Dinting Road, Glossop Proposed Residential Development Design & Access Statement March 2017 Revision B- 25.04.17 © BOWKER SADLER PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BOWKER SADLER ARCHITECTURE Articulating Ideas INTRODUCTION This statement accompanies and supports a development proposal at the site located off Dinting Road to the west of Glossop town centre to provide up to 65 No. new residential properties (Use Class C3) including 19 no affordable units. Forming part of a Reserved Matters planning application submitted on behalf of our Clients, Laurus Homes/Lane End Develpment Construction Ltd. this statement has been prepared with regard to the DCLG Circular 01/2006, and sets out the scope of proposed works with appropriate illustrations intended to provide description, explanation and justification for this Development site application. Project Team Joint Applicants Applicant 1: Laurus Homes Applicant 2: Lane End Developments Const.’n Ltd. Address: 126–150 Washway Road Address: Unit 3 Station Court Sale Stockport Road Manchester Thelwall M33 6AG Warrington WA4 2GW Contact: Mr Paul Westhead Contact: Rob Stratton Phone: 0161 968 0300 Phone: 01925 907 920 Location map showing the proposed development site relative to Glossop town centre. Planning Agent: Caulmert Ltd Address 8 St Georges Court Altrincham Business Court Cheshire WA14 5UA Contact: Clive Cunio Phone: 0161 928 6886 Architect: Bowker Sadler Architecture Address: Hatherlow House Hatherlow Romiley Cheshire SK6 3DY Contact: Alison Duxbury Phone: 0161 406 7333 © BOWKER SADLER PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BOWKER SADLER ARCHITECTURE Articulating Ideas 1. BACKGROUND The application site was granted outline planning permission on 27/05/2016 ref HPK/2015/0412, with all matters reserved except for access. This document has been prepared in line with but not exclusive to the following Local and National Planning Policies and Guidance. PLANNING STATEMENT Please refer to separate Planning Statement completed by Caulmert Ltd. which forms part of this application for more detail information regarding the Planning History and Relevant Planning Policy for the site. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Paragraph 17 Core Planning Principles. Section 4 Promoting Sustainable Transport Section 6 Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes. Section 7 Requiring good design. Section 8 Promoting healthy communities Section 11 Conserving and enhancing the natural environment. Aerial view of the development site located East of Glossop town centre Section 12 Conserving and enhancing the historic Environment . Local Development Plan The following polices of the Submitted High Peak Local Plan 2016 are considered relevant to the proposed development: Supplementary Planning Guidance S1 Sustainable development principles Residential Design S1a Presumption in favour of sustainable development Landscape Character S2 Settlement Hierarchy Sustainable Development S3 Strategic Housing Development Planning Obligations S5 Glossopdale Sub-Area Strategy EQ1 Climate Change EQ5 Biodiversity EQ6 Design and Place Making EQ8 Green Infrastructure EQ9 Trees, woodlands and hedgerows EQ10 Pollution Control and Unstable Land EQ11 Flood Risk Management H1 Location of Housing Development H2 Housing Allocations H3 New Housing Development H4 Affordable Housing Indicative site layout which formed part of the Outline Planning Approval. CF3 Local Infrastructure Provision CF4 Open space, Sports and Recreation Facilities CF6 Accessibility and Transport CF7 Planning Obligations and Community Infrastructure Levy © BOWKER SADLER PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BOWKER SADLER ARCHITECTURE Articulating Ideas Ownership and Land Allocation The 2.1 ha (5.2 acre) site is jointly owned by Mr N Dignan and Mrs J Wood and is characterised as rough grassland. Proposed Residential Use The proposal is to seek reserved matters approval for 65 no. dwellings following on from the Outline Planning Permission, HPK/2015/0412 The reserved matters are appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. The scheme proposes a broad range and mix of types and sizes ranging from 1 bed apartments to detached 5 bed properties. The new homes will comprise of the following mix of tenures: • 46 Open Market homes for sale (71%) • 15 homes for Affordable Rent (23%) and • 4 Shared Ownership homes (6%) The proposed development comprises of a mix of property types and tenure in line with the Outline Approval and based on Market Research carried out by the applicant working closely with local Estate Agents. The location of this development with its A view looking South, across the valley, from the existing pedestrian access on Dinting Road. ease of access to public transport and close proximity to a variety of community facilities as an extension of a well established residential area, renders the site ideally suited for such residential use. A view looking East along Dinting Road. Railway Line A view looking West toward the site boundary taken from Birchside Avenue. Site boundary © BOWKER SADLER PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BOWKER SADLER ARCHITECTURE Articulating Ideas SUPPORTING STUDIES AND REPORTS The following supporting information, in addition to the Outline Approval reports, forms part of this Planning Application :- 1. Phase 1 Preliminary Risk Assessment and Phase 2 Ground Investigation Survey and Report by WSP / Parsons Brinkerhoff. 2. Flood Risk Assessment & Drainage Strategy Report by WSP / Parsons Brinkerhoff. The drainage strategy (developed with Cundall Engineers) includes a surface water attenuation pond and pumping station located on the South East (lowest) corner of the site. A view of the eastern site boundary taken from Birchside Avenue 3. Bat activity & Badger Survey Report by Urban Green. No badger sets were found. There was some evidence that the mature hedgerow provided foraging for commuting pipistrelle bats. All recommendations will be taken on board as part of the development. 4. Tree Survey & Constraints Plan by Urban Green. All recommendations will be taken on board as part of the development. 5. Landscape Design by Urban Green. Proposals are in line with the Outline Planning Approval Visual Impact Assessment and are based on retaining key hedgerows and mature trees, with new planting following the contours of the site and structured landscaping to enhance street scenes. 6. Transport & Highways assessment and design by Croft ransport Solutions and Cundall Engineers. A view from the public right of way leading from Dinting Road 7. Archaeological Evaluation Report by Salford Archaeology. Includes a methodology proposal for 15No trenches and associated assessments. 8. Utilities Report by The Power Alliance 9. Noise Survey and report by WSP / Parsons Brinkerhoff. All recommendations will be taken on board as part of the development. 10. Sustainability Statement by Element Sustainability The proposed development provide a quality development that accords with the relevant guidance provided within the High Peak Borough Council's adopted planning policies and Sustainability Checklist. A view from the south west of the site looking east towards Birchside Avenue A view of southern boundary looking West along railway line © BOWKER SADLER PARTNERSHIP LIMITED BOWKER SADLER ARCHITECTURE Articulating Ideas 2. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS The application site is situated approximately 0.5mile north west of Glossop town centre. Glossop is a market town in the Borough of High Peak in Derbyshire, approximately 15 miles east of Manchester and 24 miles east of Sheffield. It is connected by rail to Hadfield, Manchester and Sheffield. The boundary of the site is formed to the north by Dinting Road which is lined with a hedge made up predominantly of hawthorn and young ash trees. To the east it is bounded by residential properties on Birchside Avenue, to the west by two residential properties which front onto Lower Dinting and to the south by the railway line connecting Glossop to Dinting and beyond. There is an existing public right of way Glossop FP No 59 which runs from Dinting Lane to the north west of the site and then across the centre of the site to the eastern boundary and to the south of properties to Ten Foot Close. A footpath link from Ten Foot Close then joins the right of way adjacent to the school playing field before it crosses under the railway line and links to Surrey Street and the town centre beyond. Sustainable location View looking East along the Southern boundary. There are a mix of land uses immediately adjacent to and surrounding the site: Residential The site is located on the western edge of an existing residential area comprising a mix of 1970’s two storey family housing. Constraints and Opportunities Diagram Employment There are a mix of employment uses located to the south of the site including industrial uses and further south retail employment at Wren’s Nest Retail Park Transport The site is in a good location to access public transport, the main bus routes are situated on Dinting Road approximately 200m to the east and 250m to the west with frequent services to Glossop, Hadfield and Stockport. Dinting railway station is located 0.4mile/8min walk away to the west, providing access to local, regional and national rail services. Community uses There are education (all levels), healthcare, retail, leisure and public open space facilities within easy walking distance of the proposed development site. St. Luke’s Primary School and St Philip Howard Catholic School are within easy (17mins) walking distance. Glossopdale Community College is located 0.5mile/9min walk away to the east.
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