Out-Patient Clinics for Nervous and Mental Diseases in the United States · Prepared by 0. J . D' ALTON, M.D . .\ _,. Special Assistant, Reconstruction War Work, The National Committee for Mental Hl'liene THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE FO.R MENTAL HYGmNE, Inc. 50 U n i o n S q u a r e New York• City 1910 OUT-PATIENT CLINICS FOR NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES IN THE UNITED STATES Prepared by ----- C. J . D'ALTOX, l\f.D. Special. Assistwnt, Reconstnwtion Wll!r T-1"1o1·k, The Xational Oommittee for · M ental Hyg·iene CLINICS IN DISTRICT NUMBER 1 * Maine Massachusets-Continuecl Augusta.-Out-Patient Clinic of the Bo'ston.-Out-Patient Clinic of the Bos­ Augusta State Hospital. ton State Hospital. Held at the hospital. Held at the P sychopathic Depart- Director: Forest C. Tyson, :M.D., ment, 74 Fenwood Road. Superintendent of the Augusta State Director: Percy L. Dodge, M.D. Hospital. Mental and neurological patients. Mental and neurological patients. Hours: Daily, except Sunday and Hours: By appointment. holidays, 2 to 4 p. m. Bangor.-Free P sychopathic Clinic of the Bangor State Hospital. Out-Patient Clinic of the Boston Held at City Hall, Room 7. City Hospital. Director: Lester F. Norris, M.D., Held at 818 Harrison AYenue. Superintendent of the Bangor State Director: Philip C. Knapp, M.D. Hospital. Mental and neurological patients. Mental and neurological patients. Hours: Daily, except Sund.ay, Hours: First and t hird Saturdays 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. of each month , 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Portland.--Out-Patient Clinic of the Out-patient Clinic of the l\Iass!l­ Augusta State Hospital. chusetts General Hospital. Held at City Hall, Room 11. Held at the hospital, Fruit Street, Director: Forest C. Tyson, M.D., opposite North Grove Street. Superintendent of the Augusta State Director: Psychiatrist from the Hospital. staff. Mental and neurological patient~. Mental and neurological patients. Hours: F1·iday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hours : Daily, 8 :30 to 10:00 a. 111. New Hampshire Out-Patient Clinic of the West· borough State Hospital. No available clinics. Held at the Massachusetts Romeo· pathic Hospital, 750 Harrison AYB­ Vermont nue. No aYailable clinic s. Director: IV. E. Lang. M.D., Su­ perintendent of the iVcstborough Massachusetts State Hospita.J. Mental patients only. AthoL-Out-Patient Clinic of the Hours: Tuesday, 2 to 3 p. m. Gardner State Colony. Held at the Athol Genera 1 Hospi· Out-Patient Clinic of the llfassa- tal. e;husetts Homeopathic Hospital. Director : Charles E. Thompson, Held at 750 Harrison Avenue. lVI.D., Superintendent of the Gardner Director: Ernest M. Jordan, State Colony. M.D., Monday and Thursday; Na· Hours: Third Fridav of each than Garrick, M.D.. Tuesday and month, 3:30 p. m · Friday; Arthur H. Ring, M.D., Au- *The districts referred to in this outline a.re the geograph ica.J district;; adopted fo r administrative purposes by t he United States P ubl ic Health Service and t he American Red Cross. 1 2 CLINICS FOR NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASES :\lassachusetts-Continued l'l[assach usetts- -Con t in 11 eel Boston- Concluded East Gardner-Concluded gusta Carlson. :\LD.. Alberta S . Director: Charles E. Thompson, Uuibonl, ~\LD. , , ,.t'dnesclay and ::\LD .. Superintendent of the Gardner Saturdav. State ColDny. :\[ental and neurological patients. Hours: Patient;; can be seen at Hours: Daily, 10 a. m. any time. Gloucester.-Ont-Patient Cl inic of the Out·Paticnt Clinic of the Boston Danvers State Hospital. Dispensary. Held at Council Chamber, City Held at 25 Bennet Street. Hall. Di rector: A . \Varren Stearns. Director : :iH em bcr of staff of the :\LD. Danvers State Hospital. }[ental and neurological patients. Hours: By appointment. Hours : Tuesday allCI Friday, 8 : 45 Grafton.-Out·Patient Clin ic of t he to 10 : 30 a . m. Grafton Stat e Hospital. Brockto·n.-Out·Paticnt Clinic of the Held at the hospital. Bridgcwater State Hospital. Director: II. L. Horsman. i\I.D., Held at the Brockton Hospital. Act ing Superin tendent of the Graf· Director: Frank H . Carlisle, M.D. ton Stat e Hospital. Honrs: By a ppo in tment. Hours: \Vednesclay, 2 to 3 p. m ., Danvers: Out·Paticnt Clin ic of the and by appointment. Danvers State Hospital. Greenfield.-Out·Patient Cl ini c of the li<'l<l at the ho-spital, :\Iaplc and Xorthampton State Hospital. ::\ cw bu;·y Streets. Held a t Franklin Cou nty HoP.pi tal. Director : :\fembcr of the staff of Director: Member of sl afT of the the DanYcrs State Hospital. Northampton State Hospital. Hours: By appointment. Hours : Third Thursday of each Fall River.-Out.Paticnt Clinic of the month, 2 to 4 p. m. Taunton State Hospital. Haverhill.-Out·Paticnt Clinic of the Held at the Grand Jmy Room, Danver s State Hospital. Cour thouse, North ::\ lain Street. Held at the Co nrt Room, 3G Main Director: :\Iembcr of the staff of Street. the Taunton State Hospital. Director: ~[ember of t he st aff of Hours : l' riday, 9 to ll a. m. the Danvers State Hospital. Hours: 'Vedncsday, at in tervals Out·Patient Cl inic colHiuct.ed by specifi ed by s11perintendent, 7 to 9 the nJassachusctts School for tl{e p.m. Feebleminded, t he Taunton State Lawrence.-Out-l'aticnt Clinic of the Hospita l, and the Fall Ri1·er school DanYCrs State Hospital. authorities. Held at Co un ci l Chamber, City Helcl at the School Committee Hall. Roo1ns, .Ann\\-an S tr('Ct. Director: :\Icmbcr of the stafl' of Director: .~llJHl :\L 'Yallact' , :\LD. the Danvers Stat e Hospital. Hom,; : F irst Friday of each Hours : Tuesday, at interva ls month from October to .J un e. all day, specified by superintendent, 7 to 9 beg·in ni ng at !J: 30 a. m. p. 111. Fitchburg.-Out·PatieHt Clini c of the Lynn.-Out·Paticnt Cli.ni c of the nardncr State Co lonY. Danvers State Hospital. Held at Fit chbmg'City Hall. Held at Council Chamber, City Director: Charles B. Thompso11. Hall. },J.D., Superintendent of the Gardner Director: :Member of the staff of State Colo ny . the Dam·crs Stat e Hospit al. Hours : f':ceon<l \YedneRday of Hours : w·e dn esday, at intervals each month. S : i!O p.m. specified by superintendent, 7 to 9 Foxborough.-Out·Patient Clinic of the p. m. Foxboro11gh State Hospi tal. Malden.-Out·Pat ient Clinic of the Held at the hospital. Dan vers State Hospi tal. Director: John I. vV iseman, M.D. Held at Council Chamber, Ci t y Hours: Daily , except Sunday, 9 Hall. to 11 a. m. a nd 2 to 5 p. m., and by Director: Member of the staff of appointment. the Danvers Stat e Hospit al. East Gardner.-Ou t ·Patient Clinic of Hours: Wednesday, at intervals the Gardner Stat e Co lony. spec ifi ed by super in ten dent, 7 t o 9 H eld at t he hospital. p. 111. CLINICS F'OR NERVOCS _'. ND ~1IENTAIJ DISEASES 3 Massachusetts- l'unt inued Massachusetts-COilCluded New Bedford.-Out-Pa t ient Clinic of Salem-Conchlclecl the T>wnton State HoHpital. Director: Member of the statr of Ileld at the Grand ,)lt r.)' H.oom , the Da n1·c rs State liotipital. Cou rt hou be . County Stre ~ t. Hours : \\'ed neBday, at in tervals Director: ::\Jembcr o[ th .. ;; [a tr of ' peeilied by wperinlcndl'nt. 7 to 9 tl tc Taunton State LTo,pi lal. p.m. 1-lom~: Becoll(] FridaY c,f each Springfi~ld.-O u t-Pat i e nt Cl inic of the month. 9 to 11 a . 111. • ).:orthampton State Hospital. Ileld at the ::\Iunicipal Build ing. Out-Patient Cl i11 ie co ndudl'<l by Director: :\[ember of the staff of tbc l\lassachu tiettH School for the tlte Xortha mpton State Hospital. fi'ecblemi nclecl, the Taunton Stat e Hour~: Fir~t Thurtillay of each Hospital, a nd the Xew Bedford month. sc hool aut.ltorities. Taunto·n.-Out-raiien t Cl inic of the H eld a t the Seltool Committee Taunton Statt' Hospita l. Rooms. 166 \ rilliams Street. Held at the hospital, Hodges ,\.1-e­ Director: Anna ::\(. \Vallare, ::\I.D. nue. Hours : Saturday following first DirC'c-tor: Artltur V. Goss, M.D., Friday of each month , from October SupPrintend Clt L of the Taunton State to J"tme. Hospita 1. ~ewburyport . -O ut-Pa tient Clinic of Hours : T uesday, 2 to 4 p. m. the Da111·crs State lf o~p i ta l. Waverlcy.-Out-ratient Clinic of tlte Hel d at t he Co urt Hoom. Co urt­ JIJaFsaehu s et t ~ School fo r Feeble­ house. minded. Direr-to r: ::\Jc mbN of the , (atr oi Held at thP ho~p i ta l. the Da n1·ers State IIo~pita!. Jliredor : Walter E. Fernald, Hour~ : ThurtiChl l'. at inlcn·al;: :'II.D .. Superintend ent of thP JIJassa­ spec- ified b.1· snperin.tenclcnt, 7 to 9 r·husetts School for the Fc·eble­ p. m. mincled. Northampton.-Oul-Paticnt Clinic of Al l types of mental disea~es ex­ the l\ortha mpton Rtatc HoHpi tn.l. a mined at tlti s c-lini c. Held at the hospital, Prince Street, Hour,; : Thursd ay. 0 a . m. to 5 Hos pi tal Il il l. p. 111. J)iredor : ::\l emlwr of the starr of Westborough .-Ont-Patient CliniC' of the Xor thampton Sta t e Hospital. tlte \\'estboronl-{h Strrte Hospital. Hours: By appointment.
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