ZF MGCAWU DRAFT INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2019/2020 2017 – 2022 Table of Content Page Number Foreword of the Executive Mayor 5 Executive Summary 7 Chapter 1: Introduction & Background 1.1 Vision 9 1.2 Mission 9 1.3 Core values 9 1.4 Strategic Objectives & Developmental Objectives 9 1.5 Why the Integrated Development Plan? 11 1.6 Background Overview 11 1.7 Legislation 12 1.8 Developing the IDP 16 1.9 Planning phases 17 1.10 Organisational Roles 18 Chapter 2: Strategies 19 19 2.1 Introduction 20 2.2 National Growth development Strategies 21 2.3 National Spatial Development Perspective 24 2.4 Northern Cape Provincial Growth and development Strategy Chapter 3: Regional Profile & Development Strategies 29 Chapter 4 : Priority Issues 40 Chapter 5 : Projects of B- Municipalities 46 Chapter 6 : Developmental Objectives & Strategies 65 6.1 Support Programs Chapter 7: Organisational Structure 116 Chapter 8 : Sector Plans 145 CHAPTER 9: Housing Chapter 150 Chapter 10 : Sector Departments Projects 181 Annexure A - Process Plan for IDP 192 B - IDP Framework Plan C- Financial Plan 225 D- mSCOA Chapter 6 2 Glossary of Acronyms BEE Black Economic Empowerment BSC Business Service Centre CCDL Consolidated Capital Development Loans Fund CDS City Development Strategy CMIP Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Program me DBSA Development Bank of Southern Africa DGDS District Growth and Development Strategy DME Department of Minerals and Energy DSRAC Department of Sport, Recreation, Arts and Culture FMG Financial Management Grant GDS Growth and Development Strategy IDP Integrated Development Plan IEM Integrated Environment Management KPA Key Performance Area KPI Key Performance Indicator LED Local Economic Development LGTA Local Government Turn Around Strategy LUMS Land Use Management System MFMA Municipal Financial Management Act MIS Management Information System 3 NCPGDS Northern Cape Provincial Growth and Development Strategy NCMAC Northern Cape Manufacturing Advisory Centre NER National Electricity Regulator PHB Provincial Housing Board PMS Performance Management System PPP Public Private Partnership RG Restructuring Grant RGA Restructuring Grant Application SALGA South African Local Government Association SDF Spatial Development Framework ZFM ZF Mgcawu District Municipality SMME Small Medium and Micro Enterprises SMT Senior Management Team UDZ Urban Development Zone UP Urban Planning UR Urban Renewal 4 Cllr A Vosloo Executive Mayor EXECUTIVE MAYOR’S FOREWORD – IDP The Municipal Systems Act (no 32 of 2000) compels all Municipal Councils to develop and adopt a five year Integrated Development Plan which has to be reviewed annually. It is important that the IDP represents the vision and overarching mission of the Municipality and it determines the key service delivery issues of a developmental local government in order to deliver on the mandate of the Municipality’s constituency. The IDP does not only serve to direct and unpack the intended delivery of the Municipality for a five year period but it is also intended to guide all development for all other spheres of government and promoting principles of Inter-Governmental Relations. It spells out where the Municipality is heading. Thus it is a delivery tool of utmost importance. As the newly elected ZF Mgcawu District Council, we commend and applaud all sectors of society that participated and contributed to the drafting of the municipality’s IDP. 5 The lessons drawn from the public participation processes have assisted the municipality to sharpen its approach to planning processes. The inputs received seeked to challenge us to strengthen the link between the IDP and the Budget in order to achieve the objectives of the municipality. I state with confidence that the IDP 2017/2022 clearly reflects the priorities as raised during the public engagement exercises and Council has therefore resolved on a new development agenda as set out in the electoral mandate, that we as Council wants to see its obligation in the delivery of services is realized. As ZF Mgcawu District Municipality, we are committed to making this institution a place of excellence and therefore call on all our stakeholders to join us on the journey of unparalleled development for achieving our goals. Allow me to also indicate that this IDP is a first of its kind in that it is compliant with the Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts (mSCOA).The mSCOA has been formulated on the design principles that have been implemented at national and provincial level. The improvement in overall aggregated government reporting is expected to lead to policy formulation that is more informed over time. I would like to take this opportunity and thank all the stakeholders, organised bodies, political leaders, management and staff of ZF Mgcawu District Municipality who contributed towards the development of the IDP. Each and every one has played a fundamental role in ensuring that we produce a credible document that will guide us for the next coming 5 years, which will be reviewed annually. I have trust in our local government for the implementation of the IDP and that it will serve with great purpose. 6 Executive Summary WHO WE ARE ZF Mgcawu District Municipality forms the mid-northern section of the province on the frontier with Botswana. It covers an area of more than 100,000 square kilometers (almost 30% of the entire Province) out of which 65; 000 square kilometers compromise the vast Kalahari Desert, Kgalagadi Tran frontier Park and the former Bushman Land. ZF Mgcawu District comprises six Local Municipalities namely: Mire; Kai! Garb; Kara Hails; Tsantsabane, Kheis and Kgatelopele. Upington is the district municipal capital where the municipal government is located. The whole area is managed by the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality, which is classified as a category C Municipality. The ZF Mgcawu District Municipality has 21 councilors; 13 of them are ward councilors and the other 8 are proportional candidates elected to represent political parties on the basis of proportional representation. The council is responsible to provide overall political leadership and accountability to communities and stakeholders through implementation of sound policies and programmes. This must ensure that the decision-making processes provide a balance between a speedy, transparent and efficient decision-making process as well as meaningful participation of citizens and other stakeholders. It must ensure provision of quality service delivery at a reasonable cost while preserving the environment and natural resources Analysis: Historical Background During the past few decades the District Municipality underwent different changes of names and in some instances also changes in jurisdiction areas. The Kenhardt and Gardenia area was in the past served by the Divisional Council. Currently these areas together with an area that previously fell within the Kalahari Divisional Council are served by the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality (Proclamation 27/2000 as well as proclamation 25/2001). Population The Census report of 2001 showed a population of 202 160 and 238 063 in the 2007 Community Survey. (Census, 2001; Community Survey, 2007) Municipality Census Census % of the Difference Area (Km²) Persons / 2001 2011 total Km² population Mier 7207 7003 3% 493 22468 0.3 Kai Garib 58 617 65 869 24% 799 26357 2.1 7 //Khara Hais 77 919 93 494 42% 25249 21780 4.6 !Kheis 16 538 16 637 8% 2797 11107 1.7 Tsantsabane 27 082 35 093 12% 4018 18330 1.5 Kgatelopele 14 743 18 687 9% 6755 2478 8.7 Total 202 106 236 783 100% 35903 102520 2.3 Above table recorded an increase of 35 903 people that represents a 17, 8% increase in overall population when comparing the 2001 Census and 2007 Community Survey. Note the DMA has since been incorporated into the neighboring municipalities. The aforementioned table shows that the majority of the population is located in the //Khara Hais Municipality (42%), followed by the Kai! Garib Municipality (24%) and the Tsantsabane Municipality (12%). The Main settlements in the aforementioned municipalities are: Upington, Keimoes; and Postmasburg, respectively. Health Most health facilities distributed throughout the various municipalities in the ZFM. The aforementioned figure shows that the majority of the health facilities, namely the community health centers and hospitals are located in the south of the N14, the main freeway connecting Springbok and Kuruman. Hospitals are located in Kakamas (Kai! Garib), Keimoes (Kai! Garib), Upington and Gordonia (Dawid Kruiper) and Postmasburg (Tsantsabane). There are five hospitals in the ZFM. There are only two Community Health Facilities in the ZFM and Kenhardt (Kai! Garib) and Rietfontein (Mier) are the only settlements that have these facilities. The clinics are generally located in settlements along the main routes through the municipality, namely the N14 and the N10 in the case of Kai !Garib and !Kheis. There are 52 clinics in the ZFM. Kai !Garib has the most clinics, 18, followed by Dawid Kruiper that has 14 clinics. Kgatelopele and Mier have the least amount of clinics, namely 3 and 4, respectively. It should be noted that medical staff are not stationed at all these facilities on a full time basis and in some cases the staff are on site only once a month. (IDP, 2007-2011) Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS are some of the infectious diseases that are receiving priority attention and that a shortage of staff hampers the delivery of health services in the ZFM. (ID, 2007-2011) In 2005 10.8% of the total population was diagnosed as HIV positive. The Northern Cape experienced a steady growth of the number of people infected with HIV between 1996 (6.6%) and 2006 (17.6%) (Stabilis Development, 2007). In this region the greatest social problems are illiteracy and poverty. According to the last socio-economic survey in 2000, approximately 60% of the inhabitants have a monthly household income of between R0 – R800. As a result of the above-mentioned factors there is a close correlation between poverty and health.
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