THE COLLEGE OF WOOSTER EMPLOYEES: A FINDING TOOL Denise Monbarren May 2021 COLLEGE OF WOOSTER EMPLOYEES Box 1 I. EMPLOYEES (GENERAL) X-Refs. Clippings [about] Correspondence [about] Flyers, Pamphlets Photographs [of] Press Releases Reports See also BOOZ, ALLEN AND HAMILTON REPORT II. INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES ABRAMO, PETER X-Refs. ADAIR, JEFF A. Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] ADAMS, ERICA X-Refs. ADAMS, WARREN H. Clippings [about] ADDINGTON, NATE X-Refs. Clippings [about] ADDINGTON, RACHEL X-Refs. ADDINGTON, ROBERT X-Refs. ADKINS, GEORGIA X-Refs. Correspondence [about] ADKINS, JASON X-Refs. ADKINS, JUSTIN X-Refs. ADLER, JAMIE X-Refs. Web Pages AIKMAN, SHERYL Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] AKINS, PAULA X-Refs. ALAM, MAHBUB Correspondence [to] ALARIE, MARTHA X-Refs. ALBRIGHT, MINDY X-Refs. ALDERMAN, LUCINDA X-Refs. ALEXANDER, CONNIE X-Refs. ALFRED, NANCY C. Clippings [about] ALLEMAN, CONSTANCE X-Refs. ALLEMAN, PAULINE L. X-Refs. ALLEN, ROXANNE X-Refs. ALLEN, RYAN X-Refs. ALLISON, PAM X-Refs. Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] ALLSHOUSE, BEN X-Refs. ALMERAYA, ADRIAN X-Refs. ALMOND, CAROL L. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] ANDERSON, A. NANCY X-Refs. DVDs See Audio-Visual location—The Evolution of Queer Flyers, Pamphlets Photographs [of] Press Releases Videos See Audio-Visual location—Campus Close-Up, Show 101 ANDERSON, CLAUDIA C. Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] ANDERSON, MATT X-Refs. ANDERSON, MELISSA X-Refs. Clippings [about] Correspondence [about] ANDERSON, ROBERT A. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] ANDERSON, TIMOTHY X-Refs. ANDRESKI, JEANNETTE X-Refs. ANDREWS, CHESTER A., III X-Refs. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Job Descriptions ANFANG, ED X-Refs. ANGELL, DOROTHY Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] ANGERT, ORECILIA (PEGGY) X-Refs. ARCHIBALD, HERBERT T. Clippings [about] ARMOUR, EMILY X-Refs. ARMSTRONG, DEBORAH X-Refs. ARMSTRONG, JESS X-Refs. ARMSTRONG, MEG X-Refs. ARN, EDWARD C. See also: ED ARN VETERANS ROUNDTABLE UNPROCESSED—A—Edward C. Arn Collection X-Refs. Clippings [about] Clippings [by] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Family Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location Flyers, Pamphlets Oral Histories See Audio-Visual Department, Closed Reserves Photographs [of] Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location Press Releases ARNER, LYNETTE X-Refs. ARUS-HITA, JORGE Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [to] Job Descriptions Box 2 ASBURY, BEVERLY A. X-Refs. Addresses [by] Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Clippings [by] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Family Clippings [about] Invitations Photographs [of] Manuscripts [about] Manuscripts [by] Photographs [of] Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location Press Releases Programs Box 2a ASBURY, BEVERLY A. Sermons Box 3 ASRE, SANGEETA K. X-Refs. ATKINS, BRIAN X-Refs. ATKINSON, KATHRYN X-Refs. ATTERHOLT, LAURA L. X-Refs. Clippings [about] AUSTIN, BETTY X-Refs. BACHE, CHRIS Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BACON, ROBIN X-Refs. BADERTSCHER, JACK X-Refs. BAILEY, ALLEN X-Refs. BAKER, BRETT X-Refs. Web Pages BAKER, DANA X-Refs. BAKER, HELEN W. X-Refs. BAKER, JOHN X-Refs. BAKER, MATTHEW X-Refs. BAKER, SUSAN X-Refs. BALDNER, JOYCE X-Refs. BAMBERGER, LILLIAN LOUISE BLACK X-Refs. BANACH, APRIL X-Refs. BANKS, COLLEEN A. Contracts Correspondence [to] BANKS, PATRICIA Clippings [about] BARBERA, HELEN ”ROSE” X-Refs. BARBU, LINDA X-Refs. BARCUS, MILDRED X-Refs. BARE, CAROLYN Correspondence [about] BARLOW, WENDY X-Refs. Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] DVDs See Audio-Visual location—Women’s Advisory Board, 1995 Job Descriptions BARNES, DEBBIE K. X-Refs. BARNES, GARY X-Refs. BARNES, GERALDINE X-Refs. BARNES, LENORA X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Job Descriptions Photographs [of] BARNES, TAMRA X-Refs. BARNETT, DAVID C. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [by] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Box 3a BARNETT, SAMUEL R. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Clippings [by] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Job Descriptions BARRETT, PAUL V. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Box 4 BARRETT, PAUL V. Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Family Clippings [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Manuscripts [by] Notes Photographs [of] Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location Press Releases BARRETT, RICHARD X-Refs. BARRINGER, WILLIS X-Refs. Box 5 BARTEL, ERWIN X-Refs. BARTUCCIO, MATTHEW X-Refs. BASIL, PHIL X-Refs. BATES, C. JOHN L. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Family Clippings [about] Photographs [of] Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location Programs Publications [by] BATES, JEAN X-Refs. BATES, JILL K. Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [to] BATES, SUZANNE X-Refs. Flyers, Pamphlets See Oversized location Invitations Press Releases BATTIG, LORI X-Refs. BATTIN, BARBARA X-Refs. Addresses [about] Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Flyers, Pamphlets See Oversized location BAUER, JAMES M. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BAUGHMAN, CECIL X-Refs. BAUMAN, SAMUEL X-Refs. BEAM, BRIAN X-Refs. BEAM, LAURIE X-Refs. BEASLEY, MARCIA A. X-Refs. Correspondence [about] Press Releases BECK, ROBERT P. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Job Descriptions BECK, THOMAS W. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Correspondence [to] Photographs [of] Press Releases BECKLER, GARY X-Refs. BEECHY, RALPH Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Box 6 BEGLEROVIC, NADJA X-Refs. BEHLING, MARY H. X-Refs. Biographies [about] Clippings [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Press Releases BEHRMAN, AMY X-Refs. BEICHLER, BRENDA X-Refs. BEITZEL, MICHAEL L. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BELL, HARVEY Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location BELL, MARTHA S. Correspondence [from] BENCHOFF, MICHAEL X-Refs. BENNETT, SARAH X-Refs. BENNETT, SUE R. X-Refs. BENSON, ASHLEY C. X-Refs. Correspondence [about] BENSON, LIZ X-Refs. Clippings [about] BENSON, MEREDITH X-Refs. BENSON, RHOE X-Refs. BENTLEY, LAURA X-Refs. BENZLE, EMILY X-Refs. Correspondence [about] BERGMANN, WILLY J. X-Refs. Invitations BERKEY, CAROL X-Refs. BERNARDY, CYNTHIA X-Refs. BERRESFORD, DARLENE X-Refs. Correspondence [about] BESANCON, TONYA X-Refs. BEST, ASHLEIGH MUSYT X-Refs. BETT, LORETTA X-Refs. BEVINGTON, ROGER X-Refs. BEY, LAURA M. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Job Descriptions BEYERLE, ELMER D. Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BICKEL, ADDA X-Refs. BIGGS, CHRISTINA X-Refs. BING, MARGARET M. Clippings [about] Correspondence [to] Invitations BING, R. THOMAS Correspondence [from] Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location BIRD, INEZ X-Refs. BIRMINGHAM, CATHERINE Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Job Descriptions BLACK, LOUIS E. Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BLACKWOOD, JAMES R. X-Refs. Addresses [by] Cartoons [by] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Box 6a BLACKWOOD, JAMES R. Correspondence [to] Family Christmas Cards Flyers, Pamphlets Notes Photographs [of] Programs Sermons BLANCHARD, LACIE X-Refs. BLANCHARD, RYAN X-Refs. BLAUCH, JENNY L. Clippings [about] BLOUGH, ELIZABETH Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BLOUGH, MAUDE L. X-Refs. BLOUGH, RICK X-Refs. BLUEMEL, KARL X-Refs. BLYER, NOEL C. Biographies [about] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Family Correspondence [about] BODDISON, SIMON Correspondence [about] BODLE, SHARON X-Refs. BOES, KATIE X-Refs. BOGGS, NORMA X-Refs. BOGUCKI, KEN X-Refs. Videos See Audio-Visual location—Campus Close-Up, Show 302 BOHETEGUY, HENRI G. Correspondence [about] BOLEY, RICHARD X-Refs. BONADIO, MICHAEL X-Refs. BONAR, BLAINE X-Refs. Clippings [about] BONNETT, WILLIAM X-Refs. BORLAND, AMY S. Biographies [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BOSLER-KILMER, JOEL X-Refs. BOSTANCIC, ROGER X-Refs. BOSWORTH, BEATRICE X-Refs. BOUGHNER, ANTHONY X-Refs. BOULTON, LEROY X-Refs. Clippings [about] BOUREN, JAMES Photographs (negatives) [of] See Negatives location BOURNE, MARGARET X-Refs. BOURNS, LOWELL B. See TRUSTEES—Bourns, Lowell B. BOWEN, JASON X-Refs. Correspondence [about] BOWEN, LAUREN X-Refs. Press Releases BOWEN, MACKENZIE X-Refs. BOWIN, MONICA Biographies [about] BOWMAN, TAMMY X-Refs. BOYD, CAROLINE X-Refs. BOYDEN, FLORIBEL Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BOYER, JERRY X-Refs. Box 7 BRAATEN, BRENDAN X-Refs. BRADHAM, ROBERT X-Refs. Clippings [about] BRADLEY, IRECE T. Biographies [about] Clippings [by] Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] Programs BRAZEAU, ALICIA X-Refs. BRECKENRIDGE, MARY B. Biographies [about] Contracts Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] Correspondence [to] BREINER, TIMOTHY J. Contracts Correspondence [about] Correspondence [from] BREITENBUCHER, KATHY X-Refs. BRENNER, THEODORE X-Refs. BRESSLER, ELIZABETH Correspondence [to] Photographs
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