road, County police radio was broad- sider awarding a contract for thi On base specifications, the and the other run over by a car, casting a stolen car alarm for township tax map and re-evalua school will be 132,000 square feel detectives reported. the vehicle Schreiber had been Jon project. in size or, with a second gym, The suspects are Lorelle Parks, driving. Committeeman Paul Chestei Rumson Adopts 137,000 square feet. 22, of Plainfield, and Joseph Schreiber was scheduled to be chairman of the finance commit Finne, Lyman and Finne, Eliza- Marina Project Maxey, 23, Dunellen. Both are arraigned this morning in Eaton- tee, said at last night's regulai beth, are the architects. meeting, "We must have thi: employes of Dom's Auto Sales in town before Magistrate Peter J. Plainfield. To Take Bids Little Silver Planners Study Plan Edwardsen on the charges. ready by Dec. 31 if at all poi The board announced that sible." Housing Code Hennessy said the keys to the The victims of the thefts, state Cadillac as well as a wallet be- will receive construction bids oi He announced that there woul< For Wainwright Tract Use police said, were James Gilbert, RUMSON — A substandard and the owner would be chargec longing to one of the woman were the building July 7 at 8 p. m. be a meeting of the finance com In other business, the board Adolph Dunay, Raymond Marten, housing ordinance was adopted for any costs. found in Parks' pocKet. He said LITTLE SILVER — A proposal a copy of the project map for mittee this week to study thi hired two new teachers and Robert G.' Ramsey and William last night by unanimous vote of The measure sets up precis both men came here recently study. 13 bids for the project receive! granted a member of its present to build a privately operated ma- Hope. .' the Borough Council. standards for judging whether i from the South. Mrs, Eleanor G. Huson, board at the last committee meetin^ staff s one-year leave of absence. rina on the Wainwright property Adoption followed a public hear- structure is unfit for habitation Police had been seeking the chairman, said, however, the Mr. Chester Said the projec Coming into the system are was discussed last night at a ing in which Frank J. Klauss It names the health officer as Iwq women after the cab driver, board was in "no position to com- had "already been delayed to Ronald Mahara and Miss Nanc; meeting of the Planning Board. More Water objected that the standards set public officer to enforce th Wilbur Morris, called near mid- mit itself" on the plans. She noted long" and that next week's meel Van EKeti.' Each will receive The plan was outlined by Henry in the ordinance are "too rigid." coae. (See SLAYINGS, Page 2) that zoning problems would arise' 'For Raritan ? ing may get it under way. salary of $4,200. S. Inselberg, 13 Silverton Ave., and that the measure gives too if the project got under way In joining Mr. Chester's requei The leave was granted to Mrs. who said he was speaking on be- UNION BEACH - Residents much power to public officials. She said the board would have for speedy action on the mattei Mary Hayden. half of the Little Silver Marina, of the Union Park section of to seek legal advice on the mat- Committeeman Joseph Lanza Mayor Peter .1.
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