acts on ba11 to By Rafael H. Arroyo The Brillantes order will allow measures to ensure workers here Aloot attributed the delay to the Variety News Staff for the normal hiring of domestic arc treated fairly. "natural flow of politics" in the THE PROPOSAL to lift the ban workers, farmers and female Philippine labor officials have Philippines. on the deployment of Filipino workers in non-professional po­ since maintained that the lifting ''They have seen that the CNMI workers to the CNMI is expected :..-J\ sitions. of the ban was dependent on the bas taken good faith steps show­ to be approved by the Manila gov-. ·'~-~~~-:- The recruitment of maids, farm CNMI government's good ing its commitment to address the emment today, acting Attorney "~,. .. ('·,"', '•·' . "· ' bands and nightclub workers was faith attempt to resolve prob­ labor situation. So now, we are General C. Sebastian Aloot dis­ ·a: .. ~- ' ~ ... -!";···. • " frozen in March of last year fol­ lems concerning Filipino waiting for their action," said closed yesterday. lowing reports of labor abuses workers here. Aloot In a telephone interview, Aloot ···-:·· committed on Filipioo contract As early as October, talk about Aloot, however, disclosed the said he expects Philippine Labor workers in the CNMI. the normalization of relations be­ existence of one last area of con­ and :Employment Secretary Jose As early as July, leaders from tween the two governments has cern for the Philippine gov~ ijrillantes to sign a departmental ,A ~,t<,.·>. )1 the CNMI and the Philippines beenrifeand that the lifting of the ment - workers in the entertain­ order eliminating the worker ·.\.·.~.] have been discussing protective ban was upcoming. ment industry. moratorium. C. Sebastian A/oot Today is Brillantes' last day in office, having turned in his resig­ expected to take another post in nation to President Fidel V. Ramos the Ramos Administration. weeks ago. According to Aloot, he received Brilantes is one of several de­ communication from Manila as­ partment secretaries that is to be suring him that Brillantes will be replaced by president as part of an signing the order to lift the ban ongoing cabinet revamp. He is prior to the latter's departure. Unsolved murders still DPS' priority whoisinOmuk,bereooSaipan. Castro said all DPS officers / have be(aJ1 asked to work to­ ..... C ..-or•••~"'-o.>' gether in solving the killings . ... , ... J On the other band, the com­ missioner· said this year he ... ,, ·, , •. ~'.l!> .,•· • wants to continue the develop­ ment of personnel through ' ~---~,·ttr·J\!1r.i,,J:;~ · workshops and trainings. He also mentioned the idea of CNMI Gov. Froilan Tenorio (right) peruses documents as other Micronesian leaders, (from left) Guam Gov. studying the implementation of Carl Gutierrez, FSM President Bailey Ofter and Kosrae Gov. Moses Mackwelung discuss a point during the organizational meeting of the newly-formed Council of Micronesian Chief Executives in Guam last week. the Police Officer Standards Training(POST)program. (See Jose M. Castro related story on page 5) By Fwdle de le: Torre Another area to look at this Complex labor laws blamed Vsrietr,News Staff year, Castro said, is on for­ DEPARTMENT of Public estry personnel development SafetJ Commissioner Jose M. Castro said Dennis J. Orbus, for delays in settling cases Assistant Director for Fire and Castro said yesterday that the staged another rally in front of the reduce the statute limitation to six unsolved homicide cases will Aviation Management of the or three months," Camacho said. Forest Service Pacific South­ labor and immigration office. be his top priority in 1996. l,abor officials ignored the work­ "Sometimes the employee will westProgram was in his office In an interview, Castro said when they first staged a dem­ not file a case until two years yesterday morning where they ers his administration will focus onstration last week. later." discussed training program on on, among other things, solv­ Yesterday, Labor and Immigra­ forestry and personnel. Continued on page 6 ing the pending homicide cases. tion Secretary Thomas Sablan 'Ibettainingprogram was be­ "We have to combat the con­ stepped out of his office to meet ing coordinated by Federal Pro­ cerns of the public. Pending briefly with union lawyer John grams Coordinator Claudio homicide cases continue to be Cool and one of the demoostra­ Nori ta, Director of Fl.re Joe Ada Weather our major priority,." he said. tors' leader, Vic Perez. and Stanley Villagomez, of the Last year, 10 ocmicides were In an interview, meanwhile, Departmentofl..ands andNatu­ reported to the DPS. Police con­ Labor Director Frank Camacho Outlook sideredfwrr:itbecases as solved ralResources forestry program. said the department was seeking Toe last case solved was the "We are looking into how to Frank Camacho amendments in the labor laws and murder of Daniel Takao, a deal or secure the fire that usu­ regulatiom, particularly provi­ ally occur near Mt. Tapochau," By Mar-Vic C. Munar Palauan man who was stabbed Vsrlety N9Ws Staff sions that hamper expeditious in Lower Base last August Castro said resolution of labor cases. He added that this year, with THE "complexity" of the CNMI 's Toe Attorney General's Of­ labor laws and the shortage of He singled out the "statute of fice filed last November the help of the legislature, they limitation" which allows an em­ are looking at purchasing ooe manpower are among the factors charges against the suspect, that cause delay in the resolution ployee to file a case against hi,; more ambulance for Rota. George Llwis Chomoky. of workers' complaints, labor au­ employer at two or three years The government is still work~ Toe DPS is currently buying after the supposed offense was Becoming partly clouay ooe more ambulanceforTinian thorities said yesterday. ing on the extradition papers to The labor office finally broke committed. and two more for Saipan. bringthe40-year-oldChomoky, its silence as contract workers "We want to change the law to , i°ji"c' I 't :, ,. ·.,:. Pr\' J~.:. ...... _; - .• --~ ... ·:. ~:._j,... ~ ; r WESDA Y, JANUARY 16, 1996 -MARIANAS VAR1ETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 r,. 2-MARIANAS VARIE1Y NEWS AND VIEWS-TIJESDA Y- JANUARY 16 1996 f Roh refuses to take stand 1, Man tries bribe on cop A 38-YEAR-OLD man was ar­ By SANG-HUN CHOE healthy bJt tense. No cameras were lmced todealhincmiectimwilhthe tohelpnmlm~party,butlie the scene. ~ 10 have miilim still rested on Saturday for allegedly SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - allowed inside. caip. although it ~ unlikely 10 be fOO!XI $295 Responding police officers, trying to bribe a police officer $100 offer lands motorist in bigger mess Farner President Roo Tae-woo re­ Huooreds of peq:,le stood in line impreed hidden in secret bmlJc aa:oonlS and however, later arrested Ngirarois. real eslllte. who pulled him over for traffic was seriously injured in a vehicu­ ated by Ngirarois was following while the truck swerved into a fused to take the staoo Mmlay ·ra­ OOISideovemightinfreelingweadler, During the first hearing, JX'(RCU· Meanwhile, in Garapan an uni­ Awstntinglrial wifhRooan, 15 violation. lar smashup along As Lito Road behind. nuequestiooinginatrialcndwges each lq,iDg IO get me d the 80 rm dlargecl that Roh k>dc dlrs 365 ditch before it slammed into a dentified person/s broke into a top bnsiresg ,m aoofOOJUgovem­ Won Do of San Antonio, Saturday nighL The truck struck the car. Iha! he took ma&m'e bribes fum admis&ootickelsfocobservm,sane miilioo in mlles fum h1sinewnrn Tae, concrete posL residence and took $2,580 cash COlllraCIOrS eager foc government d which were scalped to reµn.ers in exchange foc beJJing them win mem<fil:ialswoostn'ed tolerhim. was apprehended for bribery, The victim was admitted at the The car hit into a telephone pile Ngirarois and a passenger fled and several items Saturday nighL · Jm.iects. and defendanls. familie.s. cootracts for major government They were cbargixl with hibing reckless driving and driving un­ CommoowealthHealth Center for Thecrosrn igiearootobepartrL Oum Im also been charged with projects including wclear power Roo a helpng him raise the shm der the influence. further observation. a new defeme tactic in which the engineering a cmp 16 )"('a'S ago. plants. highways and military facili­ fimd. Police said Won was pulled over The driver of the involved ve­ oofmie attacks JrC)SOCUlOrS as reing The two retired army ga:ierals are ties. Roh's ~ and friend. aloog Beach Road in Susupe Sat­ hicle, Virgilio Ngirarois, 26, of More aggressive ca:m.paign politically mc:tivated. Sooth Kma's first ex-JeSidents to The alleged mbe.s were pat rL Chm,alsowasfooootohave~d urday afternoon for DUI and reck­ Fma Sisu, was arrested for hit and FoonerPresidentQnmDoo..hwan, be charged with criminal wroogdo­ $650millimin"occiatims" lhatRoo a dlrs 900 millim slush fimd OJriDg less driving. run. against prostitution vo~ed Roo's ~ and friem, has ing in office. has publidy acknitted be aroaS'100 in hi& 1980-88 tem1. Won allegedly offered the ar­ Initial police investigations JX1ISlled a similar strate't;j in fighting If coovi:ted, Roo faces lOyears to aslushfuooruringhi<i 1988-93 \eJm. Pro;ecutm said 1hat slush fuoo resting officer with $100. showed that a car driven by the By Rafael H. Anoyo ~ the persoo ~engages in JIOS­ be cwld JU say whether a task charges. He staged a 26-day hunger Roh Tae-woo life in IJ"isoo. Clnm coold be sen- Hesaidhespennnitcitherrxrey ildud:xl$275milliminhibell0le)'. In another police report, a 50- victim was travelling As Lito Variety News Stalf titutioo
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