New Runway Project PRELIMINARY DRAFT MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN VOLUME B: ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE AND TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT SECTIONS 8-18 MAY 2018 11 Flora and Vegetation 106 New Runway Project | Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan May 2018 11 Flora and Vegetation 11Flora and Vegetation This section describes the impacts on flora and vegetation resulting from the construction and operation of the New Runway Project (NRP). Detail is also provided on the following areas: • How has the assessment been undertaken? • What is the existing condition of flora and vegetation within the NRP area? • What is the impact of the NRP on flora and vegetation? • What mitigation measures have been considered? New Runway Project | Volume B: Environment, Heritage and Traffic Assessment 107 11 Flora and Vegetation 11.1 Introduction 11.3 Policy Context and Legislative This section describes the impacts on flora and vegetation Framework resulting from the construction and operation of the New Biodiversity in Western Australia is protected, Runway Project (NRP). managed and assessed under international, national and state agreements, legislation and The NRP will impact flora and vegetation across the site as a policy. result of: • clearing within the NRP area, As Perth Airport is located on Commonwealth • realignment of drainage infrastructure, land, impacts on flora and vegetation must be • infill of the southern section of Munday Swamp, and considered under the Environment Protection • the construction, maintenance and operation of the runway. and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Perth Airport has undertaken a series of studies dating back to 1994 to understand flora and vegetation across the estate. In addition, the Commonwealth has listed These studies have been used to inform the work underpinning weeds of national significance that pose a risk the NRP assessment. To define the existing flora conditions, to EPBC Act listed species and communities. assess the potential impacts from the construction and operation Species considered to adversely affect the of the NRP, and propose mitigation measures, an assessment communities they invade are evaluated based of the impacts of the NRP on flora and vegetation has been on invasiveness, distribution and environmental undertaken. This includes a survey of flora within the NRP area to impacts. specifically identify Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain Under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, a permit threatened ecological community (Banksia Woodlands TEC). to clear threatened species and ecological Additional information on construction of the new runway and communities must be obtained from DEE associated infrastructure can be found in Section 6. prior to clearing any matters of national environmental significance. This process will be completed in parallel to this Major 11.2 Key Findings Development Plan (MDP) public comment and approvals process. Key findings relating to flora and vegetation across the NRP area include: Perth Airport is not required to seek approvals, • Over half of the NRP area is comprised of completely nor obtain offsets, under State and local degraded areas, degraded areas or areas completely legislation for impacts on flora and vegetation. devoid of vegetation replaced by infrastructure. Completely However, as required under the EPBC Act, degraded areas and degraded areas contain introduced State and local matters, such as listed species species including declared pests and weeds of national and communities, are considered and given significance; these areas are not of conservation significance. due regard to inform the significance of • The quality of the vegetation to be cleared has been the environmental values being impacted. assessed as completely degraded (17 per cent), degraded Therefore, State legislation and associated (23.3 per cent), good (8.1 per cent), very good (27.4 per policy framework are described for context and cent) and excellent (8.5 per cent). No vegetation in the NRP to inform the overall environmental values on area is considered to be in pristine condition due to the the estate. presence of weed species, evidence of disturbance from feral In Western Australia, the Biodiversity animals and the presence of vehicle tracks. Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act) recognises • Two Commonwealth-listed threatened flora species, protected (declared rare) species (referred Conospermum undulatum and Macarthuria keigheryi, will be to here as threatened flora) which are under removed. identifiable threat of extinction and affords • 43.66 hectares of the Commonwealth-listed threatened them statutory protection. ecological community, Banksia Woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain, will be removed. The State Department of Biodiversity • 40 per cent of the vegetation within the NRP area is infested Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) with Phytophthora cinnamomi (dieback). Weed and pest administers the BC Act and maintains a non- management measures, such as vehicle movement control, statutory list of priority flora species, which will be applied to mitigate the risk of dieback infection to other is updated each year. Priority species are still areas within the estate and into surrounding communities. required to be considered for conservation but cannot be listed under the BC Act until there is Perth Airport has committed to a suitable offset arrangement adequate understanding of their threat levels. with direct and indirect offset measures in consultation with Similarly, the State Minister for Environment the Commonwealth Department of the Environment and may also list ecological communities, which Energy (DEE) and the State Department of Biodiversity, are at risk of becoming threatened, as priority Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to address the loss of ecological communities (PECs). Commonwealth listed species. 108 New Runway Project | Preliminary Draft Major Development Plan May 2018 11 Flora and Vegetation Also at the State level, the Biosecurity 11.4 Methodology Desktop Assessment and Agriculture Management Act The desktop review included a 11.4.1 Flora and Vegetation 2007 (BAM Act) section 22 makes search of the DBCA databases (TFP Community Assessment provision for a plant taxon to be listed Database for Threatened and Priority as a declared pest organism in respect The flora and vegetation community Flora; WAHerb and FloraBase for of parts of, or the entire State. assessment has drawn from the information about specimens held by extensive desktop reviews and According to the BAM Act, a declared the WA Herbarium; and NatureMap), field surveys undertaken over pest is defined as a prohibited as well as a search of the EPBC Act recent years that have focused on organism or an organism for which Protected Matters database for the or encompassed the NRP area. a declaration under section 22(2) of estate. Table 11-1 lists these assessments the Act is in force. section 30(3) of This information was supplemented and the scope of field surveys the BAM Act requires the owner or with an analysis of previous survey undertaken. occupier of land, or a person who is reports for the airport estate as well conducting an activity on the land, to as historical spatial data outlining take the prescribed control measures vegetation mapping and the to control the declared pest if it is location of conservation significant present on the land. flora and vegetation. Assessment Author Title Field Survey Scope Ecologia Environment Perth Airport Flora and Vegetation Survey Level 1 flora and vegetation survey and verification (2013) of vegetation mapping through ground truthing. Targeted threatened and priority flora survey at selected sites across the study area. Mattiske Consulting Targeted Level 2 Flora and Vegetation Level 2 flora and vegetation survey of remnant (2015) Survey of Perth Airport Remnant Vegetation vegetation to assess presence and significance of Areas – Assessment of Threatened and threatened and/or priority ecological communities. Priority Ecological Communities Phoenix Terrestrial and Aquatic Fauna and Single phase targeted threatened and priority Environmental Vegetation Survey and Impact Assessment flora survey. Services (2016) for the New Runway Project Ground truthing to confirm previous vegetation community mapping. Focused Vision Significant Flora and Community Single phase resurvey of Phoenix (2016) Threatened Consulting (2017) Assessment flora populations, selected fine scale transects of Mattiske (2015) and Ecologia (2013) survey habitat for threatened and priority flora species and for areas not previously assessed, fine scale transect searches of suitable habitat for threatened and priority species. Verification of Phoenix (2016), Mattiske (2015) and Ecologia (2013) Banksia Woodlands surveys and for areas not previously assessed, Level 1 reconnaissance followed by intensive quadrat sampling within Banksia Woodlands. Dieback Treatment Phytophthora Dieback Assessment of Transect survey through the observation of host Services (2017) Vegetation for the New Runway Project plant health and landscape vegetation change, with strategic soil and plant tissue sampling. Strategen Commonwealth Conservation Significant Two phase quadrat sampling of Commonwealth Environmental (2018) Flora and Vegetation Survey listed threatened and priority flora species and Banksia Woodlands. Table 11‑1 Flora and vegetation assessments undertaken for the New Runway Project Source: Perth Airport New Runway Project | Volume B: Environment, Heritage and Traffic Assessment 109
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