Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука 2021. 6(2): 53–65 https://dx.doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2021.025 CONSEQUENCES OF A SOCKEYE SALMON SHORTAGE FOR THE BROWN BEAR IN THE BASIN OF LAKE KURILSKOE, SOUTHERN KAMCHATKA Sergey A. Kolchin1,2,* , Eugenia V. Volkova2,3 , Liya V. Pokrovskaya4 , Anna V. Zavadskaya2 1Institute of Water and Ecology Problems, FEB RAS, Rusia *e-mail: [email protected] 2Kronotsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve, Russia 3Saint Petersburg State University, Russia 4Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia Received: 16.12.2020. Revised: 01.03.2021. Accepted: 02.03.2021. We studied the behavioural ecology of Ursus arctos (hereinafter – brown bear or bear) in the basin of Lake Kurilskoe (Kamchatka Peninsula) in the summer and autumn of 2017–2018. The aim of this study was a com- parative assessment of the behaviour of brown bears with respect to the heterogeneity of trophic conditions. In 2018, considering an extremely high commercial catch of Oncorhynchus nerka (hereinafter – sockeye salmon or salmon) and high flood in the first half of the summer, the decline in the abundance and availability of salmon led to significant changes in the behaviour and distribution of bears. The success of fishing beha- viour of bears in 2018 was found to be lower than in 2017. During the periods of salmon abundance in 2017, solitary bears formed temporary friendly associations that we did not observe in 2018. Due to the increased incidence of intraspecific predation in 2018, bears began to show aggression towards humans. Deterioration of the physical condition of some females and behavioural changes in food-procuring strategies were ac- companied by the appearance of abandoned cubs. The peak of negative changes in the bear populations was noted in the first half of September when the energy requirements of bears increased. A modern approach to the development of the resources of sockeye salmon in the Basin of Lake Kurilskoe and River Ozernaya re- quires a serious revision of the fishing load in accordance with the characteristics of the population structure of sockeye salmon and its exclusive role in the local ecosystem. It is necessary to reconsider the «optimal» number of sockeye salmon allowed into the Lake Kurilskoe and its tributaries. The current practice of cancel- ling the passing days during which salmon can migrate unobstructed into and up the River Ozernaya towards Lake Kurilskoe is unacceptable. Key words: abandoned bear cubs, cannibalism, commercial overfishing, Oncorhynchus nerka, South Kam- chatka Sanctuary, Ursus arctos Introduction lated to the salmon spawning run in the summer- In the ecosystem of the basin of Lake Kurils- autumn period (Zavadskaya et al., 2019). koe and River Ozernaya (Kamchatka Peninsula), The sockeye salmon run of the basin of Lake Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum, 1792 (herein- Kurilskoe and River Ozernaya has a complex after – sockeye salmon or salmon) is a keystone structure. It includes several genetically hetero- species, forming the basis of trophic relation- geneous subpopulations (Varnavskaya, 1988; ships for many of its inhabitants. The spawning Pilganchuk, 2014), which spawn in spatially grounds of these schools, the largest in Asia, are separated areas at various times (Selifonova, under protection due to the special status of the 1978). The River Ozernaya is the only water territory, the South Kamchatka Sanctuary, clas- body flowing out of Lake Kurilskoe. From the sified as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Sea of Okhotsk, salmon enter the river and Site. The abundance and availability of sockeye swim upstream until they reach the Lake Ku- salmon in the Lake Kurilskoe from mid-summer rilskoe spawning grounds, which includes the to the beginning of winter determine the well- littoral and several of the lake’s tributaries. An being of Ursus arctos Linnaeus, 1758 (herein- intense surge of fish is observed from mid-July after – brown bear or bear) population and con- to early September. The majority of salmon ar- tribute to the maintenance of one of the highest rive between late July to mid-August (Bugaev population densities of this species in the world et al., 2009). Bears congregate at river mouths (Revenko, 1993; Gordienko et al., 2006). and along their channels, as well as at the out- In the basin of Lake Kurilskoe, the dyna- let of Lake Kurilskoe, i.e. the River Ozernaya. mics of the bear spatial distribution is tightly re- It is much easier for bears to catch salmon in 53 Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука 2021. 6(2): 53–65 https://dx.doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2021.025 shallow areas of rivers than in the littoral zone calculation of the escapement into the lake is of the lake (Zavadskaya et al., 2019). River carried out at the Kamchatka Research Insti- spawning grounds account for only 29% of the tute of Fisheries and Oceanography (Kamchat- total spawning area of the basin of Lake Kuril- NIRO) fish weir on the River Ozernaya just skoe and River Ozernaya (Ostroumov, 1970), below Lake Kurilskoe. Among ichthyologists, which places some limitations on the exploita- there is no consensus on the optimum escape- tion of salmon resources by bears. ment level (Egorova et al., 1961; Semko, 1961; Adverse changes in food resources across Ostroumov, 1970; Selifonov, 1988; Bugaev & the landscape can lead to an increase in stress Dubynin, 2002; Dubynin, 2012), but the va- (Bryan et al., 2013), changes in the spatial dis- rious estimates do not take into account the tro- tribution of brown bears (Barnes, 1990; Rein- phic needs of the ecosystem. In the last decade hart, 1990; Deacy et al., 2016, 2019), changes the escapement was maintained at the level of in foraging behaviour (Luque & Stokes, 1976), 1 500 000–1 800 000 fish under the recommen- to an increase in the level of intraspecific com- dation of Dubynin (2012), wherein escapement petition (Olson, 1993; Ustinov, 1993; Zavatsky, into tributaries of the lake is not quantified. 1993; Chestin et al., 2006), and aggression (Eg- To ensure the unobstructed passage of a suf- bert & Stokes, 1976). Decreases in salmon runs ficient salmon number to the system of Lake can have significant demographic impacts. For Kurilskoe, the Commission for the regulation example, a survey of the northern and north- of the catch of anadromous fish species in the western parts of the coast during the winter of Kamchatsky Krai establishes a schedule of pas- 1974, the catastrophically low run of sockeye sing days, when commercial fishing is stopped salmon into the Lake Kurilskoe in the previous in the River Ozernaya. This schedule may be summer (260 000 individuals), resulted in do- changed by the decision of this Comission zens of frozen corpses of bears that were found during the season. When this Commission de- (Pogodaev et al., 2004). In North America, the cides that enough fish have entered the system salmon proportion in the diet of brown bears to the date, it may happen that passing days are has been found to be positively correlated with canceled entirely and commercial fishing con- the body size, body weight of females, litter tinues daily. size, and population density (Hilderbrand et al., In 2018, the sockeye salmon population 1999a; Mangipane et al., 2020). of the River Ozernaya returns were at a near- To date, commercial fishing is the main fac- record high. The fishing quotas were constant- tor affecting the timing and abundance of soc- ly increased and as a result, the commercial keye salmon escapement into the basin of Lake catch had reached an almost historical maxi- Kurilskoe. The commercial catch affects the mum. During periods of commercial fishing number of fish entering the system, and, conse- in 2018, an average of 90% of salmon was re- quently, the food supply for predators and sca- moved from River Ozernaya, which excluded vengers and the reproduction rates of the sal- the unobstructed passage of a sufficient number mon population. Sockeye salmon fishing areas of salmon to the spawning grounds. The main are situated outside the South Kamchatka Sanc- migration of salmon occurred during the un- tuary, namely the Sea of Okhotsk and the River obstructed passing days (Bugaev & Dubynin, Ozernaya within 10 km of the mouth. Accor- 2019). However, in mid-August, the formally ding to Bugaev et al. (2009), the current fishing agreed-upon escapement level was reached, and production facilities make it possible to and therefore the days of unobstructed migra- almost completely intercept all fish attempting tion were completely cancelled. This likely led to enter the river. The forecast of broodstock to the removal of some subpopulations of soc- entry and catch quotas are calculated based keye salmon by the commercial fishing fleet on the size of the parent stock taking into ac- and the absence of fish in much of the Lake count the success of reproduction (assessment Kurilskoe spawning grounds available to bears. of smolt migration from lake to ocean). At the This study aimed to assess the changes in same time, the catch volumes do not have fixed the brown bear behaviour due to the decreased quotas. So, the catch volume increases after the escapement into the Basin of Lake Kurilskoe estimated optimal number of salmon (escape- in the summer-autumn period of 2018. Several ment) have passed into the Lake Kurilskoe. The hypotheses have been proposed: 54 Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука 2021. 6(2): 53–65 https://dx.doi.org/10.24189/ncr.2021.025 1) The lack of salmon affects the success and Severnaya from 14.07.2017 to 13.08.2017 tactics of the fishing behaviour of the brown bear and from 10.07.2018 to 12.08.2018, as well and the patterns of the space use by animals. as on the mouth of the River Khakytsin from 2) Reducing the salmon availability leads to 08.07.2017 to 17.09.2017 and from 07.07.2018 an increase in antagonistic relations among bears, to 11.09.2018.
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