Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Coming

Portents and Features of the Mahdi's Coming

TO THE READER A spe cial chap ter is assigned to the col lapse of the the- o ry of ev o lu tion be cause this the o ry con sti tutes the ba sis of all an ti-spir itu al phil os o phies. Sin ce Dar wi nism re jects the fact of Creation – and there fore, Allah's ex is tence – over the last 150 years it has caused many peo ple to aban don their faith or fall in to doubt. It is there fore an im per a tive serv ice, a very im por - tant duty to show ev ery one that this the o ry is a decep tion. Sin - ce some read ers may find the chance to read on ly one of our books, we think it ap pro pri ate to de vote a chap ter to sum ma - rize this sub ject. All the au thor's books ex plain faith-re lat ed is sues in light of Qur'anic vers es, and in vite read ers to learn Allah's words and to live by them. All the sub jects con cern ing Allah's vers es are ex plained so as to leave no doubt or room for ques tions in the read er's mind. The books' sin cere, plain, and flu ent style en sures that every one of every age and from ev ery so cial group can easi ly un der stand them. Thanks to their ef fect ive, lu cid nar - ra tive, they can be read at one sit ting. Even those who rig or - ous ly re ject spirit u al i ty are influ enced by the facts these books doc u ment and can not re fute the truth ful ness of their con tents. This and all the oth er books by the au thor can be read in di vid u al ly, or discussed in a group. Re aders ea ger to prof it from the books will find discus sion very use ful, let ting them re - late their re flec tions and ex pe ri en ces to one an oth er. In ad di tion, it will be a great serv ice to Is lam to con trib - ute to the pub li ca tion and read ing of these books, writ ten sole - ly for the pleas ure of Allah. The au thor's books are all ex treme - ly con vin cing. For this rea son, to com muni cate true re li gion to oth ers, one of the most ef fect ive meth ods is en cour ag ing them to read these books. We hope the read er will look through the re views of his oth er books at the back of this book. His rich source ma te ri al on faith-relat ed is sues is very use ful, and a pleas ure to read. In these books, un like some oth er books, you will not find the au thor's per son al views, ex pla na tions based on du bi - ous sources, styles that are unob serv ant of the re spect and rev - er ence due to sa cred sub jects, nor hope less, pes si mis tic ar gu - ments that cre ate doubts in the mind and de vi a tions in the heart. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Now writ ing un der the pen-name of HARUN YAHYA, Adnan Oktar was born in Ankara in 1956. Having com plet ed his pri ma - ry and sec ond ary ed u ca tion in Ankara, he stud - ied arts at Istanbul's Mimar Sinan University and phi los o phy at Istanbul University. Since the 1980s, he has pub lished many books on po lit i cal, sci en tif ic, and faith-re lat ed is sues. Harun Yahya is well-known as the au thor of im por tant works dis clos ing the im pos ture of ev o lu tion ists, their in - valid claims, and the dark li ai sons be tween Darwinism and such bloody ide ol o gies as fas cism and com mu nism. Harun Yahya's works, trans lat ed in to 60 dif fer - ent lan gua ges, con sti tute a col lec tion for a to tal of more than 45,000 pa ges with 30,000 il lus tra tions. His pen-name is a com pos ite of the names Harun (Aaron) and Yahya (John), in mem o ry of the two es teemed Prophets who fought against their peo ples' lack of faith. The Prophet's seal on his books' cov ers is sym - bol ic and is linked to their con - tents. It rep re sents the Qur'an (the Final Scripture) and Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), last of the pro phets. Under the gui - dance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah (teach ings of the Prophet [may Allah bless him and grant him peace]), the au thor makes it his pur pose to dis prove each fun da men tal ten et of ir re lig ious ide - ol o gies and to have the "last word," so as to com plete ly si lence the ob jec tions raised against re li gion. He us es the seal of the fi nal Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), who at tained ul ti mate wis dom and mor al per fec tion, as a sign of his in ten tion to of fer the last word. All of Harun Yahya's works share one sin gle goal: to con - vey the Qur'an's mes sage, en cour age read ers to con sid er ba - sic faith-re lat ed is sues such as Allah's ex is tence and uni ty and the Hereafter; and to ex pose ir re lig ious sys tems' fee ble foun - da tions and per vert ed ide ol o gies. Harun Yahya en joys a wide read er ship in many coun tries, from India to America, England to Indonesia, Poland to Bosnia, Spain to Brazil, Malaysia to Italy, France to Bulgaria and Russia. Some of his books are avail a ble in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Urdu, Arabic, Albanian, Chinese, Swahili, Hausa, Dhivehi (spo ken in Mauritius), Russian, Serbo-Croat (Bosnian), Polish, Malay, Uygur Turkish, Indonesian, Bengali, Danish and Swedish. Greatly ap pre ci at ed all around the world, these works have been in stru men tal in many peo ple re cov er ing faith in Allah and gain ing deep er in sights in to their faith. His books' wis - dom and sin cer i ty, to geth er with a dis tinct style that's easy to un der stand, di rect ly af fect any one who reads them. Those who se ri ous ly con sid er these books, can no longer ad vo cate athe ism or any oth er per vert ed ide ol o gy or ma te ri al is tic phi los o phy, since these books are char ac ter ized by rap id ef fect ive ness, def - i nite re sults, and ir ref u ta bil i ty. Even if they con tin ue to do so, it will be on ly a sen ti men tal in sist ence, since these books re - fute such ide ol o gies from their very foun da tions. All con tem - po ra ry move ments of de ni al are now ide o log i cal ly de feat ed, thanks to the books writ ten by Harun Yahya. This is no doubt a re sult of the Qur'an's wis dom and lu - cid i ty. The au thor mod est ly in tends to serve as a means in hu - man i ty's search for Allah's right path. No ma te ri al gain is sought in the pub li ca tion of these works. Those who en cour age oth ers to read these books, to open their minds and hearts and guide them to be come more de vot - ed ser vants of Allah, rend er an in val u a ble serv ice. Meanwhile, it would on ly be a waste of time and en er gy to prop a gate oth er books that cre ate con fu sion in peo ple's minds, lead them in to ide o log i cal cha os, and that clear ly have no strong and pre cise ef fects in re mov ing the doubts in peo - ple's hearts, as al so ver i fied from pre vi ous ex pe ri ence. It is im - pos si ble for books de vised to em pha size the au thor's lit er ary pow er rath er than the no ble goal of sav ing peo ple from loss of faith, to have such a great ef fect. Those who doubt this can read i ly see that the sole aim of Harun Yahya's books is to over - come dis be lief and to dis sem i nate the Qur'an's mor al val ues. The suc cess and im pact of this serv ice are man i fest ed in the read ers' con vic tion.

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