10, 1945 IfIATI rAT I . .......... It IlInl,' J:! .....aJJ. raOOE8sID rOODI, .,••• 1 ..... N2 I"ro.,b Z! ... T AI Ib ...,11 H' .... ,_. IUGAa, be." '.. r .lam, E Partly CloudY iSt .. ,... I., II.. , ..... .111.0,,, Aoc. 31. 8 HOE8, H " ..k IlIrea .1............ po I, ! ••• • , ... 1.... tIDltol,. OASOLINE, 15. '\ ••••••• , ... '.r ' .. r pll... ea." IOWA: II y doucb' wUh t.r..... J_De f l ••• B .... B·', C .. S and C ... l I ••• r.r GCCUioaaJ shawen and II .. ,.U••• eo ell . 'UEL OIL. ,.rl..... Ib,.. ,b n .. DAILY IOWAN e'.".' , ....lIr •• ,~ A_,. ,!: I.. t ,..ar'. ,.,1 •• I •• r ............. ••• 'Iy. e•• p ••••1 •• ell,ln A.,. St. Iowa City', Mornlnv Newspap.r ~·~====C=ENT==S==============-~=========='~=t1I=.==u=~====n=D=~============~==========K)~W~A~~C~n=Y~,~k)~~~A========~TUES=· ==D~A~Y~.=nJ.NE==~12~,~I~94~5~==============~======nm===~MOm====.n.==~~==~=====V=O=L~UME~~XJl==~===NU~~Nm~ER 227 Buckner Demands Japs ' ~i~~~~~O~~~sDrive Australian 9th lands Surrender on Okinawa OfT~:~~I~;!~ Of Enemy Troops GENERAL SPAA TZ VISITS TRUMAN In Liuchow Yanks Register CHUNGKING (AP) - Chine&e On Northern Borneo troops haves rammed within 10 miles of KweiUn, fonnerly the biJ­ gest advanced ba e fOT American Steady Gains air power in the Orient, io a IS­ Cut in Meat Point Allowances- 1nltely isn't mile burst through Japanese de­ Establish Firm ,he. wl!ei ! fenses, the Chinese high command elt or liar or Enemy Puts Up reported last night. !cause It rt In a hard-hitting, three-pronced . Wlj Fanatical Resistance Effect on Iowa City Restaurants Footholds t 1 it OIgbt that Idrive against the Imperilled Japa­ ng chain to On Southern Front I nesc bastion, 360 miles southeast Iowa City restaurant owners ~e mesll ll" of C hun g kin g, Generalissimo of the reported Increase in cU51o­ very di!licult to prepare b lanced G U A M, Tuesday (AP)­ Chiang Kal-Shek's veteran fiJht­ are seriously concerned over the men. menus with the food available ,. MacArthur, Kenney Lieut. Gen. S i m 0 n Bolivar ers threatened to isolate thousands 20 per cent cut In red meat point "It's getUng to ugh e rand A cafe manager said, "The meat Buckner Jr. demanded yester· 01 Japanese troops holdlne out in allowances that is to become ef­ toueher each day to obtain both shortag bothers me greatly. They Both Go Ashore , dOwn at day that the Japanese comman­ fective July 1. They do not con­ points and merchandi ," one urge us to erve fish and chIcken when! AI. Liuchow, 90 miles southwest. After Initial Londing der on Okinawa unconditionall y I While the Chinese elOIIH Ia on templ.1.e cl06lnl however, a5 has Iowa City restaurant owner said. as octen a we can, but sometimes Id !riendly been discussed by the Cedar Rap­ un you can get the poinlJl you we can't even nnd fish. People . - That surrender surviving remnants botb KweUln ..nd Llac.b_. -.-all fANILA, TI1Nlny (AP) JorffS In eJdreme Clda Ids' Restaurant association. can't get the rood sturts. It is be~ are eating out to eve points and ~eme 50111 of his garrison force as Am eri. IOU'" '8 The meat shortage in IOW3 City coming ~ore dlHlcult to pi n we aren't get ling nough food to Troop of Au tr lin veteran The table. jean troops made sub. tantial. c&.ptured two J"lI8nese-beld Cow .. nur 'he Indo·ChIna IrollUer ...... has become critical in the past menu, but we will continue to [e d th~m." 'inth infantry dh·l. ion Illndt'd ords many gains all along the southenl Sunday at fonr in tht' ,nd propli_ battered 20 miles over ravlne,cul three months, forcing cales to rely serve suitable meals as long as we Several Iowa Clly restaurants poinL'I front despite fanatical r ist· considerably upon fish, chicken can." are closing one day each week be­ Brunei Bay ar a of Rriti. h to cOtne. &nee. hills Cow.rd Plnl Ian" 1M mUes freshlllen nor thea t of Uanol, capU.I of the and other non-rationed meats. Restaurant ownen report d a c use of the help hortage. They north Borneo and . tabti hed Buckner, com mander of tlJe former French colony. The proposed cut in red points noticeable improvement in the do not think there Is any danger firm Foothold. lind r covrr or P<>ssibill~ United States '1' e n t h army, sure that The Chine e communique dis­ will become effettive July 1 and help situation, particularly In the of closmg permanently, but the powerful noval and air born· pointed out that the Japaopse closed that Chinese soldiers, mov­ will reduce the ration by 20 per past two weeks. This phra or the replacement ot meat by veJ:et bl I us when were trapped in two pockets-one b rdOl nt., 8 lac rlhnr b d· dear old Ing on Kweilin on a solid 30-mlle cent for a two month period. This shortage Is local however, due to Is a certainty If the new r honing qnart pok('sman announced so well. ." only about two square miles in front from the northwest, west reduction will be the third im­ the In!lux of student help. cut ,oes IOta eUt'Ct. size, the other of 15 square miles and southwest, had reached a point posed on restaurants since ration­ When a k d how the meat Th efCl'ct of the new cut prob­ today. or less-and that annihILation was 10 miles northwest of KweUln Ing began. shorlage aft ted him. one cafe ably won't be feU unlil August AIr ady the illYII iOIl h d se· certain unless they capitulated. LIEUT. GEN. CARl. SPAATZ, rir ht, commander or the Unlled Lales cured for till' HiliI'd navies Bru- strategic alrJorC"es In the European theater of operations who has Ju t Sunday. The planned closure of Cedar owner replied: "The trouble is not or September and it is thought is the way There are about 15,000 Japanese nei bay, olle of th outbw. returned from Europe. pays President Troman vl it. The penetration ot Japanese de­ Rapids cates had been discussed In the points but In findin, the cert n that by lh t time mllny lon-rationed .tUl on Oklnaw_sUTvlvon of .n by the Restaurant association be­ meal. I'm Just barely able to run cafes in Ced r Rapid will be Pacific's fin:t onchora"C'I only SHOE DE. fenses was made after major Chi- orf~lnai ,..,rlson of perhaps 85,'00. n e forc s by-passed the Japa- cause the increase of point values now and If the new cut is carried forced to clo. their doors. 800 miles from Singapore; swept who wear (This possibly was the first time nese-h Jd highway center of Ining, on meat, .n inCM!ue of customers, out, I don't think we could con­ ] f cales continue to operate, the through the ruined tow n of em off in the Pacific war that an Ameri­ At a Glance- Brooketon, where new Japanese rRUBS ·n.i Leigue to Control I 12 miles northwest, leavine rear­ the help shortage and the increase tinue oper ling." quality of the food will un­ can commander had called directly euards to lay sleg to that strone- of prices on raw food stuffs had Another owner said, "1 don't doubtedly drop. Many of the oil machinery lay ready to be upon a J apanese general to sur­ point. Bitter fighling was raging been making It more and more have enough polnls and 1 am un­ owners stated that It would not taken to the wells, and secured the r end e r. Previously, surrender Economic, Social Ills for 1nlng, headquarters said. dltrleult to remain open. able to find meat when 1 have help to clo. e down, b cault' the lOwn ot Victoria itnd Labusn air­ pamphlets had been dropped from Today's Two other columns mov d on Many people are eating out to points. Th shortate is not only In numb r of points ob ined ia com­ field on Lnbu n Islnnd. airplanes behind enemy lines and Conference Group Kwellin from the west and south­ conserve their meat points at meats but in canned goods, [resh puted by the number of meals Gen. Doullla MacArthur and captured Japanese infrequently w sl, tho e 0 the w t baterlne home. This Is the principal cause vegetables and sugar. I find it &erved. his air command r, Gen. Georg had been taken near the front and Adopts Pattern only 12", miles from their objec­ C. Kenney, both went ashore broadcast· surrender appeals to For World Council Iowan tive by capturing Liangchlangyu. within two houNt after the initial their former budd ies. Neither ot Oth r forc 8 advanced from Pai­ landing. these methods had brought in Japs Report Fighter MacArlhur'a re ular communl­ SAN FRANCISCO CAP) - A shou, about 30 miles from the city, Yanks Consolidate many prisoners.) Australians* drlve* *steadily In­ Dnd reached another point 12 \ii Anti-Poll Tax qu thi morning, how ver, made Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nim­ United Nations conference com­ land aHer four landings on and miles southwl!st. no mcntlon oC the Borneo Inva­ slinJ itz did not immediateLy disclose mission voted by acclamation yes­ Borneo. The tapture of Kwelll'n, the Raid on Homeland Positions on Luzon sion, ann uncing only continued bh,le, green, how Buckner transmitted his sur­ 1.70 to $6.55.
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