The American Journal of Emergency Medicine Contents VOLUME 25 • NUMBER 9 • NOVEMBER 2007 ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTIONS Acute Epidural Hematoma of the Posterior Fossa—Cases of Acute Clinical Deterioration 989 Toshiaki Hayashi, Motonobu Kameyama, Shigeki Imaizumi, Hideyuki Kamii, and Takehide Onuma Patient Sex and Quality of ED Care for Patients With Myocardial Infarction David R. Vinson, 996 David J. Magid, David W. Brand, Frederick A. Masoudi, P. Michael Ho, Ella E. Lyons, Laurie Crounse, Theresa M. van der Vlugt, Thomas G. Padgett, Albert J. Tricomi, Alan S. Go, and John S. Rumsfeld Comparing Different Patterns for Managing Febrile Children in the ED Between Emergency and 1004 Pediatric Physicians: Impact on Patient Outcome Vei-Ken Seow, Aming Chor-Ming Lin, I-Yin Lin, Cien-Chih Chen, Kuo-Chih Chen, Tzong-Luen Wang, and Chee-Fah Chong Risk Factors and Prognostic Predictors of Unexpected Intensive Care Unit Admission Within 1009 3 Days After ED Discharge Ju-Sing Fan, Wei-Fong Kao, David Hung-Tsang Yen, Lee-Ming Wang, Chung-I Huang, and Chen-Hsen Lee Application of the TIMI Risk Score in ED Patients With Cocaine-Associated Chest Pain 1015 Maureen Chase, Aaron M. Brown, Jennifer L. Robey, Kara E. Zogby, Frances S. Shofer, Lauren Chmielewski, and Judd E. Hollander Terrorism: Can Emergency Medicine Physicians Identify Terrorism Syndromes? Joseph Lester, 1019 Steve Christos, Mary Frances Kordick, and Shu B. Chan Characteristics of Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation by Age Group: An Analysis From the Swedish 1025 Cardiac Arrest Registry Johan Herlitz, Leif Svensson, Johan Engdahl, Jan Gelberg, Johan Silfverstolpe, Aase Wisten, Karl-Axel Ängquist, and Stig Holmberg Combination of Cardiac Pacing and Epinephrine Does Not Always Improve Outcome of 1032 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Meng-Hua Chen, Tang-Wei Liu, Zhi-Yu Zeng, Lu Xie, Feng-Qing Song, Tao He, and Shu-Rong Mo Radiologic Diagnoses of Patients Who Received Imaging for Venous Thromboembolism Despite 1040 Negative D-Dimer Tests Kristen E. Nordenholz, Michael Zieske, Debra S. Dyer, James A. Hanson, and Kennon Heard BRIEF REPORTS Does Sex Matter? Effect of Screener Sex in Intimate Partner Violence Screening 1047 Lauren B. Gerlach, Elizabeth M. Datner, Judd E. Hollander, Kara E. Zogby, Jennifer L. Robey, and Douglas J. Wiebe Left Brachiocephalic Vein Perforation: Computed Tomographic Features and Treatment 1051 Considerations Sheung-Fat Ko, Shu-Hang Ng, Fu-Ming Fang, Yung-Liang Wan, Ming-Jang Hsieh, Po-Ping Liu, Chia-Te Kung, and Ber-Ming Liu DIAGNOSTICS Whole-Body Multislice Computed Tomography as the Primary and Sole Diagnostic Tool in 1057 Patients With Blunt Trauma: Searching for Its Appropriate Indication Thomas Erik Wurmb, Peter Frühwald, Wittiko Hopfner, Norbert Roewer, and Jörg Brederlau (Continued on next page) Contents continued Early Detection and Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction: The Potential for Improved Care 1063 With Next-Generation, User-Friendly Electrocardiographic Body Surface Mapping Cedric Lefebvre and James Hoekstra EDITORIAL The Earth is Flat! The Electrocardiogram has 12 Leads! The Electrocardiogram in the Patient With 1073 ACS: Looking Beyond the 12-Lead Electrocardiogram William J. Brady CORRESPONDENCE Littmann Sign in Hyperkalemia: Double Counting of Heart Rate János Tomcsányi, 1077 Vince Wágner, and Béla Bózsik Hypothermia for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survivors: A Single-Center Experience 1078 Sebastiaan C.A.M. Bekkers, Bob J.W. Eikemans, Robert Tieleman, Simon H.J.G. Braat, Willem Dassen, Jean Partouns, Chris de Zwaan, Harry J.G.M. Crijns, and Marc C.T.F.M de Krom Shaken Baby Syndrome vs Inflicted Brain Injury Steven Bellemare 1080 ERRATUM 1081 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ELECTRONIC-EXTRA PAGES (Full text articles available online at www.ajemjournal.com) CASE REPORTS Acute Toxic Hepatitis After Amiodarone Intravenous Loading Emanuela Rizzioli, 1082 Elena Incasa, Susanna Gamberini, Sandra Savelli, Arnaldo Zangirolami, Marilena Tampieri, and Roberto Manfredini Electrocardiographic Myocardial Infarction Without Structural Lesion in the Setting of Acute 1082 Hymenoptera Envenomation Michael A. Valkanas, Scott Bowman, and Michael W. Dailey McKittrick-Wheelock Syndrome: A Cause of Severe Hydro-Electrolyte Disorders in ED 1083 Herlon Saraiva Martins, Rodrigo Antônio Brandão-Neto, André Laranjeira de Carvalho, Alfredo Nicodemo Cruz Santana, Francisco José Bueno Aguiar, Augusto Scalabrini-Neto, and Irineu Tadeu Velasco Tongue Viability After Snakebite—An Unusual Occupational Hazard Ta-Lun Kao 1083 and Chi-Wen Juan Laryngotracheal Disruption After Blunt Neck Trauma Rony Aouad, Homere Moutran, 1084 and Simon Rassi Titanium Alloy Ring Crush Injury Martins Kapickis and Joseph E. Kutz 1084 Use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII in a Jehovah’s Witness Patient Albert Hsieh 1085 and Izham Cheong Ectopic Ovarian Pregnancy in a Second-Trimester Patient Kevin J. Corrigan 1085 and Daniel R. Kowalzyk Massive Pulmonary Embolism Masquerading as Pulmonary Edema Giuseppe Famularo, 1086 Giovanni Minisola, Giulio Cesare Nicotra, and Claudio De Simone Spontaneous Splenic Rupture Associated With Listeria Endocarditis Nadia Llanwarne, 1086 Bogdan Badic, Véronique Delugeau, and Serge Landen An Unusual Presentation of an Unusual Injury: Atraumatic Avulsion of the Achilles Tendon 1087 Laurence Dodd, Alistair Tindall, Richard Hargrove, Andrew Crockett, and Ananthram Shetty INDEX TO VOLUME 25 1088 The American Journal of Emergency Medicine THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE (ISSN any means now or hereafter known, electronic or mechanical, 0735-6757) is published nine times a year by Elsevier Inc., 360 including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710. Months of retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Pub- issue are: January, February, March, May, June, July, September, lisher. 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