
ITU A|Z • Vol 12 No 2 • July 2015 • 59-68 In search of an ‘Ottoman Landscape’: Sinan’s works in Trace as expression of tangible heritage Luca ORLANDI [email protected] • Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey Received: February 2015 Final Acceptance: April 2015 Abstract Te aim of the paper is to describe the ‘Ottoman Landscape’ designed by ar- chitect Sinan in the 16th Century, through examples of architectural artifacts like mosques, staging posts, caravanserais, complexes, bath and bridges inside the Turkish border of the Trace region. Te land routes connected the capital of the Ottoman Empire Istanbul to the rest of Europe were important routes crossing the Western lands under the control of the Ottomans, to reach other countries and lands. Tanks to descriptions lef by many travelers, we can today have an idea of the cities, the urban spaces, the landscape and the territories of Trace during the Ottoman time, in a period covering approximately the last fve centuries. A description of Sinan’s works in the territory of Trace is given and analyzed, focusing on interesting aspects related to the choice of the site, the urban planning approach and the architectural features. Nowadays Sinan’s works are still visible in the territory and in the minor centers of Trace, or outside big cities like Istanbul and Edirne. Troughout these investigations and studies we can re-construct and re-shape the enormous heritage lef by him as part of an ‘Ottoman Landscape’, not only considers in terms of specifc and unique monuments that need to be protected, but also as part of a cultural ‘milieu’ that belongs to our contemporary world. Tis landscape needs to be revitalized, to preserve the memory of its historical values and for its future persistence in the territory. Keywords Heritage, Landscape, Ottoman Architecture, Sinan, Trace. 60 Tis paper will introduce the con- Muslims, Catholics and Orthodox cept of an ‘Ottoman landscape’ en- Christians. Te traces and infuenc- riched by a considerable number of es lef by the Turks and the Ottomans works designed by architect Sinan in almost six hundred years of domi- through the years during the apogee nation and sovereignty are spread out of Ottoman Empire in the second half everywhere, still having a remarkable of the Sixteenth Century. Te border- presence in the territory. Te prov- lands between Turkey and Europe, the ince of Rumelia extending from west- Balkans, being quite rich in terms of ern Turkey to the border of the Aus- architectural artifacts, still carry the trian and Slovenian territories at the traces of the Ottoman hegemony in time reached almost Vienna, included these territories. For this purpose, the countries like Croatia, Hungary, Ro- paper will consider sections of this ge- mania, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, ography, located in Trace, where the Greece, Macedonia, Kosovo and Mon- works of architect Sinan are a notewor- tenegro. Te Turkish word Rumelia (or thy experience of cultural signals. Te Rumeli) can be translated as the Land building layout, the urban scene and of the Rum, as the Turkish populations the territorial transformation of those intended the territories belongs once to lands, seen as a whole, testify a great the Greeks or the Byzantines or more Ottoman cultural heritage currently generally the Romans and passed lat- belonging to Turkey and shared with er under their control. Tis western its neighbors. As a starting point, this province of the Empire comprise of a cultural heritage distributed among striking number of Ottoman works of Turkey and other Eastern European architecture and engineering master- countries today, can be read as an ap- pieces, precisely illustrating the afore- proach for a better integration and sub- mentioned ‘Ottoman landscape’, strict- stantial continuum - hopefully in the ly linked to the Ottoman Civilization. near future - between the Republic of Te works built by Sinan, mosques, Turkey and the European Union. staging posts, caravanserais, complex- Te research on Sinan’s works and es as the basic example of architectural the ‘Ottoman landscape’ in Trace is works as well as the roads, bridges and based on the PhD dissertation thesis, aqueducts being the main examples (Orlandi, 2005) which was discussed at of engineering projects defne the 16th the Polytechnic of Turin in May 2005. Century Ottoman landscape through It was developed inside the PhD pro- small towns and along the caravan gram undertaken and named: “Histo- routes of Trace. In this paper it will be ry and Critic of the Architectural and examined the system routes and tracks Environmental Heritage”. It can be for the caravans and the station posts considered as an interdisciplinary feld locations, called menzilhane, and the research inherent to specifc areas such bridges or other infrastructures lef in architecture, city planning, landscape the territory related to the great archi- architecture, restoration, conservation, tect Sinan as well as their current con- regeneration planning and sustainabil- ditions. ity. Te dissertation thesis investigates Te choice of the Trace region as a and involves diferent felds and sub- case-study is also due to the fact that jects not only related to History of Ar- this area can be regarded as the true chitecture or Urban History neither it heart of the Ottoman State, centered should be merely intended as another around two of the three capitals of the monographic study on Sinan. Part of big empire, the frst being Edirne and this PhD dissertation results was pre- Istanbul the second. So, the choice of 1 Te ‘Sinan’ın sented some years ago to an interna- the region is not solely connected to its kentleri – kentlerde 1 tional audience, during a symposium , relation to the great and unique archi- Sinan imgesi’ (1) and later developed as a publication tecture of Sinan (Figure 1). syposium was (Orlandi, 2009). Te ancient Greeks and Romans organized by Te lands belonging to the Balkan once called the region Tracia or Tra- the Chamber of the Architects of Peninsula are marked by the presence cia, which current translation in En- Kayseri, between of strong multi-ethnical components glish language is Trace; today portion 6th and 9th of April and followers of several religions like of it - known as Trakya by the Turkish 2009. ITU A|Z • Vol 12 No 2 • July 2015 • L. Orlandi 61 vated and re-designed by them. Tis was essential for the maintenance of their big empire with all its necessary relations and, of course for strategic purposes as well.2 During their rise in the middle of the Sixteenth Century, the Ottomans were able to establish and develop new cities and villages, commercial centers or simply multi-functional complexes along those roads. Terefore, they built infrastructures like bridges to cross lands and aqueducts to bring water to the towns; designed new roads to in- crease relationships, trades and com- merce between people and countries, as well as to move armies, to control or to enlarge the empire’s borders, follow- ing a policy of territorial expansion, Figure 1. Te Selimiye mosque in Edirne and they transformed the landscape, (Photo @ Luca Orlandi). both in architectural and urban scale, - is the only part of Turkey geograph- by designing several functional ele- ically inside the border of the Euro- ments, urban features and setting land- pean continent and it is divided into marks on it. Tis practice of the Otto- four main administrative sub-regions man civilization both in the conquered today: Istanbul, Edirne, Kırklareli and lands and in their own territories has Çanakkale. Te paper is centered on been well analyzed by Gülru Necipoğlu some specifc spots and places where in her studies; while introducing Sinan Sinan designed some of his master- and his patronage in relation to the ter- pieces and it doesn’t intend to cover all ritory and the policy, she states that: the architectural production lef by the “Te colonization of space through Ottomans in this region, before and af- settlement […] played a central role ter Sinan. Trough several examples of in Ottoman architectural culture” (Ne- socio-religious or multi-purpose road- cipoğlu, 2005, p. 71). side complexes built by Sinan in those Leaving aside the present condition territories during his long career, the of the routes or the architectural re- impact of his architectural production mains, for an appreciation of an ‘Otto- is still visible, in terms of urban and man landscape’ in Trace, it should also rural landscape and it is possible to be considered the travel literature as a recognize main changes and modifca- primary source in investigation of this tions in the territory itself. kind; in fact, descriptions and sketch- In the Ottoman Empire in fact, the es lef by many travelers, sometimes in land routes connecting Istanbul to the the form of travelogue or in the form of rest of Europe – in other words, link- sketch-books, give very detailed infor- ing the East to the West and vice versa mation which is not always available in the contemporary environment, ofen 2 – were an important network of roads For general compromised by a ‘careless’ modern- information about used by travelers, traders, armies, am- the Ottoman bassadors, pilgrims and others for cen- ization process. Today it is possible to administration of turies. Te land routes, which crossed have a sufcient idea of cities, towns, those territories the Western lands, were entirely under urban spaces, transformed landscape see: Pitcher, the control of the Ottomans; they reach and territories of Trace during the (1972; Beldiceanu, Ottoman time, in a period covering ap- (1980); Bombaci other countries, connecting many im- – Shaw, (1981); portant cities, and were in many cases proximately the last fve-six centuries.
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