A BibliographyBibliography ofof the History of Inland Waterways, RailwaysRailways && RoadRoad TransportTransport inin the BritishBritish Isles,Isles, 19991999 SECTION GG GENERALGENERAL GC TRANSPORTTRANSPORT IN IN PARTICULAR PARTICULAR REGIONS REGIONS OFOF THE GC1h England-NorthEngland-North West West RegionRegion BRITISH ISLES 11 HERSON, JOHN. Canals, roads and the River Dee: early 19th century transport in the Chester area. In GC1b England-SouthEngland-South WestWest RegionRegion early 19th century transport in the Chester area. In Recording, researching, revealing: proceedings of the 1 CHEESLEY, DAVID (comp). Bristol transport. Stroud: Second Waterways HistoryHistory Conference...1998.Conference ... 1998. pp. Chalford Puffing,Publng, 1998. pp. 128.128. [The archivearchive 13-18. photographs series.]series.] GC1IGC11 England-YorkshireEngland-Yorkshire A photographic record, incl. railways, trams, buses & coaches and commercial vehicles. 12 BINNS, DONALD. Skipton-in-Craven In in the 20th20th century: over 170 photographs with detailed captions. 2 GREENWOOD, JOHN.JOHN. The industrialindustrial archaeologyarchaeology Skipton: Trackside PubIns,Publns, 1999. pp. 96. and industrial history of southsouth westernwestern England:England: a Ch. 4 (pp. 57-65), Skipton railways; 55 (pp. 66-87), bibliography. CardiffCardiff:. MertonMerton PrioryPriory Press,Press, 1999. pp. Agriculture, industry and road transport; also incl. xii,xii,253. 253. photos of Leeds & Liverpool Canal Springs Branch. Bristol, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire,Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. 3888 entries, with author GC2 ScotlandScotland and subject indexes. 13 t FONTANE,FONTANE, THEODOR. THEODOR. Beyond Beyond thethe Tweed:Tweed: a tour of GC1c England-SouthEngland-South East East RegionRegion Scotland in 1858.1858. London: Libris,Libris, 1999. pp. 230. 11 drwgs by Bernhard von Lepel, map. 3 BABTIE GROUP LTD. Industrial Berkshire. Based on Orig. publ. in 1860. Includes accounts of journeys a texttext commissionedcommissioned by BerkshireBerkshire CountyCounty CouncilCouncil by train, stage coach and steamboat. from Berkshire Ind!Indl Arch. Grp. Reading, [c.1997]. pp. [36].[36].36 36 innsillns (19(19 col.),col.), 3 tables.tables. 14 HUNTER, D. L. G. Edinburgh's transport. New edn of pp. [4-1£4-10],0],e. TheThe developmentdevelopment ofof aa transporttransport Ott.9495, vol.vol. 2, The Corporation years 1919-1975.1919--1975. infrastInfraslructure.ructur Chetwode: Adam Gordon,Gordon, 1999. pp. 190, col. fldgfldg route map. Many photos. 4 CROCKER, GLENYS (ed). Surrey's industrial past.past. Appx. 1, Tramcars; 2, Buses; 3, Tickets; 4, Traffic Guildford: SurreySurrey InO1 Indl Hist.Hist. Group, 1999. pp. ix, 150. statistics. Ch. 7 (pp. 73-94), Transport. GC3 WalesWales 5 EVE, DAVID. A guide to the Industrialindustrial archaeology of Kent. tn.p.]:[n.p.}: Assocn forfor Ind'Indl Arch., 1999. pp. 60. 15 ELLIS,ELLlS, BRYN. The history of HalkynHalkyn mountain:mountain: the Ch. 10 (pp. 40-7), Maritime transport; 1111 (pp.(pp. 48-48- mountain withwith lead in its veins.veins. Halkyn: HO/gain,He/ygain, 55), Land and air transport. 1998. pp. 239.239.9 9 photos,photos, 1818 figs, 14 maps. 6 LESLIE,LESLlE, KIM, SHORT,SHORT, BRIANBRIAN andand ROWLAND,ROWLAND, pp. 208-17, TravellingTravelling on and overover thethe mountain.mountain. SUSAN (ed). An historical atlas of Sussex: an atlas of Covers roads, railwaysrailways andand ropeway,ropeway, proposedproposed the history of the counties of East and West Sussex. and actual, serving the area. Chichester: Phillimore, 1999. pp. x, 166. 16 tt JENKINS,JENKINS, GERAINTGERAINT H. andand JONES,JONES, IEUANIEUAN IncludesIncludes cartographic presentations of transporttransport GWYNEDD (ed). Cardiganshire county history, vol. 3: and industrial developments. Cardiganshire inin modernmodern times.times. Cardiff: Univ. ofof London Wales Press,Press, forfor Cardiganshire Cardiganshire AntiquarianAntiquarian Soc./RoyalSoc.lRoyal Commsn Ancient & Hist. MonumentsMonuments of 7 BULL, JOHN, with assistance from Laurie AkehurstAkehurst Wales, 1998. pp. viii, 633. and others. London bus and Underground timetables: a comprehensivecomprehensive listlist of busbus andand Underground Underground GC4 IrelandIreland timetable books, including thosethose issuedissued byby LondonLondon Transport 1933-97, London Country 1970-86, plusplus 17 RYNNE, COLlN.COLIN. The industrial archaeology of Cork all knownknown booksbooks issuedissued since 19111911 byby LondonLondon city and its environs.environs. Dublin: Stationery Office,Office, 1999. General Country Services, East Surrey,Surrey, National,National, pp. xiii, 325.325.134 134 figsfigs (some(some col.),coL), 5 tables. Autocar, Amersham & District. Watford:Watford: London Hist. Ch. 77 (pp.(pp. 174-222),174-222), TransportTransport andand communic-communic­ Research Grp, OmnibusOmnibus Society,Society, 1998. pp. [32]. 24 ations. tables. GC6 IsleIsle of of Man Man 8 CREATON, HEATHER.HEATHER. Sources Sources for for thethe history of London 1939--45:1939-45: a guideguide andand bibliography.bibliography. London: 18 EDWARDS, BARRY. Isle of Man railways locomotive, British Records Assocn, 1998. pp. xii, 196.196. [Archives tram and rollingrolling stockstock directory.directory. Ballasalla: B & C and the user, no. 9.] Puffins,Publns, 1999. pp. 48. GC1d England-WestEngland-West Midlands Midlands RegionRegion GE TRANSPORTTRANSPORT ENGINEERING ENGINEERING 99t-1- DANIELS, TERRYTERRY (ed.(ed. for LangleyLangley LocalLocal HistoryHistory Grp). MakingMaking and movingmoving inin Langley.Langley. 1West[West GE1 BiographiesBiographies of of civil civil engineersengineers Bromwich?]:Bromwich?}: Sandwell Library & InformationInformation Service, 1999. pp. 160. Many iIIns.illns. 19 BARNES, MARTIN. Contracted to the past. New Civil EngrEngr5/12 5/12 Aug. 1999. pppp 20-1.20-1. GC1e England-EastEngland-East Midlands Midlands RegionRegion The comparative merits of engineers of the past as 10 FRY,FRY, TERRY. TERRY. TheThe historyhistory ofof Carrington: Carrington: aa contract managers. Nottingham suburb. [Nottingham}:[Nottingham]: author,author, 1999. pp. 20 BURTON, ANTHONY. Thomas Thomas Telford: Telford: aa newnew [i],[ij,56. 56. perspective. London: Aurum Press, 1999. pp. 232.232.25 25 Ch.Ch.4 4 (pp. 19--22),19-22), Turnpikes, trains and trams. photos, 6 maps, 13 diagms. 428 21 WORTH, MARTIN. Sweat and inspiration: pioneers of A survey of surviving remains. pp.pp. 30-3, Transport, the IndustrialIndustrial Age. Stroud: Sutton Publng,Publng, 1999. pp. 41-55, Gazetteer. 200. Based on the author's BBC radio series on the 28 JEUDA, B. S. The limestone quarries of Caldon Low lives and work of thethe early engineers. 1769-1939. Tarmac PapersPapers vol. 3 (1999)(1999) pp. 193- 217. The quarries were worked by the Trent & MerseyMersey GE3 ArchitectureArchitecture and and design: design: bridges, bridges, viaducts,viaducts, Canal, 1797-1847, and and thenthen by thethe NorthNorth buildings Staffordshire Rly and LM&SR until 1934. 22 JAMES, J. G. The evolution of wooden bridge trusses 29 STANIER, PETER. SouthSouth westwest granite: aa history of to 1850.1850. InIn Jnl Inst. Wood Science vol. 9 (1982)(1982) pp. the granite industry in Devon and Cornwall. Stst Austell:Austel/: 116-35,168-93.116-35, 168-93. Cornish Hillside Publns, 1999. pp. viii, 223. The small number of British road and rail bridges is With chapter on Transporting granite. set inin thethe contextcontext ofof continental continental EuropeanEuropean andand American developments. GK6GKS Parliament,Parilarnent, Government Government and and transporttransport -repr.repr. inin YEOMANS,YEOMANS, DAVID T.T. (ed),(ed), TheThe development of of timbertimber as aa structuralstructural material.material. 30 DEVINE, ROSEMARY (comp). Index to the Local and Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999. [StudiesrStudies in thethe historyhistory ofof Personal Acts 1797-1849. London: Stationery Office,Office, civil engineering, vol. 8] pp. 327-72. 1999.2 vols.vols. pp.pp. ix, 604; vi, 603-1279. Acts listed alphabetically by short title. 23 STOTT, LOUIS. BridgesBridges of of thethe river Forth and its tributaries. Forth Naturalist & HistorianHistorian vol. 22 (1999)(1999) 31 JENKINS, PETER R. (comp). Parliamentary acts of pp. 133-53. the yearyear 18451845 relatingrelating toto railwaysrailways andand canals.canals. Rev. from: A tale of bridges, and so Forth. Picture Pulborough: DragonwheelOragonwheel Books, 1998. pp. 16. Postcard Monthly no. 128 (Dec. 1990) pp.pp. 16-18.16-18. A list in chapter order. GQGO APPRECIATION OF TRANSPORT GE4 MechanicalMechanical engineering engineering 24 BEDDOES, KEITHKEITH and WHEELER,WHEELER, COLINCOLlN andand GQ1G01 PreservationPreservation STEPHEN. Metro-Cammell: 150 years of STEPHEN. Metro-Cammell: 150 years of 32 DIVALL, COLIN.COLlN. GoingGOing places?: visitors, enthusiastsenthusiasts craftsmanship. Cheltenham: Runpast, 1999. pp. 112. Cheltenham: Runpast, 1999. pp. 112. and the public history of transport: a lecturelecture delivereddelivered Many illns.iIIns. at the National Railway Museum on 12th March 1999 A mainlymainly pictorial history of railwayrailway andand tramwaytramway as hishis inauguralinaugural addressaddress asas ProfessorProfessor ofof RailwayRailway rolling stock and bus body construction by this rolling stock and bus body construction by this Studies in the UniversityUniversity of York. York: Inst. of Rly company andand its predecessors,predecessors, withwith listslists ofof York: Inst. of Rly customers. Studies, 1999. pp. 11.11. [Working papers
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