Department of Pu輔c Works and Highways CONTRACT ID ‖O,こ2oCSABO2 Package 2 CONTRACT CONDUCT OF SOIL TモS「TNG/EXPしORAT賞ON FOR THE PROPOSED FしOOD CONIROL PRO]EC「S. NAMEILOCATION: DINGRAS′ PAOÅY, BADOC′ BANNA, C量TY OF BÅTAC′ SOLSONA, MARCOS & NuEVA ERJ巾IしOCOS NORTE CONTRACT ÅGREEMENT 冒 苦二塁器辛苦霊聖0詫言。○○ 「 __Ladd「ess at San PabIo, San Nicolas,賞Iocos No巾e , hereinaftercailed the“Entity,“ 、、_轟毒手at San pab’o′ San N’:las”to: S〇年〕写 WHEREAS, the Entity lS desI「OuS that the Consuitant execute 20CSABO2 Package 2- α洲かur「のF昂の檀乃慧7胸物の傭持物V fか骨研修月骨の脚班かl肇000 G慣〃柵の棚糊与 の?柳多軸の4 γ β4DOq β賀川明′ Cr7γのF劇7確匂事例上道肌鯛′州嬉々でり瞥優〃uどl鋤」印叫′ 」は0∽ 〃O膚7F(he「einafte「 calied “the Works〃), and the Entity has accepted the bid fo「 FOuR HUNDRED EしEVEN THOuSANDモ重GHT HUNDRED S冨VENTY EIGHT PESOS 40/100 (P411,878.40) by the ConsuItant fo「 the execution and compietion of such Consulting Services and the 「emedying of any defects therein. 鵬○○ �NamelLocationofProject �〇〇reho!e �Amount 1 �1.BongoRIver,Brgy.Peral輪′Dingras,IIocos �1 �P �38′94之.50 No巾e 2 �2,BongoRjver,Brgy.Parado′Dingras′Iiocos �1 �p �38′942.与0 Norte(PhaseIII) Sト蔓る清凋 圏閏 3 �3.BongoR]Ve「,Brgy,Bungcag,Dingras′I10COS �1 �P �38,942,50 N〇億e 4 �4,BongoRIver(RightBank),Mandaioque, �1 �p �38,94ま。50 Dingras,IIocosNorte SO雪盲d岩手○○毒○○茎ささ〇〇は 与 �5,QuiaoitRiver(Upst「eamofNaias両Bridge), �1 �p �38′942。50 Paoay′IIocosNorte 6 �6,BadocRIver′Lubigan,Badoc′IIocosNorte �1 �P �38,942。50 7 �7,BadocRIver,SanJulian′Badoc,IiocosNorte �1 �P �38,94之,50 SU〇〇TOTAし 272, 597, 50 Pagelof6 Department of Pu輔c Works and Highways CONTRACT ID NO,; 20CSABo2 Package 2 CO‖TRACT CONDUCT OF SO重L 「モSTING/ EXPしORATION FOR THE PROPOSED FしOOD CONTroしPRO光CIS’ NAME/しOCATIoN: DINGI孤S, PAOAY’BÅDOC′ BANNA, CrTY OF BATAC′ SOLSONA, MARCOS & NuEVÅ ERA′暮しOCOS NoR獲t 8 �8.BadocRiver,BaIbaldez,Badoc,IIocosNorte �1 �P �38,942。50 こ I“, つ き �N○○ �Namel」ocationofProject �Borehole �Amount 9 �9,BongoRIver,Tabtabagan,Bama,IIocos �1 �P �38′94之。50 ○ i"1 ○○ く」 ��No直e 10 �10,QuiaoitRIver(UpstreamandDownstreamof �1 �P �38′94ま.50 専 享三享三 着 ��CoioBridge),BatacCity,IiocosNorte 11 �11.BadocRIver′Lacuben,Badoc,I看ocosNorte �1 �P �38,942。50 12 �12.BongoRIve「,Barong′Dingras,IIocosNorte �1 �P �38,94ま。50 13 �13,MadongunRIver(RIghtBank),SoIsona′ �1 �p �38′94ま。与0 IIocosNorte 8 茎 凄 避 雷霊 (p 圭′く 萱蓋。。 こ 14きト 葛あ�14.CamangaRive「,Camanga,Badoc,IIocos ��N〇億e �1 �p �38,94ま。50 1与 �15.QuiaoitRIver,Saibang,Paoay,IiocosNorte �1 �p �38,942。与0 16 �16.BongoRive「RIghtBank,B「gy,Pacifieo, �1 �p �38,942.与0 Ma「cos,IIocosNorte 17 �17.BongoRIverLeftBank,Brgy.Daquieag′ �1 �P �38,942。50 Marcos,IiocosNorte 18 �18,BongoRIve「LeftBank,Brgy,Fortuna′ �1 �P �38′94ま,与0 Marcos,IIocosNorte 19 �19,BongoRIverLeftBank,B「gY.VaIdez, �1 �P �38,942,50 ∴三 ��Marcos,IIocosNorte 20 �20,Brgy.Escoda(BongoRIverTributaries)′ �1 �p �38′942。与0 Marcos,IIocosNorte 21 �21,BadocRIver,BrgY.Bato′Badoc′IIocosNorte �1 �P �38,94之。50 22 �22.BongoRiver′Medjna′Dingras,Il∝OSNort:e �1 �p �38,94之。与0 (PhaseIII) SU B-To丁AL 584,1 37,50 Page2 of6 Department of Public Works and Highways CO‖丁RACT ID NO.: 20CSABO2 Package 2 CONTRACT CONDUCT OF SO重し丁ESTING/ EXPしORATION FOR THE PROPOSED FしOOD CONTROL PROJECTS, NAME/」OCATION: DINGRÅS′ PAOÅY, BADOC′ BÅNNA’CrlY OF [ ATAC′ SOLSONA, MARCOS & NuEVA ERA’IしOCOS NOR丁E 23 �23,QuiaoitRive「,Brgy,Pannaratan&Brgy, �1 �P �38,942。与0 Surgui,PaoaY,IIocosNorte 24 �24.QuiaoitRive「′Brgy.SanAgustin,Paoay, �1 �P �38,942.与0 之 l“l き 〃ヽIIocosNorte �No, �‖ame/しocationofProject �田OrehoIe �Amount l 与 �25,QuiaoitRIver,Brgy,Canaguip,Paoay,Iiocos �1 �P �38′94之。50 ○○ ��No巾e o …主享三 重 ⊆な �26 �26,Cabi鴨uranRIver,Brgy.Cabi鴨uran,Nueva �1 � �38,94ま.与0 Era,IIocosNorte 27 �27。BongoRIver(RIghtBank)′SitioCabuIalaan′ �1 �p �38,942,50 Brgy.BaIioeg,Bama,IIocc海Norte 王 ⊃ 憲 茎 雷 111 雪」28 (。�28.BongoRiver(LeftBank),SitioCaidaan, ��B「gy.Ca鳴gtaguen,Bama,IiocosNorte �1 �P �38,94ま。与0 29 �29,BongoRiver(RightBank)′Macayepyep′ �1 �P �38′94之。与0 Bama.IIocosNorte 30 �30.KulawRIver,SitioCapurictan,Brgy.Escoda, �1 �p �38′94之,50 雪煙の "-こ 壁 ① ��MarcosIIocosNorte Sub"Total ��p �311,540置00 GrandTotal ��p �宣′宣68,之7与。00 囲謹 SO烏合皐呈da毒○○茎ささdqは Page3 of6 Department of Public Works and Highways CO‖TRACT ID No,雪2oCSABo2 Package 2 CONTRAC丁 CONDUCT OF SOIしT要STTNG/管XP」ORATION FOR THたPROPOSED FしOOD CONTROL PROJECTS, DINGRAS′ ‖AME/しoCATION: PAOÅY′ B▲DOC′ BANNA, CITY OF BATAC′ SOLSONA, MARCOS & NUEVA ERA′重しOCOS No町E N細⊃αくo霊園2. The foiIowing documents shali be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as Pa巾Ofthis Ag「eement, tO Wit: (a) Gene「al and Speciai Conditions of Contract; (e) Bid Data Sheet; (f) Addenda and/Or SuppIementaI/Bid Bu=etins′ if any; (g) Bid forms言ncluding aii the documents/StatementS COntained in the Bidde「’s Technical and FinanciaI Proposais, aS anneXeS; (h) E=gib冊y Requi「ements, Documents and/Or Statements; トU王室コ⊃S馨○○撮こ`細は山山手H (i) Pe「formance Security; 0) Notice of Award of Contract and the Bjdder’s conforme thereto; (k) Other contract documents that may be required by exjsting看aws and/Or the Entity 重はく⊃Sさく回合 田圃 呈ぜ輪許諾誰 Page4of6 Department of Public Works and Highways CONTRACT重D NO。雪20CSABO2 Package 2 CONTRACT CO‖DIJCT OF SOIしTEST重NG/EXPしORATION roR T惟pROmS日D FしOOD CONTROL PRo唯CTS. NAME/しOCATION: D量NGR僻′ PAOAY’寄ADOC, BÅ州A, CITY OF BATAC, SOLsoNA, MARCOS & NUE¥IA ERA, IしOCOS No教丁重 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILPP重NES CitY Of鵬Oag 〉s.s. Province of IIocos Norte ACKNOWしたDGEM各N丁 BEFORE ME′ aS the Nota一γ PubIic for and within the City of PerSOn訓y appeared MATHIAS ± MAL削AB二旦追吐i宝モng活eer, rePreSenting the REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES (Department of Public Works and Highways), With Residence Ce輔hate No. 07256508 issued on l/14/2020 a± S逝Nicolas,並製f地A暁 and E2Q出塁ADSUARA二 rePreSenting DBADSUARA削GIN縫RING CONSULTANCY With Residence Certificate No. issued on at the foregoing instrument consisting of th「ee (3) pages incIuding this page where the acknowledgement is written and they ack=OWIedged to me that the same is their true act and deed for and in behalf of the PARTIES they represent, IN WITNESS WHEREOF′ I have hereunto afflxed my Signature and O飾cial Seal this Notary Pu輔C 望空室豆工も 聞園田 Doc, N°. ∵)ノ ¥、.▼′i-1 億毒害革do古事○茎弓食の雄 Page与of6 Department of PubIic Works and Highways CO‖TRACT ID NO.: 20CSABO2 Package 2 CO‖TRÅCT CO‖DUCT OF SOI」 TESTINGIEXPしORATION FOR THE PROPOSED F」OOD CONTROし NAME/しOCÅ丁量ON雷 PROコ帽CTS, DINGRAS, PAOAY, BADOC, BANNA, CIIY OFロA丁AC, SOしSONA′ MARCOS & NuEVA ERA, ILOCOS ‖ORTE SPECIAしCONDITiON OF THE CONTRACT g "l ��TheFundingSourceis: 〇〇〇 〇l」 �llleA orizedRep「esentativesareasfohows: 器 �くり �Procu「ingEnt直y二MAmIAS○○MALたNAB-D!strictEn回ineer 、董各署重 要 ��Fo「theConsuItant:DON田,ADSUÅRA-OwnerlM種nanel. Theaddressesare: ProcuringEntity:DPWH“IIocos‖o鷹eSecondDistrictEnginee「O緬ce AttentienMÅTH重ASし,MAしENAB-DistrictEn回inee「 Address:SanPablo,SanNicolas,IIocosNorte エ コ � �Facsimile:nIa 憲 墓 室 i○○ 山 � �EmaiIAdd「ess:nla Consultant:DさADSuARAENGI‖EERINGCONSuし丁A‖CY 雷 H �」 �FortheConsuitant:DONB,ÅDSUÅ教Å-Owne営/Mana回er 毒I � �Add「ess:Rub看ouTownCente「Ortigas-BrooksideBrgy.SanIsid「O′CaintaRIzaI 重合. �・“こ・ q) き �Facsimjie: EmailAddress: lhe重nt釧dedComptetionDateisSeventy(70)caiendardaysafterissuanceofNoticetoProceed, Noadvancepaymentis訓owed. 園田S-調高富諸詳把持詐詐謹 」 ‥合0 Page 6 0南= 6.
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