RODGERS AND HAMMERSTEIN'S SOUTH PACIFIC First Perfol'mance at the 1vlajestic Theatre, New York, A pril 7th, 1949 First Performance in London, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, November 1st, 1951 THE CHARACTERS (in order of appearance) NGANA JEROME HENRY ENSIGN NELLIE FORBUSH EMILE de BECQUE BLOODY MARY BLOODY MARY'S ASSISTANT ABNER STEWPOT LUTHER BILLIS PROFESSOR LT. JOSEPH CABLE, U.S.M.C. CAPT. GEORGE BRACKETT, U.S.N. COMMDR. WILLIAM HARBISON, U.S.N. YEOMAN HERBERT QUALE SGT. KENNETH JOHNSON SEABEE RICHARD WEST SEABEE MORTON WISE SEAMAN TOM O'BRIEN RADIO OPERATOR, BOB McCAFFREY MARINE CPL. HAMILTON STEEVES STAFF-SGT. THOMAS HASSINGER PTE. VICTOR JEROME PTE. SVEN LARSEN SGT. JACK WATERS LT. GENEVIEVE MARSHALL ENSIGN LISA MANELLI ENSIGN CONNIE WALEWSKA ENSIGN JANET McGREGOR ENSIGN BESSIE NOONAN ENSIGN PAMELA WHITMORE ENSIGN RITA ADAMS ENSIGN SUE YAEGER ENSIGN BETTY PITT ENSIGN CORA MacRAE ENSIGN DINAH MURPHY LIAT MARCEL (Henry's Assistant) LT. BUZZ ADAMS Islanders, Sailors, Marines, Officers The action of the play takes place on two islands in the South Pacific durin~ the recent war. There is a week's lapse of time between the two Acts. " SCENE I SOUTH PACIFIC ACT I To op~n.o House Tabs down. No.1 Tabs closed. Blackout Cloth down. Ring 1st Bar Bell, and ring orchestra in five minutes before rise. B~ll Ring 2nd Bar three minutes before rise. HENRY. A Ring 3rd Bar Bell and MUSICAL DIRECTOR to go down om minute before rise. NGANA. N Cue (A) Verbal: At start of overt14re, Music No.1: House Lights check to half. defiance.] Tab Spots in to full. JEROME. Fly House Tabs. HENRY. Cue (B) Verbal: At Bali Ha'J reprise in overture: Houselights to B.O. Tab spots to B.O. On overture applause: Fly Blackout Cloth. , I Music No.2 (opening) When entracte starts Cue 1 Switchboard. Start Tropical Bird recording. JEROME [As HENRY [As Open No.1 Tabs on music of: .. La vie est belle ". JEROME. Cue 2 and 3 when No. 1 Tabs are half open. HENRY. V Sound BIRD CAW on music of" Chere Mad'moiselle" NGANA[As Fade out sound recording at end of music section just before children sing. NELLIE [Off EMILE [Off SCENE 1 NELLIE [Off EMILE [Off ScENE: TM terrace of Emile de Becque's plantation home on an island in the South Pacific. '-, RIGHT: Part of Emile's single storied house. LEFT: A small enclosure on a platform. With two teakwood chairs. a coffee table and a small bench used as a seat behind the coffee table. CENTRE: A view of the bay below and an island on the open sea beyond the bay. A long bench set u.s.c. on which are placed two bowls of white flowers. Je servirai Ie HENRY. DOWN LEFT: A small bench on which is placed a small bowl of tropical flowers. Set below this bench is a EMILE. ~ child's rag doll, a Chinese parasol and a ball on which HENRY. is painted Chinese lettering. NELLIE [CII Bordering tM grove and dressing the exterior of the house are bright splashes of tropical colours.. purple bougainvillea, flaming hibiscus, and the yellow and white blossoms of the frangipani. DISCOVERED: As tabs open, two Eurasian children, a girl NGAN_'l. aged about eleven. and a boy JEROME. aged about eight, they are c.s. dancing to the music of .. Dites-mai- ". During this music they hear the sound of tM BIRD CAW. JEROME points to the flight of the bird, the girl follows his pointing, then the boy looks EMILE [W at the table R. points to the table, points to the girl, tM girl runs up onto 'he small coffee table set on terrace NELLIE. truck R. The boy follows her over, stands below truck EMILE. and they both sing with JEROME beating time like a NELLIE. condJICtor. it's a big 1 NGANA AND JEROME. sugar in cup.] Dites-moi so many Am Pourquoi EMILE. A La vie est belle NELLIE [ Dites-moi EMILE. Pourquoi :\ELLIE.] I La vie est ~aie! NELLIE [ Dites-moi build up a \~ I I I \ I SCUE I SOUTH PACIFIC ~ClFIC Pourquol Chere mad'molselle [NGANA curtseys, JEROME bows.] I Est-ce-que Parceque Vous m'almez. [Music stops.] HENRY the native servatlt enters from House piece L. crosses 10 c. level witll truck R. he speaks (/s he efllers. HENRY. AUez-vous! Vlte! Dans la maison! NGANA. Non! Henri. [She jumps off table sits on chair L., crosses arms in I,fl-u.] J ••OME. Mol Je reste lel. [Delivering an ultimatum YlIns behind truck R.] HENRY. Oh oui? Nous verrons bien . HENRY runs bellind truck R. Gets Jerome by the se.t of the pants and tile scruff of his neck and proceeds to run him off stage L. JEROME manages to grab the ball D.L. as he goes, as soon as he starts to mOlle he yells at tIle top of his voice. NGANA runs after them protesting. she picks up the doll and parasol as she exits L. JEROME [As he is grabbed by HENRY]. Ai! II HENRY [As he runs JEROME off]. Viens, Petit moustique ! ! ! JBROME. Ai!!! HENRY. Viens, Petits moustique. NGANA [As she runs off]. Non Henri ... Non Henri ... Non NELLIB [Off stage L.]. What's this one. BMILE [Off stage L.]. That Is franl1lpani. NELLIE [Off stage L.]. But what a colour. EMILE [Off stage L.]. You will find many more fiowers out here. de Becque's plantation P.eiji&. NELLIE appears from behind house piece U.L. crosses down to u.c. turns u.s. and looks around her. storied house. HENRY enters from house piece L. simultaneously cros­ /I pl4tform. With two sing to small table R. with tray on which are set two • small bench used as Brandy glasses, coffee pot, bottle of brandy, sugar bowl, two demitasse, sugar tongs, this he sets on small table as EMILE DE BECQUE enters from U.L., Cl'Osses n.R. 10 him and says: .Ie eentralle cafe. I HENRY. Oui Monsieur. I ~ILE. I C'est tout. JlBNRY. Oul Monsieur de Becque. [Crosses L. and exits through house.] ~ NELLIE [Crossing D.C. level with EMILE]. Well I'm Just speechless ... '., the e;rterior of the EMILE crosses to her. Iropical colours: purple , and the yellow and ......t lunch! And wild chicken. I didn't know it was ever wild. i. CeeIa I bad no Idea that people lived like this; rll1ht out in the middle • Iwo Eurasian children, fill ... Pacific Ocean. • and a boy JEROME, "ELLIE turns L. crosses up to fountain as EMILE t""'IS R. .5. dancing to the music sits on chair L. commences to pour coffee. NELLIE tlris mllsic they hear the places her cap and shoulder bag on fountain ledge U.L. III! points to the flight of and crosses D.L. to sit on bench. ·flti.,. then the boy looks table, points to the girl, &MILE [When NELLIE is seated]. Sul1a..? [Holding tongs in right hand.] coffee table set on terrace IULLIB. Thanks. Oller, stands below truck DlLE. One? OMI! beating time like a 1fELLIE. Three. [EMILE smiles, puts two lumps of sugar in cup.] I know It'•• blj load for a deml tasse to carry ... [EMILE puts third lump of i ...,..i.cup.] all ril1ht I'm a hick . [Rises and crosses c.] . you know eo _,American words •.. Do you know what a hick is? EMILE. A blck is one who Uves In a stick. I IULLIB [Corrects him]. Sticks. Plural. The sticks. JDOLE. Pardon. The sticks. [Picks up coffee cup, rises, crosses to ~BLUB.] I rean.-.mber now. [Hands NELLIE coffee cup.] NBLUB [Coffee cup in hand crossing R.]. How 10nl1 did It take you to build ap • plantation like this? \ ;\ • , \ ) SOUTH PACIFIC ACT I SCEN)! I EMILE LEase R. to platform R. foot up on step] I came to the Pacific twenty-five years ago when I was a young man. Ie NELLIE [Sits in chair R.]. Emile, is it true that all the planters on these All Islands-are they all running away from something? Bli EMILE [Sits in chair L.]. Who is not running away from something? There are fugitives everywhere-Paris, New York, even in Small Rock­ WI [EMILE picks up coffee cup-as there is no response from NELLIE.] where you All come from. NELLIE. Oh, Little Rock. [She laughs.] N4I EMILE. Little Rock. You know fugitives there? NELLIE [Rises, crosses L. to fountain, places her cup on ledge, takes a news­ paper clipping from her handbag.] I'll show you a picture of a Little Rock [Crossing to D.C.] WOI fugitive. [Looks back over her shoulder.] Small Rock. [Crosses back to C. EMILE [Crossing J~ EMILE rises, crosses to meet her.] I got this clipping from my mother today. joined the navy, EMILE Cj\1eeting her C., takes clipping]. Ensign Nellie Forbush, Little w, Rock's own Florence Nightingale . newspaper clipping.] NELLIE. That was written by Mrs. Leeming, [Explains to EMILE.] I the Social Editor. [EMILE does not understand.] She went to school with my mother. To read her, you'd think I'm practically the most important nurse in the entire navy, and that it's only a matter of time before NELLIE [Smiles, I'll be a Lady Admiral. don't know. I th EMILE. In this picture you do not look much like an Admiral. XELLIE. Oh, that was taken before I knew what rain and heat and mud could do to your disposition. [EMILE looks fixedly at her, she, embarrassed, I wanted to see w cmmot meet his gaze, turns and crosses L.
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