A Abell 21, 20–21 Abell 37, 164 Abell 50, 264 Abell 262, 380 Abell 426, 402 Abell 779, 51 Abell 1367, 94 Abell 1656, 147–148

A Abell 21, 20–21 Abell 37, 164 Abell 50, 264 Abell 262, 380 Abell 426, 402 Abell 779, 51 Abell 1367, 94 Abell 1656, 147–148

Index A 308, 321, 360, 379, 383, Aquarius Dwarf, 295 Abell 21, 20–21 397, 424, 445 Aquila, 257, 259, 262–264, 266–268, Abell 37, 164 Almach, 382–383, 391 270, 272, 273–274, 279, Abell 50, 264 Alnitak, 447–449 295 Abell 262, 380 Alpha Centauri C, 169 57 Aquila, 279 Abell 426, 402 Alpha Persei Association, Ara, 202, 204, 206, 209, 212, Abell 779, 51 404–405 220–222, 225, 267 Abell 1367, 94 Al Rischa, 381–382, 385 Ariadne’s Hair, 114 Abell 1656, 147–148 Al Sufi, Abdal-Rahman, 356 Arich, 136 Abell 2065, 181 Al Sufi’s Cluster, 271 Aries, 372, 379–381, 383, 392, 398, Abell 2151, 188–189 Al Suhail, 35 406 Abell 3526, 141 Alya, 249, 255, 262 Aristotle, 6 Abell 3716, 297 Andromeda, 327, 337, 339, 345, Arrakis, 212 Achird, 360 354–357, 360, 366, 372, Auriga, 4, 291, 425, 429–430, Acrux, 113, 118, 138 376, 380, 382–383, 388, 434–436, 438–439, 441, Adhara, 7 391 451–452, 454 ADS 5951, 14 Andromeda Galaxy, 8, 109, 140, 157, Avery’s Island, 13 ADS 8573, 120 325, 340, 345, 351, AE Aurigae, 435 354–357, 388 B Aitken, Robert, 14 Antalova 2, 224 Baby Eskimo Nebula, 124 Albino Butterfly Nebula, 29–30 Antares, 187, 192, 194–197 Baby Nebula, 399 Albireo, 70, 269, 271–272, 379 Antennae, 99–100 Barbell Nebula, 376 Alcor, 153 Antlia, 55, 59, 63, 70, 82 Barnard 7, 425 Alfirk, 304, 307–308 Apes, 398 Barnard 29, 430 Algedi, 286 Apple Core Nebula, 280 Barnard 33, 450 Algieba, 64, 67 Apus, 173, 192, 214 Barnard 72, 219 Algol, 395, 399, 402 94 Aquarii, 335 Barnard 86, 233, 241 Algorab, 98, 114, 120, 136 Aquarius, 295, 297–298, 302, 310, Barnard 92, 246 Allen, Richard Hinckley, 5, 120, 136, 320, 324–325, 333–335, Barnard 114, 260 146, 188, 258, 272, 286, 340–341 Barnard 118, 260 M.E. Bakich, 1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die, Patrick Moore’s Practical Astronomy Series, 467 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-1777-5, Ó Springer ScienceþBusiness Media, LLC 2010 468 Index Barnard 142, 273 Caldwell 17, 351 Caldwell 77, 153 Barnard 143, 273 Caldwell 18, 433 Caldwell 78, 237 Barnard, Edward Emerson, 196, 220, Caldwell 19, 318 Caldwell 79, 67 273, 276, 421, 425 Caldwell 20, 300 Caldwell 80, 154 Barnard’s Galaxy, 274, 276 Caldwell 21, 118 Caldwell 81, 220 Barnard’s Loop, 451 Caldwell 22, 339 Caldwell 82, 202 Barnard’s Star, 232–233 Caldwell 23, 388 Caldwell 83, 148 Bayer, Johannes, 7, 178, 379 Caldwell 24, 402 Caldwell 84, 161 Beehive Cluster, 37, 41–42 Caldwell 25, 24 Caldwell 85, 41 Bernes 157, 266 Caldwell 26, 106 Caldwell 86, 225 Bernes, Claes, 266 Caldwell 27, 284 Caldwell 87, 401 Blackeye Galaxy, 146 Caldwell 28, 380 Caldwell 88, 174 Black Magellanic Cloud, 144 Caldwell 29, 150 Caldwell 89, 191 Black Swallowtail Butterfly Cluster, Caldwell 30, 329 Caldwell 90, 52 227 Caldwell 31, 435 Caldwell 91, 80 Blinking Planetary, 277 Caldwell 32, 137 Caldwell 92, 75 Blue Flash, 286 Caldwell 33, 297 Caldwell 93, 267 Blue Oyster Nebula, 415 Caldwell 34, 297 Caldwell 94, 145 Blue Planetary, 95 Caldwell 35, 148 Caldwell 95, 186 Blue Snowball, 329, 338–339 Caldwell 36, 128 Caldwell 96, 35 Bode, Johann Elert, 56 Caldwell 37, 282 Caldwell 97, 91 Bode’s Galaxy, 55–57 Caldwell 39, 22 Caldwell 98, 138 Bok, Bart Jan, 446 Caldwell 40, 86 Caldwell 99, 144 Bolton, John G., 57 Caldwell 41, 423 Caldwell 100, 93 Bond, George Phillips, 343 Caldwell 42, 301 Caldwell 101, 365 Bondono, Jeff, 287, 395, 441 Caldwell 43, 344 Caldwell 102, 71 Bond’s Galaxy, 343 Caldwell 44, 333 Caldwell 103, 448 Bootes,¨ 102, 147, 157–160, 164–166, Caldwell 45, 159 Caldwell 104, 364 170–172, 174, 176, 182 Caldwell 46, 465 Caldwell 105, 147 44 Bootis,¨ 174 Caldwell 47, 290 Caldwell 106, 349 Bow-Tie Nebula, 346 Caldwell 48, 49 Caldwell 107, 193 Box Nebula, 214–215, 229 Caldwell 49, 463 Caldwell 108, 115 Bridal Veil Nebula, 297 Caldwell 50, 464 Caldwell 109, 65 Brocchi, Dalmiro Francis, 371 Caldwell 51, 364 California Nebula, 414 Brocchi’s Cluster, 271 Caldwell 52, 141 Camelopardalis, 10, 17, 23, 42, 124, Broken Engagement Ring, 77 Caldwell 53, 60 142, 403, 415–416, 424, Bubble Nebula, 18–19, 336–337 Caldwell 54, 34 427, 435–436, 453–454 Bug Nebula, 213 Caldwell 55, 302 1 Camelopardalis, 424 Burnham, Robert Jr, 61, 125, 247 Caldwell 56, 358 32 Camelopardalis, 142 Butterfly Cluster, 226–227 Caldwell 57, 276 Cancer, 37, 42–45, 49 Caldwell 58, 16 Canes Venatici, 102–104, 106, C Caldwell 59, 68 108–109, 118, 121, 137, Caelum, 427 Caldwell 60, 99 139, 143, 145, 150–151, Caldwell 1, 353 Caldwell 61, 99 155, 160, 162 Caldwell 2, 346 Caldwell 62, 358 Canis Major, 3–7, 9–11, 13–19, 29, Caldwell 3, 108, 128 Caldwell 63, 325 31, 460–461, 464 Caldwell 4, 303 Caldwell 64, 17 Canis Minor, 31, 43 Caldwell 5, 427 Caldwell 65, 359 Cannon, Annie Jump, 159 Caldwell 6, 238 Caldwell 66, 170 Capricornus, 281, 286–288, Caldwell 7, 23 Caldwell 67, 398 313–314, 318, 320 Caldwell 8, 369 Caldwell 68, 263 Captain Hook Cluster, 249 Caldwell 9, 332 Caldwell 69, 213 Carina, 35, 50, 52, 55, 59, 66, 71, 75, Caldwell 10, 378 Caldwell 70, 363 80, 82, 445 Caldwell 11, 336 Caldwell 71, 33 Cassiopeia, 333–334, 336, 338, Caldwell 12, 292 Caldwell 72, 346 341–344, 347, 349, 350, Caldwell 13, 368 Caldwell 73, 433 351, 354, 357, 360–362, Caldwell 14, 384 Caldwell 74, 60 365, 367–369, 371, Caldwell 15, 277 Caldwell 75, 194 375–378, 383–384, Caldwell 16, 323 Caldwell 76, 208 388–389, 392, 394, 398 Index 469 Castaway Cluster, 233 Coma galaxy cluster, 147–148 40/41 Draconis, 239 Castor, 22, 24, 42 Cone Nebula, 2–3 Dreyer, John Louis Emil, 427 Cat’s Eye Nebula, 238 Cooling Tower, 287 Duck Nebula, 16 Cat’s Paw Nebula, 217 Copeland, L. S., 92–93, 125 Dumbbell Nebula, 217, 279–280, Cave Nebula, 332 Copeland’s Septet, 92–93 305, 376 CBS Eye, 68 Cor Caroli, 102, 104, 116, 139, 140, DUN 70, 40 Cederblad 90, 12–13 143, 145–146, 150, 160 Dunlop, James, 37, 40, 153, 265 Cederblad 211, 340 Cork Nebula, 376 Dusty Hand Galaxy, 453–454 Celestial Jellyfish, 419 Corona Australis, 231, 237, Dwarf spheroidal galaxy, 61, 137, Centaurus, 80, 82, 89, 91, 93, 95, 244, 263 218, 364 141–142, 145, 148, Corona Borealis, 157, 181, 184–185, DY Crucis, 141 152–154, 157, 159, 191 Dziban, 227 161–163, 169 Corvus, 41, 98–99, 114, 119–120, Centaurus A, 145, 153–154, 157 129, 135, 146, 239 E Centaurus Cluster, 142 Crab Cluster, 342 Eagle Nebula, 247, 270 Cepheus, 290, 292–294, 303, 307, Crab Nebula, 440 Egg Nebula, 304, 305 312–313, 315–317, Crater, 76, 79, 89, 95, 97–98 Eicher, David, 368 319–322, 324, 331–333, Crescent Nebula, 283–284 Eight Burst Nebula, 60–61 341, 345–346, 353 Crowbar Galaxy, 139 Embryo Nebula, 405–406 Cetus, 346, 352, 355, 358, 364, 366, Crux, 100–102, 113, 118, 122, Emerald Nebula, 243 370–372, 379, 384, 390, 137–138, 141, 144–145 Enter the Dragon, 261 395–397 Crystal Ball Nebula, 417 Equuleus, 300 Chaffee, Roger, 35 Cycle of Celestial Objects, 5, 9, 105, 32 Eridani, 412 Chamaeleon, 42, 65, 80–81, 99 111, 136, 138, 160, 55 Eridani, 425 Chambers, George F., 105 164, 192, 211, 254, 259, Eridanus, 393, 398, 400, 403, 405, Chameleon Nebula, 442 311, 343 408, 410, 412, 418–420, Chandelier Cluster, 262 31 Cygni, 284 425, 429, 432–433 Checkmark Nebula, 248 61 Cygni, 306 Eskimo Nebula, 21–22, 124 Cheerio Nebula, 217 Cygnus, 264, 272–273, 275, 277–278, Espin, Thomas Henry Espinell Cheeseburger Nebula, 305–306 280–281, 284–285, 287, Compton, 319 Che´seaux, Jean-Philippe Loys de, 292, 295–297, 300–301, Eta Carinae Nebula, 75 194 304–307, 309, 311, 314, Eta Chamaeleontis Cluster, 42 Christmas Tree Cluster, 2–3 318, 320 ET Cluster, 368 Cigar Galaxy, 56–57, 78, 346 Cygnus Loop, 297 Exclamation Point Nebula, 215 Circinus, 162, 165, 174 Circinus Galaxy, 165 D F Cleopatra’s Eye, 419 Dabih, 286, 288 Faberge Egg Galaxy, 135 Clown Face Nebula, 22 Deer Lick Group, 329–330 False Comet, 207–208 37 Cluster, 456 Delle Caustiche, 246 Fetus Nebula, 301–302 Coal Car Cluster, 445 Delphinus, 284, 286, 290, 294, 301 Fiddlehead Galaxy, 381 Coalsack, 138, 144–146 De Mairan, Jean-Jacques D’Ortous, Filamentary Nebula, 297 Coat Button Nebula, 301 445 Firefly Party Cluster, 80 Coathanger, 197, 261, 271 De Mairan’s Nebula, 445 Flame Nebula, 447–448, 450 Cocoon Galaxy, 120–121 Diablo Nebula, 280 Flaming Star Nebula, 435 Cocoon Nebula, 318–319 Dish Cluster, 36 Flamsteed, John, 235, 350, Coddington, Edwin Foster, 69 Dorado, 420–422, 424, 426–428, 431, 448, 460 Coddington’s Nebula, 69 433–434, 436, 441, 448, Fleming’s Wisp, 297 Collinder 240, 82 451, 460 Fleming, Williamina, 297 Collinder 249, 93 30 Doradus, 448 Fool’s Gold Galaxy, 175 Collinder 399, 197, 271 Double Bubble Nebula, 18–19 Fornax, 392–393, 398–399, 401, 404, Collinder 464, 435–436 Double Cluster, 380, 383–384, 406–410 Collinder, Per Arne, 271 392, 439 Fornax A, 404 Columba, 429–430, 433, 450, 459 Double Double, 189, 256–257 Fornax Dwarf, 392 Coma Berenices, 102–103, 108–111, Double-Headed Shot, 280 Fornax Galaxy Cluster, 407–408 114–116, 119, 122–123, Draco, 61, 63, 90, 102, 105, 133, Fox Head Cluster, 275 126–128, 133, 142, 175–177, 183, 184, 186, Frame Galaxy, 84 146–148, 150, 152 206, 212, 231, 238–239, 264 Frankenstein Galaxy, 135 Coma Berenices star cluster, 114 Draco Dwarf, 218 Fried Egg, 75 24 Comae Berenices, 126 16/17 Draconis, 206 Frigate Bird Cluster, 281 470 Index G Hind’s Crimson Star, 429 IC 3806, 142 Gacrux, 122 Hind’s Variable Nebula, 421–422 IC 4406, 167 Gamma Leonis Group, 64 Hockey Stick, 139 IC 4499, 173 Gemini, 3, 9, 14, 17–19, 21–22, Hodierna, Giovanni Batista, 6 IC 4593, 190 25–26, 42, 399, 452, Hogg 10, 82 IC 4633, 214 456, 460 Hogg 11, 82 IC 4651, 221 9–12 Geminorum Cluster, 460–461 Homunculus, 75 IC 4662, 228 Ghost of Alnitak, 447–448 Honeycutt, Eric, 301 IC 4665, 227–228 Ghost of Jupiter, 68 Hook Galaxy, 30, 139

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