■ 'i ' 1 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1969 PAGE EIGHTEEN ATcrage Dally Net Press Rob lEni^ttittg li^ralb For tSe Wink Ended The Weather SM>*- 1*. isss ForneMl of 0. i. Wnmttm Major E. Waltec'^Lamie of the Harll Fouitdalion of which will be held on tomorrow 1*oolf^fi4 t^Mmnnlsg I Balittlon Army mil be in charge Lertiires Slaled I at the Hartt Sehool of Music, 187 12,962 oot Ml eool, low nm r 86. Tomor­ About Towu I of the Simday^venlng broadcast Broad St., Hartford. Auditioning > I sponsored byline Mshchesler Min- On Calholicistn Forms Orcheslra of strings will be held from noon ^ MMabor of Mm AmUt row mootly elondy, ■Bowen Ukely. T h n t tr e t pliy*lcttn» were i laterlsl Assiv over Station WINF to 4 o’clock, and tha winds and "THE FINEST IN VM IETYr Burma of drealstton. High in-78, elected to membership In the I St 6:3.% piin. Al Si. For Area You ihs brasses between 4 and .%. Other Man.che»ftr^A ('Jty of Villaue Charm Hertford County Medical Asaocla- auditions will be held at a later | Uon t t a meeting el Ihe Hotel date. Modey and unsold tickets for A aerlea of lecturea on the what i The Greeter Hertford Tfoiith yOL. LXXVIII, NO. 304 Itobd Wedneaday. They ere Dr. th^^Manchester GOP Womens Further Information can be ob-' TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1959 (Olsaatfled AdrerlM nt ■■ P«K« 18) PRICE FIVE CENTB Peter B. Gram, 193 E. Center St ; and why of Catholiciam for non-: Orchestra, to be ep'ortsored by the talned from Thomas Downs at icheon next Wedneaday should Catholica will be held at St. Brldg-' 0PENT0NITE«9 Dr. Aldo L. Bellucci. formerlv of ... returned to Mrs .lack Mercer. Julius H^rtt Musical Foundation Hartt. \ ^ Mtiicheater tnd prectfcins m tCee) te fa Church on Tuesday evenings, I ---------J---— — ♦ I* Woodland St. chairman of ! beginning Oct. 6. I of the University of Hartford, is 975 MAIN ST. Hartford, and Dr. Desmond M ^ the affair, on or before Sunday. now being formed. Shot lo Death in Car Gann, Wapping. ^ j The parish has been named a ! MI .1-1212 UN Argues No! Not Yet! ‘Catholic information center for the Co-conductors will be Dr. Moshe Hollisler Stages Three Manchester Xlarines, serv­ Paranov. president of Hartt and FAIRWAY M'orld Green Mtampn! The meeting of S u n ^ Circle eastern section of the Hartford ing with the First Marine Brigade. archdloceae hy the Rev. Msgr.j Dr. Nathan Gottschalk, assistant Fair Ton^rrow — It’s Oct. 25 Peat Noble Grtnda. ^ n s e t Re pjU'ticipated' in an ampbibimia to the president and dean of the bekth liodge. echedulM for Mon­ .lohn P. Wodnraki. director of the On Debate Mob Kingpin Slain _____) I training exernae in the Hawaiian faculty. day evening, haayl^een canceled Confraternity of Christian Doc­ The Hollister PTA Fair Vlll be New York. Sept. >8 liPI — Ike, Red Chief Debate : Islands the past two weeks. They The purpose of the orchestra Is until a later dateyto be announced trine. It will be one of aix aii<h to- provide an opportunity for held tomorrow on the s^ool Daylight saving tim# wiil end I are. Marine Acting Staff Sgt. An­ rcnlera In the Hartford area ea- tomorrow In a rraxy-qiiikt pat­ thony Margiotta. son of Mra. An- young musicians of high school grounds starting a t 10 a.m, vo- Over Tibet Sabbath aer^nces will b» h»ld at Ininelte Scarlato. 68 Birch St,: tahlished by Monsjgnnr Wodar.aki. age in the Greater Hartford area With Beauty Queen tern of commiinitiaa arrosa Other centers' will be In Hart­ chairmen of the event will be Mr. the nation. Temple Sholom tonight at ! Manne Pfc. Richard C. Farrell. to receiva'Tlne orchestra training United Nations, N, Y„ Sept. ford at St. .losepii's Cathedral j and experience in the best of sym­ and Mrs. Robert Brown and Mr. ORANGE HALL But in New York, New king- • :1b. I son of Mr. and Mra. Richard .1. 26 )—A drive fdr a full- land and throughout most of ! Farrell. 613 Mam St . and Marine School. St. Augustine's School snd | phonic literature. and Mrs. John Nelson. (/P New York. Sept. 26 {/P)—^ St, Michael's .School: in West j Both Dr. Paranov and Dr. scale debate on Tibet stirred the Middle Atlantic States it Sandra Stimaon Worthy I Pfc. Elwood J Anderson son of Hartford al St Thnma.s Ihe Apos-I Chairmen of varioua booths will Underworld kingpin Anthony will continue until the last or Elect of Manchester Aa- Mr, and Mrs. Oscar T. Anderson, New Pastor Gottschalk are Invited frequently be Mra. William Troy, white ele­ concern in the United Nations I tie School: and in Wether.sfield at The Rev. .lames K. Glynn, pas­ (Little Augie Pisano) Car- Sunday in October. Vital Cold War Issues nbly. Order of Rainbow re- 93 W. Center St. to conduct all-state, regional and phant; Mrs. Bruce MacDonald, today that East-West ten­ I Corpus Christie Hall. fano, 62. and a married beau­ At 2 a.m. local time clocks -^porta there will be a rehearsal to­ tor of Otir Lady of Victory Church. high school orchestras throughout rummage sale; Mrs. James Mar­ sions will be tightened up morrow at 12:30 p m * at the Ma- Conducting the Informal talks at 1 West Haven, will assume duties New England and New York shall, homemade candy; Mra. Rich­ BINGO ty queen were shot to death will be moved back an hour in Edward .1. McCabe, state head St. Bridget's will he the Rev. Den-| again. California, Nevada. Wiscon­ ■ontc Temple for elected and ap­ ; of the Federal Bureau of Investi- Oct. I as pastor of St. Franeli of .SWle. Their experience in this ard Harris, funny books and good last night in a flashy black nis R. Hussey. They will be free Assisi Church. South Windsor. field has proven them to be wdth- EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 7:30 Diplomats aJad feared the move I . sin. in parts of Indiana, Penn­ pointed olhcere. The installation ' gallon. Department of .luatice, will iiaed toya; Mrs. Haven.* Peck, ice will dredge up the whole queation' Ladlllac in a quietly substan- will take place Monday et 8:30 of chsrge. snd will start at 8:1.%. Father Glynn succeeds the Rev. oiit doubt gmong the most popular skates, boots and rubbera; Mra. ORANGE HALL 72 EAST CENTER ST. sylvania and norfh.aaterp Nixon Joins I be the speaker at the weekly Arthur ,1, Heffernan. Ph D., who of Red China'a representation in | tial Queens neighborhood, Ohio, and the eastern part of p.m. luncheon rneeting of the Kiwanis nt such conductors. It is fell that Francis Bernard!, rake,* and pies; REGULAR GAMES a 6 SPECIALS a 1 SWEEPSTARX is bcihg transferred to SI. Bridg­ this conductor talent should be of­ Mrs. Robert Dun(leld, plants. the U.N. again. The aa^embly vol- j Carfano. the pudgy prohibition I West Virginia. Club of Manchester Tuesday noon ed only a faw days ago to ihelve i era henchman of Al Capone, and! In addition to- the Raalem Mra Carroll J. Barrett mil be ' at the Manchester Country Club. Quarter Midfjels et's Church in Enfield after eight | fered to the ymith of Greater TTiere will be pony rides, riierry- years as 7>aslor of the South Wind-' Hartford conflnimity even though the Red China issue for another long-time buddy of Frank Coatello. j .Seaboard States, those that East, West hoateaa at the Lutz Museum Sun- go-roiind. train ^-riies. fish pond y«a,r.' I and Mrs. Janice Drake, 32. who; have exLended daylight time day from 2 to 5 p m sor Church. ’ it means an increase fo their al­ and games with prizes. Hot dogs, Race al Parkade I Father Glynn was ordained In ready over-hurdened schedules. hamburgers, soda, coffee and ire Ireland and Malaya disclosed I was married to comedian Allan | inriiidb Illinois, Missouri and 1 1937. His first assignment was as Membership In this orchestra cream will be aold at a refreah- vaaterdav that they plan to call Drake, were ahot from the rear of| Kentucky. Banks Closed j The Continental Cuatom Club of : curate of St. Joseph's Church. New will be ba.sed on auditions, the first ment stand. The public la invited. for a resolution charging Red Hie gangster'i swanky car. Ini Scattered commiintiea in In­ Conference : Yaleaiille will officiate at tbe ’ Haven. He left that church in 1946 The Scots Are Gone! China with killing freedom in •* Jsnl^ce Hansen, she won diana snd Nebraska have Throw Them quarter nitdget races si the Man­ I and became curate at St Justin's bet and demanding -Yeapect for ,« P«lf*«dea Park beauty contest, adopted daylight time the year f:ett.v.6burjr, P«„ Sept, 26 DONT Away On Saturdays chester Shopping Parkade to­ I rhurch. Hartford where he served fundamental human righta" for' ^he wa* Miss New Jersey of. 'round. ' I (/P) — President Eiflcnhoiver SttU plenty of wear left In night. until IP.%1 when he berame curate Guess Who's Coming? the Tibetans. ' ' One delegate predicted that as The auto, apparently moving nt j and .Soviet Prime Minister shoes when, hronght here for Manchester banks today .imnert Memhera of the club during the I at St. Francis Xavier's (Tuirch in Nikita S. Khnifihchev today expert repairing. m announcing that they wnll not past season have supervised all Walerhiiry In 19.%4 he was named soon aa the request to put - the , the time, veered onto a curb In the I races held al the Silver City .
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