CUMULATIVE INDEX TO THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY VOLUMES 1-37 (1956-1992) compiled by Victor F. Gilbert My grateful thanks to Leo van Rossum for his careful editorial supervision and to Dr. David E. Martin, Labour historian at the University of Sheffield for his helpful comments and criticism. Their careful scutiny has prevented some unfortunate errors of judgement and fact. OTHER BIBLIOGRAPHIC WORKS COMPILED BY VICTOR F. GILBERT Labour and social history theses: American, British and Irish university theses and dissertations in the field of British and Irish labour history, presented between 1900 and 1978. (London: Mansell, 1982) With annual supplements appearing in the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History now with the title Labour History Review. Immigrants, minorities and race relations: a bibliography of theses and dissertations presented at British and Irish universities 1900-1981. Compiled by Victor F. Gilbert and Darshan Singh Tatla with an introductory essay by Colin Holmes. (London: Mansell, 1984) With periodic supplements appearing in Immigrants & Minorities. `Current bibliography on immigrants and minorities', appearing periodically in Immigrants & Minorities. Women's studies: a bibliography of dissertations 1870-1982. With D.S. Tatla (Oxford: Blackwell 1985) Theses and dissertations in the history of education presented at British and Irish universities between 1970 and 1976. With Colin Holmes. (Lancaster: History of Education Society, 1979) CONTENTS Index to contributors ...........................................5 Title index ..................................................37 Subject index ................................................63 Concordance volume numbers – years ................inside back cover lNDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS ABELL, PETER, Foundations for a qualitative comparative method. (Review essay) [review of Charles C. Ragin The comparative method: moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies (1987)] 34 103-9 ADAMS, TONY, The formation of the Co-operative Party reconsidered. (Suggestions and debates) 32 48-61 [with a reply by Sidney Pollard 32 168-73 and a rejoinder by Adams 174-9] AFRICA, THOMAS W., Aristonicus, Blossius and the City of the Sun. 6 110- 24 - Stoics, Cynics and the Spartan Revolution. 4 461-9 AGÓCS, SÁNDOR, The roads of charity leads to the picket lines: the neo- Thomistic revival and the Italian Catholic Labour movement. 18 28-50 ALDERMAN, GEOFFREY, The National Free Labour Association: a case-study of organised strike-breaking in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 21 309-36 ALEX, URSULA LANGKAU- see: LANGKAU-ALEX, URSULA ALLEN, V.L., The origins of industrial conciliation and arbitration. 9 237-54 AMANN, PETER, The Huber enigma: revolutionary or police-spy? 12 190- 203 - Karl Marx, “quarante-huitard” français? 6 249-55 ANDERSON, GREGORY, A private welfare agency for white-collar workers between the wars: a study of the Liverpool Clerks' Association, 1918-39. 31 19-39 ANDREAS, BERT and HAUPT, GEORGES, Bibliographie der Arbeiterbewegung heute und morgen. 12 1-30 ARCHER, JULIAN P.W., The crowd in the Lyon Commune and the insurrec- tion of La Guillotiere. 17 183-88 ARKEL, DIK VAN, The growth of the anti-Jewish stereotype: an attempt at a hypothetical-deductive method of historical research. 30 270-306 ARMYTAGE, W.H.G., John Minter Morgan's schemes, 1841-1855. 3 26-42 ARNESEN, ERIC, Crusades against crisis: a view from the United States on the “rank-and-file” critique and the catalogues of Labour history's alleged ills. (Suggestions and debates) 35 106-27 AVINERI, SHLOMO, War and slavery in More's Utopia. 7 260-90 AVRICH, PAUL, Bakunin and the United States. 24 320-40 - Kropotkin in America. 25 1-34 - Prison letters of Ricardo Flores Magón to Lilly Sarnoff. (Documents) 22 379-422 AYA, ROD, The anatomy of “social” revolution; or, the comparative method as a confidence game. (Review essay) 37 91-8 [review of Haim Gerber 6 CUMULATIVE INDEX TO THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY Islam, guerilla war, and revolution. A study in comparative social history. (1988)] BAHNE, SIEGFRIED, Adoratskij an Kautsky. 8 270-81 - “Die deutsche Ideologie” von Marx und Engels: einige Textergänzungen. 7 93-104 - “Sozialfaschismus” in Deutschland: zur Geschichte eines politischen Be- griffs. 10 211-45 BAILEY, VICTOR, “In darkest England and the way out”: the Salvation Army, social reform and the Labour movement, 1885-1910. 29 133-71 BAKER, DONALD N., The Socialists and the workers of Paris: the Amicales socialistes, 1936-40. 24 1-33 BAKER, ROBERT P., Socialism in the Nord, 1880-1914: a regional view of the French Socialist movement. 12 357-89 BALDWIN, PETER, Class, interest and the welfare state: a reply to Sven E. Olssen. (Suggestions and debates) 34 471-84 - How Socialist is solidaristic social policy? Swedish postwar reform as a case in point. 33 121-47 BARKER, BERNARD, Anatomy of reformism: the social and political ideas of the Labour leadership in Yorkshire. 18 1-27 BARKER, RODNEY, The Labour Party and education for Socialism. 14 22-53 BARKEY, KAREN, Review: Haim Gerber The social origins of the modern Middle East. (1987) 34 333-6 BARON, SAMUEL H., Plekhanov in war and revolution, 1914-17. (Docu- ments) 26 325-76 BARTEL, HORST, Der interne Juni-Entwurf zum Erfurter Programm. (Documents) 12 292-302 BARTRIP, PETER W.J., The state and the steam-boiler in nineteenth century Britain. 25 77-105 BATH, B.H. SLICHER VAN, see SLICHER VAN BATH, B.H. BATT, JOHN, “United to support but not combined to injure”: public order, trade unions and the repeal of the Combination Acts of 1799-1800. 31 185-203 BAXTER, J.L. see under DONNELLY, F.K. BAYLEN, JOSEPH O., George Bernard Shaw and the Socialist League: some unpublished letters. 7 426-40 BEAN, R., Custom, job regulation and dock labour in Liverpool, 1911-39. 27 271-89 - Employers' associations in the Port of Liverpool, 1890-1914. 21 358-82 - The Liverpool dock strike of 1890. 18 51-68 INDEX TO CONTRIBUTORS 7 BECK, E.M. and TOLNAY, STEWART E., A season for violence. The lynching of blacks and labor demand in the agricultural production cycle in the American South. 37 1-24 BECKER, HOWARD, Church and state in the cosmos of Crete. 1 253-95 BELL, ALDON D., Administration and finance of the Reform League, 1865- 1867. 10 385-409 BENSON, JOHN, Colliery disaster funds, 1860-1897. 19 73-85 BENTON, GREGOR, Wang Ming Revisited: A New Look at the Chinese Second United Front. (Review essay) 37 255-62 [review of Kui-Kwong Shum The Chinese communists' road to power. The Anti-Japanese National United Front, 1935-1945. (1988)] - Review: Laszlo Ladany The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921-1985: a self-portrait; with a foreword by Robert Elegant. (1988) 33 354-7 BERGÈRE, MARIE-CLAIRE, La Chine: du mythe de référence au modèle d'action. 17 512-35 BERGMAN, JAY, The image of Jesus in the Russian revolutionary movement: the case of Russian Marxism. 35 220-48 BERGMAN, M., The potato blight in the Netherlands and its social consequences (1845-1847). 12 390-431 BERNECKER, WALTHER L., Review: Sebastian Balfour Dictatorship, workers and the city: Labour in greater Barcelona since 1939. (1989) 35 138-9 BERNSTEIN, SAMUEL, Babeuf's conspiracy viewed by the press of the United States. 20 91-107 BERTRAND, CHARLES L., Review: Neutral Europe between war and revolution, 1917-23; edited by Hans A. Schmitt. (1988) 34 341-3 BEVIR, MARK, The British Social Democratic Federation 1880-1885: from O'Brienism to Marxism. 37 207-29 BLACKBOURN, DAVID, Review: Friedrich Lenger Zwischen Kleinbürgertum und Proletariat: Studien zur Sozialgeschichte der Düsseldorfer Hand- werker, 1816-1878. (1986) 33 342-4 BLACKBURN, SHEILA, Working-class attitudes to social reform: Black Country chainmakers and anti-sweating legislation, 1880-1930. 33 42-69 BLAISDELL, LOWELL L., Aloysius Huber and May 15, 1848: new insights into an old mystery. 29 34-61 BLEWETT, MARY H., Review: Dorothy Sue Cobble Dishing it out. Waitresses and their unions in the twentieth century. (1991) 37 408-10 BLOCH, HERMAN D., The New York Afro-American's struggle for political rights and the emergence of political recognition, 1865-1900. 13 321-49 - The New York City Negro and occupational eviction, 1860-1910. 5 26- 38 8 CUMULATIVE INDEX TO THE INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY - The New York Negro's battle for political rights, 1777-1865. 9 65-80 BLUMENBERG, WERNER, Einige Briefe Rosa Luxemburgs. 8 94-108 - Marx' und Engels' Briefwechsel mit Franz Duncker. (Documents) 10 105-9 - Ein unbekanntes Kapitel aus Marx' Leben: Briefe an die holländischen Verwandten. 1 54-111 - Zur Geschichte des Bundes der Kommunisten: die Aussagen des Peter Gerhardt Röser. 9 81-122 BOER, WILLEM DEN, Greeks and the Greeks. 4 91-110 BOERDAM, CHRISTI, Review: Susan Cahn Industry and devotion: the transformation of women's work in England, 1500-1660. (1987) 34 122-4 BOGDANOVI!, MIRA, Review: Barbara Jancar-Webster Women & revolution in Yugoslavia 1941-1945. (1990) 37 121-2 BOOTH, ALAN, The United Englishmen and radical politics in the industrial North-West of England, 1795-1803. 31 271-97 BOSE, A.N., Evolution of civil society and caste system in India. 3 97-121 BOT, WIM, Review: Willy Buschak Das Londoner Büro: Europäische Linkssozialisten in der Zwischenkriegszeit. (1985) 34 343-6 BOTZ, GERHARD, Genesis und Inhalt der Faschismustheorien Otto Bauers. 19 28-53 BOURDET, YVON, Otto Bauer et la Russie soviétique: quatre lettres inédites d'Otto Bauer à Karl Kautsky. (Documents) 15 468-78 BOURGIN, GEORGES, Une entente franco-allemande: Bismarck, Thiers, Jules Favre et la répression de la Commune de Paris (Mai 1871). 1 41-53 BRAATZ, WERNER, The counter-revolution in 1933 as reviewed in two docu- ments addressed to Vice-Chancellor Papen. (Documents) 19 115-27 BRANDENBURG, ALEXANDER, Der Kommunistische Arbeiterbildungsverein in London: ein Beitrag zu den Anfängen der deutschen Arbeiterbildungsbewegung (1840-47).
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