The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus RALLVLSONS iUI NOTRE DAME m ALUMNUS i '-1^^ ^J ' -J -t 'U?^ Ji-. VOLUME 39 NUMBER 5 NOVEMBER ' 1961 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers JOHN C. 0'CoKsoR,'3S...Jlonorary President Sditorial Comment WALTER L. FLEMIXG, JR., '40 President PAUL J. Cusn:.N-G,'31 Fund Vice-President JAMES J. B\-RNE,'43 Club Vice-President W. EDMUND SHEA, '23.-..Class Vice-President from your JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25 Executive Secretary Alumni Secretary Directors to 1962 JAMES J. BYRNE, '43 Byrne Plywood Co. Do you get the feeling that fund- $300 to $500, would hark back to Ute Roj'al Oak, Michigan raising is currently a grim and unre­ University's famous first Endowment C PAUL J. GUSHING, '31 lenting obsession in the Notre Dame Drive, which proved that the first mil­ Hydraulic Dredging Co. family picture? lion is not necessarily the hardest. Oakland, California Well, I am not about to tell you that WALTER L. FLEMING^ JR., '40 IV. "The John W. Cavanaugh Ora­ Fleming & Sons, Inc. it is not serious, not vital, and not P.O. Box 1291, Dallas, Texas unrelenting. But — torical Society." This group of donors W. EDMUND SHEA, '23 I think we ought to breathe a little of $100 to $300, would commemorate Third National Bank Bldg. in spite of it. The grocery bill is grim one of the most eloquent of Notre Dayton, Ohio and unrelenting. But it would be a sad Dame's Presidents, not by eloquence Directors to 1963 family tliat never enjoyed a meal be­ alone, but by their belief in the cor- MAURICE CARROLL^ '19 cause of it. rollary virtue, that money talks! 5743 Dehnar Blvd. St. Louis 12, Missouri The challenge, for example, (when yoii live with it daily) often suggests V. "The John A. Zahm Explorers^ ROGER J. HUTER, '40* Society." This group, many of them Huter-Quest Co. colorful possibilities that the leaders 833 W. Main St. frown on. I don't expect to get this venturing away from their native $5 Louisville, Kentucky past tile counsel, so we might as well to $10 habitat into the $25 to $100 WILLIAM P. MAHCNEY, JR., '38 put it on the jungle drums for you. territories beyond, could write a stirring 612 Arizona Bank Bldg. page into this program, possibly titled Phoenix, Arizona Lots of thought has been given to an "Up the Average with Pen and Check­ HARRY J. MEHRE, '22 appropriate separation of the demo­ book." 686 Greenwood Ave., N.E. cratic donor into various segments of Atlanta 6, Georgia democracy depending on the size of his VI. "The Edward Sarin Hot Brick Directors to 1964 gift. None of us like this, because ac­ Society." I hope this will be a small but JOHN P. DEMPSEY, '49 tually any donor in good faith and ef­ valiant group, dedicated simply to clos­ Kidder, Peabody & Co. fort, should stand shoulder to shoulder ing the gap between 100% participa-6 123 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. »vith his fello^v. tion and whatever figure the other So­ PATRICK A. DOUGHERTY-, '50 But in my tossing nights I have dwelt 4909 34th Avenue, S. cieties may have reached. It will face Minneapolis, Minnesota on a group of Societies (stemming from the ruins of its own budgets, reach into WILLIAM H. FALLON, '37 the old Societies tliat once provided the the smoking rubble and come up with 18 Boston Post Rd. campus extracurricular outlets), which a pledge that if all were gone, the Larchmont, New York are historically reminiscent, personally budget would be started over again. OLIVER H. HUNTER, '43 inspiring, inherently significant, and F.B.I., P.O. Box 23 only the amounts are changed to pro­ There you have some of the thinking New Castle, Pennsylvania tect the innocent. (Amounts suggested WALTE* AppointeR dFLEMIN to fill Gunexpire d tcim of George Con­ that the textbooks frown upon. But if JAMEnor, S'48 BYRN, whoE resigned under pressurClube oActivitiesf busines. are annual gift pledges.) you read as much into the few lines WChairme. EDMUNnD SHEof Ath e 1961 ClassCommittee Activitiess PAUL GUSHING and suggestions as they convey to me Alumni Fundy Foundation andExecutive Gifts I. "The Theodore M. Hesburgh As­ as I pass them along, this will be an|| JAMES J. BYRNE Preparatory Schools tronaut Society." This would be the enjoyable mental exercise, with tradi­ JOHN DEMPSEY. symbolic group in which would be the Placement and Job Counseling tional, historical, sentimental, modem W. EDMUND SHEA Inter-Alumni Affairs donors of $1,000 and up, and up . and most practical connotations. WILLIAM MAHONEY, JR and up . and up, etc., up! Prestige and Public Relations I am prompted to add my needle to MAURICE CARROLL your giving in this lighter vein by the .Jieligion and Citizenship II. "The John J. Cavanaugh Lead­ fact that in the Alumni Survey, you W. EDMUND SHEA AND JAMES B'i-RNE.. ership Society." This group would pro­ Nominations said that your primary reason for giving HARRY MEHRE Budget and Finance vide the answer to the question, "Where to Notre Dame is Loyalty; your second WILLIAM MAHONEY, JR Jlesolutions are the Catholic Astors, Vanderbilts, reason is Interest; your third reason is Aga Khans, etc?" In this great group Gratitude. This magazine is publislied bi-monthly by would be the donors of $500 to $1,000. Not until more than three out of the University of Notre Dame, Noti« Dame, Ind. Entered as second class mat­ four alumni had given these reasons di(^ ter Oct. 1, 1939, at the Post Office, Notre Dame, Ind. under the act o( Aug. 24, 1912. III. "The James A. Burns First Mil­ we come to the fourth alunmus whc^ lion Society." This group, donors of said his motivation was conviction, so- licitation, or other factual formula fac- ) tors. Keep the Societies ip mind. You will have to apply for your own member­ ship, accept or blackball yourself, ini­ C'minus'ZEROl tiate yourself, and probably meet in a rocking chair. But I am sure that some­ Challenge General Appeal means will permit." time, when this campaign is successfully Approaching Maximum Thrust Joseph I. O'NeiU, Jr., of Midland, over, and Notre Dame is doing the job After Nationwide Countdown Te.\., who will direct the personal so­ that destiny indicates, the Societies will licitation of all Notre Dame alumni The legendary "spirit of Notre and friends this fall, reminded Notre gather with their sponsors and shoot an Dame" and a special, 5,000-mile tele­ e.xtra gleam oflF the Golden Dome to Dame men that they are being asked phone network linked alumni and "to give substantially more than we light the way for those then near it. friends throughout the country on Oc­ , J. E. A. may have been in the habit of giving tober 17 in a rally launching the gen­ to the familiar annual fund." eral appeal of the University's $18,000,- 000 Challenge Program. Speaking from Dallas, Walter Flem­ ing, president of the Notre Dame The closed-circuit program, which Alumni Association, said "Notre Dame emanated largely from the North has the dreams and the hopes. We are Dining Hall on the campus, was heard the ones who are called to make the by Notre Dame men, their families and dreams come true, to give life to the guests attending Notre Dame Chal­ hopes." By participating in the fund lenge Rallies in fifty-four cities from drive, each alumnus "can write a few coast-to-coast. An additional sLxty cities paragraphs in a great chapter of Notre not on the telephone network held Dame's history," he said. rallies built around local programs. The I NOTRE Mfy'|,^RKiiJJ"j largest gathering was at McCormick I'^'SfS' Place in Chicago where more than Tl r DAME 1,400 attended. Kolre I Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., Dtame I Notre Dame president, headed a roster ' ALUMNUS of University officials, trustees, promi­ OCT. || nent alumni and campaign leaders who I Vol. 39, No. 5 • November, 1961 spoke to members of the nationwide W II I Notre Dame family. Father Hesburgh also e.xplained the importance of the j Editor James E. Armstrong, '25 $18,000,000 fund drive and charted -L^:e:!<^:-:^-. j Managing Editor John F. Laughlin '48 Notre Dame's future in a film shown at Mrs. Ernest M. Morris, of South Columnist each of the rallies. Bend, chairman of the Woman's Ad­ • Rev. Thomas J. O'Donnell, C.S.C., '41 James E. Armstrong, e.\ecutive secre­ visory Council at the University, spoke ! Photographer M. Bruce Harlan, '49 tary of the Notre Dame Alumni Asso­ for the wives, mothers and sweethearts ciation, was master of ceremonies for of Notre Dame men everywhere. "Like the program, introducing speakers from women the world over and down In This Issue: New York, Detroit, Chicago, Dallas through the years," she said, "we look Editorial opposite and San Francisco as well as from the to our men for victory — especially campus. Music was provided by the C-Minus-Zero page 1 Notre Dame men." Notre Dame Glee Club directed by Challenge Appeal Underway Others who appeared on the closed Prof. Daniel H. Pedtke. circuit program from the campus rally Give'Em Both Burners page 2 J. Peter Grace, Jr., national chair­ included Rev. Edmund P, Joyce, Rev. James Armstrong, '25 man of Notre Dame's greatest fund- Chester A. Soleta, Rev. John E. Walsh, What Notre Dame Can Be page 5 raising eflFort, spoke from New York, Bernard J.
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