ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI PARISH 530 GARDNERS NECK ROAD SWANSEA, MASSACHUSETTS 02777 TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME + OCTOBER 1, 2017 Liturgical Celebrations Parish Staff Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m. Pastor: Rev. Michael A. Ciryak Sundays: 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m. Maintenance: Tony Roderigues Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. Faith Formation/Office: Christine Patota (Grades 1-9) Civic Holidays: 9 a.m. only Finance/Office/Notary: Fran Kelley Contact: Music Director: Ada Simpson Parish Office: 508-673-2808 Cantors: Allison Messier, Mike Moniz Parish fax: 508-672-6241 and Christine Patota Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry: Justin & Amanda La Croix Website: www.stfrancisswansea.com Parish Council President: Wayne Gray Religious Education: 508-673-2808 or 508-674-0024 Parish Address: Email: [email protected] Church: 530 Gardner’s Neck Road St. Vincent de Paul: 508-673-2808 Office/Rectory 270 Ocean Grove Avenue Youth Ministry: 508-673-2808 Swansea, MA 02777 50 Week Club: Bill & Kathy Sullivan Office hours: 9:30 a.m. — 4 p.m. 508-493-9064/508-674-8511 or by appointment St. Francis of Assisi Parish Swansea, MA Parish Mission Statement: In the spirit of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi, we dedicate ourselves as liv- ing stones to building our parish family with Christ as our foundation. Enlivened by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves by sharing God’s transforming love with our families, our community and our world. Sacraments: Baptism: Arrangements must be made in advance. Please call the Parish Office to arrange a date and supply pertinent information. Individual Baptismal preparation is required. Sat., Sept. 30 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sponsors: must receive from their respective Catholic pas- 4:00 p.m. Desiree Choquette by family tors a “sponsor certificate,” which is the signed word of one (5th Anniversary) priest to another that the proposed godparent is a Confirmed, Geraldine Kadlec by Christopher and Helen fully-practicing Catholic who is qualified to be a godparent Kadlec by living in harmony with our faith. Sun., Oct. 1 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reconciliation: Saturday from 3:15PM to 3:40PM or call 8:00 a.m. Frances Mazurak the rectory for an appointment. First Eucharist & Confirmation: Preparation – two years 9:30 a.m. M/M Manuel Silva & daughter Mary Ferreira by Angelina prior to receiving each Sacrament is mandatory as a regis- tered student in the Faith Formation Program. 11:00 Wallace LaCroix by Kathy & Bill Sullivan Matrimony: Couples are asked to consult with our priest at least six months in advance of the intended date to allow Mon., Oct. 2 - The Holy Guardian Angels 9:00 a.m. Karen Ryan time for marriage preparation, including the Diocesan Pro- gram. Tues., Oct. 3 Ministry to the Sick: Please notify us if someone you 9:00 a.m. Robert J. Peloquin by wife know is homebound and would like to be added to our Com- (11th Anniversary) munion call list, or would like to receive the Sacrament of Wed., Oct. 4 - Feast of St. Francis of Assisi the Sick. 9:00 a.m. Deceased Parishioners of St. Francis Parish Low gluten hosts available: Please let us know before 4:30 p.m. “ “ Mass if you have a need to receive this type of host. 7:00 p.m. “ “ Church is handicapped accessible. Thurs., Oct. 5 - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, Priest 9:00 a.m. Rev. James W. Fahey Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial Fund Sat., Oct. 7 - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time In making funeral arrangements, you may wish to consid- 4:00 p.m. Brenda Rogers by mom and dad er enrolling the deceased in the Saint Francis of Assisi Memorial Fund. Relatives and friends who donate to the fund in memory of the deceased receive a thank you card Sun., Oct. 8 - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time from the parish, and another card is sent notifying the be- 8:00 a.m. Caroline Roderigues reaved of the gift. The gifts are charitable contributions and may be a supplement or a substitute for flowers. Those 9:30 a.m. Alice Kret by family whose names are enrolled in the Saint Francis of Assisi Me- morial Fund are remembered in the Masses and prayers of 11:00 a.m. Frank & Rita Crook (Wedding Anniversary) the parish. A special Mass is celebrated once a year for all by Kathy & Bill Sullivan the souls enrolled. All the monies of this Fund are used to purchase materials needed to make our church more inspir- ing and beautiful for community prayer and celebrations of the sacraments. THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE One person says “yes” and does nothing; the other says COVER PHOTOS: “no,” yet does what is asked. Who does God’s will? The one who talked or the one who acted? Our Lord Jesus act- Pictured on the cover of our bulletin are scenes from our ed out God’s will and emptied himself out to be like a first days of faith formation for grades one through five. slave. His work on the cross saved us from death and gained us God’s life. You must be the same as Christ Je- Fr. Michael began each session with a blessing for the sus. Acting out the Trinity’s call in our lives makes life in students, the catechists and the parents/guardians. Christ possible! Keep them all in your prayers. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, S.T.D. © 2002, OCP. All rights re- served. Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Youth Convention & Rallies March 18, 2018 and March Support Groups 19 & 20, 2018 Featuring: Vince Nims… Family man, mu- Separated and Divorced Support Group The La Salette sician, retreat leader, youth minster, presenter, recording Retreat Center in Attleboro is the location for a new bi- artist. Known as the Roamin' Catholic Banana Guy! weekly support group for separated and divorced per- Men & Women’s Conference - March 10, 2018, location sons. The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 3rd from TBD. If you did not attend the conference last year, you 7pm-8:30pm and subsequent meetings will be held every missed an extraordinary day of prayer, education and fel- other Tuesday evening. For more information or for direc- lowship with folks from all over the Fall River Diocese. tions, please contact Dottie at 508-642-1928 or You don’t want to miss this event. If there is enough inter- [email protected]. est we can see about renting a bus from our parish. Fall River Area Bereavement Group All are welcome. Beginning September 26th, this group meets every Tues- Our Neighbors day from 7-9 pm for 7 weeks at the Catholic Education A Day With Fátima: On Oct. 4 St. Dominic’s Parish will Center, 423 Highland Avenue, Fall River. For more infor- host the United Nations Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fat- mation contact: Rose Mary Saraiva at the Office of Faith ima. This is one of the official statues of OLOF that visit- Formation at 508-678-2828 Ext. 27 or via email at ed the UN building. The day will begin with morning Mass [email protected] or [email protected] at 8am followed by with adoration all day. Recitation of the Rosary at 12 noon. Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3pm. Diocesan Events Holy hour with recitation of the Rosary, 6:30 to 7:30pm. Annual Procession and Mass for Peace: Procession par- Refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall at the con- ticipants gather at St. Anne’s at 5:30 pm on Mon. Oct. 9th clusion. for a 6:00 pm departure to the Cathedral. The Mass for Marian Candlelight Procession: The Blessed Virgin peace is at 7:00 pm. Participants are asked to bring their Mary Candlelight Procession for Peace at St. John of God own candles. Church will be held on Mon., Oct. 16th, starting with the 100th Anniversary of Final Apparition of Fatima: Novena at 6pm, Mass right after the Novena, followed by October 13th at Bishop Connolly High School. All are wel- the procession. We will recite the Rosary during the pro- come, rain or shine. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in cession. All are invited for refreshments at the conclusion. the auditorium at 1:00 PM. Throughout the afternoon there will be Confessions available in the gym. Rosary at the Centennial Anniversary of Fatima: Please join the Holy newly dedicated statue of Our Lady of Fatima and a docu- Rosary Sodality at St. Dominic’s Church, in praying the mentary on Loop in the Bay Coast Atrium. Closing Bene- Rosary on Fri., Oct. 13th, after the 8am Mass. This is the diction by Bishop da Cunha at 4:00 PM in the auditorium. 100th anniversary of the final apparition of Our Lady of FACE 23rd Annual Fall Scholarship Dinner: The Foun- Fatima. dation to Advance Catholic Education (FACE) is hosting Retreats th this dinner at White’s of Westport on October 26 , and is The Emmaus Retreat Program is a diocesan-approved featuring author Mark K. Shriver who will discuss his retreat weekend that takes place three times a year. It's book, Pilgrimage: My Search for the Real Pope Francis. open to all men and women ages 20 or older seeking to Don't Miss Out! For tickets & information, contact the grow in their relationship with Christ regardless of their Office of Development at 508-675-1311 or visit present level of faith and practice. The purpose of the www.FACE-DFR.ORG. weekend is to give adults the opportunity to reflect upon Faith Formation Ministry Convention, Sat.
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