Co-operate in Do Your Bit for “Flu” Prevention (Ebr !Wu! Iflampsbtrr the Outing Club The Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire Volume 19. Issue 14. DURHAM, N. H. JANUARY 24, 1929. Price, Ten Cents Phi Kappa Phi rP “Dover Road” WOMEN’S DEBATING Chem Professor Flu” In Durham Elects Members Stunt Night TEAM REORGANIZED Carnival Event Activity Dropped Last Year Starts Resigns Post Now On The Wane At the request of the Dur­ Anew— Team Already Selected ham health authorities the an­ Friday Afternoon Date — Two Debates Scheduled— Selects Sixteen Seniors University Physician nual “Stunt Night” has been Of Special Performance Radcliffe at Durham and To Enter Research Work For Scholastic Society postponed, according to a state­ Boston University at With Leeds and Northrup Urges Personal Hygiene ment issued Monday by Rever­ Boston First Time Mask and Dagger Play _____ end Ben. F. Andrew, secretary Averages cf Graduating Class For Featured on Carnival Program, Dr. Arthur White in Interview Points of Christian Work, Inc. The There will be a Women’s debating Active Graduate of University— Won First Ten Terms’ Work Basis of Several Trips Planned to Out Danger of Sneezing, Cough­ “ Stunt Night” is sponsored each team at the University of New Two Proficiency Prizes as Un- j Consideration— All Three Neighboring Cities ing, and Expectorating in year by Christian Work and is Hampshire this term according to a dergraduate— Captain in Na- ! Colleges Represented Public put on under the direction of statement issued Monday by Edmund tional Army— Former Coach A special matinee performance of A. Cortez, Director of Forensics. of Winter Sports Team i The University chapter of Phi the Y. M. C. A.. This year’s “The Dover Road,” Mask and Dag­ For several years the Granite State Kappa Phi, national honorary schol­ program was scheduled for to­ ger's term play, will be given in Danger of further spread of the morrow evening, and will be institution has boasted of a strong astic society, has elected sixteen stu­ Murkland Hall at 3.30 on Friday a f­ The resignation of George A. Per- “flu” in Durham is practically at an postponed, either as an alterna­ women’s debating team, but last dents of the senior class to member­ ternoon, February 15, as part of the ley, ’08, associate professor of Chem­ end according to a statement issued year due to lack of time, Director ship during the past week, according tive Carnival program or as a Winter Carnival program. This will istry #at the University has been ac­ yesterday to a member of T h e N e w Cortez was unable to allow the wo­ to the announcement issued Tuesday separate feature on March 7. be the first time that a performance cepted by President Edward M. H a m p s h ir e staff by Dr. Arthur men to participate in argumentation by Miss Edythe M. Tingley of the Any organization is eligible to of the University play will be present­ Lewis. Professor Perley will leave White, University physician. The and debate. However, conditions are Department of Zoology, secretary of compete for the prize for the ed as part of the Carnival program. the campus on April first of the pres­ doctor stated that the number of cases different this year and the following the organization. Election was best stunt. Competition is ex­ The two other performances to be ent year. For several years Profes­ in the University has been on the women have been chosen to represent based on the averages of the seniors pected to be keen this year, as given on the campus. will be held in sor Perley has had attractive commer­ PROFESSOR GEORGE PERLEY wane during the past few days and New Hampshire in debating: Ruth C. for their four years to date in the there is a large entry and the Murkland Hall on the following Wed­ cial opportunities offered him and has that with proper precautions should Towle ’30, Conway; Madeline F. Lord University. Twelve of the new mem­ stunts are limited to original nesday and Thursday evenings, Feb­ finally accepted the post offered to soon disappear almost entirely. ’30, Conway; Lillian O. Trom bly ’31, bers are students in the College of skits. Those participating in ruary 20 and 21. Tickets for these him by the Leeds & Northrup Com­ The entire matter is now a ques­ Liberal Arts, three in the College the stunts will be admitted free; Concord; Phyllis M. Morin ’30, Som- pany of Philadelphia, to take charge Convo Devoted tion of personal hygiene according to performances may be procured at * ersworth; Gertrude E. Nye ’29, West- of Technology, and one in the Col­ general admission will be 35 Gorman’s drug store, the bookstore, of the electro-chemical and physical- the physician who earnestly urges ville; Kathryn L. Billman ’31, W ollas­ lege of Agriculture. cents. After the presentation and at the College Shop. chemical research and development To Outing Club that all students be particularly care­ ton, Mass.; and Edmee A. Boulanger The list of the students elected in of the skits an informal dance Several trips will be made to pre­ work. ful about sneezing and coughing in the order of their scholastic standing ’30, Dover. These women will be di­ will be held in the Women’s sent the play in Concord on Febru­ Professor Perley has rendered New public and that they avoid evpectora- for the ten terms of their University vided into a negative and an affirma­ Gymnasium. ary 27 or March 6, Franklin on March Hampshire faithful and invaluable tion. He urged that students avoid tive team. Speakers Stress Need course to date are: College of Liberal 1, and probably in Manchester on service both as a member of the fac­ undue proximity with one another Arts: Jane E. Blake, John D. Flem­ The question which they will de­ Of Student Co-operation March 2 or 9. As “The Dover Road” ulty and as an alumnus, and it is with and stated that public gatherings, ing, Julia Taylor, Marjorie Britton, bate is the same subject which is to proved a remarkable success on sincere regret that his friends and particularly dances and other func­ Gertrude Nye, Irene Gadbois, Archie be argued by the men’s team: “Re­ Broadway several years ago and is associates will see him leave the in­ Moving Pictures a Feature at Annual tions which are not absolutely neces­ Rabinovitz. Louise A. Sprague, Mar­ solved: That the American Jury Sys­ Adopt Second favored with an excellent cast for stitution at the end of this term. Meeting— Officers of Outing Club sary, are forbidden for the time being. ian Cheney, Isabelle Paige, Maurice tem Should be Abolished.” this production, the student body ex­ Professor Perley graduated from Voted on for the Coming For the past two weeks an entire Nichols, Burnham Davis; College of Two debates have already been Term Rushing pects the presentation to prove very the University of New Hampshire in Year floor of Fairchild Hall has been re­ Technology: Joseph W. Langford, scheduled for the team with a possi­ popular with each audience. The 1908 receiving a B. S. degree in the served as an extra infirmary for men Real DesRochers, Thomas Colby; bility of several more being arranged. tenseness of the opening scenes is cer­ Chemical Engineering course. He re­ students and a section of the Com­ College of Agriculture: Carl- E. W al­ The two debates arranged are: Rad­ The University of New Hampshire tain to grip the spectators while the ceived the Bailey Prize for proficiency mons dormitory has filled the same ker. New Pre-rushing Mules cliffe at Durham and Boston Univer­ Outing Club launched its annual mem­ unfolding of the plot will evoke mirth in Chemistry, also the Erskine Mason need for the women. Trained nurses The officers of the New Hampshire sity at Boston. bership drive yesterday at a special Take Effect Next Year as well as continue to claim all atten­ Prize for general excellence in the have been on duty at all times in chapter of Phi Kappa Phi for the cur­ convocation devoted to the interests these dormitories and Mrs. Hope P. tion. whole class. From 1908 to 1910 he rent year are Doctor Horace Howes of the Club. The Outing Club de­ Stryker, regular University nurse, No Fraternity Discussion With 1933 Paul H. Blaisdell, ’29, will play the did graduate work at Cornell receiv­ of the Department of Physics, presi­ American Legion pends on its membership for money has looked after cases in the regular leading character role, “ Mr. Latimer.” ing an A. M. degree. dent; Doctor Naomi Eckdahl, of the Freshmen Allowed Before Jan­ to defray Carnival expenses, and the He holds the key to the situation While at Cornell Mr. Perley was as­ infirmary on Faculty Row. When Department of Psychology and Edu­ uary 2— Rushing Period to special privileges accorded to mem­ throughout the play. His mysticism Gives New Award sistant in the Carnegie Laboratory the new infirmary quarters in the Last Three Weeks bers makes the arrangement a coop­ cation, vice-president; Miss Edythe and in part charge of instruction in house formerly occupied by the Sigma and humor enfolds Dorothy Jones, ’30 erative affair. Tingley, secretary; and Mr. Philip electro-chemistry. During 1910-1911 Alpha Epsilon fraternity are avail­ as “Anne;” Elizabeth Bauer, ’29 as Donates University Plaque John Wettergreen, retiring presi­ Marston of the Department of Soci­ Second term rushing will be put he was connected with the Albany able for use much of the present con­ “Eustacia;” John D.
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