3-Question Quiz List Quiz # Quiz Type Fiction Title Author ISBN Publisher Interest Level Pts Level Book Series 2 Power, Oxford Reading 224392 RP F Queen Anneena's Feast Julia Donaldson 978-0-19-846686-4 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.5 Tree Stage 4 225458 RP N Reptile Babies Catherine Veitch 978-1-4062-5927-8 Raintree LY 0.5 2 Acorn, Animal Babies 225456 RP N Fish Babies Catherine Veitch 978-1-4062-5924-7 Raintree LY 0.5 1.4 Acorn, Animal Babies 225453 RP N Amphibian Babies Catherine Veitch 978-1-4062-5922-3 Raintree LY 0.5 2.1 Acorn, Animal Babies 225455 RP N Minibeast Babies Catherine Veitch 978-1-4062-5926-1 Raintree LY 0.5 1.6 Acorn, Animal Babies 225454 RP N Bird Babies Catherine Veitch 978-1-4062-5923-0 Raintree LY 0.5 1.6 Acorn, Animal Babies 225457 RP N Mammal Babies Catherine Veitch 978-1-4062-5925-4 Raintree LY 0.5 2.4 Acorn, Animal Babies Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229809 RP F The New Gingerbread Man Paul Shipton 978-0-19-848913-9 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.2 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229799 RP F Hiccups Paul Shipton 978-0-19-848914-6 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229808 RP F The Gulls' Picnic Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848391-5 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229803 RP F Out! Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848389-2 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 0.9 and Develop 1 of 20 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229810 RP F The Odd Egg Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848387-8 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.3 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229806 RP F The Ball Pit Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848390-8 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229804 RP F Red Noses Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848388-5 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 0.8 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229795 RP F Got a Job? Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848910-8 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229792 RP F Fire! Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848392-2 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229790 RP F Catch It! Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848911-5 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 0.8 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 2, Decode 229787 RP F A Big Bunch of Flowers Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848909-2 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 0.9 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229789 RP F Bug Hunt Paul Shipton 978-0-19-848923-8 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229788 RP F A Walk in the Sun Paul Shipton 978-0-19-848922-1 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.6 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229807 RP F The Enormous Picture Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848397-7 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.6 and Develop 2 of 20 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229805 RP F Road Burner Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848920-7 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.2 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229802 RP F Monkeys on the Car Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848399-1 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229798 RP F Helicopter Rescue Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848398-4 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229801 RP F Mister Haggis Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848918-4 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.4 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229796 RP F Gran and the Go-karts Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848401-1 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 0.9 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229793 RP F Floppy and the Puppets Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848396-0 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.1 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 3, Decode 229791 RP F Dragons! Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848400-4 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.2 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4 More A, 229557 RP F The Bowling Trip Paul Shipton 978-0-19-839052-7 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.7 Decode and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4 More A, 229564 RP F Top of the Mountain Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-839047-3 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.2 Decode and Develop 3 of 20 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4 More A, 229546 RP F Finger Snapper Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-839049-7 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.8 Decode and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4, Decode 229563 RP F The Stars Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848405-9 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.3 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4, Decode 229556 RP F The Birthday Candle Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848410-3 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.2 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4, Decode 229553 RP F Long Legs Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848406-6 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.3 and Develop Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories Level 4, Decode 229547 RP F Floppy and the Skateboard Roderick Hunt 978-0-19-848408-0 Oxford University Press LY 0.5 1.2 and Develop 225206 RP N My Exercise Diary Alison Hawes 978-0-00-718669-3 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat 226449 RP N Where Is My School? Alison Sage 978-0-00-718569-6 Collins LY 0.5 1.1 Big Cat 226444 RP N The Baby Turtle Andy Belcher 978-0-00-718659-4 Collins LY 0.5 1.7 Big Cat 226445 RP N The Helper Bird Anita Ganeri 978-0-00-741294-5 Collins LY 0.5 1.7 Big Cat 225212 RP N What Do You Like? Anna Owen 978-0-00-718564-1 Collins LY 0.5 1.4 Big Cat 225211 RP F The Lion and the Mouse Anthony Robinson 978-0-00-741288-4 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat 224660 RP F I Can Help Anthony Robinson 978-0-00-741280-8 Collins LY 0.5 0.6 Big Cat 224661 RP N In the Forest Becca Heddle 978-0-00-741282-2 Collins LY 0.5 0.6 Big Cat 225205 RP N Let's Go Shopping Betty Moon 978-0-00-718567-2 Collins LY 0.5 1.6 Big Cat 224774 RP F A Day Out Claire Llewellyn 978-0-00-718555-9 Collins LY 0.5 0.5 Big Cat 225208 RP N River Journey Fiona Macdonald 978-0-00-741290-7 Collins LY 0.5 1 Big Cat 226442 RP F Rolling Gareth Owens 978-0-00-741292-1 Collins LY 0.5 2.2 Big Cat 226447 RP F The New Kite Julie Sykes 978-0-00-718568-9 Collins LY 0.5 0.9 Big Cat 226438 RP F Milo's Moustache Katie McDougall 978-0-00-737812-8 Collins LY 0.5 1.3 Big Cat 225204 RP F Best Bird Laura Hambleton 978-0-00-741285-3 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat 224775 RP F Bad Bat Laura Hambleton 978-0-00-741289-1 Collins LY 0.5 0.2 Big Cat 4 of 20 226439 RP N Night Animals Louise Spilsbury 978-0-00-741295-2 Collins LY 0.5 1.2 Big Cat 225203 RP F Ben and Bobo Martin Waddell 978-0-00-732920-5 Collins LY 0.5 0.7 Big Cat 226441 RP F Rat-a-tat-tat Michaela Morgan 978-0-00-718573-3 Collins LY 0.5 1.1 Big Cat 225214 RP F Woody's Week Michaela Morgan 978-0-00-718560-3 Collins LY 0.5 0.6 Big Cat 225202 RP N All in a Month Monica Hughes 978-0-00-741291-4 Collins LY 0.5 1.1 Big Cat 224777 RP N What's Inside? Monica Hughes 978-0-00-718542-9 Collins LY 0.5 1.1 Big Cat 226440 RP F Percy and the Rabbit Nick Butterworth 0-00-718570-7 Collins LY 0.5 0.9 Big Cat 225207 RP F Pirates Paul Shipton 978-0-00-718561-0 Collins LY 0.5 1.2 Big Cat 225213 RP F What's For Breakfast? Paul Shipton 978-0-00-718668-6 Collins LY 0.5 0.5 Big Cat 226436 RP F Doing Nothing Petr Horácek 978-0-00-741293-8 Collins LY 0.5 0.8 Big Cat 226443 RP F Sam the Big, Bad Cat Sheila Bird 978-0-00-718572-6 Collins LY 0.5 0.9 Big Cat 225209 RP F Super Ben Steve Smallman 978-0-00-718656-3 Collins LY 0.5 0.7 Big Cat 226448 RP N Water Bears Sue Gates 978-0-00-732923-6 Collins LY 0.5 0.9 Big Cat 226446 RP F The Little Egg Tanya Landman 978-0-00-718677-8 Collins LY 0.5 1 Big Cat 226437 RP F It Was a Cold, Dark Night Tim Hopgood 978-0-00-732922-9 Collins LY 0.5 1.1 Big Cat 225210 RP F Tec and the Litter Tony Mitton 978-0-00-718565-8 Collins LY 0.5 1.8 Big Cat 224776 RP F The Magic Egg Vivian French 978-0-00-732918-2 Collins LY 0.5 0.3 Big Cat 224787 RP F The Big Red Bus Alison Hawes 978-0-00-723585-8 Collins LY 0.5 0.7 Big Cat Phonics 224645 RP N Pips in Pots Alison Hawes 978-0-00-733504-6 Collins LY 0.5 0.6 Big Cat Phonics 224784 RP N Pet Cat, Big Cat Alison Hawes 978-0-00-723587-2 Collins LY 0.5 0.5 Big Cat Phonics 224643 RP N Got It! Charlotte Guillain 978-0-00-742193-0 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat Phonics 224780 RP N Chick to Hen Elspeth Graham 978-0-00-742197-8 Collins LY 0.5 0.5 Big Cat Phonics 226279 RP N Boom, Boom Fiona Macdonald 978-0-00-750778-8 Collins LY 0.5 1.7 Big Cat Phonics 224781 RP N Get Fit Gina Nuttall 978-0-00-742196-1 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat Phonics 226283 RP F Pat the Rat Honor Head 978-0-00-750791-7 Collins LY 0.5 0.8 Big Cat Phonics 224782 RP F Muck It Up Jane Clarke 978-0-00-723583-4 Collins LY 0.5 0.8 Big Cat Phonics 226284 RP N Pet Dog Jean Coppendale 978-0-00-750794-8 Collins LY 0.5 0.8 Big Cat Phonics 224786 RP N Run, Jump, Hop! John Foster 978-0-00-723586-5 Collins LY 0.5 0.8 Big Cat Phonics 226282 RP F Get up, Tom! John Townsend 978-0-00-750789-4 Collins LY 0.5 0.5 Big Cat Phonics 225217 RP N Pond Food John Townsend 978-0-00-742201-2 Collins LY 0.5 1 Big Cat Phonics 224644 RP F No, Sid, No! Kate Scott 978-0-00-742192-3 Collins LY 0.5 0.2 Big Cat Phonics 5 of 20 226288 RP F Top Dog Laura Hambleton 978-0-00-750792-4 Collins LY 0.5 0.7 Big Cat Phonics 224783 RP F Panda's Band Laura Hambleton 978-0-00-742195-4 Collins LY 0.5 0.6 Big Cat Phonics 226290 RP N Your Nose Nick Arnold 978-0-00-750786-3 Collins LY 0.5 2.2 Big Cat Phonics 224646 RP F Rat Naps Paul Shipton 978-0-00-733287-8 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat Phonics 224778 RP F Ant and Snail Paul Shipton 978-0-00-723584-1 Collins LY 0.5 0.8 Big Cat Phonics 224647 RP F Sam and the Nut Sheryl Webster 978-0-00-733499-5 Collins LY 0.5 0.3 Big Cat Phonics 224779 RP F Cat and Dog in a Mess Shoo Rayner 978-0-00-723582-7 Collins LY 0.5 0.4 Big Cat Phonics 224785 RP F Puff the Pup Tony Mitton 978-0-00-742194-7 Collins LY 0.5 0.5 Big Cat Phonics Celebrate Autumn, Little 229232 RP N Harvest Time Erika L.
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