University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 9-12-2008 Central Florida Future, Vol. 40 No. 76, September 12, 2008 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 40 No. 76, September 12, 2008" (2008). Central Florida Future. 2162. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/2162 .. .. • FREE • Published Mondays, Wednesda sand Frida s Waking the beast • Take-home test Nick Testa is the NightBeast Women's Soccer set to go against with an album sold only at -SEESPORTS,A7 - Hot Topic store8:- SEE VARIID,A9 ranked teams atI home. Travel UCF groups remember 9/11 victims Republicans, democrats unite ONLINE COVERAGE~ ,.. 9/11 in photos JEFFREY RILEY Union.· Flags and bauners Online News Editor For more photo galleries of the were flown from a tent as commemoration of Sept. 11, visit: members of the two organiza­ ? Despite being in a political­ tions listened to people share www.UCFNews.com ly vicious election year, the their memories of the event. College Democrats and Col­ 'We felt that it was impor­ about America lege Republicans put aside tant to make sure that it was "I think it's also important • their differences and each remembered and remem­ to never forget that we live in worked on memorial events bered appropriately," said a ·great country," York said. for the seven-year anniversary Justin York, president of the 'We live in a country that is ofthe Sept. llterropst attacks. College Republicans, as he blessed with prosperity, with At noon Thursday; q small spoke to passing students. peace, with unparalleled tal- rally was held on the concrete York gave a speech JOHANNA STEWART / CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE stage outside of the Student expressing the feelings he has PLEASE SEE VIGIL ON A6 Members of College Republicans and Conservative Knights rally outside the Student.Union. • CAPITALISM ,_ ATITS . SEXIEST ASacramento State graduate plans to se!I her virginity off through an on line auction. The 22-year-old, who said she is • using the psuedonym Natalie Dylan for safety reasons, was interviewed on the Howard Stem show.She said on the • .. show that since the U.S. is a capitalist . •... society,"Why shouldn't I be allowed to • capitalize on my Vi[ginity?'' .• ~--~i- f "~ · Progressive organizations get active at Memory Mall PHOTOS BY SARAH ROGERS / CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Breaking Tents and tables are set up-on the Memory MaJI for this year's Radical Rush, a collection of progressive and activist groups at UCF. JONATHAN HOHENSEE L) newson m_ _ your cell Staff Writer Radical Rush, an event held every semester by ·High Times associate publisher Get UCF news sent to your cell phone. Just text the keyword · the Progressive Council, started Sunday and ends Cusick praises activism at UCF UCFNEWS to 44636. today at UCF's Memory Mall. An umbrella organization for left-leaning polit­ CAITLIN SMITH ical organizations on campus, the Progressive Contributing Writer AROUND CAMPUS, A2 Council acts as a political alternative to the cam­ pus' Greek Rush Week. Radical Rush organizers Student. Union Room 218AB was standing room NEXT COLLECTIVE­ attempt to boost membership of prog_ressive only Wednesday; as more than 400 UCF students BARGAINING SESSION clubs, promote activism for various, causes and attended a National Organization for the Reform of TODAY IN MILLICAN provide furi events for both new and old members Marijuana Laws- ----·------ of UCF's Progressive Council clubs. sponsored speech deliv- "I learned how The next collective bargaining session "It brings an alternative and a place for new stu­ erea. by Richard Cusick, between the UCF Board ofTrustees dents to come in who maybe don't fit in with the associate publisher of and the United Faculty of Florida will Greek life or some of the other clubs," said Terri High Times magazine. to smoke, take place today from 1 p.m.-3:30 Baldwin, an education major and chair of Campus Cusick complimented p.m. in Room 243 of Millican Hall. Peace Action. "It gives them an opportunity to see UCF's chapter of sitting in a very what all our clubs have offered." NORML. "The hi.ovement needs movement," Baldwin "People at High Tunes small room·at a said; "and we're kind <:>f stagnate, so we're hoping know about this place, comedy club LOCAL & STATE,A2 maybe to Jump-start the movement a little bit with this chapter, because of some of the on-campus stuff." your activism," Cusick PROSECUTOR SAYS O~tions underneath the Progressive said "You are the genera­ watching TEEN KILLED FRIEND TO Co~d umbrella include Students for a Democ­ tion that is going to legal­ George Carlin." ratic S~Campus Freethought Alliance, Body ize marijuana, and I know 'II BECOME SERIAL KILLER of~~ts Campaigners and CodePink. this because rm standing - RICHARD CUSICK Aprosecuter says Michael Hernandez A ~wcomef to Radical Rush is Femnomina, a alongside the gold stan­ ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER killed a friend in a middle school ~~ fEtt#iiisf ~llective." Radical Rush was dard of activism in the OF HIGH TIMES bathroom as part of a plan to become ~~,ll.,ytbeProgtess.LVe Council organization United States." a serial killer. Miami-Dade Assistant -Oampµs. Pea~ ¥011.; an ()rganization dedicated UCF freshman Bren- ---------­ State Attorney Carin Kahgan-made tef p:rotti()W)g ~-Cle ton Rees sat patiently on the floor before Cusick's that charge Thursday in opening Tb.f: cen~ ,;,f:Radical Rush week is Tent speech began. statements at the trial in Orlando. ~lg; a,st-c»\iP.~t~i:s:iset\tp at the'middle ofMem- "fm very interested in what he is going to say, just orf:J~!f=.~"~~~~- in which members because ofwho he is;' Rees said "I am not yet a mem­ UCF-student Julie Sackett paints a promotional sign ber ofNORML, but'! think after tonight, I'd like to be." ti for Radical Rush. Radical Rush is a weeklong event NATION & WORLD, A4 hosted by the progressive groups on UCF's campus. PLEASE SEE HIS ON A3 INSURGENT ATTACK MAKES 2008 DEADLIEST YEAR FOR U.S. TROOPS An insurgent attack on a compound in Loser contestants stand-Out eastern Afghanistan killed a U.S. Slain student's soldier, bringing the year's death toll to •MELISSA CHADBOURNE 112 and making 2008 the deadliest Staff Writer year for American forces in Emotional support, goal parents to file suit Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion. setting and acceptance of • self-worth are the key:s to a TARAYOUNG Claim.ants that had the Semi­ healthy lifestyle, according to News Editor nole County SherifPs Office INDEX TODAY'S last season's contestants on properly discharged their • Around Campus 2 WEATHER The Biggest Loser. Chuck and Janice Ruschak, duties the murder of Michael • Weather 2 Brittany Aberle and parents of Michael Ruschak, a G. Ruschak would have been local &State 2 Bernie Salazar spoke Tues­ murdered UCF student, have avoided In particular, the Nation &.World 4 day at Stand Up! Stand Out!, announced that they plan to Seminole County SherifPs Sports 7 presented by Kappa Delta, file a civil lawsuit against the .Office failed to take any action Variety 9 , ISOLATED Zeta Tau Alpha and Kappa Seminole County SherifPs to prevent this accident despite Classifieds 11 T-STORMS Alpha Theta Office. being asJ<ed for assistance and The notice of claim, filed by Sudoku 11 Aberle struggled with her protection by the deceas~d, 0 MELISSA CHADBOURNE/ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Crossword I 91° 1s Carolyn Salzmann, an attorney 11 Brittany Aberle and Bernie Salazar, contestants from last season's Biggest Loser, speak with Morgan and Morgan, HIGH lOW to UCF students about healthy living and weight management Tuesday in the Union. · PLEASE SEE ABERLE ON A5 states, "It is the position of the PLEASE SEE VICTIMS ON A3 • Al www.CentralFloridaFuture.com September 12, 2008 • lttmaf ,t'm 1uturt • AROUND (rotral • j CAMPUS I News and notices for the UCF community J=loriba • Collective bargaining session today The next collective bargain­ '\ ing session between the UCF ' Board of'Ihlstees and the Unit­ J=uture ed Faculty of Florida will take nie Student Newspaper at UCF since 1968 place today from 1 p.m.-3:30 September 12, 2008 p.m. in Room 243 of Millican • Hall Vol 40, Issue 76 • 12 Pages Contact Sherry Andrews at The Cmrm/ Florida Future is the independent student- 407-823-1550 or e-mail her at written n~per at the Unilffiity of Central Ronda. Opinions in the Future are those of the indi\'idual • [email protected] for • columnist and not necessarily those of the edrtorial staff more information ortheUniversityi!dministration. All content Is property of the (entru/Fl«idofutureand may not be reprinted in pan or in whole without permission from the publisher. Free food at'Grubbin on the Green' • Come out to Woman's NEWSRQQM -·· Prayer Band and Men of Val­ 407-447-4558 ·; our's "Grubbin on the Green" Editor-in-Chief tomorrow from 11 am.-3 p.m. at Padrick Brewer x213 Memory Mall editor@(entm/FloridaFuture.com There will be free food, games and a chance to make News Editor new friends. Tara Young x213 News.CFF@gmailcom Mr.
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