THE MORNING OltEG ONIAN, SATURDAY. MAY 15, 1920 straight time by Salt Lake today, 7 Sunday, and in the following cities on coast bred boys who might really man. winner take all. at catch to 4, in a game featured by heavy succeeding Sundays: Grants Pass, May figure with Leonard. FUR WEST MEET TODAY weights or make US pounds for Billy BEAVERS WIN, 7 TO 4 hitting. RACQUET W S 23; Salem, May 30; Falls City, June T Some bantams who will be consid- Mascott and not take a cent unless Oakland tied the score in the sixth, 6; Eugene, June 13 The team will 1 ClllPi! ered for the match with Herman are he knocks the latter out in ten when Knight tripled bases play away Bud Ridley, Benny McCoy. Young rounds. Matchmaker Bobby with the from home pending the Billy Evans full after two outs had been made. completion of the athletic field at the Farrell. Jimmy Brenton and SIX COLLEGES TO COMPETE will tuck Winsor's proposition away AND CAPTURESERIES Three Salt Lake runs were scored in OPEN ROUNDS TODAY new county fair grounds here. Mascott. until the Gorman-Brow- n meiaa 13 the same frame. Score: TO BOX IN PORTLAND But for his tactics leading up to OVAL. over. Oakland I Salt Lake DAVIS GRAMMAR XIXE WlXS his bout with Sammy Gordon at Joe Gorman is going through tha BRHOAl R n IT O A the other night Mascott ricidest training 3 1 0 .1 2 4 2 0 Milwaukie routine since his i.ane.m.. 0Marrt.m. ten-rou- nd 1 2l.7ohm-n.- s might have landed the mside track first bout in I'ortland his Zeidr.2. 3 2 3 0 12 4 can Oregon Agricultural College Is Con for Wllie.r.. 4 2 0 0IKruir.2.. 3 O 0 3 5 Red" Brown Holds Woodmere 3 on the match. However, he is scrap with Brown.. If Joe can Mlller.l. 4 2 2 H Rumler.r 4 0 0 1 0 didly in bad with the matchmakers sidered Strongest Contender trim the perpetual motion battler Juney Sent to Rescue as KniKht.3 4 2 0 llSheelv.l. 4 0 1 14 0 45 Players Entered in Spring to 1 Pete Herman Is Signed for attempt the ante Cooprr.l 4 0 17 0! MulHnn.3 3 0 0 0 3 for 12th Straight Victory. over his to raise from Los Angeles he can write his 1 go a set turn. for Honors. own in A.ArlLa. 3 0 lliSand.l. The grammar after agreeing to for ticket in California and lay a Jones Wobbles Eighth. Mltze.c. 3 0 2 llJenkns.c .431114 12 4 3 Tournament. Davis school nine. Match on June 10. Without a doubt he is one or tne legitimate claim to the featherweight RArlt.p 2 0 0 .VBaum.D.. 4 2 the only team out of a field of 42 to boys his weight on the coast, 1 01 110 go best at championship of the Pacific coast. Wcavr.o. 0 0 through the season thus far with- and a great little ring general, but STANFORD UNIVERSITY. Cal.. May Brown and Gorman are out a defeat, won its 12th consecutive 14. Ten with their trainers two mixcra Totals.31 4 S 24 201 Totalc.33 7 10 27 1R there are others of class who de athletes who hit consistently and what a ecs-rio- n Oakland 3 on 0 4 game yesterday when Walter "Red" mand a hearing before anyone is and coaches were here tonight from 1 1 the fans are looking for next Salt Lake 00010o 2 0 3 O 0 7 Brown pitched a 3 to 1 victory over signed to meet the champion June 10. each of six loading colleges and uni- Tuesday KINGDON DOES NEAT WORK Errors Wllle. Mulligan. Sand. Home KATZ TROPHY IS GOAL the Woodmere on Jeffer- DICKERINGS LAST 3 YEARS west for the sec- night! run Maccert. Three-bas- e hits KnlRht. tossers the versities of the far a Two-bas- son high and Jenkins. e hits Lane. MasTKert. school field. It was also With the Milwaukio boxing com ond annual Pacific coast track The remainder of the card has been Jenkins. Sacrifice hits Welder. Johnson. Brown's 12th straight victory. mission slated to hold a show on field meet on the Stanford oval to- completed by Matchmaker Evans. Stolen bases Rumler. Sheely. MaKitert. game morrow. eicht-roun- Sand. Johnson. Struck out Bv Baum 3. ine yesterday was the third one of the days during the Shriners' Two d contests and two Sports considered four-roun- d Field- by Weaver 1. Bases on balls Off Baum 1. of a series of championship contests convention, it meane that the Port- followers here bouts will complete tho Marvelous and Sensational off R. Arlett 2. off Weaver 1. Runs re- - ultnoniali fluh fljiv courts to for the city title in which the leaders Leonard, Lightweight Tltleholder, boxing followers are in for the Oregon Agricultural colloKe the bill. Mitchie KDonsiblc B&um 4 R 6. land Tete and Fuggy Morton for Arlett In of the four sections are battling. greatest lives as strongest contender from the north eight-roun- ing Palls Pitcher Out or lire nings pitched By R. Arlett 5 by Wea- Be Scene of Tennis Activi- month of their far will tangle in one of the d Davis is Also Slated to Appear Here W but they predicted that Stanford and - ver 3 3; charge defeat to R. Arlett. well to the front in the boxing is concerned. ith the sashayes while- Frankie Monroe of San and Helps Beat Angels. ties This Afternoon. championship series, having' won appearance of two world's champions the University of California would Francisco and Weldon Wing will games. During Same Month. contest for first honors. If the meet eight-roun- SEATTLE DOWNS SEALS, 2 TO 1 three straight assured and a possible tnira, the goes meet in the other d attrac- Wednesday the Davis pitcher shut outlook is enough to keep any ol to the relay race for decision. tion. Neal Zimmerman and Ted Hoke) out the Kerns team and up to the fan awake nights trying Walter Christie. California coach, will box four rounds while Jimmv Twelve-Innin- g inning save money predicted his team would win, as the Pacific fo&ht League tStmndinir. Pitchers' Battle last of yesterday's contest to figure out how to his Moscow and Johnny Fugate will box Tennis will be ushered in officially state university defeated Stanford in lour-roun- L. P.C. Brownhas pitched 13 innings without BY DICK SHARP. so that he can grab a ringside at tne d curtain raiser. W. I.. P.C.I W. Breaks1 Run of 1 1 Defeats. for the 1920 season here today allowing a run cross cham- this event in a recent dual meet. Pan Fran'o 21 J S Bl s Oakland .. 19 1. 514 when to the plate, and Pete Herman, bantamweight the months attractions. However, of Univer- 1 1 adherents the Portland.. S 2 son1 Lou Anireles 10 IS .471 SAN FRANCISCO, May 14. After the annual men's spring handicap it was a close decision at home plate pion of the world, will box in Port- V'rnon. ... 21 17 .SMI Sacramento 15 21 17 tournament Multnomah Ama- gave Woodmere team 10. ban- Johhny Kilbane, the gray-haire- d sity of Washington, the University of 17 .. 10 23.003 losing 11 games, at the that the its land June meeting the best Oregon college Salt Lake. 19 .523! Seattle. straight Seattle teur Athletic club, for the Alma D. lone run. tamweight on the Pacific coast. patriarch of the feathers, is billed and Washington State TO Yesterday. Remilta. downed the Seals today, 2 to 1.. in a Katz get way. Davis scored Bobby to appear in one of four star expressed confidence in the teams 4 At Los Aneelea Portland 7. Los Ange- trophy, will under its three runs in the Matchmaker Evans of the the from their respective institutions. les 4. pitchers' battle between Walter A. Goss, chairman of tennis rackets in Shibe park. Philadelphia, KranclBco 2. San Fran- Demaree Lewis. at Multnomah on May 24. Harry ("Kid") Brown, Chief interest in individual events At Fan Seattle and club, and his assistants, le J in one-mi- run in which cisco 1. 12 innings. San Francisco made one run in have completed every arrangement WORLD'S NEW MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPION. the high school graduate of the fast centered the VICTORIA At Salt Lake Salt Lake 7. Oakland 4. opponent. Lew Swan of the Oregon aggies and Sprott IS DEFEATED BY 3. 1. the fourth, when Fitzgerald walked for the staging of the affair and burg, will be his At Sacramento Vernon Sacramento of California promised a spectacular SEVEVTH-IXMN- G and scored on O'Connell's single to with the completion of the drawings Tendler and Eddie Fitzsinimons will contest. RALLY. BY M. GRAYSON. center. Seattle tied the count in the last night everything is southpaw 'em in another eight- - HARRY set for the Tip-lit- z Green of Stanford, it was announced. I .OS ANGELES, Cal., May 14. (Spe- fifth and brought in the winning run start this afternoon. rounder; Ralph Brady and Joe o. will compete pole Forty-fiv- e set-t- and be unable to in the cial.) Although the trusty bats of in the 12th, when Wolter doubled, of the best known rac- will mingle in a third vault as a result of an injured foot.
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