28564. 9657 The London Gazette. autfjontp. j?%e Gazette is registered at the General Post OJjice for transmission by Inland Post as a newspaper. The postage rate to places within the United Kingdom ^is one halfpenny for each copy. For places abroad the rate is a halfpenny for every 2 ounces, except in the case of Canada, to which the rate, by Canadian Magazine Post, is a penny for every pound or fraction of a pound. For Table of Contents, see last page. FRIDAY, 22 DECEMBER, 1911. At the Council Chamber, Whitehall, the chapter seventy-seven, and of the Act of the 16th day of December, 1911. fifth year of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria (session two), chapter twenty-six, duly pre- PRESENT, pared and laid before His Majesty in Council a scheme, bearing date the sixteenth day of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ARTHUR November, in the year one thousand nine hun- OF CONNAUGHT. ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. dred and eleven, in the words and figures LORD CHANCELLOR. following, that is to say: — LORD PRESIDENT. " WE, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Prime Minister. England, in pursuance of the Act of the sixth Master of the Horse. and seventh years of His late Majesty King Earl Beauchamp. William the Fourth, chapter seventy-seven, Lord Emmott. and of the Act of the fifth year of Her late HEREAS His Majesty was pleased by Majesty Queen Victoria (session two), chapter His Commission, dated the 10th day twenty-six, have prepared and now humbly Wof November, 1911, to nominate and appoint lay before Your Majesty in Council the follow- His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Con- ing scheme for authorizing certain additional naught, K.G., G.C.V.O., His Grace the Lord improvements at the episcopal house of resi- Archbishop of Canterbury, G.C.V.O., the Lord dence belonging to the See of Salisbury which High Chancellor of Great Britain, and the is known as The Palace, Salisbury. Lord President of the Council, or any two of " Whereas the Right Reverend Frederic them, in His Majesty's absence from the Edward, now Bishop of Salisbury, is desirous United Kingdom, to summon and hold on His that certain additional improvements should Majesty's behalf. His Privy Council, and to be made at the said episcopal house of resi- signify thereat His Majesty's approval of any dence, and has submitted to us the particulars matter or thing to which His Majesty's of such improvements, and we have approved approval in Council is required. the same. And whereas the Ecclesiastical Com- "And whereas the said Bishop is also missioners for England have, in pursuance of desirous, and it appears to us to be expedient, the Act of the sixth and seventh years of His that towards the cost of effecting the said im- late Majesty King William the Fourth, provements a sum of three hundred and fifty •965S: THE LONDON GAZETTE, 22 DECEMBER, 1911. pounds (being a sum which, together with the joint treasurers for the time being indorsed on sum of three hundred and seventy-five pounds the said mortgage deed shall be a good and recently authorized to be borrowed upon the sufficient discharge of the said Governors and same security under the authority of the their successors for the same, who shall not be statutes hereinbefore mentioned, does not ex- bound or required to see to the application ceed two years' income of the See) should be thereof, and that upon the receipt of the said provided by the borrowing of the same sum by sum so to be borrowed as aforesaid, the whole way of mortgage upon the security of all and or any part or parts thereof shall be applied by every part of the lands, tenements, and here- us at such times and in such manner as shall ditaments, endowments, or emoluments which appear to us to be expedient towards effecting now belong or may hereafter belong to the the said proposed improvements at the Bishoprick of Salisbury. episcopal house of residence aforesaid. " Now therefore, with the consent of the " And we further recommend and propose said Frederic Edward, Bishop of Salisbury that the Bishop of Salisbury for the time being (testified by his having affixed his signature shall insure against loss or damage by fire and and episcopal seal to this scheme), We, the keep insured the said episcopal house of resi- said Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, dence, the said insurance to be for a sum of humbly recommend and propose that the said not less than seven thousand three hundred Bishop be authorized to borrow from the and ninety pounds, and to be effected in one or Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne, and more of the public offices of insurance in that the said Governors be empowered to lend London or Westminster to be approved by us, under th'e provisions of the above mentioned and that in case of loss or damage' by fire to Acts, any sum not exceeding three hundred the same episcopal house of residence the and fifty pounds, and that as a security for the moneys receivable in respect of the said in- same the said Bishop do mortgage "all an'd every surance shall be paid over to- us by the said part of the lands, tenements and heredita- Bishop and shall with any interest or accumu- ments, and endowments or emoluments which lation thereon be applied by us in rebuilding now belong or may hereafter belong to his said or repairing the same episcopal house of resi- See to the said Governors by deed for the term dence with the concurrence of the said Bishop. of twenty years or until the said sum so to be " And we further recommend and propose borrowed as aforesaid, with the interest for the that nothing herein contained shall prevent us same as hereinafter mentioned, and all costs from recommending and proposing any other and charges which may attend the recovery measures relating to the matters aforesaid or thereof, shall be fully paid and satisfied, and any of them in conformity with the provisions that such principal sum shall be repaid with of the hereinbefore mentioned Acts or of either interest in the manner following; that is to of them or of any other Act of Parliament." say, during and in respect of the first period And whereas the said scheme has been of twelve months of the said term, computed approved on behalf of His Majesty at the from the day of the date of the mortgage, no Council held under the authority of the said part of the said principal sum shall be repay- Commission: able, but the said Bishop or his successor shall Now therefore His Royal Highness Prince yearly, at the end of the second period of Arthur of Connaught, His Grace the Lord twelve months so computed and at the end of Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord High every such like period of twelve months there- Chancellor of Great Britain, and the Lord after pay to the said Governors, "their successors President of the Council, being authorized or assigns, one fifteenth part of the said prin- thereto by His Majesty's said Commission, do cipal sum until the whole thereof shall be re- :hereby, 'by 'and with the advice of His paid, and shall'also at the end of the first and Majesty's Privy. Council, on His> Majesty's ea'ch succeeding period of twelve months, com- behalf ratify the said scheme, and do order and puted as aforesaid, pay interest at the rate of direct that the same and every part thereof four pounds per centum per annum on the shall be effectual in law immediately from and said principal sum or on so much thereof as after the time when this Order shall have been shall from time to time remain unpaid. And duly published in the London Gazette pursuant that, if and when it shall happen that either to the said Acts; and do further by and with the principal or the interest directed to be paid the like advice, direct that this Order be forth- as hereinbefore mentioned shall be in arrear with registered by the Registrar of the said and unpaid for the space of forty days after Diocese of Salisbury. > the same shall become due, it shall and may be Almeric FitzRoy. lawful for the said Governors, their successors and assigns, to recover the same and the costs and charges attending the recovery thereof, by distress and sale in the like manner as rents At the Council Chamber, Whiteliall, the may be recovered by landlords or lessors from 16th day of December, 1911. their tenants by the laws in force at the time of such distress and sale, and that such mort- PRESENT, gage deed shall be in the form and to the effect HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ARTHUR to be approved by us, the said Ecclesiastical OP CONNAUGHT. Commissioners, and shall bind as well the said ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. LORD CHANCELLOR. Frederic Edward, now Bishop of the said LORD PRESIDENT. diocese of Salisbury, as every succeeding Bishop of the same Diocese, until the principal Prime Minister. money and interest, costs and charges shall Master of the Horse. have been paid off and discharged.. Earl Beauchamp. " And we further recommend and propose Lord Emmott. that the said sum so to be borrowed as afore- HEREAS His Majesty was pleased by said shall be paid to us, the said Ecclesiastical W His Commission, dated the 10th .day Commissioners,; and that the receipt of our of November, 19.11, .to,nominate and.
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