Renewal of the Email Services IMAP,IMAP, SMTPSMTP && Co.Co. WolfgangWolfgang FriebelFriebel Technical Seminar Zeuthen, 6.10.2009 Outline of the talk SchematicSchematic viewview ofof thethe mailmail flowflow inin ZeuthenZeuthen WhatWhat willwill whenwhen bebe changedchanged ReceivingReceiving emailemail andand configurationconfiguration ofof mailmail clientsclients SendingSending emailemail SpamSpam andand mailmail filteringfiltering FrequentlyFrequently askedasked questionsquestions NextNext stepssteps 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 2 The mail flow in Zeuthen SMTPSMTP forfor sendingsending mailmail external user SMTPSMTP AuthAuth ttoo sendsend fromfrom outsideoutside SMTP Auth SMTP IMAPIMAP forfor readingreading mailmail IMAP externalexternal mailmail serverserver currentlycurrently alsoalso ext. mail server mailmail storestore int. mail server externalexternal serverserver performsperforms spamspam spam & SMTP tagging and virus scanning on a virus filter SMTP tagging and virus scanning on a mail store separateseparate machinemachine IMAP UsersUsers cancan send/receivesend/receive emailsemails usingusing HamburgHamburg serversservers asas wellwell User 1 ... User n 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 3 Why a new IMAP Server dovecotdovecot cancan handlehandle 10001000 activeactive usersusers onon aa singlesingle computercomputer UW-IMAPUW-IMAP (with(with mboxmbox format)format) allowsallows nono concurrentconcurrent accessaccess ConcurrentConcurrent accessaccess toto mailsmails cancan causecause lockinglocking oror lossloss ofof emailsemails MboxMbox formatformat limitlimit 2GB2GB reachedreached soonsoon Mailbox sizes DESY Hamburg distribution of mailboxes by size SlowSlow accessaccess withwith mboxmbox formatformat 17 52 108 621 259 2088 157 270 Flexibility of dovecot 316 Flexibility of dovecot 379 ACL's for folders 3313 ACL's for folders Exchange compressedcompressed foldersfolders 1731 quotaquota UWimap SituationSituation withwith developersdevelopers under 10 10M – 100M 100M – 250M 250M – 500M 500M – 1G 1G – 2G 2G – 5G over 5G 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 4 New IMAP Server UW-IMAPUW-IMAP getsgets replacedreplaced byby dovecotdovecot ServerServer supportssupports additionaladditional foldersfolders besidesbesides INBOXINBOX (quota(quota ofof 11 GBGB inin additionaddition toto AFSAFS homehome directorydirectory quota)quota) mailmail quotaquota cancan getget displayeddisplayed usingusing check_inboxcheck_inbox (Linux)(Linux) nono moremore lockinglocking problemsproblems (AFS!!!)(AFS!!!) MuchMuch higherhigher speedspeed ofof emailemail accessaccess centralcentral mailmail filteringfiltering (sieve(sieve scriptsscripts onon imapimap server)server) centralcentral mailmail filterfilter byby defaultdefault movesmoves spamspam mailsmails intointo thethe junkjunk folderfolder UseUse ofof ownown filtersfilters possiblepossible butbut nono loginlogin onon imap,imap, hencehence uploadupload usingusing mailmail clientclient 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 5 Configuration changes for users separateseparate serversservers forfor sendingsending ((mailmail)) andand readingreading ((imapimap)) ofof mailmail INBOXINBOX ofof allall usersusers willwill bebe onon imapimap insteadinstead onon mailmail moremore thanthan 5050 usersusers alreadyalready moved,moved, othersothers willwill followfollow untiluntil endend ofof OctOct newnew internalinternal serverserver forfor sendingsending ((mail1mail1)) isis operationaloperational nownow onon aa virtualvirtual machinemachine nono moremore accessaccess toto foldersfolders inin AFSAFS spacespace usingusing thethe IMAPIMAP serverserver foldersfolders inin AFSAFS accessibleaccessible asas locallocal foldersfolders onlyonly foldersfolders onon IMAPIMAP serverserver areare notnot inin AFSAFS spacespace 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 6 Comparison of UW-IMAP and dovecot UW-IMAP dovecot Server INBOX Folder (dirs) INBOX a1 b 1 file with many mails Mails (files) AFS ~/mail ~/mail Folder (files) a1 a2 b c Folder (files) a2 c 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 7 Move from mail to imap (1) beforebefore OctoberOctober 15:15: movemove isis voluntary,voluntary, useruser isis sendingsending anan emailemail toto [email protected]@ifh.de whenwhen movemove shouldshould taketake place.place. OnOn requestrequest allall foldersfolders inin ~/mail~/mail inin AFSAFS spacespace cancan bebe copiedcopied toto thethe IMAPIMAP serverserver (max.(max. 500500 MB)MB) folderfolder namesnames containingcontaining certaincertain charschars (space,(space, .. )) cancan causecause problemsproblems useruser getsgets confirmationconfirmation mailmail sayingsaying thatthat thethe INBOXINBOX andand optionallyoptionally foldersfolders havehave beenbeen copiedcopied andand emailemail isis receivedreceived onon mailmail andand imapimap useruser cancan sendsend emailemail toto stopstop mailmail receptionreception onon mailmail AfterAfter atat mostmost 4848 hourshours mailmail receptionreception onon mailmail isis stoppedstopped finallyfinally thenthen thethe mailmail clientclient hashas toto bebe reconfiguredreconfigured (see(see later)later) NoNo furtherfurther configurationconfiguration changeschanges requiredrequired (e.g.(e.g. registry)registry) !! 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 8 Move from mail to imap (2) afterafter OctoberOctober 15:15: useruser getsgets informedinformed byby emailemail thatthat hishis INBOXINBOX hashas beenbeen copiedcopied toto imapimap andand newnew emailemail isis receivedreceived onon mailmail andand imapimap useruser cancan sendsend mailmail toto stopstop mailmail receptionreception onon mailmail AfterAfter atat mostmost 4848 hourshours mailmail receptionreception onon mailmail isis stoppedstopped finallyfinally useruser hashas toto reconfigurereconfigure thethe mailmail clientclient detaileddetailed informationinformation onon thethe followingfollowing slidesslides ThereThere isis nono changechange inin thethe preferredpreferred addressaddress whenwhen sendingsending mail:mail: [email protected]@desy.de,, thethe realreal addressaddress ofof thethe INBOXINBOX inin thethe registryregistry staysstays unchangedunchanged ([email protected])([email protected]) 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 9 Configuration of mail clients mailmail clientsclients alpinealpine (successor(successor ofof pine,pine, texttext based)based) thunderbirdthunderbird mulberrymulberry (very(very powerfulpowerful,, MacOSMacOS looklook andand feel,feel, onon LinuxLinux buggy)buggy) others,others, e.g.e.g. evolution,evolution, outlook,outlook, ...... configurationconfiguration describeddescribed onon https://dvinfo.ifh.de/IMAPServerhttps://dvinfo.ifh.de/IMAPServer importantimportant parameters:parameters: serverserver namename imap.ifh.de,imap.ifh.de, protocolprotocol IMAP,IMAP, portport 143143 (TLS),(TLS), 993993 (SSL)(SSL) mailmail directorydirectory onon server:server: keepkeep emptyempty (or(or maybemaybe ~)~) correctcorrect installationinstallation ofof CACA CertificatesCertificates isis crucialcrucial forfor properproper functionality!functionality! 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 10 alpine inin ZeuthenZeuthen alreadyalready preconfiguredpreconfigured (server(server mailmail insteadinstead ofof imap)imap) configurationconfiguration changechange toto useuse thethe newnew serverserver inbox-path={imap.ifh.de}inboxinbox-path={imap.ifh.de}inbox inin .pinerc.pinerc oror changechange InboxInbox PathPath inin alpinealpine (Setup(Setup ->-> ConfigConfig Screen)Screen) oror exportexport IMAPSERVER=imap.ifh.deIMAPSERVER=imap.ifh.de inin .zshenv.zshenv (Zeuthen(Zeuthen only)only) oror setenvsetenv IMAPSERVERIMAPSERVER imap.ifh.deimap.ifh.de inin .cshrc.cshrc (Zeuthen(Zeuthen only)only) configureconfigure alpinealpine toto displaydisplay additionaladditional foldersfolders onon serverserver setupsetup ->-> collectionListscollectionLists ->-> addadd collectioncollection arbitrary nickname, server Name: imap.ifh.de, remaining fields empty in this collection the folder junk wil get displayed new folders in this collection are visible on all mail clients talking IMAP 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 11 Reply address in alpine settingssettings thatthat areare identicalidentical forfor allall usersusers areare writtenwritten toto thethe globalglobal alpinealpine configurationconfiguration filefile From:From: addressaddress isis differentdifferent forfor allall users,users, thethe builtbuilt inin defaultdefault willwill constructconstruct itit fromfrom domaindomain (ifh.de)(ifh.de) andand accountname.accountname. ThisThis shouldshould bebe changedchanged !! onlyonly aa problemproblem ofof (al)pine,(al)pine, otherother mailmail readersreaders willwill usuallyusually askask forfor thethe emailemail addressaddress toto bebe usedused inin thethe From:From: headerheader EvenEven worseworse onon computerscomputers notnot managedmanaged byby DESYDESY defaultdefault isis aa From:From: accordingaccording toto thethe templatetemplate [email protected]@host.domain atat DESYDESY thisthis regularlyregularly causescauses replyreply mailsmails toto bouncebounce thereforetherefore important:important: changechange From:From: inin setupsetup ->-> configureconfigure recommendedrecommended toto modifymodify asas well:well: alt-addressesalt-addresses (Alternate(Alternate Adresses)Adresses) 6. Okt. techn. Seminar 12 alpine and Multimedia Attachments handledhandled properlyproperly (graphics,(graphics, URLURL displaydisplay inin browser,browser, sound,sound, ...)...) requiresrequires correctcorrect MIMEMIME settingssettings inin alpinealpine allall attachmentsattachments dodo havehave aa MIMEMIME typetype characterizescharacterizes
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