U1 P1 SquareBass U2 P1 Para Vox U1 P2 Cascades U2 P2 MiniVogueBass U1 P3 Pro Soloist U2 P3 SpaceKoto U1 P4 Washy Strings U2 P4 ArcaneSanctum U1 P5 DSI-ra Rydm U2 P5 Hold Key Down U1 P6 BoneDryBass U2 P6 FreezPop Arps U1 P7 GlassyGlisses U2 P7 Prophet Bass U1 P8 HolloLead U2 P8 Lyra Pad U1 P9 Dirty FM U2 P9 Suspect Seq U1 P10 Plonklets U2 P10 Imploder U1 P11 HedgeHunterBass U2 P11 FM BaSS U1 P12 Karimbaloid U2 P12 Ghostly U1 P13 SanturSolo U2 P13 OB Lead U1 P14 Model P Bass U2 P14 Growling Lead U1 P15 Northcoast U2 P15 Tine Smith U1 P16 DnB Loop U2 P16 WT Organ U1 P17 Gargantua U2 P17 Basic D Bass U1 P18 ParaOrgan U2 P18 CompuRhythm U1 P19 Chill Check-In U2 P19 Sad Solo U1 P20 VeloSync U2 P20 CalcuPluck U1 P21 Fretless U2 P21 Pulsar U1 P22 GB Groves U2 P22 SliderLead U1 P23 Trance Induction U2 P23 Tensions U1 P24 Let It Sizzle U2 P24 Funktion 2AM U1 P25 Light Metal Hits U2 P25 Sine in Space U1 P26 Para4Canon U2 P26 TrashBell U1 P27 Bassline U2 P27 DynamicBrass U1 P28 ParaBrass U2 P28 Jaffa Lead U1 P29 Space Chimes U2 P29 ThumpBass U1 P30 Pulse Bomb U2 P30 Para Glurp U1 P31 Spy Level 23 U2 P31 PolyRezSaws U1 P32 ShimmeryArp U2 P32 HP Sweep Solo U1 P33 House Chord U2 P33 Moving East U1 P34 Outer Space Cow U2 P34 Vanilla Analog U1 P35 Blompy U2 P35 Knarly Voice U1 P36 Synth Cello? U2 P36 Crystal Echoes U1 P37 Demon's Breath U2 P37 Buchlier U1 P38 Sky Shimmer U2 P38 Taste Of Sugar U1 P39 ParaLead U2 P39 Son Of Dropped U1 P40 Grecian U2 P40 ThroatySolo U1 P41 Jekyll & Hyde U2 P41 Super Sync Lead U1 P42 Seq Echo U2 P42 Super Pixels U1 P43 OneOscTrip U2 P43 Petrichor U1 P44 On The Runner U2 P44 Sheet Metal U1 P45 Shape Mod F2 U2 P45 Halcyon U1 P46 OTA Seq U2 P46 Vinyl Piano U1 P47 Belgian Bass U2 P47 Spacewhoop U1 P48 EWI-esque Lead U2 P48 Garage Amp Lead U1 P49 Spaz Dance U2 P49 Twin Rez U1 P50 Sine Arp U2 P50 AarpSomni U1 P51 Strong Lead U2 P51 Rize Pad U1 P52 Elysium U2 P52 Nutonality U1 P53 Slip & Sine U2 P53 SubOct Bass U1 P54 CSFiveOh U2 P54 T is for Transistor U1 P55 All Wrongness U2 P55 Sync-o-tron U1 P56 Guttural Bass U2 P56 More 70s TV FX U1 P57 SteelPans U2 P57 Woodie 1 U1 P58 InfleXionMute U2 P58 WaveletSolo U1 P59 4 VoicesPara U2 P59 Spit Brass U1 P60 Touch Arpeggio U2 P60 Brownout U1 P61 WildWest 2014 U2 P61 Liquid Bells U1 P62 Sequential Circus U2 P62 OddPluckSeq U1 P63 Manta Pulse U2 P63 Busted SID U1 P64 SH Res Bass U2 P64 Peel n Slide U1 P65 Spring Pad U2 P65 Para Science Seq U1 P66 Big Sync U2 P66 Sad Strings U1 P67 Tocking U2 P67 AfterThunder U1 P68 Glass ARP U2 P68 Big Room Reese U1 P69 Dark Chords U2 P69 Hold Chord & Press U1 P70 Another Theremin! U2 P70 Scorch Pad U1 P71 80's Voice Lead U2 P71 PipeSoloSliders U1 P72 BandPiano U2 P72 ParaPlonkletPlunk U1 P73 Core Warning U2 P73 Velodrome U1 P74 Icy Calliope U2 P74 8va Bass U1 P75 SequenceThisBass U2 P75 Mellow Pad U1 P76 No Clue U2 P76 Woebegone U1 P77 PollyWood Syn U2 P77 Bash Perc U1 P78 Blake's Boleyn U2 P78 GalvanizedLog U1 P79 Sloom U2 P79 Picky Arpaphone U1 P80 SynStrings U2 P80 MiniFunk U1 P81 Vilify U2 P81 Lolo's Lead U1 P82 Siliconics U2 P82 Exhibitionist U1 P83 Keyed Filter U2 P83 Relays On U1 P84 Funk Meow U2 P84 Cudgel U1 P85 RubberBands U2 P85 Synthetica U1 P86 Swing Bass Seq U2 P86 Whiner Lead U1 P87 SuperDense U2 P87 PlayWithControls U1 P88 Arclighter U2 P88 Modern SCi-Fy U1 P89 Edge Of Chaos U2 P89 FluteyChufLead U1 P90 Twinkle Too U2 P90 ProWhat! U1 P91 Liquid Bass U2 P91 BackTuBasixArpeggyo U1 P92 Energizer U2 P92 Saw Pad & Seq U1 P93 Pitch Riser U2 P93 Neon Swagger U1 P94 Ethereal Choir U2 P94 Timba Aft U1 P95 Real Organ U2 P95 80 Seq U1 P96 Random U2 P96 Feed Muscles U1 P97 Shank Bass U2 P97 Whissllur U1 P98 Beholder U2 P98 Knives+Forks U1 P99 Noisy EP U2 P99 Modern Music 2 U3 P1 Sweet Cherry U4 P1 Pro WANT! U3 P2 Sleek Seq Echo U4 P2 Surprise Poly U3 P3 Furry Lead U4 P3 Pro 303 U3 P4 Dive Mod U4 P4 Kids On Bikes U3 P5 RidicuSQ Bass U4 P5 PrittyBurdz U3 P6 Inner Voices U4 P6 What I Meant Was Dis U3 P7 Get A Tempest U4 P7 FunWithSliders U3 P8 Urn Keys U4 P8 Chasing Cables U3 P9 Mystic Carousel U4 P9 BBD Crazy U3 P10 BigBrassyOnes U4 P10 Cycling U3 P11 Muted Pluck Seq U4 P11 Filter Fifth U3 P12 Warm Plux U4 P12 Very Short Synth U3 P13 Meh Major Bass U4 P13 Distortion-Play 5ths U3 P14 Krell Choir U4 P14 BaseBass U3 P15 Mainroom Saber U4 P15 Spiky Arp U3 P16 Solo Strings U4 P16 Crystalline U3 P17 Rock'n Sync U4 P17 WahlliWorld U3 P18 Paraphonic Strings U4 P18 AeonyBassSeq U3 P19 Chewie Ribbons U4 P19 Pulse Beam U3 P20 Drink Me! U4 P20 PluckedPans U3 P21 Amppegiator U4 P21 MutedPadd U3 P22 Double Agent U4 P22 Feed Heh! U3 P23 Retro-Modern Bass U4 P23 808 Move-A-Thon U3 P24 Too Much Delay U4 P24 dBBD Lead U3 P25 SpaceShimmer U4 P25 Vince's Lead U3 P26 Dual Philter Phun U4 P26 MiniPro U3 P27 Sleazy Coil U4 P27 Swimming Lead U3 P28 Singing Bowl U4 P28 Xeno's Sequencer U3 P29 Monks U4 P29 Sawswall U3 P30 Steel String U4 P30 Bumm Bahh U3 P31 Phaser MuPad U4 P31 Metal Drops U3 P32 Electricity Race U4 P32 BankpassGroove U3 P33 PleasantPulseLead U4 P33 DiscoStallion U3 P34 Pluck U4 P34 DeeBeeBeeDeePad U3 P35 WindyControl U4 P35 Build Boss U3 P36 SloSaws Lead U4 P36 Pure Starlight U3 P37 Mallets U4 P37 Umm Pad U3 P38 Captured Tri U4 P38 PlasticBass U3 P39 ParaChorusOrg U4 P39 Bang Face U3 P40 Poly Psychle U4 P40 Phaedratic U3 P41 WavePulser U4 P41 Nordic Anthems U3 P42 Shashlic U4 P42 Lobby Mix U3 P43 70s TV FX U4 P43 Disk Choir U3 P44 Krafty Choire U4 P44 Lead FX Riboon U3 P45 Sync N Slide U4 P45 LongSweep U3 P46 Pono-Moly Arp U4 P46 Pro-Poly U3 P47 Beef Bass U4 P47 Long Steep U3 P48 FizzyLead U4 P48 Superparasaw U3 P49 IN-HALED Seq U4 P49 Hysteria U3 P50 Open Sky U4 P50 PVC Bass U3 P51 SuperSaw Lead U4 P51 On The Trot U3 P52 Clunky One U4 P52 Droid Dreams U3 P53 Nag Sequence U4 P53 BrainCaseBass U3 P54 Xpanded Bass U4 P54 Interlude U3 P55 Brass U4 P55 Squamberton U3 P56 Long Note Seq U4 P56 Squelchy Ribbons U3 P57 Feedpusher U4 P57 EffingUnicorns U3 P58 Fourquent U4 P58 6-PolePluck U3 P59 Bass Bite U4 P59 PlonkletPlunkMono U3 P60 BubbleBomb U4 P60 Giga Saws U3 P61 Minion Splat U4 P61 Quack ARP U3 P62 WahWah Lead U4 P62 FilterMixerizer U3 P63 Bellicose U4 P63 Long Hold Solo U3 P64 Too Much Caffeine U4 P64 Fashionably Calm U3 P65 Masheen U4 P65 Get Lo! U3 P66 Metal Rain U4 P66 FlexiLogBass U3 P67 BubbleUp! U4 P67 AvantNerd U3 P68 Valtzing U4 P68 TrancePluck U3 P69 Viral Arp U4 P69 ParaHollow U3 P70 Sq Tiny Seq U4 P70 Pretty Dirty U3 P71 Hotzenblogs U4 P71 Dusty Lead U3 P72 Ober There Lead U4 P72 Sputter Osc U3 P73 Monkey Seq U4 P73 VCO Beef U3 P74 Phat Solo U4 P74 Psychic Driving U3 P75 Growler U4 P75 PPG Wood Bass U3 P76 Ocarina Song U4 P76 Funky lil Pro2 U3 P77 Shizzo U4 P77 ProClavity U3 P78 Equinox U4 P78 Ragged Bass U3 P79 Dark Strings U4 P79 Gemini Shine U3 P80 Pro Solo U4 P80 Play A White Key U3 P81 Mellow Bass U4 P81 SurfaceTensions U3 P82 Saw Lead U4 P82 Bass Sequence U3 P83 Rough Wavetable U4 P83 Unwell Lead U3 P84 Octoberheim U4 P84 ArpEdgio U3 P85 Cynosure U4 P85 SlimeBass U3 P86 Ore U4 P86 Swell Touch U3 P87 Dist. Bass U4 P87 On The Grid U3 P88 SawPluck U4 P88 Mausin U3 P89 Old Skool Saw U4 P89 DownShift U3 P90 Basic Instinct U4 P90 Waah Pro U3 P91 CycomWaveScan U4 P91 Bad Space U3 P92 Moonlight Poly U4 P92 VeloLead U3 P93 Eat Me seq U4 P93 Tangerine Control U3 P94 Delay Bass U4 P94 Blenheim Bloat U3 P95 Pinch Lead U4 P95 Rad Montage! U3 P96 Para Go Seq U4 P96 Sucka Punch U3 P97 Portable U4 P97 Boingy Bands U3 P98 Freshman Bass U4 P98 FuzzyCelluloid U3 P99 Diaphanous U4 P99 FingerPerc dBBD.
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