.~~1=l'i'J:I~~~ , H I Two Davis Students u Assaulted, Raped DA VIS . Calif. -. An un ­ ~Ilo\\-n a~\allallt entero:d the apartmen t of t\lO L ~ C D;I\ I... ... tudents on aturda) . Jan. _5. through an unl od.e I livi ng room \\-intlow. At ,ll1prmd ­ mate I)' 4 a.m. the u)'"ailant went up s tair~ to \... here the two II omen were sleeping He then C SAN DIEGO THUR DAY , FEBR ARY 6, 1997 ESO hound . h"n~: 'c !rtf'd anti a~~aulted them . The ),U),PCCI ned and the womcn - one of whom reported he ing raped - DC Applications Reach All-Time High freed themsclvc. and called the police The incident I~ ), till NUMBERS: Fewer mi. ~ion in fa ll I 997. Of those, 24,585 under invcstlgation. appl ied to UC'SD. C...... COLOIIS - Tile California AgRil' underrepresented UCSO ranks thllJ in popularity While the overall number of applicants to minorities apply alllong schools III the C S),stCIll, the UC system has increased slightly, the Domestic Partners behind onl y LA and Berke­ number of underrepresented minority students has declined. to Receive Benefits By Terry Lew ley. IRVI E. alif. - C Ir vine News Editor SO's freshman applicatioll UC officials Tuesda said appli ­ rate has incrca cd 17.0 percent from ha~ decided to ex tend "soft " hencfi ts to thc domc),tlc cations and cn rollmcnt are at an all ­ the 1995 level, sccond on ly to time high. despi tc a drop in thc num­ Berkeley. partners of campu~ e mployce~ . enahling them to receivc the ber of application~ from Ovcr the hl),t ycar, the number or underrepresented minOrities. frcshman applicants s stemwlde henetit~ that currentl ) only A IOtal of 54.403 s tud en t ~ - rose by 1.6 percl'llt, and D's U I ~ taff and their ), p o u~ e~ receivc . The polic) was 46,6!!2 from Calilornl<l - applicd applicant pool grew by 6.4 percent. Source: UC Office of the Presld III DominiC Lobbla/ Guardlan wnttcn with th e Intent 01 to the unlver),it y for fre,hl11an ad- See ADMITS , Page 3 IIl ciud lllg s am e - ~ex r,trtl1l: r~ not prcvlou),ly given heneill'. However. the dccl)'lon will alte<.: t all dome~tic partncrs of LETTING SPARKS FLY Colds and , UC I el11pl oyeLs . regardlc" 01 ... c\ual orientation So calbl "hard" benciib. IIlcilldlllg Flu Plague health IIl~UrallCe, ;In.~ not Illcluded In the polll) C I ChalH.:e llor Lallrel Will-l'lllng Students ,alll th at the deCISion \\ III help <.:rea te a better campus SICK: Influenza come.' on - Till' I'll' U llil'/'rI'iIY hard and fa. t and an Bulky Costume develop complications Injures Students By ElaiMe Johlllon ST. BO A VE TURI ~. Y Siaff Wnter - Thc ~t utl e nt ~ who ron ray old and fill ~ea~on , with all Ih ac<':oll1 - the ma~LClt of St. Bon.l\ cllturc pall Ing 1ll1 ~~ l y. IHI)' lilt the LIe 0 ca mpll ~ l'lll\erslty. the Bonal·,watle. OIl CIo: agal n. arc co l1lplalnlllg ahout Injuncs ''The Ilu ~ca~on la~h lrolll Dece mher to that oc<.: urred while wearing March." Stud~nt Health Nur)'1 ng Director the hull-) costum e. The Cornell Ba~tarache :-.aid complalll t), 111l:llIde a nackl:d Accordi ng to l3a~laradl lo:. \\- ho ha \ worketl nh. a dislocated knee and lall)' at Student Hea lth for 15 year ... t hc Illl di\t ln ­ att emptin g to pu),h the lllaSC(lt glll shes It ~e lffrom a slmp iccold ill thcspeed dll\l n ... tai rs . The ... tudcnh al,() With which II d~vel()p), . cO lllplallled that the costume " Wllh th~ flu, a r crs()1l can fce l rine and \\a, too un\\-Ield) and \\ a, too III two or three hours he S I C ~ : " Ba ... tarache hot rhe athktlcs departllllo:nt \:t ld . acknowle tl ged the prohlclll' Ba starache sa id th e prcvalent ~ traln 01 and le ... olvcd to ,ohio: d~ Illi'lllell/.a beillg ra~~ed arouno tim year 1\ man y 01 thl:1Il a~ r(h~lhll: charactcrll.ed h)' a fev er of hct ween 10 2 The Oonafanatlc i)' In" It ... and 104 deg rees, as well a~ body aches. fir ~ t ye ar a)' mJ sco t 0 1 the YO kov Zolotorev/Guardl8n c hill~ , night sweat)" a dry cough and a )'ore unlver~ity . Art: Carol Clark uses a blow-torch while working on (I sculpture for her beginners' welding throat. - The nilI/O Velllllfl' class. The Crafts Center also provides instruction in jewelry-making and pottery. The on ly thing a person can do once th ey ge t sick with the Ilu is to "get lots of rest , drink plenty of Iluios, and take Tylenol or Advil ," Bastarache said. Chancellor's Advisory Committee Stages Warren freshman An itaJibili an. who wa~ ~ick with the Ilu last week , said, "I just Forum Discussion on Sexuality Issues wantcd to slecp, sleep, and sleep. It was a ni ce excuse not to do any homework. AWARENESS: Speakers talk Ce nt er. though." Speakers Robert Nguyen , Howard Finnecy, Though mi serable, thc nu itself is not as about diversity and the hi story of Ri ch Belmontcz, Sarah Archibald, Gabriella Tako sc ri ous a the bacterial infcction that so me­ the homosexual movement and Jenny Pournelle gave short prese nt ati ons about limes ensue, su<.:h as bronchiti s, pncumonia homos xuality , attempting to dispcl tercotypes or sinusi ti s. By Megan Klein and inform the audience about the hi story of gays "If the fcver per ists past four or five Senior Staff Writer and Ie bian , as well as trcnds in the gay, les bi an, days, and the cough is getting worsc, you Approximatcly 20 pcople gath ered at the and bi sex ual movements. need to be checked," Sa ·tarache said. SWING Women 's Ccnteron Tuesday ni ght for a di vc rsi ty­ Finnecy, a former employee at Transportation Each fall in October and November, the awareness lecture ponso rcd by th e UCS D and Parking Scrvice , gave a lecture addressing Student Health Center offers nu shots as a HIATUS: UCSD 's Chancellor's Adv isory Committee on Lesbian, what he feels is society'S growing acceptance of preventive measure. production of Don Juan is Gay and Transgendered Issues. homosexuality. Eve ry wcekday morning a Nursc's set in the modern world 9 The lecture featured g u e~t speakers from the Accordlllg to Fi nnecy, the media - particu­ Clini c IS opcn from cig ht to I I, where Lcsblan , Gay and Bisexual Bureau - an organi­ larly television - have historicall y portrayed health workers help studcnts by taking OPINION: Pie tila argues za tio n that makes presentations to univcr~ity homoscxuab as the target of jo k e~ . However, throat culture, li stening to their chest thm a balanced budget classes , dorms, religious gro up ~ and other organi­ si nce the 1970s, homosexuality has becn treated with a stcthoscope and admini ·teri ng flu amendment is for the best 4 lations. in a positive manner. ~ hot s . PrevlOu~ly , the bureau ha provided se nsitivity Finnecy also discu sed the attitude of hl~ uni ­ Student Hea lth ee~ 40 to 50 studcnts a SPORTS: Water polo traini ng to the UCSD Pollee Department and has ver~i t y co-wo rker~ toward him a~ an unclosctcd day thi tim of year. Of thi. number, on ly COil hand plilyer awarded paired up for di CUSS lons with thc ros ultural See FORUM , Page 8 five usually have the flu , top hon rs 20 R Thursday, February 6, 1997 The UCSD Guardian EWS 3 2 EWS The UCSD Guardian Thursday , February 6, 1997 Total t hem are readi Iy apparem and quan ­ going to get in,' but I think they're ADMITS: tifiahle." saying. 'Why would I want to go 10 u.s. Grants Office UCSD enrollment Galligani panial ly al1ributed a sc hool like th at'!'" ETCETERA ... fa ll ' lightly the drop in minority applications Sabatini also eri ti ciled the Lights& to aggress ive marketing elTorls grouping of all ~ tud en t s of Asian Funds Student Work Continued from page 1 by other collegcs. and the COlllro ­ desCentlnlo a sing le Asian-Ameri­ Sirens The number of systemwide out­ ve rsy surrounding affirmati ve can cat.:gory. MONEY: Award : up to $500 fund undergraduate o f- ~1a t e and international freshman ac tion. ·'They need to have a so uth ea~ t ­ and tran~fer applil:allUnS rose hy ·· We know. anecdotally, that ~ian category. bc.:ause these stu­ Ligh ts & Sirens is a selectIon of 7:15 p.m.: A 29-year·old male non­ projects rangin g from engineering to dance 22.2 p\.!rl:entto 9.926. underrepresented st udents arc be­ dents areseverely underrepresented entries compIled from the log book affiliate was tran sported to County HE." GU~S .' (,V6SS ,.lI-I..,.? Although the overall number o f ing heavily re­ of the UCSD Police Department. Mental Health for being a danger to VI-I NO. I.,.·S A (~UA .L~ Icompared to By Eric Brace anJ p,~ch (;Xp~rrIllCIll, The,e may I c;,OT 1"IC\::ETC; TO 1 ." i VT applica nt ~ ros.:, the numhers of himself and others at the Main Gym .
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