KE~T COUNTY A:SNUAL SE.ASONS-l.8B4~ (Cu,.m.u~ TlML) cl. h. d. Spr:n.;o hrl:fna ............11>54 l>larrh 20 0 )1, r...t..................... o: liurum•·r l.q:lna ••.•.•••.. I~ Juuo 20 II A. La.t&.................... tl Autumn l...-.;:ino .......... 1'>51 lkptrmbor IS 10M. lAoota .................... • ~·mter bc;ina. .......... 1~~<;1 Uettn.bor 21 ~ ,\!, TtoplCllll )'ew............ 166 ~--~~--------~ CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES-188~. Domlnieal Letlan...... t·. &.llAinarCydoor Golden !'lumber.... '·I nom.• n lndir:>llon .. .. i:J*)t.................. ll !1olM Cyet. ...................... -17. Ju!!:.n l'~r.o-1 .... .. Tho ynr tu• ls tho bt",.rlnn1ni: or Lhe 5(;.'!:. 1~' IIUC"C UIO I Cl:..t!Oil of the · ·orlil. A ¢C(,;Ird.n~ the Je•·a. <Jf \hfl )·ear lJO'.! Of the .\1oh.\1nllled.\n tm, &ruJ r.f t.IJq )l'\f ';S!I.!-3 Of U~o il..rz..~ntine t1 the ~umin:: or Lho 4~th )"t.Ar of \'ictvd:\"1 rcl;n, lho lbth of t!o-.: l>o:nlolon of c.ra&J.a, .nJ 1CY.I~h ol the ln<lependero« ol the \lnltcti ~t,.tcs. FIXED AND MOVABLE FESTIVA!..S-1884. EplJ'MnT............................. J:.n. 411 M c:col'l;'t' .......................... ,Apnl MI"IU1:C.1ma Sunda) ................. t'ol•. l<J t:o,:.. t ...n:.un.J .• y .....................11•1 Qu<nqtu;:eolrna-Shru•• SunJ•y....... t'cb. 21 <\occn.lordl.w ~ ll ol) Thun<by ........11•1 .Aah W~n.Wo.y ......................l'~lo. ~ T'orJtewot~\\hlhur.·d ..y ..............Juae 8~ llo.' ul. .............. , ........... .,)llirch 1 Trmit) ~'••nd>~ ........................June !'rrat Sundo.y in Lent .................. )l~rth : t:orvu• I :tlr:.t< .........................J ur.e St. l'.. tnck ............................ ~t.uch 1; M. John llat•t •t-~ho!mm u.. , ......... J u"' AnnUJJcbt.on ......................... )l~r<h ~. )lldmc'.nra•·ll~) .......................Sq:·l. P.tm Sund~r........... ............. At,ril 6 hr•t ti:ur.,I.Ay iu Ath, r.t ................ ~"'"· Oood •·rt.s:.v ......................... ,,\pr~l 11 M. An<ll'\."10',. ...........................:'> ••· l!»tor 6anday ........................ April ll iii. Thom~ ............................V..'C. Low Su.'loby .......................... Apnll!O Chri,tmM !>.. , ........................ Hte. :Saw Year'• Day, <:oo.l}'ri•lay, Qu«n'o 1~1'\hd.. y, l>o>~~an !nn lh), Chrl tuw ll.. > ... n<l TJ,:>l\! ri' ln,: l>"'y are lq:-.1 hob.) a~ 1 In On\.:VIO. Tbete, ad lied to l.l•• l"h:.n), Armt.;:;d.:a.t~or•, Aacen~. Cooccp:ton, Corpu• <..'1uiat.i, St.. l'ckr est. 1·.u.1, antJ A:i :;; •. ,.t.,' u .• ), :.ra lt" ..~1 bolida)'llllU Qu~ MORNING AND EVENING STARS-1884. • :MERCURY will he Eotnlu;l Slllr about J-'nll~f) 4, Apr:! 2:>, AII~'Uit 2:1, and n-mbu1 a nd ll<>mi"ii .'iiAr ahoul t'ebruar713. Juno 1%, '"'' OC'..ob<:r 4. '\r'I:SlJS ,.,II be l:.'otnit,q Sl4r till Jul) \1: thon ,1/crnh~l Scar the rc•t ol tt.• yur. J Ul'ITI:R w1ll b.! ENn111g $1<J1' t1.1 Aujpat 7, :.n•l .l(•ruit~:l Star ttao rut ol tt.e )'<"'· EOL IPS:k:S -l.OB·l:~ Tbere are Dve eclir- for the year ~~~. t.ul only one-.a wt:.l ecl•t•so of the ruoon-lalllore • t.. Ylaible lD Sorth Awerica. 1L owurain Cho.tha1u 11me: Uoon ontcra ab.adow • b. 12 an. Llll.; mooa le&\'CI ah:.dow I b. 1 Dl, Llll. TALBOT RoAD. ~~~.\RALLF.L with tho ahoro of L.•k·~ Eri~, n~ a 11hort diatanco th~re· ,.. .., frulll runs tho Ohl Gon•rnmcnt I.J••l••m7~>tll•n Hoad, J..m,wu n.. s 'lal­ { f ~' ~ but Street. 'l'ho work of tho Jato Culonol 'l'alb.•t, awl f(•flnin;; p:•rt ~..:,.,~ of n. "l'lleml 11chcmo for tho coloni7.atiou of the Be\·oral southern lake wuntica, ~ts construction through Kent Cc.unty dat"a fr•~m th~·. year lSlG Thoro and then itA path by through unLrokcn forest. \\hal >it 1 aJIIIJt settl~ra had hcun for sonH! years cllt.;•blishcd un tho lake front c,f El!:in tuwn­ ship.~, whilst U. K I~oynli&t. settlomentll in Uosticld and Culehcsh·r had lllr.:Ja.dy m:do commotHlah~u pro~ress ~mdcr a r~_cord commencing a.." cl\rly llJI ljj;) :\lu! whibt the c!c.Lrllli(8 uf tho Th;uiH:~ f.tvcr under 1\ 8Ct•rC of )'can of htsto'ry had hcL"'ille both !lllllt~rvuii aml extcwlcd, ~hu tract ,ui country bur· doritw on tho Erte shore 111 h.ent Couuty, nnd whtch the 'lalbCJt Hoad tra­ verseJ, furmcd, until thol p~riod mentioned, part of tho ct<-rnal hush prcv"il­ in!l betWl>CII tho lake nnJ ri\'<'T. A tract vr ,lehat.a.hlo l:md, It had n•· f\1:\t.la and wa., hut barely •• .:cc.•~tl,lo by~ (ow dc\·ious and ill-defined Indian trails, along whi.;h, alone, vcuturtJautno por&onR ma<lc tho journoy frou1 tho onu '!lettlcmcnt to the other. It w;~~ pr:wt1cally without v.·hit.c inhi~bitants. A few fc.ulc!ltl a<h-entur­ era m,lcc<l h ... l alr,•a.ly m:~.lo o. lwmc in its forest& duptha. As !!nrly n.s J HO'"J one Crnwiurd ha<llocated himself <>n or near what is now tho fann11tc:ul of Mr. Joseph Patterson, Lot 9!• 'l'alhot Strout, and was ekoing out n.n i~ola~'tl aml pro..:arious existcncu in clearing his claim, in tl'n.pping wild animals, <•r raising nnd tcndin;; cattle for rh·cr scttlcra on tho pr.~irie cxpnnseiiiiUrrourHl­ ing tho !£au. Onu Dicknon, :m American hunter, ha•l esconcc<l himself on tho Pvinto au.l. Pins, n.n<l was enjoying a tmpper'a rich fur harn•st until his cxista'ncc wa.:; cut short hy the ritll•, rumor (sometimes faulty ru111or) has it, of a wickud pct-:;un, whose own misemblo dl•ath anu criminal doings in nftcr years is yot frc~h in tho memory of the ohlcr 1\Jorpcth inhabitants. <)n tho Sopt>r farm, nt tho Rond Km shoro, Ramsay. oncu tho owner of 1200 acres in t ucighbor!wod, lin.>tl a prl·-hiAtoric lifu in what we shn.ll term a <lumi­ cilo, hut what uHl settler'\ ~tyle•l a cave ur 'lug-rout, nnll ho himscli a gr<•nn<l hawk or ho;;. Tow:1rd11 tho buginning of tho year lhl2, .Toa. :md Ed. Hack­ n~y had cst.>hlishctl thoms~lves at " point :~.little cast of what is now tho Vll!<lg<l of Ha~l:m-a creatwn of the cntcrpnso of the late E. L. l::itO<.t.lnnl­ where, amid llcspcrato surroundings, wolf-f,·ar..:'l h.lunts 1\tHI sn.>ke-infestcll marsh. they commenced thu pioneer lifll which they shortly after le<l in the more <lesirahlo locality on Talbot Itoad, . ju~t v.·est t>i what is no\r )Iorpcth. 1f the st4Jry be true, it was one of tho Hacl..ncys w!&o ftmnd the sui! w:mn romotins of Dickbon's body and gave it sepulchre in the sands nenr the E:m beach, at a placu yet potntcd out by some of tho old<•r settlers. But lwvond those o~ceptions, and tho cn.mps of a few f;\milies of Pottawattomio I miianA long aftcrw:mls ro3idcnt in tho woods I{>Uth of Blenheim, tho trnct was devoid of inhabitants. But, if untouchtlll by tho 110ttlom' nxo, Talbot Str~ot was ncwrthdcss tho aceno of aovtlral intoro&ting enmt.s. Along its RhoN Gcueml Brock and hia plucky and patriotic troops rowed, to mcasuri!<l timo, by ioreC<l Ln.tcnu mR.rchea in order to form a conjunction near Amhorstburg with tho Kent :Militia thon boing c:illud to n.rma ~long thu Thamca by Quartor-.llastcr KJ<;XT COll~TY A~NUAL ~hmnhcr&, ami thonctJ to a.ntic:pa.to t)ul American ~rm~ which .h:Ld alreadJ m:m"m\\ti!<l tht.l wl\r of HH~ by crossIn~ the D,•tr•nt Hl\·cr. :\ ...'l\r tho E. his l~hllittlc contin"cnt of Imperial trvopa n111l Can:l.Cha.n Mihtin h.,d a c:unpo•l; a111l from there wn.a inucJ through A. D. C. J. G. C:lq;g u Jnt!mora.hlu ~o:oncral ol'\1,•r of Pointe 1\IIX Pins, 12th Aut{ust, 1812. "<l! ~Iortality" places this hial:<>ric c:\n~ping a pot at :t. p(Jint a fow r<Hls cnst (Jf ell mouth of Bisnott'a Cr~ck, whcru, 111 early yc:u'8, grew on tho Jry har at tJ. lnko tho fatuous lancl-m:u·k "llrock'11 'l'ree," 1\ laq;o elm boa.rin~ on itA trulli tho blal.oJ rooor<l uf ~hll f:1et rt>dtod and which. y,•ar• aL:u. fell :t.s did ia successor, frum tho w:u.h of tho lake, fur tho "L<mo 'l'reo" which ut:: rt.~c.!ntly stood out SC\'ernl rods in tho lake, nn<l uow lyiug prone alvnj tla wa.tcr'a eolgo, an<l woll knuwn to tho p.ut nml pruaent generation, :m .. fa yc.us formi.l~ an intcrc.,ting object to pntriotio.: visitors to tho heach, q not the orit:in'\1 hlazcd elm around which Hr.ICk't. lll>!Jicrs hi\'oullcl.cd, bull .a-piing which grow UJt ncar tho aite of t.hu former. _\lonJ tho old alwro trail, p.'lta·iota, enrolled n.s His :'ll:t.jeaty'a LoJl Can:\(lian :\Iilitia, l:\horion~ly and dubiouRly atmde ita de\•ioua and hru» t:m~lcd Jcn;.:th at tho call of cluty.
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