Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus Dan Novy Published on: Oct 12, 2020 License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY 4.0) Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus Syllabus Instructors: Joost Bonsen and Dan Novy Faculty Advisor: Joe Paradiso Meeting Time: Tue 7-9 in E15-359 FALL TERM — (Tuesday, Sept. 15, through Tuesday, Dec. 15) 11 Tuesdays + Final Exam Presentation. COURSE DESCRIPTION ‘Pataphysics (French: ‘pataphysique): The science of imaginary solutions. ‘Science Fiction is not predictive, it is descriptive.’ — Ursula Le Guin ‘A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam.’ — Frederik Pohl Far more than escapist fantasy or Saturday morning ray gun serials, Science Fiction has become the ambient ideaspace of our time. An author’s words or a director’s vision can inspire a generation of designers and engineers to work on the “Big Problems” of an age or to tread lightly as they wield the great power of science and discovery. From Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” to SynthBio’s programmed life-forms; from Star Trek’s Communicator to the StarTAC Flip Phone; from William Gibson’s Cyberspace to the Internet of today; Science Fiction is the medium where new ideas are born, prototyped, and become technological reality. With a focus on the creation of functional prototypes, this class combines the analysis of classic and modern science fiction texts and films with physical fabrication or code-based interpretations of the technologies they depict. Topics will include the future of Matter, Energy, Medicine, Food, Cities, Brains, Emerging Nations, Sex/Gender, Money, War, Transport, Aging, Entertainment, Design, Religion, and more. Students will be exposed to concepts of digital fabrication, machine vision, speculative design, blockchain technology, interface design, machine learning, neuroscience, and synthetic biology to explore how tales of the future can inform cutting edge technology today. Guest lecturers and representatives from sponsor companies working in these areas will contribute to select project critiques. Students should have at least basic experience with fabrication techniques and/or coding skills. We especially encourage students participating in How To Make (Almost) Anything and other skillbuilding fabrication, electronics, coding, and similar classes to consider taking Sci Fab concurrently. Our emphasis is on exploring and finding the most interesting and compelling things to prototype — in our case, as inspired by Science Fiction. We require you to commit to regular readings and/or viewings, active participation in class discussions, to have an open mind, to work on in-class 2 Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus design and other exploratory exercises, two iterations of project prototypes during the first and second month, and a final project. GRADING Grading will be based on attendance, thoughtful participation in class discussion, design exercises, project critiques, and how successfully class projects incorporate concepts addressed in readings (30%). Participation includes speaking during class, being attentive and engaged, as well as posting, commenting on, and critiquing online materials at the class website. Two iterations of project prototypes will be required (15% each). The final project will be worth 40% (including documentation). Projects may be done alone or in collaboration. Collaborations must document the full extent of each participant’s contribution and equal effort is expected per collaborator. The final project may build on a previous class exercise or earlier prototypes. Each unexcused absence will result in losing one letter grade. Each failure to do the assigned readings or activity will result in a 5% loss of total points. Topics: One week each. Reading selections, topic, topic order, and guest speakers may change. Each class will contain in-class Design Exercises related to the reading. Intro and Expectations (Sept 15) GUEST: Jason Pontin from Technology Review Design Exercise: Class discussion of favorites SF or Speculative Fiction Literature, Film, Video Game, etc.) Assignment: “What have you always wanted to see become real?” Sketch (on paper, in legos, with clay, papier-mâché, laser cut cardboard, Sculpey, foam, arduino, openframeworks, etc) a prototype inspired by your favorite Science Fiction storyworld or artifact. Be prepared to explain what it is, what it does, how it works, and how it could be done today, i.e. what parts and processing exist today that would allow you to make it. Reading Assignment: > Read the chapter of The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson entitled “Nell learns to work the matter compiler; youthful indiscretions; all is made better.” (Page number will depend on chosen format.) > Read Ch. 1 & 9 of Engines of Creation by Eric Drexler MAKE (Material Progress) (Sept 22) Guest: Sputnik0! Design Exercise: Sputnik0!’s Awesome Design Fiction Exercise Class Discussion: 3 Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus Additive Manufacturing Diamond Age / Matter Compilers Transmetropolitan / Warren Ellis Star Trek / Replicators Energy Power Wireless Power Heinlein / Solar Robomation Asimov / I Robot Butlerian Jihad / Dune Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? – Philip K. Dick Rachel / Larissa Lai The Lifecycle of Software Objects / Ted Chiang Assignment: Learn how to program DNA and create a new life form: Watch the following video: https://youtu.be/_eqp2BmEEGU Read the following several times and watch where necessary: https://readfold.com/read/jpahara/learn-synthetic-biology-synbiotas-rainbow-factory- NPeboFiq Read Synbiota’s Protocols for Rapid DNA Prototyping. Go online and design a plasmid in the software section of Synbiota’s Rainbow Factory kit. Reading Assignment: Read selection from: Ch. 22 – “THE BAZAAR OF THE BIZARRE” from Nexus by Ramez Naam Ch. 7 – 11 of Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood Blood Music by Greg Bear. (Short story) or full novel if you’re feeling adventurous. Pg. 121 -169 of Evolving Ourselves by Juan Enriquez and Steve Gullans HEAL (Health & Physiology) (Sept 29) Guest: Andrew Hessel, David Kong Design Exercise: Synbiota Synthetic Biology Hacking Class Discussion: Diagnostics Truth Machine / Lie Detection, Neuroailments Blood Music / Greg Bear 4 Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus Cures First Immortal / Cryonics, etc Bionic Man “Flowers For Algernon” - Daniel Keyes Mindplayers / Pat Cadigan BodMods Diamond Age / implants, tats, ractives Oryx and Crake Nexus / Ramez Naam Uploads Diaspora / spectrum of uploads & AI’s The Girl Who Was Plugged In / Tiptree Gear Starship Trooper’s – Forever War – Old Man’s War/ Protective Suits Heinlein / Waldos Herbert-Dune/ Stillsuits Assignment: +. Sketch, again in your preferred medium, a “napkin prototype” that uses the organisms we created in the workshop. How could they be inputs/sensors? outputs/displays? etc. Extra points if you build it. ,. Explore the IGEM Catalog of Parts. Become familiar with some of the most current “winners” of the competition. -. Reaching further, What “Oryx and Crake” like creature could you see being beneficial to humanity? Medical? Military? Entertainment? What would be its drawback? Reading Assignment: “Fast Times at Fairmont High” by Vernor Vinge “TAP” by Greg Egan Read the sections of “The Diamond Age” entitled “Hackworth departs from Dr. X’s laboratory; further ruminations; poem from Finkle-McGraw; encounter with ruffians.” and “From the Primer, a visit to Castle Turing; a final chat with Miss Matheson; speculation as to 5 Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus Nell’s destiny; farewell; conversation with a grizzled hoplite; Nell goes forth to seek her fortune.“ Read these historic essays by MIT alum J. C. R. Licklider and Vannevar Bush LEARN (Creativity & Learning) (Oct 6) Guest: Stuart Candy – Director of the Situation Lab, Foresight & design prof at OCAD University. Design Exercise: That Thing From The Future Class Discussion: Rapid Learn Forever War / Sim tank None So Blind / Neuromod Matrix / Spinal Tap TAP / Greg Egan Babel-17 – Samuel Delany Kids Artifacts Diamond Age / Primer The Veldt/ Bradbury HCI Minority Report / Gestural Diamond Age / Ractives Snow Crash / VR Neuromancer / Cyberspace Hitchhikers Guide / Bablefish Ready Player One/ The Oasis Assignment: Take one of your or a classmate’s ideas generated during play of The Thing from the Future game and sketch it out in more detail. If it’s an easily buildable object, build it. If it’s an app or a site or a Processing sketch, code it. Document in detail on the class WordPress what the object is (object), how it works (mood + terrain), and how it fits into the future world from which it comes (arc). Reading Assignment: Finish “The Diamond Age“, (go back and read any parts you missed. Then read until the end.) Pay particular attention to the description of cities, mobility, and fuels (Feed vs. Seed) Read “The Infinite Resource” by Ramez Naam. 6 Sci Fab: Science Fiction Inspired Prototyping 2015 Syllabus FUEL (Enviro & Planet) (Oct 20) Guest: Design Exercise: Class Discussion: Cities Blade Runner / LA Fifth Element / NYC Diamond Age / Shanghai etc Snow Crash / LA Burbclaves Star Wars / Corcusant Foundation / Trantor District 9 / Jo’burg Architecture Rainbows End/ Library Anathem/ Clock of the Long Now Vehicles Snow Crash / YT’s Skates Snow Crash / Rat-thing Back to the Future / Hoverboard Heinlein / Roads Must Roll Disasters The
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