e r ROLL CALL of Alumni Newsmakers GOLDEN DAYS Actually two young ladies were in this surveying class, photographed by Roy E. Heffner, prob- ably in the 1930s. We chose this one, her help- ful classmate and their instructor to test your Sooner memories. Drop a line if you recognize them ; turn the page for the February identities. 17 "The Arms and the Man" Sooner playgoers of the 1933 season drew Cope as the hero playing opposite Lucille a surprising blank in tagging the romantic Tway, '35. Mrs. Bailey appeared in the role twosome in February's photograph from of the maid. the Roy 1?. Heffner collection. Drama Mrs. Bailey, a Pi Beta Phi from Deerfield, school director Rupel J. Jones finally came Illinois, during her college days, has lived up with the name of the girl, Phyllis Sea- in Altus almost continuously since gradua- go, '34bfa, now Mrs. Temple Bailey of tion. She taught for a while in a junior Altus. Mrs. Bailey in turn identified her college. Bailey attended the University of dashing companion as Bill Cope, '34bfa. Texas. They have a daughter, Mary, 14. The play, George Bernard Shaw's "Arms Bilt Cope also went to college teaching and the Man," set in 1885 Bulgaria, was and was at Oklahoma College for Women Cope and Seago presented at O.U. on May 12, 1933, with at Chickasha in 1948. a series of brief news stories of events that shaped the lives of the alumni family 1913 1930 ogy. Dr . Hopps, now at Galveston State Hospital, DEATH : W. W. Hentz, '13Law, Oklahoma Frank Criner Love, '30Law, executive vice- is a former member of the O.U . Medical School City died March 7 at the age of 92 . Hentz en- president of Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc., was faculty. tered law practice in Oklahoma City after gradu- chairman for Oklahoma City's annual Brotherhood Dr. John E. Mertes, Jr., '35bus, professor of ation and later went into the mercantile business, Week observance . Love was named "Christian marketing at O.U., is the author of a study entitled r etiring in 1957. He is survived by two sons, Man of the Year" in 1959 by the Notre Dame Club "Self-Selection in the Retail Store," being published W. W., Jr., and Howard . of Oklahoma City. He and his wife have seven by the Bureau o£ Business Research at O.U . Dr . 1918 children . Mertes received his master's and doctor's degrees DEATH : Mrs. Cora Mundy, '18, died March 1 1931 in business administration from Indiana Univer- in a Pawhuska hospital . Survivors include her Sam W. Schwieger, '31ba, advertising director sity in 1952 and 1956. husband, H. H. "Doe" Munday, two daughters and of Southwestern Electric Power Company, Shreve- 1936 r son. port, Louisiana, has been awarded a George Wash- J. E. Byers, '36eng, has been promoted to sales 1926 ington honor medal from the Freedoms Foundation, manager of the oil field equipment division of Louise Fain, '266a, Port Isabel, Texas, recently Valley Forge, Pennsylvania . Schwieger, a former Black, Sivalls and Bryson, Inc., with headquarters donated a collection of Etude music magazines to manager of the Arkansas Press Association, has at Oklahoma City . Byers was Tulsa district sales the Fine Arts library at O.U . With a few excep- been with the Shreveport company since 1943 . manager for 6 years and more recently was man- tions the collection is complete from January, 1914, 1933 ager of BS&B's Gulf and Pacific regions. to December, 1954 . Howard J . Van Dyke, '33ba, Tulsa, has been James I) . Fellers, '366a, '361,aw, has been elect- 1928 named to receive the George Washington honor ed chairman of the Civic Committee of Oklahoma Maj . Gen. Hal L. Muldrow, '28bus, was the medal given each year to a non-profit publication City for the second year . The committee comprises February recipient of the "Distinguished Oklaho- by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge. Van representatives of 67 civic organizations in Greater man of the Month" award. Muldrow is command- Dyke is editor of the Carter Oil Company's Tulsa Oklahoma City . Fellers is a member of the firm of ing general of the Oklaltonaa National Guard's 45th publication, The Linl~. He has been with the public Mostellcr, Fellers, Andrews, Snider & Baggett. Infantry Division . relations staff of Carter Oil Company since 1948 Harold Feldstein, '36eng, was recently appoint- DEATH : Leslie Chambers, '286a, '29tna, died and became editor of The Linl( in 1951 . ed area commissioner for Hollywood-Wilshire February 14 in Kansas City, Missouri . Chambers, 1934 District of the Boy Scouts of America . 53, of Merwin, Missouri, was a former Oklahoma Gene Janz, '34ed, has returned to East Orange, Dr . Rheba Edwards, '366s, '38med, acting direc- state senator from Kingfisher and Blaine Counties . New Jersey, after spending the last several months tor of the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health, He is survived by his wife, the former Virginia in Miami, Florida. was speaker at the Leadership Training School Bartley, '28ba, and two sons, Leslie Bartley and Mary E. Grundy, '34ed, '37m .ed, was recently sponsored by the Oklahoma State Federation of James. nominated "Comanche County Teacher of the Women's Clubs on the O.U . campus . The subject 1929 Year ." Miss Grundy is connected with the public of Dr . Edwards' speech was "Why We Behave Like Dr . Charles F. Spencer, '291na, president of East school system in Lawton . Human Beings ." Central State College, Ada, was a recent guest 1935 1937 speaker at a session of the Seminole branch of the '1 '. Hall Collinson, '356a, '37Law, was recently DEATH : Russell Albert Newton, '37bus, died American Association of University Women. Dr . elected vice-president of the Metropolitan Area February 16 of a heart attack at his home in Tulsa. Spencer discussed "Our 49th State," using material Planning Council in Kansas City, Missouri . Col- Newton, 48, was an crnploye of the Triangle Oil obtained while helping three cities in Alaska write linson is editor and publisher of the Independence, Company. Survivors include his wife and three city charters . Missouri, Examiner and in charge of the ten farm sons, Ronald, Larry and Timothy. Ford Michael, '29bs, '37m.ed, has been award- magazines published by Stauffer-Capper Publica- 1938 ed a National Science Foundation scholarship to tions, Inc. He is also a director of all 28 Stauffer- Lt . Col. James R. McBrayer, Jr ., '38ed, is cur- attend a course in mathematics for science teachers Capper Corporations . rently assigned to Headquarters, U. S. Air Force, at O.U . during the summer . Michael is a science Dr. Howard C. Hopps, '35med, is the author of The Pentagon, as chief of the security policy divi- teacher at Norman High School . a newly published textbook, Principles of Pathol- sion, office of the provost marshal. Colonel Me- 1 8 Brave, recently graduated from the resident course of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, NEW BOOKS: ri. mcNair, D. C. From SOONERS 1940 The Uniwrsily John I. Peters, '406us, was recently appointed and manager of the state of Kansas for Travelers Ex- of Oklallotlm Press Company. He will continue to reside in press pubhshcrs in Wichita, Kansas . tit: University of Oklahoma Press outstripped the rest of the natio 's runners-up. Mrs . Grace J. Penny, '406a, '53ma, specialist in 1959 with four of the year's top ten western books an(] a fifth among the materials services at O.U., is author of organi- educational TheT annual selection is made by the Chicago Corral of the Westerners, a national . .'a book, Mold, her second book, which went on sale other book, Tales of the zation dedicated to western history and literature. April 18. Mrs . Penny's Mur ay: Bill Sublette: Cheyennes, was published in 1953 . On the "best" list were The Modocs and Their War by Keith A. Mountain Man by John E. Sunder ; The Rampaging Herd : A Bibliography of Books and 1943 Indians of Dr. J. Raymond Hinshaw, '43ba, '46mcd, ad- Pamphlets on Men and Events in the Cattle Industry by Ramon F. Adams, and George dressed the Atomic Energy Commission April 7 in the High Plains: From the Prehistoric Period to the Coming of Europeans by Washington, D. C. Before the A.E.C. conference a meeting of the American College of E. Hyde. he attended Catlin : Episodes from Life Among the Indians and Surge~uts at White Sulphur Springs, West Vir- The runner-up book was George ginia. Hinshaw is director of Atomic Burn Re- Last Rambles edited by Marvin C. Ross. search for the Navy at Rochester, New York, and teaches surgery at the University of Rochester Med- wealth and tragedy, and concludes that for Melville's Shorter Tales by Richard ical School . the novelist convention changes but truth H. Fogle 1945 does not. Virgd A. Stites, '45, and Mrs. Stites (the for- University of Oklahoma Press Fortunately for the reader, Mrs. Lyde's mer ;\line Elmore, '466a), have moved from Lub- bock to Dallas, Texas, where Stites is employed It may come as somewhat of a shock to commentary is liberally sprinkled with quo- by the Federal National Mortgage Association . the average reader to learn that the sum to- tations to facilitate reference and presents '45eng, '58ma, has been Alexander M. Ospovat, tal of Herman Melville's contribution to lit- a well-annotated reconciliation of artistic named assistant professor of history at the Univer- end . Forks. He will re- erature is not packed between the covers of purpose and artistic sity of North Dakota, Grand -PJF cove his Ph.D. degree in history at O.U. in June . He the mammoth Moby Dick.
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