THE SARUM RITE Sarum Breviary Noted. Performing Edition. Volume A. Part . Pages []-[]. Psalter. Vespers. Edited by William Renwick. HAMILTON ONTARIO . THE GREGORIAN INSTITUTE OF CANADA . MMXI. The Sarum Rite is published by The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada, Mercer Street, Dundas, Ontario, Canada LH N. The Gregorian Institute of Canada is affiliated with the School of the Arts, McMaster University. The Sarum Rite is distributed over the internet through .pdf files located at: www.sarum-chant.ca This document first published July , . Revised October , March, , June , September , November , October . All rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded and stored on personal computers, and may be printed for purposes of research, study, education, and performance. No part of this publication may be uploaded, printed for sale or distribution, or otherwise transmitted or sold, without the prior permission in writing of the Gregorian Institute of Canada. The Gregorian Institute of Canada/L’Institut grégorien du Canada is a charitable organization registered by the Federal Government of Canada. www.gregorian.ca © The Gregorian Institute of Canada, . Sunday at Vespers. Sunday at Vespers. Sede a dextris. 1. Ant. I.v. S IT thou on my right hand. Ps. The Lord said. Psalm . Dixit Dominus. cix. ~ HE Lord saidˆ unto ´ my pent : Thou art a Priest for ever after . Lord : Sit thou on my right the order~ ofˆ Melchisedech. ´ T ~ hand, until I make thine The Lord uponˆ thy right ´ hand : . ~ . enemies~ ˆ thy footstool. ´ shall wound even kings in the dayˆ of The Lord shall send the rod of his´ wrath. thy power outˆ~ of Sion ´ : be thou ruler, He shall judge among the hea- ~ . ~ even in the midst amongˆ thine ene-´ then ; he shall fill the places withˆ the mies. dead bodies´ : and smite in sunder the . In the day of thy power shall the heads over~ diversˆ countries. ´ people offer thee free-will offerings He shall drink of the~ brookˆ in ´ the ~ . with an holyˆ~ worship ´ : the dew of thy way : therefore shall he liftˆ up ´ his ~ . birth is of the wombˆ of the morning. ´ head. The Lord sware,ˆ and ~ will not ´ re- Glory be to the Father. &c. [373] Sunday at Vespers. Ant. S IT thou on my right hand, said the Lord un to my Lord. Fidelia omnia. 2. Ant. IV.vi. A LL his com mand ments. Ps. I will give thanks. Psalm . Confitebor tibi. cx. will give thanks unto the Lordˆ He hath shewed his people the Iwith ~ my whole´ heart : secretly a- powerˆ~ of´ his works : that he may give ~ . mong the faithful, and in the con-ˆ them the heritage~ ofˆ the heathen. ´ . gregation.´ The works of his hands are veri- . The worksˆ of ~ the Lord ´ are great : tyˆ~ and judgement ´ : all his command-~ ˆ ~ . sought out of all them that have plea-ˆ ments are´ true. ~ sure therein.´ They stand fast for everˆ and ever´ : . His work is worthy to be praised, and are done in~ truthˆ and equity. ´ ~ and hadˆ in honour ´ : and his right- He sent redemption untoˆ ~ his ~ . eousness endurethˆ for ever. ´ people´ : he hath commanded his co- ~ . The merciful and gracious Lord venant for ever ; holy and reverendˆ is´ hath so done his marvellousˆ~ ´ works : his Name. ~ . that they ought to be hadˆ in remem- ´ The fear of the Lord is the be- ~ brance. ginningˆ of wisdom ´ : a good under- He hath given meat unto themˆ~ standing have all they that do there- ~ . that fear´ him : he shall ever be mind- after ; his praise endurethˆ for ever.´ ~ . ful ofˆ his covenant. ´ Glory be to the Father. &c. [374] Sunday at Vespers. Ant. A LL his com mand ments are true : they stand fast for ev- er and ev- er. In mandatis ejus. 3. Ant. IV.vi. H E hath great de- light. Ps. Blessed is the man. Psalm . Beatus vir. cxj. ~ ~ . Lessed is the man that fearethˆ lastingˆ remembrance. ´ Bthe ´ Lord : he hath great delight He will not be afraid of any evilˆ~ . in~ hisˆ commandments. ´ tidings´ : for his heart standeth fast, ~ . His seed shall be mightyˆ upon ´ and believeth~ ˆ in´ the Lord. ~ ~ earth : the generation of the faithful His heart is established,ˆ and will ´ . shallˆ be blessed. ´ not shrink : until he see his desire ~ . Riches and plenteousness shallˆ~ be uponˆ his enemies.´ in´ his house : and his righteousness He hath dispersed abroad, and . ~ endurethˆ~ for ever. ´ givenˆ to ´ the poor : and his right- Unto the godly there ariseth up eousness remaineth for ever ; his horn . lightˆ in ~ the darkness ´ : he is merciful, shall be exaltedˆ~ with honour. ´ ~ . ~ loving,ˆ and righteous. ´ The ungodly shall see it, and itˆ ~ A good man is merciful,ˆ and shall grieve´ him : he shall gnash with lendeth´ : and will guide his wordsˆ~ his teeth, and consume away ; the . ~ . with discretion.´ desire of the ungodlyˆ shall perish. ´ ~ For he shall neverˆ be moved ´ : and Glory be to the Father. &c. the righteous shall be had in ever- [375] Sunday at Vespers. Ant. H E hath great de- light in his com mand ments. Sit nomen Domini. 4. Ant. VII.ii. B Les- sed be the Name. Ps. Praise the Lord. Psalm . Laudate pueri. j. cxij. Raise ye the Lord,ˆ~ ye servants ´ : the things that are in~ heavenˆ and ´ ~ . PO praise the Nameˆ of ´ the Lord. earth ? ~ ~ Blessed be the Nameˆ of ´ the Lord : He taketh up the simple outˆ of´ . from this time~ forthˆ for evermore. ´ the dust : and lifteth the~ poor outˆ of ´ The Lord’s Nameˆ~ is praised ´ : the mire ; ~ from the rising up of the sun unto That he may set him withˆ the . ~ . the goingˆ~ down of ´ the same. princes´ : even with the princes ˆof his ~ The Lord is high aboveˆ all hea- ´ people.´ ~ . ~ then : and his glory aboveˆ the heavens. ´ He maketh the barren womanˆ to Who is like unto the Lord our keep´ house : and to be a joyful mo-ˆ~ . God, that hath his dwellingˆ~ so ´ high : ther of children.´ and yet humbleth himself to behold Glory be to the Father. &c. Ant. B Les- sed be the Name of the Lord for ev- er more. [376] Sunday at Vespers. Nos qui vivimus. 5. Ant. T. Per. W E that live. Ps. When Israel came out. Psalm . In exitu Israel. & Psalm . Non nobis Domine. cxiij. Psalm. T. Per. W Hen Is ra- el came out of Egypt : and the house of Ja- cob from among the strange peo ple, 2 Ju- dah was his sanc tu- a- ry : and Is ra- el his do min ion. 3 The sea saw that, and fled : Jor dan was driv- en back. 4 The moun tains skip ped like rams : and the lit tle hills like young sheep. 5 What ail- eth thee, O thou sea, that thou fled dest : and thou [377] Sunday at Vespers. Jor dan, that thou wast driv- en back ? 6 Ye moun tains, that ye skip ped like rams : and ye lit tle hills, like young sheep. 7 Trem ble, thou earth, at the pre- sence of the Lord : at the pre- sence of the God of Ja- cob ; 8 Who turn ed the hard rock in to a stand ing wa- ter : and the flint -stone in to a spring- Ps. ing well. 9 Not un to us, O Lord, not un to us, but un to thy Name give the praise : for thy lov- ing mer cy, and for thy truth's sake. 10 Where fore shall the hea then say : where is [378] Sunday at Vespers. now their God ? 11 As for our God, he is in hea ven : he hath done what so- ev- er pleas ed him. 12 Their i- dols are sil ver and gold : ev- en the work of men's hands. 13 They have mouths, and speak not : eyes have they, and see not. 14 They have ears, and hear not : no- ses have they, and smell not. 15 They have hands, and han dle not ; feet have they, and walk not : nei ther speak they through their throat. 16 They that make them are like un to them : [379] Sunday at Vespers. and so are all such as put their trust in them. 17 But thou, house of Is ra- el, trust in the Lord : he is their suc cour and de- fence. 18 Ye house of Aa ron, put your trust in the Lord : he is their hel per and de- fend er. 19 Ye that fear the Lord, put your trust in the Lord : he is their hel per and de- fend er. 20 The Lord hath been mind ful of us, and he shall bless us : ev- en he shall bless the house of Is ra- el, he shall bless the house of Aa ron. 21 He shall bless them [380] Sunday at Vespers. that fear the Lord : both small and great. 22 The Lord shall in crease you more and more : you and your child ren. 23 Ye are the bles sed of the Lord : who made heav en and earth. 24 All the whole heav ens are the Lord's : the earth hath he giv- en to the chil dren of men. 25 The dead praise not thee, O Lord : nei ther all they that go down in to si- lence. 26 But we will praise the Lord : from this time forth for ev- er more. Praise the Lord. Glo- ry be to the [381] Sunday at Vespers. Fa ther, and to the Son : and to the Ho- ly Ghost. As it was in the be- gin ning, is now, and ev- er shall be : world with out end.
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