DISTRICT REWARI Sr. Name of the applicant File No. Address Location/ zone Purpose Area in Sqm. Date No. Controlled Area 1 M/s Cambridge School M/s Cambridge School, Village - Rewari Residential Institutional 8379 01.05.2000 Sahabhajpur Khalsa , Distt - Rewari 2 M/s Swatantrata Senani, R.D. M/s Swatantrata Senani, R.D. Somani Rewari Residential Institutional 46936.74 01.12.2000 Somani Shikshan Sansthan Shikshan Sansthan, Khol House, Circular Road Rewari 3 M/s Asahi India Glass M/s Asahi India Glass Bawal, Distt. - Bawal Industiral Industry 35137 23.01.02 Rewari 4 M/s Teju Service Station M/s Teju Service Station, Nangal Teju Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 3478 26.02.02 Tehsil - Bawal,Rewari 5 Sh. Dharmbir Proprietor Sarwan Sh. Dharmbir Prop. Sarwan Devi Piwara Agriculture Residential 1021.92 08.08.02 Devi Creche Centre Creche Centre Village - Rajiv Nagar, Building for Creche Rewari Centre 6 Surender Singh Yadav Sh. Surender Singh Yadav R/o Dharuhera Agriculture Petrol Pump 39352.59 20.08.03 Kharkhara, Distt. Rewari 7 Sh. Sita Ram S/o Sh. Mool Chand Sh. Sita Ram S/o Sh. Mool Chand, Rewari Transport & Garrage cum service 2608.5 23.12.03 Village - Gajjiwas Bawal road, Distt. - Communication station Rewari 8 Sh. Sandeep Bhatotia S/o Sh. A.S. Sh. Sandeep Bhatotia Village - Dharuhera Agriculture Petrol Pump 1635 08.01.04 Bhatotia Dungarwas , Distt- Rewari 9 Ram Swroop S/o Sh. Hardev Sh. Ram Swroop S/o Sh. Hardev Dharuhera Agriculture Petrol Pump 2501.17 14.01.04 Dharuhera, Distt. - Rewari 10 M/s XPS Cargo Service M/s XPS Cargo Service, Village - NH-8 Agriculture Warehouse 9559 30.04.04 Sangwari , Distt. - Rewari 11 M/s Indian Oil Corporation M/s Indian Oil Corporation Vill- Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 14520 05.05.04 Saban, Teh-Bawal, Distt. - Rewari 12 Sh. Inder Pal M/s Indian Oil Inder Pal , Village - Mohanpur, Distt. Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 3586.72 06.05.04 Corporation Ltd. Rewari 13 M/s Indian Oil Corporation M/s Indian Oil Corporation Panipat Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 3583.92 09.09.04 Bohali 14 M/s Bharat Petroliam Ltd. M/s Bharat Petrolium Ltd. Village - Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 7432.25 27.10.04 Jai Singh Pur Khera 15 Smt. Anita Yadav Smt. Anita Yadav Dharuhera, NH-8, Dharuhera Open Space Petrol Pump 3317.14 02.11.04 Distt. - Rewari 16 Raj Kumar Yadav S/o Sh. Chhatar R-312 Sh. Raj Kumar Yadav S/o Sh. Chhatar Dharuhera Open Space Petrol Pump 2529.21 12.08.05 Singh Singh, Sector -4, Gurgaon 17 M/s Vipin S/o Sh. Ghansyam M/s Vipin S/o Sh. Ghansyam , Model Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 3000.319 18.11.05 Town Rewari 18 M/s Indian Oil Corporation R-276 M/s Indian Oil Corporation Panipat Bawal Open Space/ Petrol Pump 6070.27 27.12.05 Bohali Agriculture 19 M/s Reliance Industries Ltd. R-294 M/s Reliance Industries Ltd. 13th Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 3000 sq.mtr 06.01.06 floor, Vijaya Building, 17 Bharakhamba road Connaught Place, New Delhi 20 Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. R-277 Rewari Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 4830.99 09.01.06 21 Mahipal S/o Raghbir R-326 Mahipal S/o Sh. Raghbir R/o Maheshwari Open Space Commercial 1329.42 20.01.06 Laduwas (Rewari) (Petrol Pump) 22 Regional Manager (Marketing) R-325 6th Floor, Tolstoy House, Bawal Agriculture zone Petrol Pump 6070.27 23.01.06 M/s Numaligarh Refinery Ltd. 15-17, Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi 23 Smt. Sandhya Singh W/o Sh. Dan R-288 Vill. Lisana, Rewari Rewari Agriculture zone Petrol Pump 2629.73 12.06.06 Singh & Smt. Kaushalya Yadav W/o Sh. Mohinder Kumar 24 M/s Bharat Petroleum Ltd. R-263 Rewari Bawal Agriculture zone Petrol Pump 3177.257 05.07.06 25 Ravinder Kumar S/o Shree Pal R-323 Ravinder Kumar S/o Sh. Shree Pal Dharuhera Commercial Petrol Pump 1694.97 27.07.06 R/o Dharuhera, Distt. - Rewari 26 Sh. Pradeep Rao S/o Sh. Tej Singh R-324 Sh. Pradeep Rao S/o Sh. Tej Singh Dharuhera Residential Petrol Pump 1416.45 11.08.06 R/o Dharuhera Distt. - Rewari 27 M/s Reliance Retail Outlet R-294 M/s Reliance Retail Out let , Village - Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 1047 28.09.06 Odhi, Distt. - Rewari 28 M/s Dev & Dev M/s Dev & Dev , Bawal, Distt. - Bawal Agriculture Warehouse 45470.95 01.03.07 Rewari 29 M/s Premium Molding & RE-350 M/s Primium Molding 185, Udyog Kapriwas Industrial Industry 15283.62 17.04.07 Proceessing Pvt. Ltd. Vihar, Gurgaon 30 M/s Indian Oil Corporation RE-336 M/s Indian Oil Corportion Village - Bawal Agriculture Petrol Pump 4350.35 21.04.07 Karnawas Distt. Rewari 31 M/s Bharti Healthcare Ltd. R-208 Rewari Kapriwas School & Industrial Industry 33436.87 02.05.07 Water Works 32 M/s Gateway Impex Pvt. Ltd. RE-366 Vill.- Malpura, Dharuhera, Rewari Dharuhera Industrial Industry 33689.8 03.05.07 33 Sh. Hansraj S/o Sh. Sher Singh RE-343 Sh. Hansraj S/o Sh. Sher Singh R/o Kapriwas Industrial Warehouse 7663.67 10.05.07 Village - Joniawas, Dharuhera, Rewari 34 Sh. Harish Yadav S/o Sh. Ranbir RE-337 Petrol Pump, Bawal, Distt. Rewai Bawal Green belt and Petrol Pump 1586.79 25.05.07 Singh C/o Dr. Prabha Harish Yadav Agriculture zone Hospital 35 M/s Rico Auto Industries Ltd. RE-199 M/s Rico Auto Industries , Dharuhera Industrial Industry 7081.99 29.05.07 Dharuhera, Distt. - Rewari 36 M/s Kay Jay Auto Ltd. RE-371 Vill. Malpura, Rewari Kapriwas Industrial Industry 5819.27 29.05.07 37 M/s XPS Cargo Service Ltd. RE-301 Vill.-Laduwas, Rewari Rewari Agricultrue Warehouse 2978.55 25.06.07 38 M/s Gateway Impex Pvt. Ltd. RE-368 M/s Gateway Impax Pvt. Ltd. NH-8, Dharuhera Industrial Industry 42403.43 26.06.07 Dharuhera, Rewari 39 Manohar Education Society RE-229 Manohar Education Society Garhi Bolni Road Residential Institutional 11154.05 27.08.07 Cambridge School Cambridge School, Village - Sahabhajpur Khalsa 40 M/s ILA Agro & Surgitech Pvt. Ltd. M/s ILA Agro & Surgitech Pvt. Ltd. Dharuhera Agriculture Industry 278.81 20.07.07 QU -276 A, Chitrakoot, Pitampura, New Delhi 41 B. M Gupta B. M. Gupta Delhi Road Circular Road Within Old Shopping Mall 6012.5 10.08.07 Rewari Rewari Municipal Limit 42 Smt. Phoolwati, Rajbir R-317 Smt. Phoolwati, Rajbir, R/o Maheshwari Open Space Petrol Pump 909.3 31.08.07 Maheshwari , Distt. - Rewari (Residential) 43 Anil Kumar S/o Sh. Hoshiyar Singh RE-376 Anil Kumar S/o Sh. Hoshiyar Singh, Mahendergah road Agriculture Petrol Pump 1285.03 05.10.07 Village - Batodi, Rewari Rewari 44 M/s Odyssy India Hotel Pvt. Ltd. RE-375 Rewari NH-8 Rewari Agriculture Motel 10176.8 11.12.07 45 Sh. Ravinder Kumar Jain, Vill RE-352 Vill-Malpura, Rewari Kapriwas Industrial Warehouse 19930.6 02.01.08 Malpura, Rewari 46 Sh. Naresh Kumar etc. RE-320 Vill-Malpura, Rewari Kapriwas Industrial Industry 10395.27 08.01.08 47 Sh. Kuldeep Singh, M/s Shri RE-380 Vill.-Alamgirpur, Rewari Dharuhera Agriculture B.Sc, Nursing 19364.38 13.02.08 Krishna Education Trust College 48 Sh. Sandeep Chillar RE-387 Sandeep Chillar, C-506, Susant Lok Rewari Agriculture Commerical 31191.5 31.03.08 Gurgaon 49 Sona Koya Steering Systems Ltd. RE-381 Dharuhera Dharuhera Industrial Industry 43301 17.04.08 50 Sukbir Singh Chhabra RE-389 Sukbir Singh Chhabra Motia Khan Kapriwas Industrial Industry 22586.33 07.08.08 New Delhi 51 Sandeep Jain & Shashank Kumar RE-382 Sandeep Jain & Shashank Kumar Jain R/E Mandhaya Industrial Warehouse 10120 31.10.08 Jain ss/o Sh. Sumer Chand Jain ss/o Sh. Sumer Chand Jain, 4588, Kalan Chaudhory wada Rewari 52 M/s Gateway Impex Pvt. Ltd. RE-368 Malpura, Rewari Dharuhera Industrial Industrial 40410 dt. Not mentioned 53 Sh. Ram Partap S/o Sh. Laxman RE-377 Rewari Rewari Agriculture Warehouse 6393 4.11.08 54 M/s Gurgaon Reef & Palm Resorts M/s Gurgaon Reef & Palm Resorts Rewari Agriculture Hotel 6767 05.12.08 Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. C-8, 8768, Vasant Kunj New Delhi -110070 55 M/s Milestone Mega City Pvt. Ltd. RE-414 M/s Mega City / Miles Stone NH-8, Kapriwas Industrial Warehouse 43.01 acres 11.02.09 Kapriwas Dharuhera, Rewari 56 Kusum W/o Reshi Raj, M/s R.R. RE-396 Kusum W/o Sh. Reshi Raj Village - Kapriwas Industrial Industry 2529.29 16.03.09 Engineering Joniawas Distt. - Rewari 57 M/s Mobis India Ltd. RE-428 M/s Mobis India Ltd. Dharuhera, Dharuhera Agriculture Warehouse 43394.56 01.06.09 Distt. - Rewari 58 M/s Voda Phone Digilink, M/s RE-402 M/s Voda Phone Digilink Malpura Dharuhera Residential Commercial 185.5 31.07.09 Aircell Digilink Distt. - Rewari 59 Sh. Subhash Chand, Sh. Suresh RE-426 Subhash, Suresh, Naresh ss/o Sh. Akera Agriculture Work Shop 15732 31.07.09 Chand, Naresh Kumar Ss/o Sh. Bohru Ram R/o Akera, Distt. - Rewari Bohdu etc. 60 M/s Hard Rock Pvt. Ltd. RE-430 M/s Hard Rock Pvt. Ltd. 207, Masijid Dharuhera Agriculture Hotel 5286.5 24.11.09 Moth New Delhi 61 Ram Partap S/o Sh. Laxman Das, RE-377 Ram Partap S/o Sh. Laxman Das Pataudi road Agricuture zone Warehouse 704 02.03.2010 Bhatte wala, Old Grain Market, Bhatte Wala, Old Grain Market, Distt.

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