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KG, Balcke-Dürr-Allee 3, D-40882 Ratingen, www.dkv-euroservice.com YOU DRIVE, WE CARE. BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number Blvd.G.M.Dimitrov & blvd. 2504075 SHELL 1000 Dianabad Nikola Ga 2504076 SHELL 1000 Konstantin Velichkov Blvd. Vazkresenie 1 2504077 SHELL 1000 Pochivka Sveti Nikola 23 bul. Tsar Boris III 509, 2500049 GAZPROM 1000 Sofia Cheren ko 2500046 GAZPROM 1000 Sofia bul.Cvetan Lazarov 2517232 PETROL 1000 Sofia Danail Nikolaev Blvd. 2517231 PETROL 1000 Sofia Simeonovsko shose Blvd. 2517229 PETROL 1000 Sofia Todor Kableshkov Blvd. 3 Ndezhda Residential 2517227 PETROL 1000 Sofia Area Asen Yordanov Str., 2517226 PETROL 1000 Sofia junction to the Orlandovtsi district, 1st 2517224 PETROL 1000 Sofia balgarska Dianabad district, Vasil 2517219 PETROL 1000 Sofia Kalchev di 2517217 PETROL 1000 Sofia Gorublyane District Dragomansko shose Str. 2517216 PETROL 1000 Sofia Milevo hanch Pavlovo district, 17, Tzar 2517212 PETROL 1000 Sofia Boris II 3 Maldost Residential 2517211 PETROL 1000 Sofia Area 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 1 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2517208 PETROL 1000 Sofia Iliensko shose Str. 2517206 PETROL 1000 Sofia 5 Lyulin Residential Area Konstantin Velichkov 2517205 PETROL 1000 Sofia Blvd. 2517203 PETROL 1000 Sofia Serdika Residential Area 2517202 PETROL 1000 Sofia 226, Lomsko shose Str. 2504074 SHELL 1000 Sofia Blv. Bulgaria kv.Knyazhevo Chernia 2500559 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia kos 2500589 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia bul.Shipchenski prohod "Krasna poliana, 2500590 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia bul.""K.Velichkov" 2500591 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia kv.Ljulin-8, do Bila 2500592 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia kv.Ljulin-7, Tunela 2500593 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia bul.Todor Aleksandrov 2500594 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia bul.Bukston 2500595 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia Izgrev bul.Evropa-Orion- 2500604 LUKOIL 1000 Sofia Zap.park Botevgradsko shose, 2517218 PETROL 1000 Sofia, Ringroad Vrazhdebna dist 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 2 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2517210 PETROL 1000 Sofia, Ringroad Iztok motel 2517209 PETROL 1000 Sofia, Ringroad Bozhur motel 2571020 OMV 1111 Belozem AM 1 Trakia Autobahn 2571017 OMV 1111 Jambol Road Sofia - Burgas AM 1 Trakia Autobahn 2571019 OMV 1111 Vinogradez Km. 73 2504059 SHELL 1113 Sofia Blvd. Alexander Malinov Blvd. Tzarigradsko 2504056 SHELL 1113 Sofia Shouse 2571001 OMV 1120 Sofia Rozhen Blvd, Ilientzi Blvd. Zarigrasko 2571022 OMV 1138 Sofia Chaussee 2571004 OMV 1138 Sofia Samokovsko Chausee DIVERSE / 2502101 OTHERS 1138 Sofia Samokovsko shose str. 1 Blvd. Slivnica & Str. Iliicho 2504082 SHELL 1202 Slivnitsa Iliev 2504083 SHELL 1220 Nadezda Str. 202 4 Blvd. Lomsko Shouse & 2504062 SHELL 1220 Sofia Str. Silgnov str. Parva Balgarska 2500318 KRUIZ 1225 Sofia Armia 90A 2504118 SHELL 1233 Sofia Opalchenska blvd. 53 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 3 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2500574 LUKOIL 1280 Novi Iskar ul.Iskarsko defile 1 2517204 PETROL 1320 Sofia Ivanyave Road to Bankya 2504045 SHELL 1324 Ljulin Blvd. Dobrinova Skala Blvd. Gornobanski pat 2504057 SHELL 1330 Sofia 120 2500503 LUKOIL 1331 Sofia Blv. Republika 2504067 SHELL 1336 Sofia bul. Pancho Vladigerov DIVERSE / 2502102 OTHERS 1360 Sofia Europa blvd. 171 2571051 OMV 1362 Suhodol Avtomagistrala Struma 2504036 SHELL 1366 Sofia Blvd. Evropa 138 Ring road of Sofia, south, 2504035 SHELL 1434 Simeonovo 47th km 2504096 SHELL 1504 Gerena blvd. Vladimir Vazov 15 a 2504119 SHELL 1505 Sofia Botevgradsko Shose 2504065 SHELL 1510 Sofia Blvd. Vladimir Vazov 15 2500517 LUKOIL 1517 Nova Zagora Road Ruse-Elhovo 2504081 SHELL 1532 Kazichene Ring Road 32 km DIVERSE / 2500401 OTHERS 1532 Sofia Farmapark street 5 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 4 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2518011 EKO 1554 Sofia E79 - Ring Road Chepinci Tsarigradsko shose Blvd. 2500044 GAZPROM 1582 Sofia 355 Drujba 2 District, Prof. 2501336 SNG 1582 Sofia Tsvetan La Okolovrasten pat ( Ring 2500548 LUKOIL 1588 Sofia Road) 481 2500312 KRUIZ 1592 Sofia Asen Yordanov Blvd. 4 a 2500531 LUKOIL 1592 Sofia Asen Jordanov street 2504072 SHELL 1592 Sofia Druzhba Blvd. Hristofor Kolumb 2500513 LUKOIL 1614 Suhodol Okolovrasten pat 2504046 SHELL 1616 Boyana Ring road - Boyana 2504084 SHELL 1618 Ovcha Kupel Str. Boicho Boichev 4 2500545 LUKOIL 1641 Vladaya Vladaya Sofia Ring Road - 2571002 OMV 1734 Sofia Malinova Dolina 2500505 LUKOIL 1737 Trakia Trakia Highway km 1 2500313 KRUIZ 1754 Sofia str. Geo Milev 71 DIVERSE / 2538015 OTHERS 1755 Dolni Begrov E 79 Blvd.Tzarigradsko Shouse 2504061 SHELL 1784 Sredetz 113 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 5 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2517245 PETROL 1805 Eleshnitsa 5 km. Hemus highway 2500510 LUKOIL 1806 Gorni Bogrov Way to Sofia-Varna km 5 2500317 KRUIZ 1830 Buhovo str. Nikola Bonev 1 Vrazhdebna, Bul. Vladimir 2501338 SNG 1839 Sofia Vazov 89 2571021 OMV 1839 Sofia Botevgradsko Chaussee 2571003 OMV 1839 Sofia Botevgradsko Chausee 2504058 SHELL 1839 Sofia bul. Botevgradsko Shose 2500028 GAZPROM 1855 Dolni Bogorov main road E 79 2518010 EKO 1855 Sofia Dolni Bogrov 2517237 PETROL 2000 Samokov Exit to Sofiya Samokov na vhoda ot 2500585 LUKOIL 2000 Samokov Dupnica Samokov na vhoda ot 2500586 LUKOIL 2000 Samokov Dupnica 2500570 LUKOIL 2030 Kostenets gr.Kostenec 2500314 KRUIZ 2040 Dolna Banya str. Targovska 1 2500540 LUKOIL 2050 Ichtiman Trakia Highway, South Trakia Highway north km 2500546 LUKOIL 2050 Ichtiman 36 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 6 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2517243 PETROL 2050 Ihtiman Trakiya highway 2517236 PETROL 2050 Ihtiman Tzar Osvoboditel Str. Highway Trakia km 21 2518003 EKO 2060 Ihtiman Sofia-Burgas Parvoklasen pat Ihtiman - 2500316 KRUIZ 2065 Zhivkovo Samokov 2517240 PETROL 2077 Koprivshtica Lyuben Karavelov Str. 2517239 PETROL 2086 Mirkovo Mirkovo village DIVERSE / 2502001 OTHERS 2100 Elin Pelin A1 AM Trakia highway 2517235 PETROL 2110 Novi Chan Novi Han 2517238 PETROL 2120 Saranci Sarantsi 2517309 PETROL 2129 Ravno pole Verila street 2504104 SHELL 2140 Botevgrad E 79 2517241 PETROL 2140 Botevgrad Botevgrad DIVERSE / 2501601 OTHERS 2140 Botevgrad Hemus highway 2500557 LUKOIL 2140 Botevgrad Botevgrad 2500504 LUKOIL 2140 Botevgradsko Botevgradsko Shose 2500308 KRUIZ 2161 Pravets Bld. Treti Mart 14 A 24.09.21 www.dkv-euroservice.com 7 BG - Diesel & Services You drive, we care. Stationsn ummer / Marke / PLZ / Ort / Straße / station Brand Zip code City Street Services number 2500584 LUKOIL 2161 Pravets Pravec Highway Hemus - 43Km 2504080 SHELL 2162 Pravetz To Sofia 2517242 PETROL 2180 Etropole Entrance from Zlatitsa 2571008 OMV 2188 Ossikovitza Hemus Motorway, Km. 57 2571043 OMV 2188 Ossokovitza Hemus Highway 57 Km. 2517234 PETROL 2200 Slivnica 57, Paisiy
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