CA PE T OWN • DAR ES S ALA AM This epic 15-day train journey travels through South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania and is one of the most famous in the world. The sojourn begins in Cape Town taking guests to the historic village of Matjiesfontein, the diamond town of Kimberley and the capital city of Pretoria for short tours followed by two nights in the Madikwe Game Reserve*. Con�nue through Botswana into Zimbabwe where guests overnight at the Victoria Falls Hotel. A�er crossing the mighty Zambezi River, the train joins the Tazara line in Zambia and con�nues to Chisimba Falls where guests enjoy a bush walk. The train climbs to the Tanzanian border then descends into the Great Ri� Valley nego�a�ng the tunnels, switchbacks and viaducts of the spectacular escarpment . Climbing again, it traverses the Selous Game Reserv e – the largest on the con�nent and a vision of �meless Afric a – before the bustling arrival in Dar es Salaam the following day . Available in reverse . Please note that depending upon the railway’s capacity this journey could be routed northwards through Beitbridge and Zimbabwe. *Or Kwa Maritane in Pilanesberg Game Reserve. DAY 1 11h0 0 Depart Cape Town Sta tion on the Pr ide of Africa. 18h0 0 Arr ive in Ma tjies fon tein and exp lore the qua int vill age . Dinner and ove rnight on the train. (Break fast 07h00 -10h 00 • Lunch 13h00 • Tea 16h30 • Dinn er 19 h30) DAY 2 14h0 0 Tour of Kimber ley ’s Big Ho le and Diamond Mine Museum . Ten minutes after dep art ing Kimber ley a sha ll ow lake app ears on the left-hand side of the train wher e, on most occa sions , the re are spe cta cular flocks of Le sser Flam ingos (app rox imat ely 23 000) . Trave l from the Karo o to the Highve ld. Dinner and ov ern ight on bo ard . DAY 3 10h0 0 Arr ive at Rovos Rail Station in Ca pita l Par k, Pre tor ia. En joy a wa lking tour of the stat ion and loc omot ive wo rksh ops (weat her perm i�ing ) f oll owed by lunch on the plat form and a city tour of Preto ria at 14 h15 . 18h0 0 Depart for Zee rust in the Nor th West Prov inc e. Dinner and ov ern ight on boar d. DAY 4 11h0 0 Disembark at Zeeru st and tran sfer by coach to Mad ikwe Re ser ve for a two -night st ay at TAU Game Lodg e*. Lunch is ser ved upon arriva l at the lod ge. Afterno on tea and game dr ive (approx imat ely 3 hou rs). Dinner and over night at the lodg e. DA Y 5 En joy an ear ly mor ning game drive , afternoon game drive and other gue st activities. Overn igh t at the lodg e. DAY 6 Ear ly mor ning game dr ive foll owed by br eak fast unt il 09h30. 10h3 0 Tran sfer to the train at with bor der forma li ties en route to Gabo rone , Bot swana. 13h3 0 Depart Gabo rone and trav el to Plumtree for border forma li ties and ov ern igh t. DAY 7 Day at leisu re on boar d. Lec tures will be given du ring the cour se of the morn ing an d/o r after noon by the on -board histo rian . The tra in passes Gwaa i and Dete along one of Africa ’s longest st ret ches of st raight rail way li ne – 114 kil ometre s – and along the eas tern edge of the Hwange Na tiona l Park wh ere occa siona l sight ings of an imals can occur . The tra in he ads for Thompso n’s Jun ction for the ove rnight stop . DAY 8 12h0 0 Arr ive at t he incomparab le Victor ia Fall s and wa lk acro ss to the ho tel. En joy lunch. 16h0 0 Sunse t Cruise on the Zambez i Rive r. Bu ffet dinner at J ung le Junc tion . Over nigh t at t he hote l. DAY 9 Day at leisure in the Victor ia Fa ll s with act ivities (tour of Fa ll s, he li copt er over Fall s, elephant - back sa far i, wa lk with li ons , wh itewater ra fting , bung ee- jump ing , go lf, etc ). 16h0 0 Depart Victo ria Fa ll s and cro ss the bridge to Livings tone , Zamb ia. DA Y 10 Day at leisu re on boar d. Lec tures will be given du ring the cour se of the morn ing an d/o r after noon by the on -board histo rian . The tra in tra vels ac ross the Ka fue rail way br idg e – a 477 - metre long stee l gird er tru ss bridge of 13 spans each at 33 met res suppo rted on co ncr ete piers – towa rds Kapiri Mposh i and the start of the TAZARA rail way li ne . DAY 11 En joy a day at leisure on the tr ain. Lec tures will be given dur ing the cour se of the morn ing and/ or afterno on by the on -boa rd histo rian . The train pa sses throu gh Se ren je and Mp ika to Kas ama. DAY 12 08h0 0 Disembark at Kas ama for a morn ing ex cur sion to Ch isimba Fa ll s. 11h0 0 Depart from Kasama and tra vel towa rds the Tan zan ian bo rder. DAY 13 09h0 0 Ar rive at Makambak o where gue sts may en joy a stro ll th rough the tow n – time perm itting. 10h3 0 Depart and trave l towa rds Mli mba . The tra in de scends into the Rif t Va ll ey and th rough the Ud zungwa Moun tains as it neg otiat es the tu nne ls, sw itch backs and viaduc ts of the esc arpmen t. Day at leisure on the train with lect ures by the on -boa rd histor ian. DAY 14 Game visit in the Selous Re ser ve (time pe rmi�ing ). Tra vel towa rds Gwa ta for an ove rnight stop . DA Y 15 06h3 0 Depart Gwat a in and trave l i n an ea ste rly direc tion towa rds the coas t. 07h0 0 Brea kfast is ser ved in the dining car/s unt il 09h3 0. 10h0 0 Arr ive at j ourney ’s end in Dar es Salaam , Tanzan ia..
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