socialist and activist, Annie Besant, drew attention attention drew Besant, Annie activist, and socialist moved to Stratford where they employed 20 skilled skilled 20 employed they where Stratford to moved All photographs © Marion Davies and Debra Rapp deteriorate and their teeth to fall out. A female female A out. fall to teeth their and deteriorate Works at Stratford, with workers. with Stratford, at Works selling fine traditional English furniture. The factory factory The furniture. English traditional fine selling toxic phosphorous which caused their bones to to bones their caused which phosphorous toxic Holden, supervisor of the Great Eastern Railway Railway Eastern Great the of supervisor Holden, Ronald Priest in 1950, specialises in making and and making in specialises 1950, in Priest Ronald Outerwear Ltd, 2006 suffered long hours and low wages while handling handling while wages low and hours long suffered nineteenth-century photograph shows James James shows photograph nineteenth-century Priest Brothers, established in Bethnal Green by by Green Bethnal in established Brothers, Priest Preparing next season’s Burberry coats, Panache H in 1861 (listed grade II). In 1888 women workers workers women 1888 In II). grade (listed 1861 in start pulling a train weighing 300 tons. This late late This tons. 300 weighing train a pulling start a hall table, Priest Brothers, 2006 buildings of the Bryant and May match factory built built factory match May and Bryant the of buildings miles per hour in 30 seconds from a standing standing a from seconds 30 in hour per miles and returned to Pakistan. to returned and Kenney Tingey, cabinet maker: fitting a bow end to D Just west of the Olympic Park stand the surviving surviving the stand Park Olympic the of west Just 4 (0-10-0). The engine could attain a speed of 30 30 of speed a attain could engine The (0-10-0). operation, Javed sold his business to JJ Autos Ltd Ltd Autos JJ to business his sold Javed operation, moved to Leyton. to moved to build railway engines, including the Decapod Decapod the including engines, railway build to parts. Pictured here in the last days of Kalandar’s Kalandar’s of days last the in here Pictured parts. at the Parkesine Works in 1866. 1866. in Works Parkesine the at companies around the site of the Olympic Park Park Olympic the of site the around companies Eastern Railway Works, established in the 1840s 1840s the in established Works, Railway Eastern Lower Lea Valley and was full of second-hand car car second-hand of full was and Valley Lea Lower commemorates the site of the invention of ‘Parkesine’, ‘Parkesine’, of invention the of site the commemorates from Spitalfields Market. Many of the specialist food food specialist the of Many Market. Spitalfields from International Station now stands, stood the Great Great the stood stands, now Station International Kalandar was one of the many car repair sites in the the in sites repair car many the of one was Kalandar A plaque on a wall in Wallis Road, Hackney Wick Wick Hackney Road, Wallis in wall a on plaque A 3 at Pentaluck Food store, who shipped vegetables vegetables shipped who store, Food Pentaluck at Near Stratford Town Centre, close to where the the where to close Centre, Town Stratford Near 7 Javed Iqbal, Kalandar Japanese Used Car Parts, 2007 G Jenny provided Chinese meals for the night workers workers night the for meals Chinese provided Jenny such as pens, knife handles, combs and buttons. and combs handles, knife pens, as such grade II grade . The company have moved to Bow. to moved have company The 2006 * producing a range of products from the new material material new the from products of range a producing south-eastern end of the Olympic Park. It is listed listed is It Park. Olympic the of end south-eastern H G this company makes products for the couture market. market. couture the for products makes company this Jenny Man, Chinese food van, Pentaluck forecourt, C Parkesine at the Hackney Wick factory in Wallis Road, Road, Wallis in factory Wick Hackney the at Parkesine stations built in the late 1860s, is situated at the the at situated is 1860s, late the in built stations specialised machines that replicate hand-processing, hand-processing, replicate that machines specialised 7 6 (1813-1890). Spill agreed in 1864 to manufacture manufacture to 1864 in agreed Spill (1813-1890). Olympic Park, the brothers took early retirement. early took brothers the Park, Olympic foul water. Abbey Mills, one of the ornate pumping pumping ornate the of one Mills, Abbey water. foul in the area. Using traditional techniques and over 20 20 over and techniques traditional Using area. the in early form of plastic invented by Alexander Parkes Parkes Alexander by invented plastic of form early Stratford. Just before the start of development of the the of development of start the before Just Stratford. and pumping stations across London to deal with the the with deal to London across stations pumping and Panache was one of the many clothing manufacturers manufacturers clothing many the of one was Panache became interested in a material called ‘Parkesine’, an an ‘Parkesine’, called material a in interested became their arrival from Delhi in 1955, before moving out to to out moving before 1955, in Delhi from arrival their pioneering sewage system with a network of sewers sewers of network a with system sewage pioneering Seamstress, Panache Outerwear Ltd, 2006 F the International Exhibition at Kensington and and Kensington at Exhibition International the years. They started the business in Southall soon after after soon Southall in business the started They years. engineer Joseph Bazalegette designed and built a a built and designed Bazalegette Joseph engineer during the Crimean War. In 1862 Daniel Spill visited visited Spill Daniel 1862 In War. Crimean the during now relocated to Enfield. to relocated now The Singh brothers sold toys and party gifts for 40 40 for gifts party and toys sold brothers Singh The Members of Parliament to the problem, the civil civil the problem, the to Parliament of Members sheets and capes, which were supplied to the troops troops the to supplied were which capes, and sheets curtains. In Stratford for 19 years, the company has has company the years, 19 for Stratford In curtains. 2007 River Thames carrying the sewage upstream alerted alerted upstream sewage the carrying Thames River waterproof goods were produced, including ground ground including produced, were goods waterproof distributing home furnishings, especially lace and voile voile and lace especially furnishings, home distributing Messrs Singh, Directors, Lucky Wholesale Company, B the ‘Great Stink’ of 1858, when the stench of the the of stench the when 1858, of Stink’ ‘Great the cloth factory, managed by his brother Daniel. Here Here Daniel. brother his by managed factory, cloth 1978. The firm specialises in manufacturing and and manufacturing in specialises firm The 1978. contaminating the capital’s drinking water. Following Following water. drinking capital’s the contaminating Olympic site but failed to win a contract. a win to failed but site Olympic At Hackney Wick George Spill founded a waterproof waterproof a founded Spill George Wick Hackney At 2 Tyrone Textiles Ltd is a family business founded in in founded business family a is Ltd Textiles Tyrone 20,000 deaths from cholera caused by raw sewage sewage raw by caused cholera from deaths 20,000 her colleagues wished to continue serving food on the the on food serving continue to wished colleagues her Tyrone Textiles Ltd, 2006 healthiest place to live. In 1854 there were almost almost were there 1854 In live. to place healthiest Hackney Wick works. works. Wick Hackney beginning at 4 a.m every day for 13 years. She and and She years. 13 for day every a.m 4 at beginning Tony Geere, Jyotindra Patel, Scott Cullen: stock takers, E London in the mid-nineteenth century was not the the not was century mid-nineteenth the in London 6 Carless truck being loaded with petrol cans at the the at cans petrol with loaded being truck Carless Tracey provided breakfast to the local workers workers local the to breakfast provided Tracey trade name ‘petrol’. This photograph c1950 shows the the shows c1950 photograph This ‘petrol’. name trade to Chelmsford in Essex. in Chelmsford to Centre, 2006 1956, competed here. competed 1956, for the burgeoning motor car industry was given the the given was industry car motor burgeoning the for craftsmen. The family-run business has now relocated relocated now has business family-run The craftsmen. Tracey Manning, working men’s café, East End A meters steeplechase at the Melbourne Olympics in in Olympics Melbourne the at steeplechase meters spirit that Carless, Capel and Leonard finally provided provided finally Leonard and Capel Carless, that spirit 5 4 Chris Brasher, who won gold for Britain in the 3,000 3,000 the in Britain for gold won who Brasher, Chris E perfected its refining techniques and the petroleum petroleum the and techniques refining its perfected the record-breaking four-minute mile in July 1954, and and 1954, July in mile four-minute record-breaking the changed to Carless, Capel and Leonard. The company company The Leonard. and Capel Carless, to changed Leyton where it was re-laid. Roger Bannister, who ran ran who Bannister, Roger re-laid. was it where Leyton which have closed or relocated. or closed have which new partners entered the business and the name name the and business the entered partners new athletics track was taken up and transported to to transported and up taken was track athletics entrepreneurial spirit of the diverse business communities in the Lower Lea Valley, many of of many Valley, Lea Lower the in communities business diverse the of spirit entrepreneurial became the leading distiller in Britain.
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