International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 A Complete Set of the Chronicle of the Buddha in Myanmar Dr. Tin Tin Nwe Professor, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Mandalay, Mandalay, Myanmar How to cite this paper: Dr. Tin Tin Nwe ABSTRACT "A Complete Set of the Chronicle of the The aim of study was to find the historical values of Buddhism in Myanmar Buddha in Myanmar" Published in from the Myanmar Literature. Myanmar Literature is the Pāḷi Literature origin International as a ground. The event of the life of the Gotama Buddha scattered in the Pāḷi Journal of Trend in Literature. Venerable Saddhammābhilaṅkāra (Depeiyin Sayadaw) composed Scientific Research as a chronical literature of the Buddha as a complete set of the chronicle of the and Development Buddha in prose. It is the Tathāgata Udāna Dīpanī in 1772 A.D (B.E 2316, M.E (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 1134), early Kong-baung period. The title implies “the explanatory work on the 6470, Volume-3 | chronicle of the Gotama Buddha.” It is the first and complete work of its kind in Issue-5, August IJTSRD27949 Myanmar Literature. The chronicle in question is written on more than 300 2019, pp.2337-2347, topics in prose. This paper is mainly explored the historical values of https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd27949 Buddhism in Myanmar with reference to this chronicle due to the impact of Pāḷi Literature on Myanmar Literature by the flourishing of Buddhism. Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific KEYWORDS: life of the Buddha, historical values, Pāḷi Literature, Myanmar Literature Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed INTRODUCTION under the terms of Since the first century AD and there prospered in about 4th to 5th century AD the Creative Buddhism introduced Myanmar , history of the Life of the Buddha in Myanmar Commons Attribution introduced and developed together with short extracts in inscriptions of stone License (CC BY 4.0) and ink because people of Myanmar made their effort to develop and prosper (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by Buddhism having studied Pāḷi, the language of Theravāda Buddhism. /4.0) 1. Gotama Buddha and His Chronicle 3. Chronicles of the Buddha in Myanmar Literature. The Gotama Buddha enlightened in the 6th century B.C in Not only portrayed the scenes of the Buddha in votive India. He expounded the discourses for fortyfive years upto tablets, sculptures and wall paintings etc. but also in the parinibbāna. He founded the Buddhist Order. The composition from period to period. There flourished in discourses are classified into three Pitakas. The event of the poetry and lyric : Sutaung-khan Pyo (Scene of life of the Buddha scattered in the Vinaya Mahāvagga, Bodhisatta’prayer), Paramitaw-khan Pyo (Scene of Sonadanda Sutta of Sīlakkhanddhavagga of Dīghanikāya, Perfection of the Bodhisatta ), and Buddhupatti Pyo (Life of Mahāpadāna Sutta and Mahāparinibbāna Sutta of Mahāvagga the Buddha) of Shin Mahā Sīlavaṃsa ; Pyatiha-khan Pyo of Dīghanikāya; Mahāsaccaka Sutta, Pāsarāsi Sutta, (Scene of the performing miracle) and Byadittawkhan Bodhirājakumāra Sutta, Saṅgārava Sutta of Mulapaṇṇāsa, Pyo(Scene of the prophecy of the Bodhisatta) of Shin Majjhima Nikāya; Pabbajja Sutta and Nālaka Sutta of Tejosara; Tawhtwet khan Pyo (Scene of the renunciation of Khuddaka Nikāya; Acchariyadhamma Sutta of Majjhima the Bodhisatta) of Wungyi Padesaraja; Gatha-chauk-se Nikāya; Apadāna, Buddhavamsa and Cariyāpiṭaka. They are Pyo(Sixty verses uttered by Venerable Kaludayi)of Shin Ohn also found in Jātakatthakathā, Buddhavaṃsatthakathā, Nyo; Parinibbana Pyo (the Parinibbana of the Buddha) of an Cariyāpiṭakatthakathā and the Mahāyarnist Buddhist anonymous poet; Wasocin Pyo ( rain retreat order of the chronicles of Lalita vitthāra, Mahāvatthu and Buddhacarita. Buddha) of Mon Ywe Sayardaw and Vasocin Prayer (prayer of rain retreat order of the Buddha) of Caturangabala, the 2. Myanmar and Buddhist Art minister are chronical literature in Myanmar.There have In Myanmar, the scenes from the life of the Buddha appeared been flourished the chronical literature of the Buddha in in votive tablet, sculptures and wall paintings since the prose also from period upto day. arrival and flourishment of Buddhism. A. Acinteyya vatthu The scenes of the Buddha had been cost in different votive Among the chronical literature of the Buddha, Acinteyya tablets in Sriksetra (Hmawzar), Bagan and Bago etc. all the vatthu was written by the second Taung-bi-la sayadaw in whole Myanmar. They are the four scenes, the five scenes, 1046 M.E. It is not a chronicle of the Buddha, just a novel the eight scenes, the nine scenes, the eleven scenes and the composing about the four Acinteyyas. It mentions from the sixteen scenes etc. conception of Bodhisatta to the delivering the Discourse of Dhammacakkapavattana. It is earlier than Tathāgata Udāna There also found the wall paintings with ink inscriptions in Dīpanī (1134 M.E), Mālālankāra vatthu (1160 M.E) and the Lokahteikpan, Pathothamya, Aperatana, Nagayon, Jinatthapakāsanì (1200 M.E). Gupyauk Gyi (Myinkabar), Gupyauk Gyi (Wet Kyi-inn), Nandamañña (Minnanthu), Payathonzu, Thambula (Minnanthu) and Loka-U-shaung Pagodas. @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD27949 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 2337 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470 B. Tathāgatuppatti great chronicle of the Buddha (Mūla Mahā Buddhavan) the In the same year, there appeared Tathāgatupatti of Shin events of the Buddha from the life of the hermit, Sumedha of Dhammananda.It is assumed as a translated work. As for the Rammāvatī city to the parinibbāna in the Sal grove of king events of life of the Buddha were composed with 143 topics, Mallas, composed by the Venerable it is a obvious sketch of the chronicle of the Buddha. Sirisaddhammābhilaṅkāra of Depeiyin. C. Tathāgata Udāna Dīpanī The Sayardaw composed the Tathāgata Udāna Dīpanī for the After Acinteyya vatthu and Tathāgatupatti , Tathāgata Udāna fulfilment of the perfection of wisdom and the welfare of the Dīpanī is the first and foremost, and the most complete one. people as he was an aspirant to be a Buddha. Although the It mentions from the 20 Asaṅkhyeyyas and one hundred title of the book is given in Pāḷi, the genre is prose in thousand aeons in the fulfilment of perfections by the Future Myanmar. The Venerable Sayardaw inserted some Pāḷi Buddha to the division of relics, hold of Buddhist councils passages and word - by - word translation. Preface and and arrival of Buddhism in Thaton etc. with the promise in three Pāli verses mention that he would present embellishments of knowledge and aesthetics and 315 topics. the utterances (events) of the Buddha for the So it would be the most complete and the basic of the later ornamamentation of the ear of the righteous ones having chronical texts: Mālālaṅkāra, Jinatthapakāsanī and other taken the materials worthy from the various works. chronicles of the Buddha. There the title has three words: Tathāgata Udāna Dīpanī. In D. Mālālaṅkāra Vatthu the Sumaṅgalavilāsinī, the Venerable Mahābuddhaghosa As it is said that this text had completed in 1160 M.E (2342 gives the eight reasons for calling Buddha the Tathāgata. BE), it is a chonicle of the Buddha in the early Kong-baung Tathāgata has two words: tathā and āgata or tathā and gata. Period. The events of the Buddha is mentioned in five It means the Buddha has come like the forer Buddhas and he volumes from the conception of the Future Buddha in the has gone like them. The rest six reasons give the meaning of human abode to the build of pagodas enshrined the relics by truth. In the Mahāniddesa “munimunino vuccanti Tathāgato the king Asoka. As an appendix, there mentioned the Arahanto Sammāsambuddhā.” he is the muni of munis, Arahat qualities of the Future Buddhas received prophecy, duration of the Arahats, the Buddha who is perfectly enlightened. In of perfection in fulfilment, individual qualities of the the Cūḷaniddesa, it is explained that he speaks at right time Buddhas. So this is the chronicle of the Buddha, which could (kālavādī), according to truth (bhūtavādī), good (atthavādī), present the scenes of the Buddha effectively. dhamma (dhammavādī) and law (vinayavādī). The Buddha speaks or does or preaches etc. in all places concerning him E. Jinatthapakāsanī are truth. He says as he does; and he does as he says Among the works of Kyetheilehtut Sayardaw (1179-1256 (yathāvādī tathākārī, yathākārī tathāvādī). Therefore means M.E), Jinatthapakāsanī and Mahāvanvatthu are Tathāgata means the Buddha. distinguished. Among old chronicles of the Buddha, Jinatthapakāsanī is the excellent one endowned with Briefly, “Tathāgata” means the Buddha who has reached the aesthetic composition. truth as the previous Buddhas. The Venerable Sayardaw seemed to give the exposition of the Buddha who was Except the chronicles of the Buddha, there appeared endowed with the above mentioned eight qualities of the Mahābuddhavan vatthu (vol.I, 1819; vol.II, 1837) of Pathama Tathāgata in his text. Ngakhun Sayardaw, Buddhavan vatthu (1907) published from the Hanthawady press; Buddhupattipakāsanì (1952) of The word “udāna” means utterance, event, incident, U Bo Phyu and Mahâbuddhavan (1967) of U Thaw Zin. occurance and happening. As mentioned “udānakathāvadāno” in the epilogue of the Tathāgata Udāna F. The Great Chronicle of Buddhas Dīpanī that the Buddha was used to utter the events, it In the present day, the greatest, the most extensive and means event or life of the beings.Udāna comes from the completed work in the great chronicle of Buddhas (1131 meaning of breathing out. It is joyful utterance emotionally. ME/ 1969 A.D) of Mingun Sayadaw Gyi, the Venerable Kathā means speech, discourse, conversation, discussion, a Vicittasārābhivaṃsa in Myanmar.
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